Leefstic - Cover


Copyright© 2005 by John Wales

Chapter 8

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 8 - Leefstic is a boy determined to succeed. He settles down to repair his ship on a barbaric planet. The insane natives call it 'Earth'.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Consensual   Romantic   Science Fiction   Group Sex   Harem   Slow  

After the meal we all trooped up to Tommy's room and he explained each of his project. It showed the data he had collected and the various mathematical formulas that could describe it. Tom looked at me and I just smiled. He could see the same thing in the way I talked to him before. Humans had found answers that were good enough and this led to mistakes and confusion. If they had used the more complete formulas then they would understand more of the world about them.

Borin's voice came out of the speakers. It was not as rich because of the inferior circuits she had to work with. The lesson that had been suspended began once again with a small recap.

I said, "I took the liberty of adding the same program to all of your computers. I doubt if anybody is going to be bored." This was done while I looked at Sandra. There are a wide range of lessons geared for each of you individually. Before you go though, I have something to show you. Please stay here while I get them out of my hiding place."

I went into my room and the boat dropped a parcel for me. This was opened and put on the bed. The three Japanese dresses were kept in the closet but the wooden weapons and the saki came out. I called them in after opening the door.

Looking at Tom I said, "You get two things. Here's the first one."

He looked at the large bottle of sake. He didn't know that it was the premium brand in Japan and I wasn't going to tell him.

"Thanks Leif. You didn't have to do this."

I smiled and pulled Tommy over. "Get out of those clothes recruit. Get into these."

The boy was not that shy and got down to his undershorts before getting into the clothes. It was a ceremonial dress uniform of the military branch of the Seffra people. It had all the small details including his name and rank written in our language. Many things were missing but he had not earned them yet.

It was not a woman's place to dress him so I did. The uniform fit perfectly. It was soft and yet very durable. It resisted rain and breathed to remove sweat. It was almost impossible to cut or burn and would stop a spear, arrow or even an Earth bullet. It would damage the body beneath though.

My next order was, "Stand in front of the mirror soldier."

He scampered away and stood at the mirror. He looked at his face and slowly moved his eyes down his body until he got to his shiny black boots. His eyes went slowly up again and stayed at his face. He saw the same face and this uniform for two days on the computer. The one on the computer could do the impossible he thought but now he realised that he was that person.

Tommy's family liked the uniform too and it looked like he was made for it instead of the other way around.

Tommy had not moved for a few minutes. "Soldier!"

Tommy turned abruptly and saluted with his right hand over his heart. "Sir."

I ignored the boy and said to Margaret. "I brought Japanese practice weapons. They can bruise and puncture but they are much safer than the real thing. I would like Tommy to learn. I will pay for the course and ensure that he gets the best training possible. The weapons will help. He is not going to play with any friends with them. Will you allow this?"

"Well... I don't like weapons..."

"Everybody needs to learn how to protect the family. The sooner Tommy begins the more he will learn. This is important to his growing up."

"Ok, if you say so."

I removed the weapons and put them on the bed. "Soldier, take the weapons to your room and talk to Borin about their proper use."

"Yes sir." The boy worked very quickly to gather the pieces up and then miraculously returned to get his clothes.

Margaret said, "Now that impressed me."

I turned to Tom and said, "Your next present will arrive in twenty minutes to half an hour." I gently pushed him out of the room and said, "Ladies, the closet." I closed the door behind us.

We walked downstairs to his office and I turned the computer on.

Tom said, "What about the others?"

"I was being polite. It will be an hour if it is ready then."

"What is it?"

"Wouldn't be a secret then, would it?"

The computer booted up and Tom now had to log in. He was greeted with a woman that looked an awful lot like me but around thirty years old. The same woman that greeted Tom junior. Tom found her very sexy looking and then remembered I looked that way but without the breasts and hips.

His evaluation began. Borin already knew the details but had to pretend.

