The Word On Johanna - Cover

The Word On Johanna

Copyright© 2006 by Paige Turner

Chapter 3

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 3 - A story about a pair of fraternal twins who live out in the sticks and become very close growing up. A new kid moves in near them and Kathy suddenly has a new friend to play with and Mike gets jealous when he finds out how they play together. Mike will do anything for Kathy, anything at all, but telling the new girl their secret? That takes some thinking about: And the new girl has a terrible secret of her own.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   ft/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Romantic   Rape   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Science Fiction   Extra Sensory Perception   Incest   Brother   Sister   Group Sex   First   Oral Sex   Masturbation   Water Sports   Exhibitionism   Voyeurism   Slow  

I know not every brother and sister did sex things together, but enough of my buddies at camp had talked about spying on their sisters or playing doctor with them or seeing them kissing their boyfriends when they thought that they had privacy and talked about watching them fumbling around with their boyfriends hands up their skirts to know that there was a lot of sex things that went on in other families. Kathy and I had played doctor, gotten each other off with our hands, we'd both walked in at bad times when the other one was playing with themselves and we'd sorted out our own sense of intimacy and trust with the other one and we'd gone a lot further than that. Kathy knew I would never tell on her and she knew that she could talk about what she and Johanna had done together and I wouldn't get all weirded out on her. Like I said, we didn't have anyone else to play with, so we were much tighter than other kids we knew with their siblings. And no, we hadn't ever done oral sex with each other before that day, but it was just another thing we found out about and wanted to share with the other. Yeah, eating your sister until she comes isn't something that the usual kind of brother and sister did, but we shared a bathroom and had shared a womb together so we were pretty much used to each other and, like I said, it was just something new one of us had found out about and turned the other one onto. Why we never focused on each other as a sexual partner is a very long story. And yeah, we'd taught each other what the opposite sex looked like and what felt good and even how to kiss, but we just didn't get into fucking each other. In those days, it was hard to walk into a drug store and ask the druggist for condoms, not like now, but that wasn't the real reason we hadn't made love with each other.

Kathy called up Johanna and I could hear her side of the conversation. Evidently Jo was not eager to go somewhere and have someone else along, but Kathy said that it should be neat out to the sinkhole and she had wanted to go out there and take pictures for the photo class she was taking and begged and pleaded and finally Johanna gave in. Kathy promised to make a lunch and told her that it would be fun and her brother was cool. Then she waved me out of the living room and I left her alone to talk about other stuff she knew Johanna wouldn't be into knowing that I knew about.

When she got off the phone, she came into my room where I was reading a sci-fi story. I put the book down on my chest when she sat down on my bed and I looked up at her. "So how did it go when you sprang the idea of a horny guy parading around in his birthday suit on her?" She grinned at me.

"I think I kind of shocked her with that one, but I didn't say more than I'd talked you into getting naked and posing for me."

"Good shock, or the kind that is going to send her to therapy for the rest of her life?"

"She'll get over it."

"So how did you explain that one?" I asked curiously.

"I told her you made me promise to do the dishes all week."

I snorted. "It's your turn, Kathy."

"Well, she didn't know that."


"Devious of me, wasn't it?"

"Yeah, my devious Machiavellian sister. Lord, the things I have to put up with," I said in a piteous voice. She snickered. "So is she okay with it, or what?"

"Well, I think she's half curious and half afraid."

"Did you tell her that I know about you two?"

"Not yet. She had to get off the phone and go eat dinner."

"Ah. You going to tell her?"

"Maybe. I guess I'll just have to see how it goes. I will tell her about the skinny dipping, though."

"Ah. So she won't be nervous about being around a naked guy, right?"

"Yeah. I think that is something she's having trouble dealing with."

"Cool. Just ask her not to talk about it at school, okay?"

"Yeah, I better do that. Thanks for thinking about that."

"Well, it's just a little weird sounding, you know?" She nodded. "Let me know what you tell her." She raised an eyebrow at me. "You know, about me knowing about you and her." She smiled.

"I'm going to have to think about that one for a while."

