Parallel Universe - Cover

Parallel Universe

Copyright© 2006 by Horatio

Part 2

Fantasy Sex Story: Part 2 - A Naughty Schoolgirl suffers the humiliating punishment of losing all her clothes for two weeks.

Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   ft/ft   Fa/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Fiction   Humiliation   First   Safe Sex   Oral Sex  

Chapter 7: A Splinter

Wednesday dawned and the two girls woke up to find that the South Westerly winds were continuing to bring rainy, but reasonably mild weather. The first class was handicraft, an optional subject which Stephanie was already regretting opting for. This class was held in a building on the other side of the quadrangle and a walk in the rain was necessary in order to reach it. Angela had an umbrella, but Stephanie was obliged to walk across nude and unprotected, the heavy pelting rain beating against and streaming down her body. The embargo on running to and from classes applied to all girls and to all classes, whether the class was in the main building or not.

The wind was driving the rain almost horizontally and Stephanie could not decide whether the wet or the stinging, as her body was lashed with the downpour, were worse. She was still trying to make up her mind about this when the two reached the Handicraft Workshop and the process of drying out could begin. The handicraft teacher, a Miss Wilson was about to hand Stephanie a towel when Angela intervened to say that the ever growing body of rules governing Stripping forbade the use of towels except for after Games and morning ablutions.

"Thanks, friend! I'll never forget how good you've just been to me! I bet you just made that bit up!" said a shivering and dripping Stephanie.

"Teach you go shagging that boy from the dance and come back to me with your pussy still dripping from the load he shot into you!"



"I still love you, Angela. It's just that I'm a healthy girl with an inquiring mind and a need to explore all areas of physical experience. I need a bit of variety now and again, but I still love you best of all!"


Stephanie's spirits took a little while to recover from this tiff with Angela, and it was not until her friend darted a quick grin in her direction and winked broadly, indicating that her displeasure was passed, that she began to feel better, both about life in general and enforced nudity in particular.

Stephanie had been occupied for the past few months on the making of a bathroom cabinet. Owing to one or two botched attempts to cut dovetails, the dimensions of the said article of furniture had already been reduced from thirty six inches by twenty to thirty two by eighteen and further reductions seemed all too likely. Why had she ever volunteered for this bloody awful class, she asked herself for the thousandth time. When I'm grown up, I'll have a husband to do things like this for me - or Angela, who's brilliant at woodwork. And this week she'd been soaked and chilled to the bone, as well as humiliated, as ever, by her lack of manual dexterity.

On the way back to the main school building Stephanie paused and raised one foot, turning it so that she could inspect the sole.

"Fucking nuisance! I've got a splinter in it and I can hardly bear to walk! They should never have an uncovered wooden floor in there - very dangerous to people with bare feet. Bareoot people have rights too, you know!"

Angela knelt down beside her -after first folding up her umbrella in order to deprive the delinquent Stephanie of unauthorised shelter, and had a look. She saw where the little splinter had pierced the skin, placed her mouth on the affected sole and managed to suck out the offending sliver of wood. Stephanie balanced herself by holding on to Angela's shoulders.

"Golly, Ange! Thanks a million!"

"OK Stephie! My extremely great pleasure! I really enjoyed sucking that lovely darling foot of yours. I've fantasised about your feet for ages, only I didn't like to mention it for some reason!"

"Silly girl! Suck any part of me you like, any time you like, sweetheart. You don't ever have to ask. Just go ahead! S'matter of fact, I'm really into your pretty feet as well!"

Angela did not raise her umbrella again in a demonstration of solidarity with her roommate, and both girls were dripping wet when they reached the shelter of the main building. Angela's return to good humour was not accompanied, alas, by a disposition to bend the rules. A small pool of water soon formed on the floor around Stephanie's desk and the notebook she was writing in quickly became rather damp. She stole a glance at the rest of the class and was pleased to be able to read in their looks, that same continuing and highly gratifying admiration for her fortitude. She took heart from this, returned to her note-taking and soon forgot her discomfort.

