Parallel Universe - Cover

Parallel Universe

Copyright© 2006 by Horatio

Part 1

Fantasy Sex Story: Part 1 - A Naughty Schoolgirl suffers the humiliating punishment of losing all her clothes for two weeks.

Caution: This Fantasy Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   ft/ft   Fa/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Fiction   Humiliation   First   Safe Sex   Oral Sex  

Chapter 1: The Essay

"Coming for a game of tennis, Angela?" cried Stephanie to her form mate and best friend, at the end of classes on Saturday.

"Sorry, Stephanie old girl, I've got this stupid, fart-arsed essay to write. 10,000 words on why I must not talk back to Miss French. The title is "Manners Makyth Man." Fucking stupid old cow!

"I'll stay and sit with you, while you write it, then. Tennis is no fun without you. Nothing's any fun without you."

After poor Angela had been scribbling for a couple of hours, churning out, as a penance for being too high-spirited a girl, reams of unbelievably moronic and inconsequential drivel, Stephanie suddenly remembered a story she had read recently.

"You know, Ange, I read about a school somewhere where errant pupils were punished by being stripped of some or all their clothing for a period of time. The idea was that the humiliation of bodily exposure and the ridicule of one's peers, would be a deterrent to bad behaviour."

"Shut up Steph! I'm in the midst of the creative process. What's more, if this is not handed in by seven o'clock tonight, I get landed with yet another load of garbage to write. That really would push me right over the edge of the abyss."

"Would you sooner be writing that fucking stupid essay fully clothed, or be playing tennis with me in the nude? Think about it!"

"It was only a story, Stephie. Things don't happen like that in the real world. It would be called child abuse or something like that. As a matter of fact I'd love to play tennis nude -- I like doing everything in the nude, as you so very well know, especially late at night with you! And when I've finished this, we'll do something very special together in the literally fucking nude."

Stephanie had not quite finished annoying her friend with her chatter.

"I heard a theory that this isn't the only universe. There are alternative universes to accommodate every possible situation or combination of situations that could ever possibly happen. Somewhere out there, Angela, in some other dimension, a version of you is playing nude tennis with a version of me, instead of being stuck inside this room, writing reams of useless crap for that old cow French!"

"Will you please be quiet my love! Come and lie down on the sofa, put your sweet adorable golden-haired head on my lap and I can rest my essay on that lovely, sweet back of yours"

As Stephanie lay on the sofa, she felt her friend's warmth and softness beneath her head and thrilled to the rhythmic motions of that darling hand as it scribbled away above her. Soon she drifted into sleep.

Chapter 2: The New Regime

"Stephanie Howes-Chillingworth! It would seem that previous attempts to discourage your impudent disregard for authority have not been effective. You will remove your blouse and bra for three days!"

"Are you fucking mad, Miss? You can't do that sort of thing in the Twenty First Century. Ever heard of Human Rights? Wait till my Daddy hears about this. He's a High Court Judge and he'll have your guts for garters, you wicked old pervert!"

"Your father, Sir Arthur Howes-Chillingwoth, is one of the Governors of this school, young lady, and it was at his express insistence and with my hearty approval that the new disciplinary code was introduced. You will immediately comply with my orders, or it will be the worse for you."

"Fuck off, you ugly old bat! I'll ring Daddy this minute and get him to take me out of this shit-house of a so-called school and have you done for child-molesting into the bargain. I know my rights, you old bag of bones!"

A call to her father left a terrified and chastened Stephanie pale-faced and quivering before the irate headmistress.

"In view of your gross insubordination and foul language, I am increasing the punishment to total nudity for one week. Your ceremonial stripping will take place on the tennis court before the entire school in one hour. Furthermore, you will not be excused from any school activities on account of your punishment, with the exception of Divine Worship on Sunday, where you will use a secluded pew in the school chapel, specially made to accommodate such moral outcasts as yourself."

"Yes, Miss. I really am terribly sorry, Miss! Can't I be given an enormously long essay to write instead, or a severe caning, even, or both, maybe?"

"Wicked girl! I increase the punishment to two weeks! How dare you argue with me and question my authority?"

