Leefstic - Cover


Copyright© 2005 by John Wales

Chapter 9

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 9 - Leefstic is a boy determined to succeed. He settles down to repair his ship on a barbaric planet. The insane natives call it 'Earth'.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Consensual   Romantic   Science Fiction   Group Sex   Harem   Slow  

At fifteen after one, Borin said, "Mr Grossi has agreed to your meeting. It is in fifteen minutes."

"Any suspicious activity at the meeting site?"

"The probes see fourteen men that are possibly searching for you or for a trap."

"We better get there then. This time I will go in with the shield active and invisible. I can put ship's coveralls under them."

I changed as the boat streaked across the continent. The diamond in its container went into the pouch around my neck but under my shield. Nobody could see me land. Bulky clothes under a shield got sheared when the shield was activated. Ship's coveralls were developed as something much better than just skin. They did look military though but not like any military on Earth.

It was raining in New York and cold. Autumn was half over and snow would come soon. There were two men on the observation platform of the Empire State Building. Both were armed. I got close enough to find that both were bodyguards with no orders to shoot or rob me. Twenty one more figures were in the glassed in enclosure. Some were tourists and four more were additional body guards. A short stocky man was Grossi. He was very angry at a great many things but he did have the money in a briefcase.

I soon found that the handle had a homing device and I knew that some of the money had been marked with an invisible dye to trace it back to me. That was if I spent it right away and in the United States. The dye was a poor choice of methods.

With a minute to spare I dropped a metre from the ship and onto the deck. The area was very small because of the high glass walls to discourage jumpers. I walked around one guard and bent under the windows of the enclosure. I deactivated the shield and removed the pouch before energising it once more.

Nobody noticed me until I had the door half open and I stepped into the small room. I smiled to the people looking at me. I was dry and it was raining outside. Three metres away was Grossi. I walked to him and extended my hand. "Hello."

"How did you get here?"

"What has that to do with me being here?"

"I asked a question."

"I gave you an answer. Either we act civilised or I leave."

The tourists were getting nervous. I turned to them and said, "I'm sorry. We have high level negotiations going on here." I moved a few steps and pushed the button to summon the elevator then I pushed for another. When they arrived I said, "You should leave now." Sixteen people quickly got on the elevators and I saw the numbers above the door decrease. I knew somebody would be up eventually to see what happened.

I opened the pouch and handed the contents in it to the man. "You want this, then we deal." It was snatched out of my hand. After opening the case the two men went over the stone very minutely. In seconds they knew that it was real but they continued to look for clarity, colour and of course the type of cut.

Their estimates of the wholesale value was considerably higher than my two and a half million dollars. They thought a stone this good was very rare and would fetch a high price. In fact a buyer was already lined up that would be probably interested. This buyer's name and address was retained as well as some other data.

Grossi was not just an underworld diamond merchant but a regular mobster. Articles were stolen and sold later. He had his hand in a few other illegal ventures. He had made his assessment of the stone and he had made his assessment of how I could protect my property. I moved casually to the interior wall and put a foot on the concrete wall.

Grossi looked at me and smiled. "This is great kid. Thanks for giving it to me."

He had just got the last word out and I pushed hard against the wall and flew across the intervening area. I struck Grossi and ripped the diamond from his pocket taking a portion of his suit with it. He had a gun and I took this out. Swinging around, I struck all four men with my hands or feet in one method or another. None were seriously damaged. I took their guns from them and aimed the last two of them at the exterior door. The two wet gangsters were coming in and saw the guns aimed at them. They slowly put their hands up.

With one of the guns I indicated that they enter. They came in slowly and found five of their number on the floor. There was very little blood and they were all breathing. I picked up one knife after putting a gun down. This weapon would be less fatal if used and much quieter I could tell that they would not go down without a fight.

"I am making a collection of guns and knives. Would you gentlemen be so kind as to give me yours. Your back up weapons would also be appreciated."

They slowly took out their first guns and one said, "We have no more." My knife hand moved quickly and knife flew the short distance to plunge into his left arm. The man put his hand to the knife in pain and I watched the other's eyes.

"Are you going to lie to me too?" A smaller gun soon came out and then two knives. "Take the two from your partner's legs and his gun from behind his waist."

This was done with great care. When this was completed I said, "Drag him to the wall and get him seated. I want you away from dangerous toys. I wouldn't want any of you boys to get hurt." The wounded man groaned as he was dragged into position and seated.