An hour later Tom was exhausted and excited at the same time. The beginner's lesson was how to build a simple hypersonic aircraft. His exhaustion didn't show in the least.

A half hour later, when the girls were done, Borin gave her homework assignment and told Tom to log off when the document was printed. Tom wordlessly did as asked but would have given his arm to continue with the course.

"We are ready gentlemen," came Margaret's voice from the kitchen.

I pulled Tom up and said, "Forget the engineering for a moment."

"But... do you know what I was doing? Nobody could do that. That plane could go at 47 times the speed of sound. It wasn't even completely an air breather. It could go into space."

"So? Get the family to build their own units and we can go for a short jaunt. Want to have a picnic on the moon some day?"

The man was really shocked at the possibilities. He couldn't function too well. "We have to get moving. The ladies are waiting." I pulled him again and then he followed. I stepped back and made him lead.

Tom stopped as soon as he looked into the room. I had to push him to get him moving. My girls silently laughed because they knew what I had done but hid the fact.

When I got up to the floor I saw three demure Japanese beauties. They differed in height and a bit in weight. Their clothing was complimentary but not the same. They had silk dresses slit up to the hip but the skirt went down almost to the floor. Their blouses were heavily brocaded and done up to the neck. There was no pancake makeup but their hair was all done up in Japanese style and both combes and ivory chopsticks held the hair together. Their jackets came to three quarters of their arms and each held a small fan. Again they were similar but not the same. They stood passively as if they were meek Japanese women. Their eyes were on the floor so as to not be seen as presumptuous.

"Honourable father," I said in a thick Japanese accented English. "The concubines have arrived. I fear that one is not dressed as she should."

Tom was still slack jawed, so I said, "One of the women are trying to have her way with you. Are you going to banish her?"

Eventually I got a weak, "What?"

"The concubines have a plot against you, my father. One has done things to her body to ensnarl you into her web. I fear you will be lost. Fight her my father. She is like one of the sirens. Your mortal soul may be in danger."

Finally he got partially into the idea and asked, "Which one is it?"

I walked over to Margaret and roughly took her arm and pulled her away from the others and toward the kitchen table. "This one my father. You have need to punish her."

"What did she do?"

"Watch, my father." I ran to the clean tea towels and took a handful from a drawer. To the other two I said, "Begone. An official investigation is in order. The two left the room but stayed just around the bend.

I walked over to the table and put some of the towels down at the edge and pushed Margaret back to it. I picked up the back half of her dress and kept it elevated. I picked her up to sit on the edge of the table. The other towels were tossed on the floor.

"You can see from here father." When he came close I pushed Margaret back so she was laying on the table with the back panel of the dress beneath her. "Pick up the front of her dress. She has a mighty weapon to destroy you. I will take the others upstairs to question them."

I ran upstairs making a lot of noise. Megan and Sandra were in shock as their father picked up the silk and found bare skin and no panties. He played with the hair for a moment and Margaret spread her legs more. A finger entered her and she groaned then pulled her legs up. Tom dropped to his knees on the towels and forgot about hypersonic craft and investigated the small device he found in the crevice.

Margaret let out a deep groan and arched her back. Sandra and Megan simply stared at their parents. I pulled them but they were reluctant to leave. "Leave quietly now and I will show you how I can do that even better."

I got an immediate response and the girls hurried up the stairs. We passed Tommy's room and he was in a deep discussion with Borin. She had told him to hook up a microphone to speed communications even if it was a ploy.

In my room, I spoke aloud to them in Japanese and also communicated with my mind. "You are two of the most beautiful concubines I have ever seen. I want to take you from my father and keep you for my own. Take off your clothes so I may see which is more beautiful."

The girls seemed to get into this role playing and removed the clothes they had so lovingly put on. When they were down to their skin, I inspected each of them. Part of it was as if buying an animal. My fingers entered their mouths and then their vaginas. The finger from Megan's vagina went into Sandra's mouth and she licked off the liquid. A finger went into a very wet Sandra and Megan licked it off just as avidly.