Chapter 3: The Awesome And Degrading Ceremony

All of the girls who were not away for weekend home visits were drawn up beside the tennis court, prepared, and for the first of many times, to watch the awesome, if newly instituted, ceremony of Stripping. Stephanie stood in her full school uniform at one end of the tennis court. The Head had given Angela the role of Stripper, and had spent the past forty-five minutes instructing Stephanie's best friend in the details of the solemn and terrifying ritual which was to follow.

The school band was standing apart from the remainder of the school. As the Headmistress, accompanied by Angela and other members of the staff, strode onto the tennis court, the band began to play a solemn march.

The Headmistress came to a halt before the petrified and already fully penitent Stephanie. She summoned a subordinate member of staff to step forward to read the Indictment. The hatchet-faced Miss French spoke in a fiercely declamatory tone.

"Whereas Stephanie Howes-Chillingworth has infringed the disciplinary code of this School and compounded her felony by questioning the authority vested in the Headmistress, soiling her lips by using the foulest of language in so doing. It is decreed that the said Stephanie Howes-Chillingworth shall be deprived of all clothing for a period of fourteen days. May the Founder's name be honoured for ever!"

At this invocation of the School's founder the band struck up the melody of the School Song and all the assembled girls opened their mouths and sang with their usual gusto.

"Oh blessed name whose fame we sing,
Who did our world such glory bring.
We praise the day that gave thee birth
With glee and joy and heartfelt mirth.
Oh, Peter Price, thy name we praise
With all our hearts for all our days"

As the closing bars of the song died away, Angela stepped forward and stood in front of her delinquent friend.

"Sorry, Stephie." she whispered.

"It's OK, Ange! I'd sooner it was you than any one else!"

The drummer started a steady rhythmic beat as the solemn ceremony began.

Stephanie's tie was the first item to go. Angela removed it, folded it carefully and took it to the headmistress, laying it on the ground in front of her on a black velvet cloth. This cloth would, in future, always serve on these occasions. She then returned to Stephanie and removed her blazer, which she again carefully folded and placed before the Headmistress, bowing to her, before returning to Stephanie to continue the ritual.

Shoes and socks were next. Stephanie was told to raise each foot in turn so that Angela could remove the footwear, laying shoes and socks one by one before the Head and returning for the next. When one was removed, Stephanie was told to remain standing motionless on one leg until Angela returned to take off the other piece of footwear and so on until both of her sweet and perfectly formed young feet were totally exposed to the elements.

The newly barefoot Stephanie began to feel the chill. It was the beginning of the Spring Term, early in the New Year and the weather was icily cold. The cold from the ground under her newly exposed and tender feet began to steal up her legs and into the rest of her body.

All the while the steady drumbeat was continuing and the assembled girls held their breath as the time came for the shirt to be removed. First Angela pulled the garment out from under the skirt. At each beat of the drum, a button was undone until all were unfastened and the school shirt was pulled gently off Stephanie's now exposed shoulders. Once again, Angela carefully folded the shirt and placed it before the Headmistress, bowing in the way she had recently been taught, then returning to remove the skirt. She was really getting a feel for her important new role by this time, feeling more and more a person of consequence, although extremely sorry that the first victim should be her best friend.

A shivering Stephanie was now attired solely in her bra and panties - black lace - very sexy, very expensive and very much non-regulation issue. Angela first removed the bra and took it to the Headmistress who looked at it with her nose wrinkled in disgust. Then the panties were pulled slowly down Stephanie's long and shapely eighteen-year-old legs, exposing her thick and extensive pubic bush to the admiring stares of hundreds of girls and one or two staff. The trembling Stephanie raised both feet in turn and the black lace panties joined the rest of her clothing on the velvet cloth.

Angela went back to Stephanie and stood before her for a few seconds, looking at that magnificent five feet nine inches of creamy-skinned, lithe, young body she had come to know and love so well. It was as bad for her as Stephanie, in many respects. How she hated to have to share the precious sight of that sweet and luscious form with hundreds of other girls!

Angela turned to face both the headmistress and all the assembled staff and pupils.

"Stripping complete, Miss!"

She spoke these words in that ringing, resonant voice that already had won her many plaudits in her various roles in school plays and sundry dramatic readings.

The headmistress came up to Stephanie. Her face was like thunder.

