The Word On Johanna - Cover

The Word On Johanna

Copyright© 2006 by Paige Turner

Chapter 11

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 11 - A story about a pair of fraternal twins who live out in the sticks and become very close growing up. A new kid moves in near them and Kathy suddenly has a new friend to play with and Mike gets jealous when he finds out how they play together. Mike will do anything for Kathy, anything at all, but telling the new girl their secret? That takes some thinking about: And the new girl has a terrible secret of her own.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   ft/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Romantic   Rape   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Science Fiction   Extra Sensory Perception   Incest   Brother   Sister   Group Sex   First   Oral Sex   Masturbation   Water Sports   Exhibitionism   Voyeurism   Slow  

Mom and dad got home and brought us some loot from Florida. Johanna and Kathy got to get together after school when mom worked the evening shift at the hospital, and Connie and I'd gotten pretty tight. Kathy started dating Tony from her photography class once in a while and Johanna made some more friends at school. It must be tough to be the new kid in school in a town where everyone knew everyone else, but she also knew a few other kids besides us, from visits to her grandparents.

Finally school let out for summer and my sister and I showed her our swimming hole. Connie had a job at a summer camp about forty miles away and I'd drive over to see her every Sunday and we'd hang out while the kids' parents were visiting. We weren't exactly going steady, but we had gotten into some very heavy makeout sessions over behind the cemetery at the lake where we sometimes went swimming, just before she had to leave for camp. Every time I saw her, she looked better and better, and it seemed to me that we were getting to the point where we were starting to think about getting serious about each other. Kathy started seeing a lot of Tony that summer, and he had this VW bug that was really out of it as far as being a cool car around our town. But it got him out to our house to pick up my sister and my parents seemed to find it more reassuring that he drove a lame-assed car like that than if she'd been dating someone with chrome air cleaners sticking up through the hood: Every year we had a few kids killed in auto crashes around our town. One or two of our classmates got killed that summer, as a matter of fact.

Johanna was dating guys but only when it was a group thing. Kathy told me that she was still kind of afraid of being alone with guys, but at least she was going out. She and Kathy had double dated with Tony and this or that guy, and I think Kathy had hipped Tony that she was afraid of guys, but not why. So they didn't go out parking, at least not with Johanna and her date of the evening. Tony and my sister could do their making out in his car when they were by themselves. I asked her one time out of curiosity how can you really get into it making out in a VW? She laughed, and said, "God, dummy; Tony has a blanket in the trunk!" It was full-on summer and that really was a stupid question, once I thought about it for a second.

Johanna liked our swimming hole once she got used to it. Or rather, once she got used to us being jaybird naked there. It was far enough back in the woods so that nobody was likely to come by, and far away from the road. There were a lot more convenient places for couples to go to make out or for people to have parties. That was nice because there wasn't any broken beer bottles around, and nobody coming by unexpectedly.

The creek made a U-turn there at the swimming hole, and during the spring snow melt the flood waters from the run off tore away at this piece of limestone and hollowed out a deep hole at the base of it. The water was about ten or twelve feet deep there and you could actually swim under the limestone rock. On top there was a little bit of grassy area, and Kathy and I would throw down our towels and sunbathe there. I'd set up a tent just back when we were kids, back under the pine trees, and we used to go camp out there during the summer. Mom and dad had been out there and they thought it was neat. They sometimes would go out there on weekends and swim when the weather was really hot. Since I had a car, I didn't spend as much time out there during the summer as I had previously, but Kathy and Johanna made a lot of use out of it that summer. I would sometimes join them as it was a place where I could get naked and not have to worry about anyone saying anything.

Johanna wore a suit the first few times I went with them, then she wore just the bottoms of her two-piece. She got a sunburn the second time she tried that and her mom found out about the sun bathing, which was weird as hell for her to have to deal with. She actually asked me one day when I was over doing a chore for her, about the swimming hole, in that plying way adults have. I just said that Kathy and I had used the place to take hookers since we were kids, and somehow I managed to be cool with it, and also let her know that I was spending my time at the lake, and so got her mind off of it. Once she knew it was really private out there, I think she stopped worrying. Kathy later on told me that she told her mom that she was trying to even out her tan, as she had three suits and thought she was looking odd with three different patterns of tan lines spread out all over her body. I still don't know how I pulled that conversation with her mom off.