I took the guns one at a time and destroyed portions on them. Usually a hammer was bent or an old revolver had the revolving mechanism removed. The guns were thrown in the corner with the knives. With only one gun and one knife left, I opened the ripped material from Grossi's clothing and took out the diamond. Grossi's bill fold was in a pocket. He had a few thousand dollars in it but I threw it to the one conscious and uninjured man.

I was angry about the attempt and the contempt Grossi showed me and I wanted it to be remembered. I took the briefcase and ripped the handle off. The two rings had come with it and these were removed. All I had now was a piece of leather, a metal strip, and inside it the small transmitter.

With the knife I cut the back of Grossi's pants to the skin. I turned him over and pushed his legs to his chest. While looking at the only possible threat I pushed the handle into Grossi's rectum. My hands and everything else were protected by the shield so I was not concerned with filth. This must have hurt but I wanted it to hurt his pride even more.

"Push the elevator button now." The man left his buddy and scampered to do this. When one of the elevators responded I said, "Drag your friends to the elevator and throw them in when it comes. Sixty seconds later I shoot you and anybody that may be left."

The elevator was large and easily held the seven men. I threw in Grossi's wallet and said, "Tell your boss that if he had played fair I would have too." Turning to the man with the knife in his arm I said, "Keep the knife as a memento, Now go."

The man quickly moved his finger off the button holding the elevator doors open.

Another elevator was coming up and I knew that it was security. The tourists had alerted them to a possible fight.

The diamond went into the pouch and I left the platform with a now handleless briefcase. The briefcase, then the pouch went into the boat and then I did too. Thirty seven seconds later four burly uniformed men came out with guns drawn. They looked around and then went onto the platform. I was high above them and they were getting wet looking for any of the men that suddenly disappeared.

"Borin, connect me to the local telephone system and find where my call will be going to." It was just a bit after four forty five and I called a cell number.

It rang three times and an older man answered, "Hello."

"Hello Mr Mason. I have just had a talk to a very new acquaintance by the name of Giuseppe. He mentioned that you like to help out the neighbourhood children from time to time with ways of making some money."

"Would you care to see me about buying a 'trinket'?" Trinket was a code word having to do with diamonds. When they came from Grossi they were always stolen.

"Ok, come over. Do you know where I am?"

"Yes I do sir. I am close already. Three minutes maximum."


In a single minute I was in front of a very well preserved brownstone. The call had been answered from within. It was still raining and I left the boat invisible and then appeared a few houses down with the diamond in my hand.

I walked up to the door and pushed the button once and waited. I listened inside and soon a very large man opened the door and looked down at me."


"I am expected." I then just stared up at him. He backed up a step and then moved aside. I then walked in as if I owned the place. The man I wanted was in the last room on the right and I walked there ahead of the bodyguard. The owner of the house was called George Mason but was really an old Russian sleeper agent that wanted to just ignore by his old masters and live the good life in the United States if possible.

I walked up to the surprised man and put the diamond into his hand. When nothing was said he got his loop out and did the usual checks. He was getting more and more excited as the investigation continued. In five minutes he said, "How much do you want?"

"I would like to discuss this in private if you please."

The man gestured and the bodyguard left and closed the door. The man had weapons and alarm buttons but no presently active voice recorders.

"I need to explain something first." I paused a few seconds then continued. "The diamond legally belongs to me. It is part of my family collection. In the last week I have been selling some of the stones. So far I have accrued eight point seven million dollars for the smaller gems. The stone in your hand is worth six to seven million retail. There are not many large stones like this that are offered for sale. A while ago I tried to sell the stone you presently hold to Grossi. The briefcase contained all of the agreed money was brought to the meeting. A portion of the bills were covered with an invisible dye and the handle of the case contained a radio beacon."

"Grossi and an associate inspected the diamond with six additional men. He decided that I could not protect my property and seized it. I was unarmed, just as you see me now. I took the diamond back and beat Grossi and four of his armed men. Two more that were waiting outside the door came in and I disarmed them. One refused to remove all his weapons and now wears a knife in his arm. Though I had seized a gun I chose to do the minimal damage with a knife. I had no more problems with improper conduct."

"I took exception to the tracking device. I ripped it from the briefcase and stuck it up Grossi's ass. When he wakes up he will have to shit it out or go to a doctor. I left with my diamond and his money. I do not like fools and especially fools that try to cheat me."

"Do you want to test me against your bodyguard? I won't hurt him much."

"You stuck the handle up his ass?"

"Yes I did. He was unconscious but then again so were most of his men. If you wish you can wait a half hour and phone him. Ask him about the handle."

"Oh no no no. I will forgo the pleasure. How much do you want for the stone?"