"You are different but equal in beauty. I will have to taste to find out which is best. Lie on the edge of the bed like the harlot downstairs."

The closest was Megan and I pounced on her sensitive clit that I had so recently enhanced. She orgasmed right away. I used my finger and pointed at Sandra. "Put your mouth over hers. She makes too much sound."

Sandra understood and said, "Yes master."

I resumed my attack on Megan. She squirmed so much that Sandra had to hold onto her. Luckily there were two good places to do so. Megan went into nonstop orgasm even before my tongue went to her 'G' spot. This time I let her recover but Sandra continued to kiss and caress her sister's breasts. Megan's orgasms didn't stop because of what her sister was doing.

Looking at the two, I didn't see competition but a family that would work even harder to make the unit the strongest possible.

On the other hand we didn't have that much time. I moved Sandra onto her back quickly and immediately began to suck on her clit. Like her sister she orgasmed right away. The stronger orgasms came every two minutes like clock work until Megan recovered enough to know what was happening.

I pulled away from Sandra long enough to demand, "Keep this slut quiet. She squirms too much. Hold her. I think she was trying to get away."

"Yes Master but I do not think she was trying to get away."

I didn't hold back now and the scream heard was not muffled enough by Megan. The ones that came later were lower in volume. Looking into Sandra's mind I saw that she just about had enough and I gave her just a bit more. She was continuously thrashing on the bed and only slowed a bit when I stopped.

Megan too continued when I stopped. My clothes came off quickly and I slipped into Megan. She orgasmed after a few strokes. Both girls were mentally linked and orgasmed together. The girls were weak and I allowed my own orgasm to proceed. The girls felt me and went even higher then collapsed on top of each other.

When I recovered enough to stand straight, I looked at the girls. It occurred to me that the girls were fleeing consciousness all the time. Perhaps they were doing it so that I would have to be the one to clean up.

Ten minutes before I had heard heavy steps and looked through the probes to see Tom carrying a naked Margaret up to their bed. From the thoughts coming from their minds, they were far from done tonight.

Again I cleaned the girls and put them together in my bed. After cleaning myself I dressed and walked to Tommy's room. He saw me and said, "Are they done yet? They make a lot of noise."

"Your Mom and dad will make more noise, then take another hour before they fall asleep exhausted. Your sisters will awake in a half hour and then go to the bathroom then want me back in bed. It's fun to do this but it can tire a boy out. How's your work coming?"

"Borin said that it wasn't polite to barge in on you. She said that when I thought someone was hurt that it was ok."

"She's right. My family was not shy and the kids found the adults all the time doing stuff. We just ignored it and tried to get back to work. Speaking of work, your dad is working on a simple hypersonic plane design. He saw right away that it could reach space. Maybe that would be a good father/son project. I mentioned that if we had enough ships we could go to the moon and have a picnic one day."

"I like that idea but we can't form the crystals the way they have to be done to work."

"Well then you study more and look at a fabricator but you have to build that first. The simple ones are good but you need a lot of computing power. Our computers here are not good enough. So it all boils down to making a computer and the crystals it needs."

"That'll take years. I'll probably graduate from high school before I get to fly to the moon."

I asked to change the subject, "Do you know what those symbols are over your heart?"

"My name and rank but it is only in sounds."

"Good. Did Borin tell you about the history of that uniform?"

"She said it was the Seffra military. Only the best got to wear it. The Seffra protected their galaxy then came to ours to give good laws and protect the weak."

"That's true but can I tell you a secret."


"Most of the protecting was just hard work all the time. Mainly it was simply training. It takes twenty to thirty years to just get out of school. It's lucky that the Seffra live a lot longer. Even then half of the race goes out to investigate like what scientists do. When they find something great, they send the information to the rest of the race. Very little in life that is worthwhile is easy to do. Take me for instance. I didn't build my craft until I had been studying for almost seven years."