"Not only are you a grossly foul-mouthed and insubordinate girl, but you have the taste in underwear of a whore! This is an establishment which prides itself in turning out ladies, not tarts and floozies! We WILL make a lady out of you, whether you like it or not. Three days are added to your punishment; maybe that will make you reflect on your licentious and debauched ways. Further to that, I heard you exchange words with Angela here. This is a solemn ceremony and all taking part must duly observe the dignity of the occasion. You will serve two more extra days for talking."

By this time Stephanie was so cold that she doubted she would ever thaw out. All she wanted was for this ordeal to be over and to go up with Angela to their shared room. She lowered her head and apologised, trying to fight back the tears and deny the headmistress the satisfaction of seeing how broken she was by this public humiliation...

The Head now turned to Angela.

"I saw that you were the one to talk first. I know you are a close friend of this miserable wretch and I take this into account. You will remove your tie for the remainder of the day. No need to hand it to me, my dear, just slip it into your pocket. And try to be a moral influence for good on this abandoned hussy with whom you share a room. We must all pray for her, Angela, you more than any, that she may, even yet, be brought back from the brink of moral destruction!"

As she walked back to the school building and the temporary shelter of her room, Angela overtook her.

"Golly, Steph! That must have been a bit of an ordeal. I doubt you'll find many other girls risking joining you for a bit. Pity! I really enjoyed my role and I have thought of a bit more extra ritual for next time! Looking forward to the game later on? No shin pads, no headgear! Poor old girl."

"OH SHIT! I surely can't play nude, Angie! I'll end up in intensive care!"

"All part of the punishment, I'm afraid. Never mind - you'll be OK! I can feel it in my bones!"

Chapter 4: After The Battle

"Golly, Steph! I don't think I've ever seen that many bruises on just one person before. Stop fidgeting, will you! I'm trying to count them and you keep moving around and I forget where I've got to."

The bruises in question had been acquired earlier that afternoon during the weekly game of hockey. Poor Stephanie had been obliged to play in her usual position, in goal. If she had ever wondered before why she wore such voluminous, padded clothing to play this particular game, she knew now! For most of the game she had been shivering and jumping up and down trying to warm herself as the play was going back and forth, and for short, eventful and very painful periods she had been fending off the attacks of the opposition, saving goal after goal.

It had seemed that all of the opposing team had been single-mindedly determined to hack her to pieces and for a time she had thought they would succeed. Only the intervention of the concerned Miss Applethorpe, who had refereed the game, had prevented things from being very much worse - but even this excellent and hawk-eyed lady couldn't have her attention in more than one place at a time. Whenever her back had been turned, Stephanie had been on her own against vicious and pitiless opponents.

There had never been any love lost between these two schools and Stephanie had borne the brunt of the inter-school feud throughout the game. Despite all this, she had been her customarily efficient self in her usual position and had lasted through until the final whistle. As she had walked stiffly, but unaided, off the field of play, a great cheer for her had gone up from the school.

The Headmistress had warmly congratulated Stephanie for her endurance and remitted a day from her sentence. Big Deal - she thought!

Angela finally tired of trying to count all of Stephanie's wounds and went over to a desk drawer. She came back with a marker pen.

"If I draw a circle round each bruise, I won't count any one of them twice. Then I'll draw up a diagrammatic sketch for posterity. Try to keep still, though, Stephanie!"

Some time later, Angela wrote down a few figures on a sheet of paper, her pretty brow furrowed with the act of concentration. Finally she raised her head and smiled.

"I make it seven certain and one probable bruises on your right shin and a bit of skin totally removed - gruesome! A bruise on your right knee - keep that cold compress on it, Steph; you don't want not to be fit for next week's game - and three really lovely bruises on your right thigh - I bet you felt them at the time! It is a bit harder to assess the position appertaining to the left leg. I could see VERY clearly at the time, how they were concentrating pretty seriously on that in the second half, so it really looks like one big bruise. I estimate from the number of impact marks that you must have twenty to thirty - sorry I can't be more precise. If only you had had the presence of mind to keep count at the time, Steph, it would have saved me all this trouble! And the left thigh has seven or eight. I think you have about ten bruises on your ribs, and that sweet tummy looks a bit red. And last, but not least, that's a really beautiful shiner on your right eye! Gosh, Stephie! This just has to be some kind of record!"