"Five," I simply said. It was more than I offered the stone to Grossi but here it was being sold closer to its real value.

"Four and a half."

I smiled at the man. "Negotiations and standard business practices are all fair in my book but the fact is that I will not bargain for my stones. Each one was discounted and the price was more than fair. The stone in your hand has no equal. We both know that. I will take nothing less than five. I am sorry if that is not suitable."

The man thought for a few minutes pacing back and forth finally he said, "Done. How do you want the money?"

I said, "Cash or electronic transfer."

"Ok the number of your account?"

Borin relayed the information I needed and I gave the information verbally. In less than a minute one of my accounts was five million dollars larger.

"Thank you sir. It was a pleasure to do business with a man of character."

"Will you stay for dinner?"

"I would like to have a rain check if you don't mind. I think there is more business we can do where bartering may be used in place of money."

"What kinds of things are you looking for?"

"Would you give me paper and pen?"

The pad was presented and a pen. I ripped off the first sheet and wrote the first element I wanted. I included the types and proportion of isotopes and the total weight. The probable cost was added. Eight more sheets were filled out for different materials. Two of which were dummies. People later would not be able to duplicate what I was going to do. The last sheet contained another new email address as a contact point.

I handed all the sheets to him except the last. There were no marks on the pad to indicate what I may have wanted.

"Most of this stuff is radioactive," he said with concern.

"Experts will tell you that they have long half lives. They are not that dangerous. The quantities I want though are very large. I would have difficulty obtaining these articles without a lot of red tape. The value would be around seven million dollars. If you get me these articles I will give you the last large diamond. It weights forty seven carats and it has the same properties as the diamond you just purchased. If you get all of the elements and at least half of the weight I will give you the diamond but you will pay me at twice the price on the list for those portions missing. If you get all of what I require the diamond will be yours."

The man sat now and did a lot of thinking. He had contacts in many fields. Some of the articles I knew would be stolen and I didn't want this but I could not be that choosy. Later I would track the shipments back to their owner and anonymously send the money.

He also had a great many other commitments for his money. He did some shuffling of assets in his mind and a good profit from his new diamond would give him enough wherewithal to complete the deal.

"I will see what I can do."

"Is the deal, as stated, satisfactory?" I insisted.

"I can always use more money but yes. The deal is satisfactory but I still have to see how much this will cost me in money and favours. I have to take your word on the size and quality of the diamond. It will have to be assessed."

I handed him the last sheet and said, "Grossi will be angry. You already know this. That is why I told you the facts even though their mention hurt my bargaining position. I try to be scrupulously honest in my dealings. If he finds that you own this diamond or the larger one he will be angry. Even without any complicity on your part, he may take some sort of revenge.

"If you immediately ask for these articles, others may deduce that I want them. As a business associate I do not want to see you hurt physically or monetarily. I am just asking you to use more than your usual caution in making these purchases."

Mason said, "That is very kind of you to think of me. If you say to use extra caution then I will do just that. What is this stuff for?"

"I am sorry but that is a secret. There is no danger here to anyone. That sort of thing is abhorrent to me. I am trying to make a device that will benefit everybody on the planet." The last was true if I assisted their technology.

Mason walked me to the door and I shook his hand. He looked at his hand after and then looked at me. I had forgotten to deactivate the shield and he had not felt skin. I was not going to insult him. I smiled and said, "A protective suit. Still not perfect but better than nothing when going against thugs."

I left at a jog as if concerned about the possibility of getting wet. A few doors down I ducked into a laneway and soon disappeared into the boat.

It was now 5:30 local time and the girls would soon be getting out of school. I headed far north then west. Part way along I saw that some of the ground was white with the first fall of snow. After crossing the northern portion of the prairies I headed south through the Rocky Mountains to look at a larger area around each of the properties I sought. I took my time to assess more than just want a probe could give me. A feeling was important too.

On the way I changed clothes and put the shield on underneath. The ship's coveralls were too eye-catching to use. The garden became my drop off point as the ship rose three metres. The back door suddenly opened and Megan came running out.

"So you finally get home. We have been waiting a long time."

"You just got here yourself a few minutes ago."

"We expect you on the bed and naked when we get here. You did some naughty things and you thoughtlessly worked us and a lot of other girls up. Sandra and I talked and we found a way for you to make it up to us."

I didn't peek into their minds now. The superficial thoughts were ok but as wives or possible wives I gave them this courtesy. I had not yet worked with their minds to organize the fine details. "What do you ladies have planned?"

"You will find out eventually."