"That long?"

"Ya but mine could get around Einstein's limits and reach thirteen point seven lights per day."

"Wow. You had it good."

"No, I had to work like a dog. Now get back to your studying. Study up on the Gossna. Before too long you will have the opportunity to meet two of them. You will love them. Half hour and to sleep. Understood?"

"Aliens? Yes sir!"

I had told the boy that I came from space. He already was getting those ideas independently. I think I sprang it on him in a way that let him deal with it. He would not pit himself against an alien but side with that same alien. The Gossna he would soon see as a very timid race that he would not be afraid of.

I cleaned up in the kitchen and then locked the doors and turned off the lights. When I got to my room the girls were awake and waiting for me. I gave them a smile and removed my clothes then left for the bathroom. When I got back I climbed into bed between them.

After a small kiss each I said, "My loves, we have to talk for a bit."

They didn't like this as much as action but when the newness of sex rubbed off it would slow down a little.

"This is important. It has to do with us." This got their attention.

"First, I want to talk about love. You know that I am a little different. I can see love differently than either of you can." Since this was going to be difficult I opened my mind fully and restrained from getting anything other than what they sent to me.

Megan was nervous and asked, "How?"

"You both have an aura. So do I. When you sensed mine there was simply too much showing and you loved what it looked like even if you couldn't see it. I was the same way when I saw yours for they are very similar."

I continued on a different tact, "Did any of you ever think what my IQ would be if they could measure it?"

Both girl's shook their heads. "Well it would be at least 1600 but I have no way of comparing your system to ours."

This really started to worry them, especially about the word 'ours'. "What I did to each of you will have your IQ climb very high. It may get that high or higher but chances are that it won't quite reach that level.

"Another thing about me is that I don't like to lie. If I have to avoid the truth I will say something that can be taken two or more ways and hope the person will take the wrong turn. The reason I am saying this is that I don't like not telling you everything.

"Now back to love," I said nervously. "I saw your old and your stronger new auras. You can tell a lot about a person by the power, colour and texture. That's like how it feels. Both of your auras I happen to love. If you didn't love me back I would still love you. That's the way I'm made."

That got me a few kisses. Sandra said, "I was worried about what you were going to say. Just don't ever leave us."

"I won't leave but I have much more to say.

"Orientals are short and have a different colour to their skin There is a fold of skin over their eyes. Africans have black skin, curly hair and again slightly different facial features. Aboriginals are different again but all of them are still Human.

"Now my discussion comes to me. I will grow as tall as your father or a bit more. My face is similar to yours and my skin is too but I am different."

Megan asked, "How are you different?"

"I am not from Earth girls."

This was blunt but I hoped I didn't phase them too much. Megan said, "We were wondering about that It was the only thing that fit all the facts. Why did you come here?"

"Let me get to that in a minute. I came alone in a very small ship. I wanted to fit in and had to alter my body. My feet and hands are bigger than yours. My tongue is long and had a point while yours is shorter and rounded." I pulled back the sheet and touched the pelvic bone. "This is a centimetre higher. I don't have ear lobes so I made my body grow them. And finally this," I pushed the sheet further down and showed the small penis. "Half of my penis is inside my body." It started to get hard but only a little and grew to forty centimetres. The front half grew a bit in diameter and the back half grew much more. The front half grew bigger to match the back. The member deflated and now it was short and large in diameter. "This small sack under here is fake for my real testicles are inside my body."

"The rest of my body is basically the way it originally was formed. The thing that will probably bother you the most is children. We will have them if you wish. When your minds finish growing in seven or eight days you will have the powers to change your bodies. That means that you can get bigger breasts or remove a mole. It also means that you can alter your body to produce children like what I am able to provide."

I provided a mental picture of my body before it was altered. I started with the ears. The point of the tongue was changed but I still hid the fact for now that my tongue was long. The hands and feet looked odd to them because they were not used to those proportions.

