In The CIA Bunker - Cover

In The CIA Bunker

Copyright© 2006 by just-this-guy

Chapter 1

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 - Tom wanted that promotion to a field agent. He would never be stuck with a task like giving a tour to the U.S. President's teen daughter and her five friends like he was today. Disaster struck and now he was trapped with the six girls possibly forever.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   Mult  

"So how long have you been with us Thomas?"

"Almost ten years, sir," Tom said. "Right out of college."

"Yes. Like most of us. Let's see. You're 31."

"30," Tom quickly corrected. He hoped that was okay. He felt a sweat drop slowly trickle down his back. He sat up straight in the hard-back chair and looked at the panel of three men and two women sitting behind the table.

"30," the man in the middle said looking at his papers. "Let's get down to it. Why would you make a good field agent?"

Tom breathed in deeply. He had told the panel "why" the last five years since he became eligible to be a field agent. Working in the main office here in D.C. was fine, but he didn't join the agency to be a desk jockey. They knew what he was going to say and he knew that. This was all part of the interview process. He badly wanted this promotion.

Tom began, "I am fluent in Spanish and my French is now stronger. My Russian is much better since last year. My marksmanship with the pistol and rifle is excellent. I am toward the top of the scores for hand-to-hand combat. I have started to work in decryption this last year..."

The central man held up his hand. Tom immediately stopped.

"I have your latest Psych sores," the man said.

Tom never saw those. Ever. He hoped they were good. He had hunches but no true idea of what they looked at or for in the results.

"How would you do under pressure?" the man asked.

"I am well aware of the great risk a field agent puts himself in and the possible danger to his country's reputation," Tom answered. This was a new question this year. It surprised him. "I would not compromise. I would do what it takes to get the best results for America."

"Would you?" he asked.

"Yes, sir. I would."

"Tell me about your family."

This was familiar questioning to Tom and he recited his background.

It was a month after his interview and Tom hadn't heard anything. He resigned himself to another year of disappointment. He would continue his studies and education and be an even better candidate next year.

The one change in his work life was that he was now a tour guide for the daily official visitors that came to CIA Headquarters. He shared the duty with other staff so his tour day was only Thursday. It wasn't as bad as he first thought it might be. He got to meet dignitaries from other countries and congressmen and other VIPs. The other bright side was that it was one more thing to mention in next year's interview.

Julie, his supervisor, approached him Thursday about an hour before the tour arrived at 9 AM.

"Tom," she said. "We have a special group for the tour today. I want you to take special care of them."

"Sure," he said. What could be so special about this group over any of the others? The new director of MI5, Britain's intelligence service, came here just last week.

"It's the president's daughter," said Julie, "and five of her friends."

Tom hid his feelings. Six teen girls! Not a fun time.

"How old is she?" he asked out of curiosity.

"Delaine is fourteen," Julie answered. "And so are her friends."

"Why does she want to come here?"

Julie shrugged. "She's a teen girl whose father is the most powerful man on the planet."

Tom nodded. Yep. That seemed to be the most reasonable explanation.

The girls arrived. Tom quickly and skillfully surveyed them.

Delaine, the President's daughter, had straight brown hair that went half way down her back. Physically, she was right in the middle of being a girl and being a woman. Her red dress was short. Shorter than Tom would allow his daughter to wear if he had a daughter. The girl wouldn't be able to bend at the waist without exposing herself. She apparently realized that for when she dropped the tour pamphlet, she bent down by her knees to retrieve it off the floor.

All six girls were bundles of energized giggles. Delaine's friends were Athena, Karma, Sapphire, Yuki, and Zanna.

Damn! Tom thought. Was this the club for girls whose parents should be slapped for giving their daughters such stupid names?

Yes, Yuki was just an ordinary Japanese name, but the girl was a blue-eyed blonde. She had a surfer girl look.

Tom always imagined the Greek goddess Athena as a tall and slender brunette. This brunette girl was short and slightly chunky.

Sapphire was a tall and slender girl. She had long black hair and brown eyes. She was well tanned. There was no blue color connected to her.

Karma was green-eyed with blonde hair that went down to her shoulders.

Zanna was another brunette. The length was the same as Delaine. She was built somewhat like Delaine, but in the face they looked very different from each other.

