My First Everything - Cover

My First Everything

Copyright© 2006 by Openbook

Chapter 29

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 29 - A coming of age story for a group of early teens coming of age in the late 1950's. Larry enjoys the attentions of the girls in his school, and around his neighborhood.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Romantic   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Tear Jerker   Aunt   Nephew   Spanking   Rough   Humiliation   First   Masturbation   Exhibitionism   Caution   Violence  

Thursday, Denise was waiting for me right in front of the school when I first arrived. She flashed me one of her biggest smiles, acting as though she and I had never been in any arguments at all.

"Larry, you didn't call me last night. I was waiting for you to call."

"I didn't know you'd be at home. I thought you said you'd be out studying with a friend?"

"I would have been, but my friend was busy with all his other friends. He didn't have any time to spend with me."

"Are you going to be at the library at six o'clock tonight? I don't have anything planned for then."

"Are you going to be nice to me if I am?"

"I don't know about nice, but I can help you increase your lead over Karen. Do you still have my rubber?"

"Yes, of course. You didn't think I'd really throw it away did you?"

"I hoped you wouldn't. I plan on needing it, and maybe more than just that one."

Denise smiled at me again. She really was a very pretty girl. She kept surprising me too, with her willingness to get over being upset with me about all the things I wouldn't give in on. I wondered why she wasn't like that with Karen. I decided to talk to her about it.

If Mandy Rice was really Karen's new best friend, that was bad. Mandy shouldn't be anyone's best friend, except for possibly some teacher's. Mandy had no loyalty to peers, no real sense of honor at all. She was a consummate back stabber. Over the years, Mandy had tattled on so many of her schoolmates that no one trusted her anymore. She would try to use Karen, finding a way to betray all of her secrets, in order to gain some favor with another group. I could only hope that Karen realized that, and wasn't confiding in Mandy. When I got to my locker, Karen and Mandy were standing outside our homeroom, whispering together.

Later in the day, during lunch period, I saw the two of them again, sitting together, eating their lunches and talking. I went over and sat down at their table. Neither looked happy with me being there. I smiled at both of them.

"Hi Karen. Hi Mandy. I hope you two don't mind if I join you?" Neither one spoke to me. "Say, Mandy, did you ever decide whether or not to suck Tommy's dick?"

Mandy paled at first and then she reddened. Karen put her hand over her mouth and tried, not very successfully, to stifle her laugh. It came out like a choking noise, so at least she had managed to mask and disguise it somewhat.

"Mandy called me, Karen, wanting to know if Tommy was lying to her about girls sucking boys, but I told her he wasn't. She seemed more interested though in trying to interest me in licking her pussy. I told her I wouldn't want to do that."

Mandy was trying to get up and away from me as quickly as she could. I wasn't talking in a low voice or a whisper. I wanted the people nearby to hear what I said.

"Mandy, I'm so sorry. I forgot that you asked me not to tell Karen about your phone call. Best friends shouldn't have any secrets from each other though."

By the time I finished saying that, Mandy was halfway across the room.

I got up from the table and left without saying anything more to Karen. I felt bad about doing that to Mandy, but I thought Karen needed to see what kind of a false friend Mandy really was. I guess word about what I'd said had gotten around pretty quickly. Several people said things to me about it. Most were positive, but a few said that I'd been really cruel to her. When I was heading over for my last period class, Tommy Lampkin accosted me in the hallway.

"What's this shit I hear, Larry? You've been saying things about me to people?" He had pushed me on my shoulder when he said that, not too hard, more like to add emphasis to what he was saying.

"Push me like that again Tommy, but only if you want me to kick your ass some more. Is that what you really want?" I was banking on Tommy not wanting to get into another fight on school grounds. He'd been threatened with permanent expulsion if he did. "I only told the truth, that you were trying to get Mandy Rice to give you a blowjob."

"Well, I don't want you bringing my name up in any of your smart assed conversations, you hear me?" This time, he didn't try to lay a finger on me. I didn't want to try to push him any farther, but I couldn't just back down either.