Kathy was into both Johanna and boys, and I think that she would have been an ex-virgin earlier if she hadn't had Jo to play with and 'get her cookies' with. As it was, Tony and she would get into some pretty steamy make-out sessions, and his wasn't the only set of hands down pants when they went out on dates, so I'm sure he was pretty happy about dating my sister.

I once came out there to swim and they were having fun, so I waited around for about a half an hour or so, and yeah, I jacked off while listening to them. It was either that or show up with a hard on, and it didn't hurt anyone and why not? They were pretty hot to listen to, and I didn't go up and spy on them, but I thought about it, visualizing what they were doing as I listened to them. When they finally finished, I made a lot of noise coming through the woods, whistling and singing and generally giving them a little warning before I showed up. They were both in the water when I got there, so I just pulled off my clothes and jumped off the rock and joined them. Kathy gave me a knowing look when Johanna wasn't looking: I generally move really silently through the woods, so that I can watch the animals and not scare them off. That was the first time I saw Johanna naked there, now that I come to think about it. I think that the only thing I said was to watch you don't burn, and she was okay about lying out naked with me there after that.

Kathy warned me that I should be careful too, as I had developed tan lines from swimming at the lake. She was tanned all over. I remember talking with them about 'glow in the dark tits' and Jo laughing about it. Yeah, I could see all of her, and it was odd seeing how she had these wide strap lines on her back, and these kind of v shaped stripes outlining where her smallest suit didn't cover her up, and then these kind of really bright places where she was covered all of the time, and then this sort of not quite as tanned as the rest of her back shade where her one piece went. I didn't stare at her, but I looked and made a comment about it, and it was okay with her. This was just before she sunburned her tits, if I remember right.

Anyway, Jo got used to me being around her naked and even having me around them naked when my sister was being affectionate towards her. I remember one time when Kathy had her arms around her under the rock in the shade and the way their heads were, I just figured that Kathy had to have her legs wrapped around Jo and I dove under water and could see Jo grabbing my sisters ass, one buttock in each hand. I just swam past them underwater and back out to where I had been, and I don't even think they really noticed I was there. Of course, when I got out of the water after they did, Kathy looked at my dick and smiled and asked if I saw something interesting? I gave her a dirty look and she just laughed. Jo missed the whole thing, busy digging sandwiches out of her rucksack at the time.

I saw Johanna look at me once, when I was standing there and drinking a coke, and about to go back in the water. She was gazing at my groin, and I finally asked, "What?" and she remarked that the way the sun was, she could see through my pubic hair and my dick looked different. My hair was this blondish color that I got from dad's Swedish side of the family, and she also was wondering if I'd ever got my dick sunburned? Well, that hadn't ever (thankfully) happened to me, but she was just curious and wasn't making a big deal of it. She actually got used to me enough so that she would ask me to do her back with suntan lotion and even did the same to me a few times.

I think it was mid-July when Kathy asked me something that was even more off the wall than her request about me being her sex-ed dummy. I'd come out there one afternoon after work and it was one of those hot as hell July days, with the temperature around a hundred and something, and sweat was dripping off every inch of my body. I was dirty from work and just went right from the car, grabbing a towel and clean shorts off the clothes line on the way by, and headed for the swimming hole. While a black car looks really cool, I'm pretty sure you could have rolled up the windows and roasted a turkey in it that day. When I came up the path up to the rock, I just said hi, tossed the towel, my wallet and clean cut offs to one side and walked right off the rock and into the water. I pulled off my tennis shoes one at a time, and threw them up on the rock, and then socks, shirt, jeans, and finally my shorts. Kathy and Jo cannon balled off the rock in on other side of me as I was floating on my back, just enjoying the cool water.