Tom escorted them through the building and answered the many "What's in there?" questions and the occasional "Why can't we... ?" questions. It did try his patience, but he stayed cheerful. One doesn't risk treating the President's daughter or her friends poorly.

He could imagine the conversation between Delaine and the President:

"What did you do today, darling?"

"We went to the CIA and the guide treated us like shit!"

"Don't say 'shit', sweetheart. So what was the guy's name?"

Yes. That would be bad.

Tom led the girls through the sealed and reinforced doors into the CIA Director's emergency bunker. Just the Director and some of the elite of the agency would go there in case of an emergency. It was well equipped to bring years of survival and to be an ongoing base of operations.

The room was lined with various equipment. The back wall had ten cots and a door to a small room with a toilet and sink. Another door was the food store room. Tom frequently had to say, "Don't touch that". It was like a bunch of raccoons were let loose in the room. They were into everything.

"Can I use the bathroom?" asked Sapphire.

"Wait until we get back upstairs," Tom said.

"I really need to go now!" she insisted.

"Let's go up now then," he said. The tour would be over and he was ready for it to end.

Sapphire ran into the bunker bathroom.

Tom looked at her in dismay. While there was no lock on the door, he dared not open it to go after her.

He could hear in his head Julie, his boss, ask the girls, "So how was the tour?"

Sapphire would reply, "It was fine except for when he peeked at me going to the bathroom."

The alarm blared loudly and lights flashed!

Tom glanced at Delaine who was near a panel. He raced over. "What did you do? What did you touch?"

"Nothing! Nothing!" she said.

"What did you press?"

"Nothing. I didn't touch anything!" she insisted.

The lights went out and some girls screamed.

Lights came back on dimly and slowly began to grow. Tom knew that was emergency power that kicked in. It wasn't anything Delaine did after all.

"What's going on?" said Sapphire when she came out of the bathroom.

"Let's go upstairs," said Tom.

"The doors are closed," said Karma.

So they were. That was odd. Tom went to the panel by the doors. He punched in the code to open them. The display said "Cannot comply during emergency state."

Emergency state? If there was an emergency wouldn't the Director be down here?

Tom went to the intercom. There was static when he turned it on.

"Hello? This is Tom with the tour group. There is a problem with the bunker doors. We can't get them open. Hello?"

He repeated it several times.

"Are we trapped?" asked Zanna.

"Just momentarily," Tom reassured. "Someone is working on the doors now."

"But no one answered," said Athena.

"Probably whatever is the problem with the doors also affects the intercom. We'll be out shortly." He realized he shouldn't underestimate the girls. He couldn't give simple lies.

"I'm hungry," said Delaine. "Can we eat something?"

"We'll be out in a second."

The President's daughter went to the food store room and came out with a box of crackers. Her friends eagerly joined her in eating them.

Tom inwardly sighed. Couldn't he control a bunch of girls? "Stay out of the food, okay?"

"What if we're going to be here a long time?" explained Delaine.

"But we're not."

"There's an emergency," she said.

"We're safe. Something just went weird with the bunker doors."

"It looks like something happened upstairs," she said.

"Everything is okay."

"Can we go home now? said Zanna.

Tom so wished that was true.

Tom looked through the equipment panels and displays for the next hour. He wasn't that familiar with everything, but he could get around. He found the transmitter that connected to the White House. No need to use that.

Satellite TV. Yes! The girls were restless. This would occupy them. He turned it on. One of the display screens immediately showed CNN. Tom's eyes bugged out when he saw the screen headline through the fuzzy display.

The reporter said, "So is it all of D.C?"

Another said, "It appears so. We have no contact."

"Where was the center of the blast?"

"We may never know. We are still trying to get a read on the radiation level."

Tom slumped into a chair.

"Survivors?" the reporter said.

Tom jumped when Delaine's voice said close to his ear, "That sucks. So I guess you don't mind if I open up something more to eat?"

Tom looked at Delaine incredulously.

The news said, "As you know, there are bunkers all over the area. It was so sudden, there is no way to know who is alive."

The President! Tom jumped up to the bunker transmitter. He flipped the switch on. "Hello? Hello?"