As we walked into the house I said, "I have an idea. Tommy will be using his computer when he gets home in a few minutes. There is a place I wanted to show you. It's like the valley I showed you this morning. Would you like to see it?"

"Sure." came from upstairs. Sandra was having a quick shower at the moment.

Megan said, "That will be great. Will we be back before Mom and dad get home?"

"We'll leave a note and pick up chicken on the way back for supper."


Sandra came running into the room and jumped into my arms. "That was a bad thing to do to me at school. I was tingling for the rest of the day."

I said, "That is the duty of a gentleman. Keep his ladies satisfied and still wanting more."

"Well I want more now."

"Go into the closet and get your high boots that you use when the weather is cold or wet." They looked at me but did as I asked. I ran upstairs to the bedroom and took the two blankets and threw them out the window and into the boat that caught them. Three pillows went too.

Back in the kitchen I wrote a note saying that I was looking at properties and would bring back a chicken dinner when the adults got home.

The girls were ready and I had a drink to stall for a moment until Tommy arrived. "Hi Tommy."

"Hi Leif. I got my history test back and I got 93 on it."

"That's great. One day soon we will have to work on your memory a bit so you don't forget anything unless you want to. An officer has to have that ability."


"Report in to Borin and she will give you your orders. Your sisters and I will be going out but come back when your parents get home. We will have the chicken you like. Order a large bucket for us and any side dishes you like. You can eat it over the weekend. We will be picking it up at 5:30 exactly."

"Ok," the boy said. This was an easy task and gave him a bit of responsibility.

The girls said bye and oddly kissed their brother's forehead. This was getting to be like the family I was always used to.

We went out the back door and I knew Tommy was searching for the phone number. Right against the house and away from prying eyes I said, "You are going into the boat. As soon as you are in move away so the next can get in."

The girls were excited and I got Sandra in first. She moved and said that she was clear. Megan went next and did the same thing. The transporter moved me too and I stood with the two girls. They stood in awe of where they were. In less than a year they would see this vessel for the simplicity it really was.

I commanded a very large screen to appear. This was done so the girls would know how to do it. I gave all the commands now at a slow pace so they would fully understand. The course was layed out in my mind and a graphic of it given to the computer. The speed though was kept very low so the girls could see the terrain. In seconds the girls saw the mountains below them.

Megan talked verbally, forgetting to use her mind. "There was no acceleration."

"That is one of the many things you both will learn about. Gravity can be easily manipulated even by Humans. It does lead to weapons though and this is one of the things I wanted to give to Humanity when they grow up a bit more."

The girls took seats while thinking on my words. They continued to look at the large screen but in five minutes we were in a valley I had not landed in yet. The sensors showed that there was no people around but satellites were overhead. The explicit commands continued and the ship landed under some large trees. This would keep the possibility of eyes far above from seeing us.

This time I removed the invisibility and even opened the hatch. The ramp extended to within few centimetres of the ground.

The girls walked out but had to duck their heads. They walked down the short ramp and then down a slope onto the valley floor.

I said jokingly, "That's one small step for two women, one giant leap for them too."

The girls looked around and were impressed by the locale now. Megan was startled to see the boat. "Is this your ship?"

"No, this is just a boat. I made it when I was young. It was something like a school project."

"But it is longer than a transport truck."

"They are not that hard to make with the right infrastructure. After I finished this, I felt that I had not done enough or learned enough. I began again and constructed a larger vessel. That took so long that I lost a lot of points and came in last. I did have the best craft though. This one here was just stowed inside if it was needed. It came in handy later as you know."

Sandra asked, "If this is the boat how long is your ship?"

"It was only a hundred and fifty three metres but it gained a bit when the adults helped convert it to a warcraft. You will see more of the ship later. I wanted you to see this valley."

Sandra said, "It's so warm here."

"The land to the west of us are valleys. They allow the warm air to reach this location from the ocean. There are only some rivers in the way and the surrounding mountains help funnel the warm ocean air to here and beyond. The sun light and heat are reflected to this area from the mountains."

She said, "It certainly is beautiful. Do you want our home to be here?"

"You pictured a conventional home. I have thought of another idea. Look in my mind." To the west was a vertical wall of stone that ran up forty metres. The area the east of us was between two mountains. The morning sun, though late, would eventually crest the ridge and shine on the wall of stone.

I showed a home built into the wall with large panels of glass. A shield would be there but this would look natural. The rooms would go into the solid granite. The ones in the back would be the bedrooms, kitchen, nursery and other rooms suited for work. The three levels of glass would provide natural light for a family room, a large indoor garden and the master bedroom.