When they came up, I asked why the hell they did that? Kathy said it was because my shorts had gotten her when I tossed them up, and Johanna had been hit by one of my stinking wet socks, so they were getting me back. Then they ganged up on me and we wrestled around in the water, with me getting groped by my sister a few times, and Johanna climbing all over my back, and lots of wet, seal girl flesh squirming all over me. I got a couple of nipples in my hands a time or two during the skirmishing, and trying to get a grip on a girl's skin who's wearing just sun tan lotion in the water is a damn hard thing to do. Kathy and Jo were climbing all over me like I was a jungle gym and were trying to dunk my head under, but I managed to get to where I had my feet on the bottom and could defend myself somewhat. Kathy got behind me and did this thing she had learned how to do, where she would get me by the hips with two hands and then knock the back of my knees with her knees, so I'd go over on my back. Johanna was attacking me with water splashes from the front and I'd just gotten both of her wrists, and over we went, all of us, and Johanna came up looking a little startled, as my sister had been groping the hell out of me during all this grab-assing that was going on and my dick was pretty much up. It had never stopped us when we were kids, and while Jo was kind of distracted by her discovery, I got ahold of her and gave her a good dunking, and then Kathy launched herself off the bottom and onto my head and pushed me over onto Johanna, and she came up after that, groping my dick on the way by.

"Ah ha! Not going to play fair, eh, well, two can play that same game!" We had staggered onto the sand bar and I managed to grab her wrist, and then grabbed her leg, and swung her around as she went over on her back into deeper water and then grabbed Kathy, who weighed a lot less, and managed to get her up mostly of the way out of the water and flung her after Johanna, just missing her. But she'd just gotten her head up and the splash Kathy got her good. I raced up to the shallow part, and when they came charging up out of the water after me, I just dove between the two of them and made a clean get away with a good lead, as they had to turn around and swim after me. I made it back to the rock side and scrambled up to the top before they had even gotten to my side. I was drying off in the sun when they finally made it, huffing and puffing, and I said, "What took you so long?" and handed them their towels to dry off with.

I was still sporting a fairly erect dick, and Kathy looked at it, and said, attempting to sound as innocent as she could, "Gee, it looks like you're really missing Connie, Mikey."

"Boy, I'll say!" I agreed whole-heartedly. Yeah, I had a hard on, her deliberate fondling setting me up to be embarrassed by it in front of Jo, but I thought I'd turn it around on her. Jo looked at it, while toweling herself off. "Want to help take my mind off my problems?"

Kathy laughed, "Sure, we'll be happy to give you a hand, won't we Jo?"

Huh? What the hell kind of game was Kathy coming up with now? That was the first thing that shot through my mind and I mentally fumbled around for a come back line that just wasn't there. I looked at her and she wasn't wearing her 'gotcha' face, and I couldn't think of anything to say in reply, but "Huh?"

They smiled at me as they toweled off and Kathy said, "Mikey, we got a little proposition for you."

I was kind of half thinking that this was a setup for some kind of joke at my expense, but I asked what she meant, and she said let's sit down and we'll talk about it. So we sat down cross-legged on the old bed spread on the grass and Kathy brought up how I was really into Connie and how I was only getting to see her one day a week while she was working at the camp for the summer. I nodded, not sure where she was going with this, and my dick lay down after a bit as we sat there. Then she started talk about how Johanna still hadn't gotten to the point of really feeling comfortable with the guys she was dating.

"So? I'm sure that she'll get over what happened to her sooner or later." I was somewhat uncertain if I wanted to open that particular can of worms, but Jo looked somewhat at ease while Kathy was talking about Jo's shyness around boys.

"Yeah, and I think we can help her do that." I was totally at sea with where she was going with all this.


"Well, look, you're not dating anyone right now while Connie's away at camp, right?"

"Right. So?"

"How would you feel if you let Jo practice on you?"

My mind went kind of blank. "What do you mean by 'practice'?"

"Practice making out."

"Uh, I dunno. I guess I'd have to think about it." I said awkwardly.

"Take your time." Kathy said.

"Uh, this is odd." I said as I stalled, turning it over rapidly in my mind and trying to come to grips with the idea.

"Yeah, but she trusts you." I glanced at Jo, who was sitting there watching me calmly. I looked back at Kathy.

"Well, I'm flattered, but what brought all this on?"

"We were talking about how she feels when she's out on a date with a guy and how terribly self conscious she feels. She's not a wonderful date," Kathy said diplomatically.

