Cocksure Coed - Cover

Cocksure Coed

Copyright© 2006 by little miss blair

Chapter 1

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 - A beautiful college coed wasn't all she appeared to be... she was more. And her innocent, religious roommate was about to learn a hard truth...

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including ft/ft   Fa/ft   Consensual   Reluctant   Hermaphrodite   Slut Wife   Mother   Daughter   Humiliation   Oral Sex  

This story is protected by copyright and may not be reproduced or reprinted without the author's permission.

It was so difficult to comprehend. After being Jessica's college roommate for two months and never suspecting... no, that's the wrong word... never noticing anything out of the ordinary about her. She was considered stuck up by some in the dorm, but that's because they didn't know her.

Stuck up or not, they never questioned the reality of her beauty... but physical beauty was only part of her charm. She absolutely reeked of sexual magnetism, and her detractors, recognizing this, cattily displayed their envy any time any one would listen.

When I think back over our couple of months rooming together, there were things that I probably could consider a little strange. Clothes... tons of expensive clothes. Not one pair of slacks. I had access to her closet... I knew... not one pair of blue jeans or sweat pants... or shorts. Skirts... she had a selection to die for. Expensive, brand name skirts... and shoes... but not one pair of slacks!

The oddity was easily justified, I guess, if you considered her legs. Tanned, long and firm, equally attractive whether she was bare legged, wearing pantyhose or knee socks. No one in the dorm had legs like hers.

Not being a morning person, I personally considered it strange she arose at 4:30 every morning. She was completely regimented... she would shower, study for two hours, dress, and leave for breakfast. I was usually awakened by her slamming of the door on her way out.

She never dated. Not that she wasn't asked. Our first three weeks in the dorm, the boys lined up at the door. Rejection, however, takes its toll. Eventually they stopped asking. Curiously, that was about the time the rumors were being whispered behind her back, up and down the halls. She must be a lesbian.

Even I wondered about that for awhile. The way her eyes sometimes followed me around the room, especially when I was partially undressed. But, eventually I became comfortable with her... classes were difficult enough without worrying about a non-existant roommate problem.

Funny, she was aware of the whispers and rumors, but never let on that it bothered her. She was too self confident for that. The girls in the dorm may not have liked her, but they had a healthy respect for her.

So, imagine my surprise, when... No, wait... I'm getting ahead of myself. I have to back up a bit.

I had scheduled a midnight, red eye special from the local airport for a surprise visit to my parents. Actually, the visit wasn't for my parents benefit... if was for mine. I was homesick. It was going to be a quick visit, just over a weekend.

Unfortunately, one of my big shortcomings is being on time for anything, I missed my plane. The airline put me on stand-by, but after not being selected for the next two flights, I gave up and returned to the dorm.

After taking the elevator to my floor, I had to pass by the community bathroom on the way to my room. I could hear the shower running and assumed it was Jessica. I couldn't imagine anyone else showering at 4:30 in the morning. As a responsible gesture, I decided I should tell her I was back so as not to frighten her when she returned to our the room.

Rounding the corner to the shower room, my eyes were immediately drawn to her breast. Not until that very moment did I realize I'd never seen her naked before. Her breast were large and full, swaying heavily as she soaped her neck. They were perfectly beautiful, to say the least.

In an instant, however, her breast were forgotten. There, hanging between her long gorgeous legs, was a cock any man would envy. I stood there, transfixed, staring rudely at the perfect feminine curvature of her hips and thighs... and a huge cock in between!

Now, I'm not a prude... I'm also not very worldly. I was afraid to speak, and the longer I stood there the more uncomfortable we both became.

For a moment our eyes met. That's when I turned and ran to our room, as if it was my haven from a bizzaro world I seemed to have stepped into. For some reason my mind didn't compute... my haven was her room too!

Lying across my bed, I tried to make sense of what I had witnessed. But I knew I couldn't... it was too freaky for me to contemplate.

I hadn't seen many cocks in my young life, but I was fairly certain I knew what abnormal was. I won't lie and say I wasn't intrigued by it, but I was even more frightened, and frightened that I was frightened. Who had I been living with these last two months? Was she a male in disguise? Or could she be some kind of pervert... a dangerous pervert? Or... maybe she was a... a freak! One of those... uh...

She walked in wearing a bathrobe, her face totally expressionless. Sitting on the edge of her bed, legs crossed, she stared at me. Surprisingly, my fear ebbed a bit, but her cold blue eyes still made me extremely uncomfortable.

I was confused, not knowing what she expected of me. I confronted her... after all, I was the normal one here...

"Jessica," I murmured, "what's going on?"

"What do you think is going on?" she threw back at me. "What do you think you saw in the shower?"

I was so nervous I giggled. "What do you mean, what do I think I saw... you know... you, you have a... uh... you have a thing."

"It's a cock, you stupid bitch. Haven't you ever seen a cock before?"

I was appalled by her angry aggressiveness... and my feeling were hurt... she had no reason to call me a bitch.

"Not on a girl!" I exclaimed. "For christ sakes, Jessica... I don't understand. I mean, I have a right to know. Have I been living with a... a male? I mean, this is an all female dorm... and you... you have a thing... a cock. Don't you think I would find that a little odd?"

"How could you ever question whether I'm female?" she asked. "After all, everything about me is female. Right?"

I couldn't deny that... no one could. She was more female than anyone I had ever met. But she... she had a cock!

"We're talking in circles here, Jessica. I don't know what you are. I'm sorry, but you'll have to explain it to me. I've never..."

