My First Everything - Cover

My First Everything

Copyright© 2006 by Openbook

Chapter 15

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 15 - A coming of age story for a group of early teens coming of age in the late 1950's. Larry enjoys the attentions of the girls in his school, and around his neighborhood.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Romantic   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Tear Jerker   Aunt   Nephew   Spanking   Rough   Humiliation   First   Masturbation   Exhibitionism   Caution   Violence  

Sunday, just after church, Bill came by to go to the park with me. He and Kate were in the living room, flirting back and forth, when I got back there after changing out of my Sunday church clothes. Kate was sitting across from Bill, her dress carelessly drifted up so that you could see her legs above the knees. I asked her how her Hungarian language studies were coming, and she got up and left in a big huff. I then reminded Bill about the deal that he had proposed, and which I had accepted.

"You know, Larry, I can't help it if Kate still likes me?"

"You know, Bill, I'll bet you I could go over and see Jane, just to find out if there is any rubbing she might want me to take care of for her?"

"Do you want to go back to how it was before? If you do, I'm willing."

"No, stay away from Kate, Bill. These are our sisters. Can't you find anyone else?"

We went over to the park and played touch football until it was almost dark. There were about thirty kids at the park, including Bill's cousin, Eileen. I waved over to her when I spotted her standing along the sidelines with some other girls. They were all watching all of us boys play football. She gave me a nice smile and waved back at me. Bill went over and talked with her, when he was substituted for by another player. I planned on doing the same thing as soon as it got to be my turn for another break. I also checked out the other girls that Eileen was standing with. They were all seventh and eighth graders from the junior high school. I thought I knew one of them slightly from dancing school, but I wasn't that sure of it. Finally, when it was time for my break, I walked over to see Eileen.

"Hey there, stranger. Where have you been keeping yourself?" I gave her my best smile when I said it. I had practiced that line from when I saw it on television before.

"Larry. I've been around. It's you who never calls a girl."

"That isn't true. I would have called you sooner, but I didn't have your phone number, besides, I heard that you were busy with someone else."

"Who? And who told you that I was?"

"Maybe I heard it from some of the girls at your school. Maybe it was Jane that told me, I don't remember."

"Have you been good, or have you been out exploring on your own?"

"I've been fishing, but I had to throw them all back, because they were too little for me to keep."

"I heard something about that. I also heard that you've become a big fan of movies, that you've been going there two or three times a week."

"Well, there are a lot of good movies right now. Plus, it was lonely with no one for me to talk to. At least at the movies, you can escape from the boredom." Eileen was just standing there, grinning at me. It was a pretty cold day, I was starting to get a chill from just standing around without my jacket on. I had taken it off to play football. I asked Eileen to excuse me, then ran over and got my coat and put it on.

"Are you done yet with playing football?" It was starting to get dark, the game wouldn't go on past another fifteen minutes. Bill was busy playing.

"Do you have your bike here or did you walk over?"

"I walked. You want to give me a ride home on your handlebars?"

I wasn't sure of what Bill would think if I gave Eileen a ride home. I wasn't going to ask him though. I went over and got my bike and walked it over to where Eileen stood. I held my handlebars steady, while she hopped up on my handle bars. I took off, but was finding it hard going in the grass. As soon as we got to the street though, it became a lot easier. We didn't say much on the way over to her apartment. I was too busy getting enough oxygen in my lungs to keep pedaling, and Eileen was trying hard to keep herself balanced on the handlebars. We were just going fast enough to keep the bike from falling over because it had become an uphill climb. I was relieved when her apartment building came into view. If it had been much farther, I would have needed to stop for a break. Eileen hopped off of my handle bars and rubbed at her butt.

"You want to come in, Larry? Nobody else is home." She smiled at me, looking to see what my reaction would be. The last time we were together, back there in the woods at the park, I had almost no experience doing things with girls. She had overwhelmed me that time. Now, I had expanded my horizons considerably. She was in for a surprise if she thought I'd be as nervous and scared as I'd been back there in the woods.

"Will I be safe all alone with you? You were pretty fast the last time."

"I just need to see if you've learned anything new from the last time."

"I have learned a few things, but I doubt if I'm caught up with you yet."

"Well, come up and show me what you've learned. The last time, if I remember right, you had already felt me up on my tits and my pussy, and I'd touched you on your pecker. Isn't that right?"

"Yes, that's the way I remember it. Except, I only felt up your jacket and your jeans, and you felt up my jeans. If I had really felt them up, there wouldn't have been clothes between my hand and your pussy."

"I don't know what has gotten into you, Larry, but I know I like it, whatever it was. Are you ready to continue catching up?"

"I'm ready. Why don't you tell me what I'm behind with. Maybe I've already done some of it."

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