And how, I thought. The word in the boys locker room was that she was frigid, saving it for marriage, wouldn't let you get anywhere with her and was just generally a prudish, uptight bitch who wouldn't say shit if she had a mouth full of it. And a lot of bullshit about how they would like to jam it to her until she screamed for mercy. I wasn't one for locker-room bragging,, but I heard a lot of the guys talking in the shower or while they were changing and kind of cringed inside, but I sure couldn't say anything to them, could I?

"So what exactly is the deal here, anyway? I mean, we've already done the show and tell stuff, so where are you going with this?"

"Well, you get to go as far as Johanna wants to go with it." Kathy saw the doubtful look in my eyes, and continued hurriedly. "Look, Mikey, this isn't exactly a sure thing here, and if she starts freaking out, I know you'll stop, and she knows that, too, right Johanna?" Jo nodded, and Kathy went on. "It sounds strange, I know, but, hell, she's comfortable with you and it's pretty important, not only to her but to me. I don't want her to keep on feeling like she does about sex, so don't turn this down, okay?"

"Ah, shit, Kathy. Your really putting me on the spot here, you know?" I was kind of irritated about this, as I knew that this hadn't just been a spur of the moment idea they had cooked up just before I arrived.

"Please, Mikey? Please?"

I frowned as I thought over the whole thing. Yeah, I'd had a hard-on just a few minutes ago, but this was feeling really odd to me. Here was my sister, pleading with me to make out with her girlfriend, and her girlfriend was just sitting there as calm as could be, while my sister cornered me. I was looking off to one side and turning it over in my mind. Yeah, Jo was beautiful, and yeah, I'd had fun with her while our folks were out of town that time, and yeah, I liked her. And yeah, my sister could ask damn near anything of me and damn it, she knew it and knew what was going through my mind about this request of hers right this instant! This wasn't any 'first you slow dance with the girl and when it gets hot, you both feel it and go somewhere and play kissy-face and have fun' kind of thing like I was used to. There was Jo, good looking as all get out, and I could see all of her, and now that she was warmed up from the cold water, her nips weren't sticking up, she was just sitting there while my sister tried to manipulate me into making out with her. This is nuts, I thought.

"Kathy, this is even weirder than that 'let's play doctor' thing." I turned to Jo. "How do you feel about all this? Is she trying to twist your arm like she's doing to me?"

Jo gave me a glance, then looked down, then looked back at me. "No, not exactly." She said in a soft voice I could barely hear. "I know I've got problems with sex and boys, and we talk about all that stuff." I nodded to encourage her to go on. "But when I get alone with a boy, or even when it looks like I'm going to have to kiss him or something, I just seem to freeze up."

I waited for her to go on, but she was silent for a moment. "Do you mind if I ask you something?"

"No, go right ahead."

"Are you into guys at all?" I wished I could figure out a way to phrase my question more diplomatically. Tears came into the corners of her eyes and she looked at me dumbly for a moment and I felt like shit, to tell you the truth. But I just looked back at her and waited patiently for her to answer my lame question.

"I don't know. I know I want to have children and be married, but who would marry me?" She whispered. Now I felt like total shit. I drew in a breath and blew it out. I gnawed my lip for a while, and then drew in another breath and blew it out.

"Okay. But we have to have some ground rules here, okay?" She gave me a jerky nod of her head, plainly afraid of what I might say.

"Okay, I guess the first one is that you have to promise me that you'll tell me when you feel I'm going too fast, or you're getting scared." She nodded, a little relieved. "Then we'll stop, for as long as you want, and we'll talk, or you'll talk and we'll try and figure out what I was doing wrong, okay? Or what scared you. I don't want you to try and be brave until you get so scared you have to jump up and run away, just tell me to stop, or tap me on the shoulder or something and I'll stop right then, all right? I'll try and pick up how fast to go from you, but sometimes I might be going too slow, so if you want me to move faster, or slower, or whatever, try and tell me. Let me know what's going on with you, as I'm not at all certain about this and I don't want to have to just guess about stuff, as if I make a bad guess, well, you got the idea, right?" She blinked her eyes and smiled at me, so I thought that at least I was making sense as I stumbled along there. "Another thing here is that I get to say slow down, too, okay? I mean, if I'm uncomfortable about something, I'm going to try and tell you, so if I say slow down, or go easy, or can you get off my arm, it's fallen asleep, I don't want you to take it the wrong way, okay?" My lame attempt at a joke there made her smile a bit more real. "Those are the main things I have on my mind, but if I think of something else, we'll talk about it, okay?"