"I'm a Hermaphrodite," she said. "I have both female and male organs. I'm a female... my body is female and my mind is a female. It just so happens I have a fully formed male penis. That's the way I was born."

"You mean you have a vagina too?" I asked quizzically.

"Yes I do," she said. "Do you want to see it?"

"No, no. I don't want to see it," I said emphatically. "I'll take your word for it."

"You're curious about my cock though, aren't you," she said with a smirk on her face. "I can tell... you're intrigued by it... admit it. That's the slut in you. Deep down, you're just a cock hungry bitch... right."

"Why are you being so nasty to me?" I said, my voice quivering. "I'm not a slut. I'm a good person... are at least I try to be... Why are you calling me names like that?"

"You want to see my cock. Here, let me show it to you."

She arose from the bed slowly, opening her bathrobe for my benefit. Oddly, the first thing I gazed at... again... were her large, perfectly formed breast. They were breathtaking... large brown aureola's and nipples like... like large pencil erasers. They were... spectacular. Why was I so drawn to them?

And then I looked down at her cock. It was so large... and it wasn't even hard. It must have been at least seven... eight...

"Why are you licking your lips Sarah? You see something you want to suck on?"

I looked up at her face, her beautiful face. "I'm not licking my lips," I said defensively. But I knew I had been. I could feel the wetness...

My eyes dropped down again. To my absolute amazement, it appeared to be growing. My god... she was... she was getting a hard-on. I was horrified, watching it expand to such super large proportions. It was, for lack of a better word, breathtaking. Soon it was hanging out from her body like a child's arm.

"You should be flattered," she said coyly. "See what effect you have on it. For the last two months, watching you cavort around the room in your panties and t-shirt, I had to hide it. And it's not easy to hide this thing, living with you."

"Uh... uh, I didn't know," I said nervously. "I... I guess I'm, you know, flattered."

"Well, don't read too much into it," she hissed. "I wasn't getting mushy over you... I just wanted to fuck you. Sometime I fantasize about sticking this thing up your virgin ass and watch you squirm on it. Your ass is virgin, isn't it?"

She was being so crude... I didn't understand it. She had never shown this side of her self before. And who has sex in their ass!

"Do you remember when your parents came to visit you Sarah? And your dad made it a point to let me know he was a minister and he didn't approve of the way young girls dressed today. He was aiming his phony disdain at me. You probably didn't notice him raping me with his eyes every time he was around me. He wanted to fuck me so bad... his religious fervor for morality betrayed him. I wonder what he would have done it I let him feel me up. Think he would have sunk low enough to suck my cock?"

"Why are you being so cruel to me," I cried. "My dad's a good person. You shouldn't talk about him like that."

"Well, how do you feel about this, girl. I got a hard-on several times around your mother. It would have been so easy to seduce her, fuck her. I know her type... the minister's wife personified. But inside, she was seething. She wanted sex so bad when she was here, she didn't care whether it was with a man or woman. I know you don't believe me but I have a sixth sense about these things."

I'd heard enough. This wasn't the Jessica I thought I knew. She was being so cruel. I headed for the door... I couldn't listen to this any more. She grabbed me by the arm, pulling my hand down to her cock. I grasped it instinctively. I could feel it throbbing. My fingers... god, my fingers hardly reached half way around it!

"Ohhh, please... don't," I moaned as it quivered to my touch.

I wanted to run, to get away from her. I didn't understand... was she trying to make me participate in some kind of weird sex?

I was inexperienced with sex and she knew it. a Month ago she had teased me when I told her I was a virgin. At first she didn't believe me. She said no one, especially someone as pretty as me, could make it thru high school without getting laid. My naivete soon convinced her I was being truthful.

I pulled my hand away. She turned, walking to her closet to dress. I stood there, not knowing whether to apologize or leave. I could tell she was intentionally ignoring me... I left.

Out in the hallway, however, I didn't know where to go. It was 5:00 am Saturday morning. The cafeteria didn't open until six.

I walked around the campus, stopping at the duck pond to sit and reflect. I had so many questions running thru my mind. Should I turn her in? But to whom, and for what? Should I remain her roommate? Would she continue treating me badly simply because I knew her secret?

I suddenly recalled her spiteful remarks about my parents. When they came to visit me, they thought Jesse was such a nice girl. My mother even told her she thought she was a perfect roommate for me. So why would she say such terrible things about them. Did she really think my dad wanted to have sex with her... and my mother was looking to have sex with anyone? I could only conclude she was lashing out at me for finding out her dark secret.

I watched as a cab drove by, wondering who would have called for one so early in the morning. I could see it, off in a distance, stopping at my dorm. I couldn't make out who came out of the building and got in. As the cab approached me again, it pulled up and stopped. Jessica hopped out.

"What... what are you doing?" I asked bewildered. "Where are you going? You're not leaving because of what happened this morning, are you?"

"I'm not leaving," she said. "We are. Come on. I arranged for tickets to visit your parents. That's where you were heading last night, wasn't it. We can still salvage the most of two days... maybe three if we skip classes Monday."

I didn't know what to think. Why was she doing this. Was this an apology for talking to me so badly earlier?

"Come on," she said with urgency. "This cab isn't free... and the plane leaves in forty five minutes. We have to hurry."

I reacted to her thoughtfulness immediately. Climbing into the cab, I could see she even had my bags for me. At that moment everything was forgiven... I thought she was the greatest friend a person could have...

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