"Well, just don't forget to tell me, okay? If she's going to be weirded out tomorrow, I want to know what she's being weirded out about, okay?"

"Sure." She got up and I went back to my book.

We fixed dinner and mom got up and ate with us around eight thirty or so. Johanna called while we were eating and Kathy said she'd call her back in a while. After mom left to go to work, she made the call around ten thirty or so. I didn't listen in on the conversation, being as I knew Kathy would tell me what was said and I was really into The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress. Heinlien had gotten us into trying to be telepaths years ago and we were both into him big time.

I didn't even notice her standing in my doorway for a while until she finally coughed and made me aware she was there. I folded down the page I was on and tossed it down on my bed. "So how did it go?"

"Not bad. I think she'll be okay with my taking pictures of you tomorrow. I think she's half way looking forward to it, if you want to know the truth."

"And the other half?"

"Well, I think she's scared about being around a naked guy."

"No, did you tell her I knew about her and you?"

"Well, no. What I was thinking about was that I could maybe mention it when she gets here tomorrow before we leave. If you'll make yourself scarce for a while."

"Okay." I thought for a second. "I'm going to have to go get gas anyway, so how about when she gets here, you two make sandwiches and I'll go into town and fill it up."

"That might work." She thought for a moment. "Pick up some Cokes while your there, will you?"


"This is kind of delicate."

"Yeah. How about you give me some kind of clue when I get back, so I can figure out how it went, okay?"

"Okay. I'll ask you if you got a blanket in the trunk for the picnic if I told her. If I haven't, I'll ask you to put one in. Think you can remember that?" I gave her a 'just how dumb do you think I am' sardonic look back and she grinned at me. We both had very good memories, and during our 'experimenting with telepathy days' we'd also gotten into Rudyard Kipling's book Kim and had learned how to memorize things with just a glance. While we didn't quite have photographic memories, we did have the ability to remember developed pretty well. I could remember longer numbers than she could, but she could remember written things much better than I could.

She leaned over and gave me a good night kiss. "Going to bed so early?"

She smirked. "I got some private property to think about." And I laughed and picked up my book again. "Try not to stay up too late reading." I promised I wouldn't and she went off to bed and I read until about two o'clock.

Kathy woke me up about ten, and told me to get my ass up and showered. I usually took a few minutes in the morning to jack off, which she knew about. But she dragged the covers off of me and told me Johanna would be there in about ten minutes and I had to be ready to go get gas while they made sandwiches and so I had a fast shower and was just getting my shoes on in the kitchen when Jo came up the back porch. It was another warm sunny day and she said 'hi' through the screen door and I said come on in, I gotta go get some gas and Kathy came out of the john off the kitchen and said hi and I made my excuses and got out of there to let them have their talk. I remember thinking on the way into town that it would have been an interesting conversation to hear and felt a bit anxious about how she would react to it, and wondered if she was going to go weird about my taking off my clothes in front of my sister and her.

Kathy sat in the middle of the front seat and Johanna sat by the door. She'd asked me if I had a blanket in the trunk and I told her yeah, and she asked if it was clean or not, and I said it was clean and then we took off. Johanna was a little distracted and Kathy kept talking about what a cool place it was we were going to and I said some stuff to fill in the other half of Kathy's conversation. Johanna finally relaxed a bit and started to join in, mostly asking questions that Kathy let me handle and I explained the geography of the area to her and all about sink holes and how they had thrown a barrel into one and it came up ten miles off shore in Lake Huron. She was interested in how it got there and I told her they were big rivers, running underground, same kind of thing that made Carlsbad Caverns out west, except you couldn't go into them, as they were filled with water. Pretty soon, she was over her nervousness and she and Kathy got into talking about schoolwork and a test they had coming up and then we got to where we could park the car.

Kathy had an old canvas Boy Scout pack with her gear and the lunch in it and I got the picnic blanket out of the trunk and walked behind Johanna while Kathy led the way to the sinkhole. On the way in we saw a young buck with his antlers still covered in felt. But Johanna asked why Kathy was stopping and he heard her voice and took off like a shot. Johanna wasn't a country kid and she was pretty excited to see a deer in the woods. Kathy laughed at her, saying that the woods were lousy with them. Part of the walk was up hill and I noticed what a nice butt Johanna had inside her tight jeans and hoped I would get a chance to see it without the jeans, but realistically figured that was highly unlikely.