"Sure, that actually takes a load off my mind."

"So what kind of rules do you have in mind?"

"I don't know; it seems like you've pretty well covered the thing I was really worried about."

"Can you think of anything else?"

"Not off the top of my head." She turned to my sister. "Kathy?"

Kathy seemed to be pretty subdued, which I wasn't expecting, especially considering the arm-twisting she'd just been giving me.

"There is one thing that Jo and I talked about," she said.

"What's that?"

"I get to be here, too." I will admit, it did surprise me, that request, but at the same time, it made perfect sense to me.

"Of course." I said instantly. Kathy pulled in a breath and released it though her out through her mouth. She gave me a nod of approval.


Now, you might thing that we would have all gotten instantly into some kind of orgy, or sexual frenzy, but we all sort of just sat there, kind of getting our mental breaths back and thinking about it. I turned it over in my mind and I didn't feel like I was cheating on Connie, but I knew I would never tell her about this and I hoped it would never come out, either. I just thought about how odd it was that this fantastic looking girl wanted me to make out with her, and how backward it all was. I ruefully shook my head, and Kathy looked over and went, "What?"

"Oh, just this. I mean, if anyone had showed me a picture of Johanna sitting there like she is now, and told me that I would have to be talked into making out with her, I would have told them that they were flat out fucking crazy, you know?" Kathy grinned wryly at me, and Johanna kind of smiled at me, understanding the oddity of how it looked from my point of view. "And you, you little conniver," I shook my head; trying to get across to her what I was feeling, but not able to exactly articulate it. "Well, hell, who would ever believe this anyway? It is just, well, hmm..."

"Feels odd having the girl ask?" Kathy said.

"Yeah, it does." I admitted and took a swig of a Coke that had been sitting there when I showed up.

"Well, it strange to me, too," Johanna said. "But you know my secret, and you're kind, so I guess that is all that really matters here, isn't it?"

"Yeah, I guess it is." I said.

"And it's okay that I'm here, isn't it?"

"Of course, Kathy." Jo said. "I feel safe with you here."

"Well, we don't have to do anything right now, so let's just relax, okay?"

"Yeah," I admitted. "I really need a chance to get my mind back together." Kathy grinned at me and Jo smiled, somewhat relieved I think.

"Feeling a little pressured?" Kathy asked, a glint of mischief in her eyes.

"A little? Jesus, I'll say!" I admitted, somewhat relieved to have it out in the open.

"Well, how about you lie down and play dummy for a while?"

I thought of asking what she had in mind, but just nodded and lay down and put my head down on my arms. Kathy picked up the sun tan oil and told Jo to sit over on the other side and help her spread it over me. At first I was kind of anxious, but as their hands spread the oil out over my back, they talked about how Jo was feeling. They spread the oil out over my skin sensuously and I relaxed as they moved around on my back. Kathy put some more on my butt and legs, and they moved down, not exactly massaging me, but just slow, long strokes. I got a little jumpy as they did my ass, but after a while, it was just like what they were doing my back and I got over the anxious feeling. They went down my legs, Kathy telling Jo to do me like she did her the other day. I was warm, drowsy, somewhat stressed out from what we had been discussing, and the light rubbing on my back from their hands stroked the tension out of me and I drifted off to sleep.

When I woke up, Kathy and Jo were sitting with their feet off the edge of the rock, talking quietly. My mouth felt dry from sweating in the heat while I napped and I felt greasy. I sat up and picked up a warm bottle of Coke that had about a third of the bottle left. I guzzled the warm, sweet flat liquid and got up.

"Hey, speak of the devil," Kathy said.

"It's alive, it's alive!" Johanna cried out like the lab assistant in Frankenstein.

"Okay, okay. So I fell asleep. BFD. I'll be right back," I said as I jumped off the rock feet first into the water. I came up and swallowed a couple of mouthfuls of water and swished the cotton out.

"Ready or not, here we come!" Jo called gaily from the top of the cliff and two shapes dove into the water just past me. They came up and swam over to where I was treading water.