It would only be a thousand square metres but more rooms could be added by just removing stone.

Both girls said, "Wow!" at the same time.

Megan said, "That house is so large. How are we going to take care of it? Especially with all the studying you want us to do."

I said, "Because it's our house and I want my family safe, we will make it like a ship. Matter transmitters, our own power supply, food production and nothing hurts the environment. The air will be filtered to whatever level you want but we can constantly reuse it. There will be no dust and mechanicals will do most of the menial tasks. You will save a lot of time but it will be spent learning."

Sandra asked, "How will we come and go from here? We can't use your boat all the time."

"There are many ways. A great many plans exist for machines that are designed for removing soil and rock. A simple tunnel 470 kilometres long can be dug under the mountains to link to Vancouver. High speed transit will get you there in a bit over four minutes at three gees and a minute earlier at five. All we have to do is have a terminus for our line and disguise it as a home or business. We can do the same thing to get to Victoria. A simpler way would be to just build more boats to get around. You just need a place to get in and out of it without being seen."

"What if we want outsiders to visit?"

"One idea could have you both could get your fixed wing and helicopter licence. The helicopter will work but it will be a boat. It will fly without the engine working. It will have to be a fast model and a trip may be only an hour one way."

The girls were not sure of their abilities and I showed them what I thought. They hugged me for thinking them so capable.

Verbally I said, "I have another idea. This will be a new experience for each of you."

"What is it?" Megan said.

"Walk back into the ship with me." I just walked and went inside. When they followed, I handed them their boots. I picked up the blankets the pillows and my new runners. When they saw the bedding they got some of the idea. We went back outside and I found a spot that would catch the afternoon sun.

The blankets and pillows were laid down and I started to remove my clothes. The girls started to work very quickly but were a bit perplexed when I put the runners on. The girls continued to undress. "Put your boots on please."

When they did they stood in all their glory. I took a hand in each of mine and I pulled them around the edge of the valley. There were bushes but there was lots of open grass that could be negotiated with the boots and not get their legs scratched.

I could feel Sandra start to get a tingly feeling in her clit as she exposed herself. The feeling passed to Megan and the girls started to walk funny. Their free hand touched their clits but this didn't seem to help. We covered less than a kilometre before Sandra said verbally, "Leif, will you stick that snake of yours into me?"

I replied verbally too, "Does walking around in the nude, showing your bare pussy to the world make you horny? Is there a stream of moisture leaking from you and running down your leg? I suppose that large sensitive clit needs some work?"

"Oh, God yes. Do me please."

"Let's cut back to the blankets. People with binoculars will see my beauties playing with their clits as they groan their frustration." I let my cock grow to its full length and then inflated it with blood. It now stuck out in front of me and moved from side to side as I stepped. The girls saw this and their agitation got worse and worse.

The girls ran the last few metres and laid on their backs. Their legs were tight to their bodies and after thinking they spread them as wide as possible to give me all the room that I could get.

I stopped just off the blanket. My penis pointing to a place over and between them. "I can only satisfy one of you this way. Megan stay where you are. Sandra, get up and turn over with your head over Megan's pelvis. I will take you first but you must please my other woman."

This was a moment of truth. The girls loved each other but also had erotic fantasies at the same time. Here was a chance to live one out and not bother the neighbours with screams of ecstasy.

The two girls looked at each other for at least ten seconds. Both looked at the image in my mind. Sandra was not sure yet because this would change their relationship forever. She did move as I asked and got into position. She started to make tentative licks at her younger sister's pussy. The fine hair contrasting with her hairless state.

They were on one blanket and I put the other down behind Sandra. I laid on my back and used my elbows and feet to push my head between Sandra's legs. Holding her hips I picked her up and used my PK to spread her legs just a bit more. The first touch of my mouth was when I voraciously sucked her tender clit into my mouth.

She was still preoccupied with a bit of guilt and doing what she was doing to her sister. The attack on her made her stop in shock and as the attack continued the shaking began. It started in her clit and ran up her spine to her head. The sensations ran back down her spine then to her legs and then to her feet. She felt like she was glowing like the sun.

Megan held her sister's head still and I held Sandra's hips as she began to convulse. Her legs straightened out and she didn't know where to put them. All the while the sensations got stronger and stronger. Before she would pass out, I relented and just kept her at that impossible plateau for a few seconds. I stopped moving and in a moment Sandra started to relax her stiff body.

Megan and I got Sandra on her back and I straightened her legs to let her be comfortable. Sandra had not made a link to her sister because of the guilt she felt but both girls had witnessed what had happened.

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