We went down the trail and found the sinkhole right where we left it. I spread out the blanket in the same place we'd been the day before. It was slightly higher than the ground around it and so a bit drier. Johanna was amazed at the waterfall going into the pond at the bottom and Kathy said it would take a while until the sun got to where she wanted it to be and so we sat down and ate a few sandwiches.

Johanna kept giving me little speculative glances when she though I wasn't looking, and Kathy caught on and smiled at her. "Hey, relax, already, would you?"

"Relax? I am relaxed!"

"Aw, hell you are, its just Mikey, for Christ sake. He's not going to do anything. He's the one going to be taking off his clothes, so just stop being so nervous."

"Um, well," she glanced at me and looked apologetic. "Sorry, it's just that I'm not used to boys, especially, um..."

"Ones that are stark naked?" Kathy snickered as she finished Jo's sentence for her. Johanna grimaced and nodded. "Don't worry about it, it's no big deal."

I choked on the Coke I was trying to drink. "God, Kathy, thanks a bunch!"

She smirked at me. "Little blow to the ego there?"

I laughed at her. "Well, I'm not the one in the family with a B cup! So talk about 'no big deal' all you want, I can take it."

"Guys and their dicks," she said to Johanna. "Talk about girls being sensitive, all you have to do is say 'naked guy' and 'no big' in the same sentence and they get all defensive." I flipped her the bird and she laughed, knowing that she'd scored points in that round.

"Uh, well, I haven't ever seen a guy naked. Not in real life. I mean, I've seen statues and stuff, but it's not the same thing." She said hesitantly.

"Really? You never played doctor when you were a kid?"

"Well, yeah, but we were like seven or eight or something like that." She waved her hand in girl talk. "It's not the same thing as now, you know?"

"Yeah, I guess not. You gonna be okay with it?"

"Well, if I'm not, I guess I can go for a walk or something."

Kathy looked at her for a moment, then shrugged. "Well, if you get up tight about it, okay, you can go take a walk. But I thought you might be curious." She took a sip on her Coke. "But what ever your comfortable with. It's not like we're going to fuck or anything like that. I'm just going to take his picture while he's got his clothes off." She said it like it was the simplest thing, and I think talking about it made Johanna less nervous. Or maybe just acknowledging she was nervous and getting it out in the open helped.

"Hey, whatever you decide you're comfortable with is okay with me." I said helpfully. Jo nodded and said thanks and we changed the subject to where the light was and then Kathy got her camera out and put film in it. When it was loaded she pulled out some filters and fiddled around with putting them on the lens. When she was set, she looked over at me and raised an eyebrow. I got the message and started to untie my shoelaces. Once I had my shoes and socks off, I pulled my shirt over my head and tossed it on the blanket. Then I stood up and grinned at Johanna. "Ready for the grand unveiling?" She gave me a slightly anxious smile and nodded. I turned my back on her and my sister and started unfastening my belt, humming The Stripper loudly through my lips. I twitched of my butt in a parody of what I thought a stripper would do and unbuttoned my jeans and pulled them half way down over my ass and wiggled my butt some more. Kathy cracked up and I could hear the shutter go off on her camera. I hammed it up and finally got my shorts down to my feet and kicked them off. That was a dumb assed thing to do, as they hit the ground and slid over the edge of the sinkhole cliff.

"Aw, shit!" I screamed. Kathy went into hysterics and I could hear Johanna giggling madly behind me. I turned around and glared at them both.

"It's not that fucking funny!" I fumed at them. They were rolling on their sides and tears of mirth started running down their faces. "The fucking car keys are in my pants!" I screamed at them. That got through to them for a second, but they looked at each other and went off again. I walked over and looked over the side of and it was pretty far down. They finally calmed down and crept up to the edge and looked over. Then they looked at each other as they finally figured out it was a one hell of a long walk home.

