Cock Sucker - Cover

Cock Sucker

by TheMoose63

Copyright© 2006 by TheMoose63

Erotica Sex Story: A very short story about a young man, his aunt and a blow job.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   Teenagers   Consensual   Incest   Aunt   Nephew   Oral Sex   Masturbation   Cream Pie   .

It was summer in Orlando and our house didn't have air conditioning and anyone who has ever visited Central Florida in the summer knows exactly what that means. At three in the morning the night air was hanging heavy, and the heat and humidity were making my body slimy to the touch. I rolled from side to side trying to get comfortable but it was almost impossible. As I lay there, my eyes closed, I was thinking about Aunt Lydia. My hard cock was in my hand and I was slowly stroking myself, my thoughts focused on the image of Lydia's naked body in the shower, the only shower in our house, the water cascading down over her shoulders and breasts, her nipples as hard as rocks. I think that she knew that I was watching her through the window, spying on her if you will, and yet somehow I rationalized that a 38 year old divorced woman would be turned on by having a 17 year old boy watching her masturbate.

Lydia was a tall woman, maybe six feet, but she was as thin as a rail. It seemed strange to watch her big breasts swing back and forth on her lithe body as she rubbed small circles over the top of her pussy and played with her nipples. It was just past 10 in the evening when she turned on the shower and opened the window to let out the steam. I was outside standing on an old milk crate, stroking my cock and peeking in at her, watching her finger herself, trying to cum. When it finally happened it was so sudden that she almost fell in the shower, eventually catching herself at the last minute, her hand on the edge of the windowsill. As Lydia cried out in pleasure my cock pulsated, then contracted and spewed cum onto the side of our house. I quickly scurried off somewhat ashamed of myself, and yet strangely excited that I had actually jacked off watching Lydia play with herself.

I had one arm folded over my eyes and was almost asleep so I didn't hear my door open nor did I know that anyone had entered my room. The first inkling that someone beside myself was in the room was when I felt my sheet rustle like there was a small breeze coming though the open window. Then I felt a hand, her hand, I was positive. It was beneath my sheet, touching me, stroking me, keeping my cock hard. I felt her tongue sliding gently across my lips then move down towards my left ear. Her hand was moving a little faster now and I opened my eyes and tried to see who it was although I was positive that it was Lydia, who else could it be? The figure was but a shadow in the darkness of the room and it was difficult to make out my paramour, then the sheet was ripped from my body and my hard cock was exposed for anyone to see. As she leaned over me I felt her breasts and nipples sliding across my chest as she kissed her way down my body, sucking first my nipples, and then kissing my stomach until she finally found the tip of my cock.

I shuttered like I had been hit with a jolt of electricity then I thrust upwards trying to get my cock inside her mouth, but she easily moved away from me. I whispered a plea to her, "Please! Suck me."

"You're such a nasty boy Tad; spying on your old aunt taking a shower and playing with herself and now you want me to suck you?"

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