"If I decide to do it again, and you have a problem with it, you know where to find me. I'm not going to let you tell me what I can say." There, I'd said something that he could leave alone, and neither of us would have to take it any farther.

"If you do say anything about me, and I don't like it, I will come and see you again."

"That suits me just fine."

"Dick head." Well, he had called me a name. I had to respond. If I failed to call him a name, it would look like I was the one backing down. If the name I called him was worse than what he had called me, the fight would be on. I didn't want to fight, but I didn't want to look like I was afraid to either.

"Takes one to know one." That was pretty tame, but well used for all of that. I'd heard it on playgrounds since I'd first begun school. It was the least offensive insult I could think of. Best of all, saying it would be defensible in any later conversations with people about just who had been the one that backed down. I was saying he was a dick head too, only it was in a round about way.

Tommy looked like he was weighing his options, and toting up the score of our little verbal exchange. He must have liked the score he came up with, because he just smiled at me and then turned away. We both went into class, right before the final bell rung for us to already be in our seats. My seat was near the door, while Tommy's was across the other side of the room. I sat down before he did, so he was the one who got yelled at for being late, and holding up the class.

After school, I hurried home and tried to get all of my homework done before I had to leave to go meet Denise at the library. I ate two apples and a banana while I studied. I wanted to keep my strength up because I was probably going to miss supper again. I heard Kate and Clara in Kate's room. They were being noisier than usual. I listened for a minute, smiling as I thought of what they both were probably doing. My dick got hard just from imagining it. That alone made it hard for me to keep on studying. My mother had said that they couldn't do anything together while I was in the same room with them. I got up and went over and tried Kate's bedroom door. It was locked. I knocked on it. I heard some mad scrambling around and some heated but hushed whispering.

"It's only me Kate. I need to ask you girls a question. A minute later, Clara opened the door. She was naked from the waist down, and her shirt was all the way unbuttoned. She looked fantastic! Sexy as all get out. She stood there, one hand balanced on her hip.

"What do you want, Larry?" I looked past her to Kate, reclined on her bed. She had a small carrot sticking halfway out of her pussy, I noticed that it was the thicker end which she kept inside her. Her fingers were busy working on the top of her pussy as well. I finally managed to look away from her, and back to Clara. Clara had moved her shirt away from one nipple, and was running one of her wettened fingers over it and the raised areola beneath it. They were deliberately teasing me. I wasn't complaining about it though.

"I wanted to know if you had told your mom about what I said to you?" I could see my question had surprised Clara. Kate just looked puzzled. I assumed, from her puzzled look, that Clara must not have told Kate what I'd said the night before. Clara laughed and nodded her head up and down at me. "Really? What did she say?"

"She said that I was lucky, and she was sure I was going to enjoy myself with you. I think she meant at the dance."

"Did she say anything else?" Again, Clara nodded. She stopped playing with her nipple, and started rubbing between her legs. she was getting that glazed expression on her face again, the one that she had the time she was pressing my dick against the top of her pussy. "Tell me."

"I told her that you told me not to tell her she was too old for you, because you didn't want to hurt your chances with her."

"What did she say?"

"She said eighteen years wasn't that much older. I think she was just kidding though."

"Probably. Just in case she wasn't, tell her that I don't think it's too much either."

"I'm not going to say that to her. She's my mother. I don't want you doing things with my mother, Larry."

"Why not? You do things with my sister. Kate, are you finished with that carrot? I'm hungry and there's nothing to eat in this house. That's our last carrot too."

"That isn't true! There's a whole bunch of carrots in the fridge, Larry."

"Go get me that carrot, Clara, before she makes it too soggy for me to eat." Clara and Kate wrestled on the bed for the carrot, and I closed and locked their door, before heading back over to my room. They were laughing and yelling and whispering together, and then it got pretty quiet for about ten minutes. Soon after that though, there was a knock at my door.