"It's not that far," Kathy said. "You have a rope in the trunk, can't you go get it and..." She shut up as she figured out that without the key to the trunk, we couldn't get the rope. "Oh."

"Yeah; 'oh.'" I said sourly.

We all thought about it for a while. The walls of the hole were part rock, but mostly dirt and loose stuff that made climbing down into the hole not such a great idea.

"How about we get a long pole and see if we can fish them out?" Johanna suggested.

"A thirty foot pole? We wouldn't be able to move it, even if we had one."

"Wait a minute. I think Jo's got an idea there. How about we find a tree and lower it into the hole? One of us could shimmy down it and get your shorts."

I thought about it for a moment. What the hell, if it didn't work, we weren't any worst off than we were right now. I nodded my agreement to the idea.

We found a big pine tree that had fallen over during the winter and taken down some smaller trees that had been in its path. We found a tree that looked long and sturdy enough and managed to get it through the forest and to the edge of the sinkhole. I had plenty of time to feel stupid, dressed only in my t-shirt, underwear and shoes, but outside of that, it was just heavy duty hauling to get the tree the quarter mile or so to where we could shove it into the hole. Kathy insisted on taking some pictures before we shoved the tree in and spoiled the view. She didn't bother to ask me to take off my clothes, which was nice of her. Johanna sat next to me while Kathy played Ansel Adams. We had Cokes and some cookies while Kathy shot pictures.

Finally she was done and came and sat down next to us and had a few Fig Newtons herself. She looked at my legs where they'd gotten some pretty good scratches on them and told me to be sure and put Mercurochrome on them when we got home. I just nodded. A thirty foot pine tree with its branches still on it isn't that easy to drag through the woods. Finally we got up and put it next to the hole. I had the two girls get on the thin end and hold onto some branches and went down to the splintered end and shoved it over the edge. Kathy had warned Johanna that if their end started to go in the hole to be sure to let go before she went in, too.

The tree went in just fine, thank god, and lay there at a pretty decent angle for shimmying down it. Kathy had long jeans on, so she shimmied down the trunk and got off of it at the bottom.

The sinkhole had a sort of funnel shape to its bottom half, made up of the dirt and debris had come off the cliff sides over the years. The pond at the bottom filled up about two thirds of the funnel shaped area. She took a couple of steps and slipped on wet leaves and went sliding on her butt into the icy pond up to her chest. She shrieked at the cold water and I could tell she was more shocked than hurt. I had to snigger at her howls and swearing as she scrambled out of the water. She glared up at me and I tried to keep a straight face as Johanna anxiously asked her if she was okay and did she get hurt? She said something reassuring and kept herself low as she walked around to get my shorts, so if she slipped again she could grab on with her hands and not go back into the icy cold water.

She got back to the tree and shinnied her way back up to us. She was shivering and I pulled her wet shirt off of her as she danced around and undid her pants. I bent down and got her shoes off and she sat down on the blanket and I pulled her wet jeans off her legs and grabbed her feet and got her socks off too. She stood up and I got behind her and got her bra off and then pulled her panties down and tossed them aside. I kicked the stuff on the blanket to one side and picked it up and put it around her and started to rub her while Johanna stood there with her mouth open, wondering what the hell I was doing. She was a big city kid and didn't know anything about hypothermia, so I just ignored her as I peeled my sister out of her frigid clothes. After a few minutes, her teeth stopped chattering and she stopped shivering and turned towards the sun and opened the blanket up. I stepped back and let her bask and started to wring out her wet clothes and spreading them out to dry as much as they could.

"Well, Ollie," Kathy finally said in her best Laurel and Hardy imitation, "this is another fine mess you've gotten us into." I snickered and Johanna said how scared she was when she heard her scream. Kathy said anyone would scream, as that water in that hole had been snow and ice only a few days ago! Johanna went over to her and they hugged.

"Jesus, you're like a block of ice!" Johanna said, startled by how cold she still was.

"Just hug me and I'll warm up." Kathy said. Johanna glanced over at me, still wringing out her clothes, unsure of about hugging a naked girl in front of her twin brother.