"Hi there, stranger. Come here often?" Kathy asked vampishly.

"Only when I'm looking for horny women to pick me up," I said. Jo and Kathy grinned and moved in close, one on either side.

"Speaking of sex," Kathy began.

"Oh oh!" I interrupted. She ignored me and went on like I hadn't said a word.

"We were wondering if you would be up for a little experiment?"

"What's the catch this time?"

Jo and Kathy exchanged a look. Kathy was leading the negotiations as usual.

"Well, you know how Jo isn't a virgin, right?"

"Uh, yeah," I thought it was kind of tasteless for Kathy to mention it.

"Well, something you don't know is that she has a really bad menstrual cycle so her doctor put her on birth control pills to even out her periods."

"Huh?" This was 1965, so what I knew about birth control you could fit on the head of a pin. I'd just found out you could get rubbers out of the vending machine in the men's room of the Speedway 79 gas station the truckers used out at the edge of town, but all I knew were the words 'birth control pills', and wouldn't have known one if I'd have seen one back then.

"Yeah. She's on The Pill."

"Uh huh." Trying to figure out why she was telling me this stuff.

"Now, I know just exactly how to get her to come, pretty much every time, right, Jo?" Jo nodded matter-of-factly. "And I can read your orgasms, too, you know? So what we were thinking is that if Jo's ever going to really get into this whole sex thing, would it freak you out if we all played together?"

"Huh!" I thought about it for a split second. "No, actually, I think I'd be really up for that." I looked at Jo. "You know, I was kind of freaking out about doing something wrong and making it worse for you instead of better. You really okay with this? I mean, if this is some more of Kathy's pressure tactics here, just say the word and I'll paddle her ass something fierce."

"No, I'm fine with it. Matter of fact, I think that I'd probably get into it more easily if she was there. She already knows me, and can, well, read me, I guess you'd call it, so if I get scared, she'd be there to pick up on it right away."

"Besides, I can make her come like a faucet. And you'd need lessons."

"Gee, thanks, Kathy," I said sarcastically. "You mean you're finally going to let me watch?"

"Sure, and if you're a good boy, you might even get lucky." She said with a giggle. I looked at her, not really thinking that I'd understood what she meant, and then looked at Jo.

"You're really serious about this, aren't you?" I asked in wonder as the thought settled in.

"Bet yer ass we're serious," Kathy said.

"Holy cow." I said weakly, trying to digest what she'd just said. Kathy looked at me, kind of teasing her upper lip with her tongue, and gave me a Look. I wondered if I was really here or just having a dream?

"So what do you say? You up for getting your cherry popped today?"

"Hell yeah! Where do I sign?"

"Told you I could talk him into it," Katy bragged to Johanna. "Putty in my hands!"

"Fuck you," I said, "Are you up for this, Johanna? I mean, don't let her rush you into something your not ready for."

"I don't know if I'm ever going to really be ready for it, but I do know that I want to find out for sure one way or anther. And when am I ever going to get a better shot at having it work out good than right now?"

"Okay," I said. "As long as you really feel all right about it." I said hesitantly, and then swallowed nervously.

"Gee, Mike. You look like the one that isn't too sure about this. You want to take a day or two to think it over?"

"No, I'm fine. Well, I'm a little nervous, that's all."

"So feel nervous: Hell, if it was me about to give up my virginity I guess I'd be pretty nervous too. But don't worry, I'm here to protect you." Kathy giggled, partly out of nervousness, partly because it was just so outrageous, but mostly because she had me cornered mentally. Jo seemed to be the one that was the least nervous of all three of us, come to think about it.

"So come on then, before we change our minds." Kathy prompted me.

"Uh, okay." I said stupidly, still really off balance mentally.

"Too bad we don't have a stone altar and an obsidian knife," Kathy commented, just before she swam away.

"It's going to be fine, Mike." Jo said, as she kissed me on the lips. Then she picked up my hand, and honest to god, she kissed it, just like you see in the movies!

"Man, this has got to be a dream!" I said and shook my head, bemused by the whole thing.

She giggled and pulled my hand slightly and when I moved forward to follow her, she fell back and swam away on her back, keeping her eyes on mine all the time. I stepped forward into the deeper water and followed her.

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