I opened it up, Kate was standing there, stark naked, holding the carrot out in front of her. Clara, just as naked, was standing behind her, watching the two of us. I took the carrot from her and took a real big bite. While I was chewing on that bite, I made a big production out of smelling the rest of the carrot. They hadn't washed it off. I ate the rest of the carrot while they watched. When I was done, they ran back to Kate's room and locked the door behind them. In a minute, there were groans coming from both of them. I went back to my homework, but I was still finding it hard to concentrate on it.

At five thirty, I thanked my mother for the two dollars I'd just been given, and went out into the night. There were two packets of rubbers, and Aunt Agnes' apartment key in my pocket. When I got to the library at five forty five, Denise was already standing outside waiting for me. We didn't have any coyness this time. Denise started undressing as soon as we got to the bedroom. She paused with doing that long enough to hand me the rubber packet, and then went back and finished undressing. I had been planning on making out with her first, and then, finally, doing it with her. That wasn't her agenda though.

"Put the rubber on and do it to me, Larry, that's what I want to do first. We can do the other stuff after. I've been thinking about you all day." She was on the bed, on her hands and knees, leaving no doubt whatever about what position she preferred to do it in. I managed to get out of everything but my socks, and rolled the rubber on using only one hand. I got behind her, putting my hand between her legs, checking on her pussy to make sure that she was wet enough. I needn't have worried. She was soaked.

I used my hand to line my dick up and started working it in. Denise was pushing back, helping me, as soon as I took my hand away. It was like she had started before me. I was just getting going, and she was already having small contractions on my cock. These contractions were interfering with me getting a good rhythm established too. I finally got it buried in as deep as it could go, my hair tight up against her ass, and started moving in slow circles, my hands on her shoulders, pulling her in even tighter against my dick. From all of the sounds she was making, she liked this the best of all the things. I liked it, but it wasn't as good as it would have been if I was doing that, and cumming at the same time. The only way for me to cum was to get some friction going.

"Turn over, Denise, I want to do it the regular way."

"No, I like it more from behind. Do me this way."

"I'll do you this way next time. I want to cum now, turn over."

"Make me cum again, Larry, then I will, I promise."

She had settled down from her quick first orgasm. Her pussy was now more relaxed, so I started pushing in and out again. Now, it felt better, and I could get my rhythm going just the way I liked it. I was starting to feel it, like I was almost at that point where it is all downhill from there. When you get to that point, it is like a racer seeing the finish line. Nothing can prevent you from getting there once you can actually see it. Nothing that is, except someone putting your dick in a tight vise grip right at the end of a deep downstroke. Once again, while she was busy cumming, all I could do was press it in as deep as I could, and move my ass in circles. I did that until Denise just collapsed, taking both me, and my dick, with her, as she flopped forward.

This time, while she was relaxed, I pulled my dick out of her. I moved over to the other side of her, laying my head on the other pillow. My dick was still sticking straight up in the air. Denise turned on her side so that she was facing me, a big smile on her face. She noticed my dick standing up like it was.

"Larry, that feels so good when you put it in me from behind. The other way, it hurts like you are mashing it against something, and bending me on my insides. That's why I like it better that way. The other way, you can't put it in so hard, or so deep, because then it hurts me"

"You seemed to like it when we did it that way the first time."

"I did, but it still hurt me, and the other way doesn't. Maybe if you didn't put all of it in me?"

"When I'm getting ready to cum, it has to be in all the way, because that's how it feels the best. I can't help pushing it all the way, because it feels so good when I do."

We are laying there, the two of us talking, and my dick is as hard as could be. It is starting to bob around in little circles, all on its own. Denise is laying there, watching it move around. She seems fascinated just watching it. Then, she sits up and lifts her leg over me so that she is sitting on my stomach, and starts kissing me. After awhile, I pull her up a little and begin licking and sucking on her breasts, particularly, on her nipples. This gets her going, and my dick is right up against her butt. We can both feel it and Denise backs down a little to get more contact with it. With her down like that, I can't reach her breasts anymore, so I start kissing on her neck. This is something she likes a lot. I got her pretty hot doing this on our first date. I feel her lift up and then I feel her hand on my stomach. At first, I think she's going to play with her own pussy. That makes me think she is being greedy. She has already cum twice, and my dick is still waiting for the first one.

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