Stephanie lay wearily on her bed and let her beloved friend twitter on. It had to be said that she had thoroughly enjoyed the game at the time, and scored a good few hard hits with her stick on some of the other side! It was only later, after the adrenalin-charged excitement had faded, that the pain had begun to make itself felt. She had spent a lot longer soaking in the hot bath than usual, feeling the hurt slowly ebbing away. After that, she and Angela, who had watched the game with her heart in her mouth, went back to their shared room to take stock.

"You must be easily the most popular girl in the whole school after today. You could have left the field as a casualty after what they did to you in the first ten minutes, but you stayed there and did as brilliantly as ever. All the kids in the Junior School had stars in their eyes when you walked past them - they worship you now!"

"It's a painful way to achieve cult status, Angela. I don't really recommend it - there must be plenty better! Anyway, there won't be a game for me next week. We're playing away and I can't see St Ermyntrude's liking the sight of me in this state - that means I have to face only one more ordeal, a fortnight from now."

"You're surely not going to try and chicken out of next week, Steph?"

The disappointment showed in Angela's voice and on her face. She looked and sounded close to tears.

"Please say you won't! I was so looking forward to seeing you in action again."

"Looking forward to seeing your best friend hacked and kicked half to death! Fucking charming! With friends like you, who needs enemies!"

"I know it's hard, Stephanie, but you've got to come through this, no matter how painful it might be! You mustn't let me down - I couldn't bear it if you did! Think of the honour of the school, if you can't think of me! And I'll be here afterwards to keep a tally of all your wounds and kiss them all better afterwards, just like I'm going to in a few minutes with these. Hang on a jiffy! I must get my camera and photograph those lovely bruised shins, before they start to heal. After that we can do all sorts of lovely things together!"

The two room mates had discovered a year ago just what delightful ways there were for two rapidly maturing young women to use their bodies to give mutual delight, and ever since, they had availed themselves of any and every opportunity to experiment with each other and discover new delectable sensations.

Shall we Dance?

The two had been fondling and exploring each other for a few heavenly minutes, when Stephanie remembered something. She drew her face away from Angela's pussy.

"Oh, bloody hell, Angela. It's that fucking awful dance tonight! I hate to go like this, looking like one of the walking wounded but I think I'll have to! You needn't bother - just lie here and think of what I'm going through with all those loathsome boys!"

The dance in question was a joint affair between Angela and Stephanie's school and a neighbouring boy's school. The older pupils of each were encouraged to socialise from time to time under strictly supervised conditions. Stephanie had put her name down to go a week ago and she knew she would have to go through with it, since no deviation from normal routine was now allowed.

"At least no boy will ask to dance with me the way I look - not only nude but virtually flayed alive. It'll make them puke just looking at me! See you later on Angela, my sweet!"

For half an hour, Stephanie's prediction proved correct, until one of the taller and more presentable boys approached her and asked for a dance. After a few minutes of very skilfully guiding her around the floor he spoke. "I've never danced with a naked girl before"

"If that's the best opening gambit you can come up with, I suggest you stay silent, my friend. I thought your school specialised in turning out suave, poised and self-confident young gentlemen, not socially maladroit, mumbling oafs!"

"Sorry. It's not easy to think of anything to say in a situation like this! I just thought you'd like a dance - that's all. Everyone seemed to be avoiding you and I felt so terribly sorry for you. I think it stinks, your Headmistress doing this to a superb girl like you! I saw the game today. Gosh, but you were jolly brave! I was cheering myself hoarse on your account."

Stephanie felt ashamed of her rudeness and pulled the young man closer to her, despite the soreness of her ribs. She spoke in a friendly voice. "I'm sorry, too! Let's start again, shall we? I'll try to be nice to you for the rest of the evening! As nice as I possibly can be with all these beady-eyed, frustrated old chaperones keeping tabs on us! Fancy sitting down for a while? I'm totally shagged out after what I've been through today - a little restful conversation would be most welcome!"

And so the blushing young man and his naked partner found themselves a corner of the room where they were out of sight of prying eyes and were able, after a while, to sneak out of the ballroom and find somewhere very private indeed, where they remained for an extremely long, and very enjoyable, time.

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