Chapter 8: The Game - More Glory

Despite the continuing downpour it was decreed that the afternoon game of football should go ahead as planned and twenty two soaking and shivering girls and one very disgruntled member of staff gathered on the field of play at two o'clock prompt. The girls on the other team looked at Stephanie's slowly healing shins, and the object of their attention saw them conferring and giggling among themselves.

"I wonder what they're talking about, Angela" she whispered to her friend who had arrived a little late and passed by the opposing players as they talked.

"They're saying they won't go easy on you, because of your bare unprotected legs, Stephie - they say you'd be insulted if they did, and you would, wouldn't you?"

"Oh, sure I would be! I can't wait to end up in hospital! I'm only flesh and blood, Angie - remember that."

"Yes, but pretty special flesh! And special blood too, I don't doubt!"

"You'll get a chance to find out, Angie, there'll be enough of it spilled soon enough!"

This turned out to be rather too gloomy a prediction and it was a disappointed Angela who inspected her friend's few additional bruises later that day.

"You're so quick, Stephanie, they never had a chance to do much damage. I make it one extra bruise on the left leg and none on the right. And a rather spectacular abrasion on your left ankle, as I expect you already know. I'll put something on that - hang on old girl!"

"Bet that stung, didn't it?" Angela asked as she applied something to stop the blood oozing from her friend's ankle, "But you're so brave it'd take more than that to make you squeal!"

Once again Stephanie basked in the warmth of both her friend's and the rest of the school's admiration. As the game had progressed she had seen the windows packed with little faces, as the Junior School, not allowed out in the wet, watched every move of the game, which Stephanie's team had won, with their heroine scoring one of the goals. What were a few contusions, when they brought the acclaim that she was now enjoying?

Chapter 9: Outdoor Games

Friday was possibly the wettest day of the week, and at a little before lunchtime the school porter came into the room and handed a note to the teacher. As expected it was an announcement that afternoon games had been transferred indoors in view of the atrocious weather conditions. Stephanie sighed with relief, and then the teacher continued.

"This announcement does not apply to Stephanie Howes-Chillingworth, since her penalty stipulates that she must not alter her routine in any way. Accordingly she will proceed to the athletics track as usual and a member of the PE staff will go with her to ensure that she completes the lesson."

Stephanie could scarcely credit the news she had just heard. She must be imagining it! It was not possible to see twenty yards in the downpour and it was dark as night out there. Not only that, but the playing field was already under a foot of water and the athletics track would be a lake by this time. They must be out of their tiny little minds sending her out in such conditions!

At two in the afternoon, she made her way with some trepidation to the school entrance and there was Miss Rosemount, wearing oilskins which protected her from head to foot and carrying a large umbrella to boot. She did not look happy to be going out in this, even if she was well protected. She gave the naked Stephanie a vicious glare.

"Next time you cheek the Headmistress, you foul-mouthed little bitch, you might care to think of the inconvenience you are causing others besides yourself. Well! Come on! And I hope you bloody drown out there!"

The force of the downpour and gale quite took Stephanie's breath away as she stepped out of the school and began to walk beside the teacher to the athletics track, about four hundred yards away. It also took away Miss Rosemount's umbrella and Stephanie ran after it and handed it back, totally ruined, to the ever more infuriated lady. The ground was so sodden that Stephanie's feet sank into it at every step, coming up again with a very satisfying squelching sound that she began to quite enjoy listening to.

She was even happier when Miss Rosemount lost one of her shoes, which stuck fast in the ever more boggy ground. Funny how everything they did to make her life hell only made things better! The poor teacher finally extricated her shoe and then removed the other one, carrying both in her hand as they reached the track.

"Well, Stephanie, I'm going to shelter in the timekeeper's box and you can just run around the track for an hour. I'll be watching and keeping time and I want no slacking unless you particularly want an extension of your penalty."