"A reminder," said the first news reporter. "That the Vice President is expected to speak within 30 minutes. Please stay tuned."

Tom flipped through the transmitter channels. When the display said "Vice President" he activated it. Maybe he could reach the VP's office.

"Anyone out there? Hello? This is the CIA. Hello?" Tom banged the console in frustration. Nothing. They were isolated.

"Revised calculations," said the news, "Puts the radiation at a much lower level than expected. People should be able to safely get into the area much sooner. Perhaps only seven years instead of seventy."

Seven years! Tom's head screamed. He looked at the girls. Seven years trapped with these girls!

"Let me break in," said the reporter. "We have satellite imagery."

A new voice said, "This is D.C. As we get closer you can see the rubble. This is the White House. We move down and here is Capitol Hill. Here is the Pentagon."

As the commentator moved around the map, Tom saw their location. The CIA building was just another pile of rubble and they were trapped underneath all that.

CNN went all static. Tom flipped the TV channels around, but he couldn't get anything. He finally turned it off. Maybe the radiation was too high.

"Can we go home now?" asked Yuki.

Tom didn't know what to say.

Delaine said, "Everybody's dead. We're stuck here." She took a bite of her sandwich.

"Not everybody," Tom hastily said. "There's been a disaster..."

"Someone blew up D.C.," interjected Delaine. "We're stuck here a while."

Zanna started to cry. She was soon joined by Athena, Yuki, and Karma. Sapphire wiped a few tears away.

Delaine said, "I found a deck of cards. Anyone want to play strip poker?"

Tom tried to walk the fine line of encouragement and realism with the girls. He was going to be their protector for a while. They needed him as leader and surrogate father. He spoke to each girl individually and talked about the hope of seeing relatives who lived away from the blast area.

Delaine would have none of the talk herself. Tom realized this was probably how she coped with it. She was in denial. He had to be ready for when she was ready to cry.

"I found tampons!" said Delaine. "That's a relief!"

Tom went to the restroom. He jumped when the door swung open.

Delaine said, "So what to you want to do tonight?"

"Excuse me!" he exclaimed.

"What? It's not like I've never seen a cock before. I sucked off the Prime Minister of Zimbabwe under the table during a state dinner. I was disappointed. I thought he'd be bigger. Do you want to know who is big?"

Tom didn't want to know, but there was no way to stop her. She was on a roll.

"That guy from Israel. The short guy. He works for their Defense Department. He was big, long and fat. I still think about the time when I was moving up and down on his cock." She did the motions. "I couldn't wait for next month. He was coming back in town. I think it was just for me. I hope it was. Oh, well."


"Now I forgot what I was going to ask," she said.

She left. He reclosed the door. He found it hard to pee. It took time to relax.

Tom dimmed the lights early. It would be good to just sleep and start the morning refreshed. It had been a long and very stressful day.

"There are some clothes here, but they're all too big!" complained Delaine.

"They didn't figure teen girls would be in here during an emergency."

"I just sleep naked anyway."

Tom quickly turned away when she started to pull her shirt up. He waited a while because he was afraid to turn back around.

"I'm under the blanket," Delaine said.

Tom was relieved that she was indeed under the cot blanket. A little more disconcerting was to see her pile of clothes next to it. She was definitely naked.

He waited until everyone was asleep then he got out of his shirt and pants. He slipped under his blanket in just his briefs.

Tom slept lightly. Every time one of the girls got up to go to the bathroom he woke and stayed awake until she returned. Fortunately, it only happened twice in the night.

He woke up to the feel of the front of his shorts being pulled down and a hand pulling on his dick. His eyes snapped open in the dim light and before he could respond Delaine plunged her mouth onto his dick. He groaned.

"Stop! What are you doing?" he said with a hush after he quickly regained his composure.

Delaine continued to bob up and down on his dick making it slicker. She paused long enough to say, "Sucking your cock? Haven't you had it done before?"

Tom sat up and pulled her off. "You can't do this?" he said quietly.

"What else is there to do?" she responded in a normal voice.

Tom looked around. The other girls were still asleep. He certainly didn't want them to wake up.

"You are only 14 and you are the President's daughter."

"I'm really good," Delaine said. "The Greek ambassador says I'm the best. Why else would he be over all the time?"

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