"Go ahead and hug her," I said. "I'm sure it's not the first time you've hugged her, so don't mind me. She needs the warmth."

"That was pretty brave of you, climbing down that tree." Johanna whispered to Kathy.

I snorted. "That isn't the first tree that little cedar savage has climbed."

"Yeah, but she could have really gotten hurt!" Johanna wasn't ready to give up on making Kathy a hero. "I didn't see you climbing down that thing!"

"Hell, you're never going to see a guy in his skivvies climbing a tree unless there's a bear right behind him." I pointed out in self-defense. "Besides, she can climb trees just as well as I can, and she weighs less."

"She isn't the one that kicked them over the edge, either!"

"Well, yeah, that's true. I don't suppose you're ever going to let me forget it either, are you?" I said as I wrung out one of Kathy's socks.

Kathy laughed and Johanna gave me a glare, but I could tell her heart wasn't in it and it was going to be okay.

We sat around and waited for Kathy to get warmed up a bit more. I picked up her camera and took a shot of her while she was facing Johanna. She heard the shutter and turned around and I took another one, with the both of them looking at me.

"Hey, I was supposed to be taking pictures of you!" She protested.

"Just thought you'd like a little memento to remember the occasion by." She gave me a wry glance and I snapped off another one.

"Hey, come on! One snap shot of me looking like a drowned rat is enough already."

"Well, stand up then and I'll take a nude shot of you looking like a drowned rat."

"Well, let me at least comb my hair first, okay?"

"Sure." She dug a comb out of her pack and pulled it though her hair. Johanna took it from her and combed out the tangles that tree dragging through brush and woods brings with it. Once the rats nest was combed out, Kathy stood up and looked down at me. I put the viewfinder to my eye and snapped her standing there with the bare tree branches and sky behind her. Then I got up and took another one of her by the sinkhole. I looked around and spotted a boulder about three feet high and went over to it and climbed up.

"Come over here and stand by the hole." She went over and turned around and faced me. I snapped her picture. "Now turn around so I can get your best side." She flipped me off, but turned around. Kathy had one of those boyish figures, not exactly starved looking, but a skinny figure and small tits. But she has a cute ass and I asked her to move a little to the left and then had her turn until the sun was hitting both sides of it just right and I took that picture, then had her turn about half way and look back at me with her neck turned towards me and took that one as well. I jumped down from the rock and went up a few feet and had her squat down on her haunches and look over to the waterfall and I had to move back a bit. When I got my shadow out of the picture, I snapped the shutter.

"Take that one again, I think I blinked." Kathy said. I shot her again and that was the end of the film roll. Johanna had sat on the blanket and watched us while we were taking the pictures.

"I thought you were the one that was going to be taking their clothes off, Mike." She said as we were walking back towards Jo and the blanket.

"Well, it's still not too late if you want me to." I handed the camera to Kathy. "But don't expect me to do that strip tease stuff again. I suck at it."

"Hey, Johanna. I want to take your picture before we leave."

"Oh, I couldn't," she protested.

"You don't have to get naked, but I still want a picture of you, okay?"

"Well, okay. But I hardly look glamorous right now." Kathy shrugged, and finished putting the new roll in and closed the camera up.

"Relax. It won't hurt a bit. Go stand over where I was and I'll go climb up on the rock so the waterfall will be in the picture with you."

"Okay." She walked over and stood by the edge. Kathy had her turn so her face was towards the sun and I pulled off my shirt and shorts. I left my shoes on though, as the ground was kind of hard on my still tender from winter feet. When Johanna went to sit down by the edge, she saw that I was naked and kind of gaped for a second, and then sat down and Kathy took several more of her, having her glance this way or that, or fiddle with her hair or whatever. She shot twenty pictures in about ten minutes, despite Johanna's protesting about 'wasting film' and Kathy explained her teacher had told the class that he tossed out about ninety five shots out of a hundred to get a few good ones, so maybe she'd get lucky and get one great shot out of the roll. And besides, it was black and white film, so she'd develop it in the school lab and didn't want to have shots of 'Mikey's hairy ass' on the roll she took to school, so just sit there and look cute while she clicked the shutter, okay? Okay.

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