She did as she was told and found it easier than she had feared to keep from slipping on the water-covered track. The sound of her feet on this surface was different to the squelching they had been making on the soaking wet muddy grass. It was a regular slap, slap slap which went on for mile after mile as her long, well-muscled legs carried her around circuit after circuit. When she was running into the wind, the rain tore into her breasts, stomach and face. She was forced to keep closing her eyes to stop the rain from hurting them and she could not do other than keep them lowered to the ground. The constant pounding of the rain against her head was making it ache excruciatingly and she doubted she could take too much more of this.

Amazingly and happily, the intense pain in her head reached a climax and then began to ease after some minutes, finally dying away altogether, so that after an hour, her only sensation was utter exhilaration. As she drew level with the hut, Miss Rosemount emerged and Stephanie came to a halt.

"Very good, Stephanie. I really can't think of anything else for you to do in these conditions. Carry on running until we can go inside. You really are a very splendid girl, you know! I take back my nasty remarks earlier. It's been a pleasure watching you and a great privilege!"

Angela was waiting for her as she got inside the school building and she was holding an enormous towel for Stephanie to drape around herself. She was about to accept it gratefully, when she noticed, in the distance, her seven junior offenders of the other day. She paused. If they saw her take the towel, they might be disappointed in her and think she was getting soft!

"No thanks, Angie. I'll dry off in the room. Let's get up there, shall we?"

Chapter 10: Bruises and Romance

Stephanie walked stiffly up to her room, accompanied by Angela. It was Saturday evening and she had just got back from the away game at St Ermyntrude's. Her hopes of being refused permission by the opposing school had not materialised. The authorities at this school were thinking of instituting a similar disciplinary regime of their own and thought the appearance of Stephanie would have a salutary effect on their more difficult pupils. The sight of this girl enduring all the consequent rigours of nakedness for all activities, including contact sports would make many think twice about a regimen which had initially appealed to the exhibitionist tendencies of some.

A contingent of girls from the school had made the trip and seen Stephanie once more make it throughout the entire game, getting very badly knocked about once more, but giving at least as good as she got.

"I'll never survive next Saturday, Angela. Today was as much as I can take - the absolute, frozen limit. I don't care who I disappoint. I'll refuse to play! I'll get a sick note from the school doctor. He couldn't possibly refuse, not if he wants to be true to his Hippocratic Oath!"

"You're just a bit depressed, dear," said Angela "Post match depression. You'll be fine in the morning, after a night's rest and my special recuperative therapy! Now lie down and stay nice and still and I'll see what new bruises I need to note down."

"As you wish, Ange, but please don't give me the details. I really truly don't want to know any more. Another week of this will kill me, that's for sure. Maybe if I offer to make a full public apology in front of the entire school in the most grovelling terms, the Head will let me off the rest. I'll ask her first thing on Monday."

Angela repeated the procedure of marking the contusions with a felt pen, causing Stephanie to wince several times - the least pressure was painful after the ferocious battering she had just had. Finally the meticulous Angela finished and put down her revised chart with a satisfied smile.

"An even more impressive score than last week! I think I've still quite a bit of film in my camera - hang on while I take another photo. In years to come you'll thank me for recording those beautiful legs for posterity."

"I'm more than grateful already!"

Unfortunately for Stephanie the sarcasm of this last reply was lost on the enthusiastic Angela.

"I think that referee had a bloody nerve, Angela, telling me off for hitting that vicious bitch. She must have seen what she'd been doing to me. Anyway, the sadistic coward didn't try anything else for the rest of the game - thank Heaven."

Angela finished photographing Stephanie's latest battle scars and announced with a delighted smile that there were still films left for next week's game. At the mention of the next game, Stephanie groaned and turned her face to the wall. Surely there must be easier ways then this to become admired. She fell asleep, despite the chill which nowadays permeated the entire building and dreamt of her seven little admiring litter cleaners.

She awoke later, to find her spirits improved a little. After all, she was almost half way through now - the Head had restored the one day remission and added another for her performance that afternoon. A week on Tuesday would be the last day, and with no football next week, she would have seven days to recover in time for next Saturday, and Edward had passed a message to her through little Gretchen, his sister (!). He would be at the usual place later tonight. Maybe her desperate idea of offering to grovel before the entire school was too big a step to take, even in her present low state.

Somehow, Stephanie found the energy to struggle to the meeting place with the eagerly waiting Edward and she was once more on top of him, feeling his warmth both beneath and within her. After they had finished, they lay side by side in silence. Finally Edward spoke.

"I managed to get to the game again today - I took little Gretchen along. She really has a thing about you! Says she has something very special you gave her which she will treasure all her life - what is it exactly?"

Stephanie told him and he chuckled. "And I thought she was such an innocent, sweet little thing!"

Once more, the lovers' meeting had to be curtailed far sooner than either wished and once more Stephanie left Edward to dress, while she returned to her room and the reproachful stare of a hurt Angela. No doubt her jealous friend would discuss further refinements to the new discipline code at her meeting with the Head on Monday! They would almost certainly try to find some way between them of adding to her woes, but Stephanie doubted that things could possibly get any more stringent than they already were. It would be interesting to see what they came up with, though.

She had decided to go to Church on Sunday, but was so stiff on getting out of bed, that she realised she must keep herself moving all day in order not to seize up altogether and went to the gym to have a few gentle exercises which took her most of the morning. In the afternoon she went back to the running track, now almost free of surface water and jogged around for half an hour, before returning to her room and sleeping for a couple of hours. By the time Sunday was over, her joints were regaining their usual suppleness and she went to bed with Angie with her morale at least partly restored, albeit with much apprehension concerning the next week and a bit.

Chapter 11: Games - And Fun Games

Friday was the day which she had been dreading all week. Would there be a repetition of the awful rainstorms of the week before? Stephanie had heard no sounds of tempest during the night and woke up feeling optimistic that the afternoon would not be too bad an ordeal. Her legs were healing well and she felt reasonably sure of surviving tomorrow's game. Then it would be into the home straight!

When she looked out of the window, her heart froze with horror. No wonder the night had seemed more than usually chilly, despite Angela's warm and buxom young body beside, and those strong arms and firm young thighs wrapped around, her. The whole area of the school grounds was covered in a deep blanket of snow, which was still falling thick and fast. Surely they wouldn't send her out in that? Her fears soon subsided - of course they wouldn't!

Even the Head's great antipathy toward her for her foul-mouthed rudeness would not cause her to send her out into that Arctic Hell! She confidently told herself that nobody could ever be that vindictive.

The final morning period was halfway through when the school porter came in with a note for the teacher - the same as last week. The teacher opened it and then read it aloud to the class. This afternoon's Games session will be transferred indoors once again because of weather conditions. Stephanie Forbes-Chillingworth will once more make her way to the athletics track at two o'clock, accompanied by Miss Rosemount. The Headmistress would like to see Stephanie in her office after this class.

A numbed Stephanie made her way to the Head's office as ordered.

"Sit down, Stephanie. I would like a word with you. You may be surprised that you are being asked to

have an outdoor Games session, when all the others are indoors. I certainly don't wish you to suffer unnecessarily. If you agree to serve one more week after the termination of your present penalty, I will permit you to join your classmates inside."

"Thanks, Miss. I'll take the extra week AND go outside to the track this afternoon. Will that be all, Miss?"

She couldn't believe herself to be saying anything so stupid! She heard those amazing words as if they were coming from far away rather than her own lips! Was she going mad under the strain? The answer was to be found in a conversation with young Gretchen. As she had been going to the Head's room, this sweet little go-between had given her a message from her brother. He had asked for a meeting that evening, saying he knew that the super-woman Stephanie would not mind making love naked in the snow. Gretchen had had some words of her own.

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