A naked adult male of my species was shown and his hands were like a Human because his body grew to match the hands. "That by the way is my father Sondo."

A naked Seffra woman was displayed next. There was very little difference from her to a Human woman. She turned around and showed all of her features. "That was my mother Lomma. As you can see our females aren't shy.

"Any questions so far," I asked worriedly.

Sandra said, "Stick out your tongue. The furthest it will go."

I was afraid of this but did it slowly If they got grossed out I could quit. It didn't happen and it was at its full extension. I pulled it back in slowly and waited. I didn't want to look now. They would tell me their feelings or tell me to leave.

Sandra said, "The Seffra woman are the same as us then. It is only you males that are different?"

"Their clit is a bit bigger and more sensitive. The 'G' spot has moved a bit further back in the vagina. There is never a hymen and the cervix is much more open. It doesn't hurt when the man goes that far back. Children are a bit easier to bear."

Megan said, "That sounds like an improvement to me."

"My race had long ago agreed to change itself and this is what we had done to ourselves."

Again I waited and it started to hurt. I was not going to peek. The rejections I suffered and my inability to reach the next step of my development came out, even as I tried to hold them in. I had not only lost my family I had lost my race. My other family, my crew, came to mind and then I knew that I had failed them too. I had gone out with six and now had four.

I felt arms around me and I was pushed back. Strong arms held me and I felt better than I had in along time. The light went out and the good feeling slowly came back.


Early in the morning I realised that I was still a child and only pretending to be an adult. I was a very smart child but I did not have the things and adult needed to act as I should. Perhaps an adult would never have come to Earth and just rebuilt their ship on an asteroid. Heavy elements could be fabricated in a reactor but it would take a longer time. I had to try to go as fast as possible and screw up a few good people's lives. I knew my duty though and I would stick it out but the mistakes still hurt.

"Leif, go to sleep. We love you. You only screwed up in not bringing the rest of your crew to Earth. They could be building your base while you made some money."

Megan pulled me to her, "You sure are dumb for a guy with an IQ like yours. If this aura you talk about is important, then why didn't you remember that we already loved you for yours even if you are an alien. My mother was an alien by the way. She immigrated here from the United States. Now go to sleep."

A good husband does what the family wants. I forced my body to rest.

I woke up a second time with a woman playing with my penis. Megan was down the bed and investigating the machinery. I had been so afraid of this. I thought if she saw it being so different she would be repelled.

"Why would I be repelled? It's clean, it will fill me even after having kids and small enough to not hurt me now. It can go far enough back to tickle my tonsils."

"I was worried. I guess anybody can get worried. It was just that I had so much to lose."

"You won't lose us. We are going to stick to you like that shield you wear."

"I guess I left my mind open a lot last night. I wanted to do that so you would know how I really felt. I just didn't think you could dig that deep so soon."

She gave my penis a small kiss and climbed up the bed and gave me one too. "Wake up your other wife."

"You are not my wives yet. You have to grow into your new minds then make a rational decision."

Megan said, "I changed my mind. You are stupid. Now wake up your other wife."

I moved down the bed as Megan had done and moved over one of Sandra's legs. I looked Megan in the eye as my tongue extended all the way and licked her sister's crease. On the fourth time I plunged my tongue into her opening and Sandra sat up immediately with a small orgasm running through her. Her hands came to my head and held me in place and my tongue continued to thrash inside her. A second orgasm came and I slowed down to let her recover.

Rough hands pulled me over and Megan said, "Wake me that way too."

I did it similarly but went slow and was as delicate as possible. She was building up to a big one when Sandra kissed her and the scream was stifled.

When Megan recovered she said, "Now that is the way to wake up." She turned to her sister and said, "Leif thinks he can trifle with our affections and not marry us. He wants to have months or what he calls cycles of time so he is free. Tell him the way it is."

Sandra pulled me to her roughly and said, "You are ours until you die. You have no choice in the matter. Do you understand that?"

"I guess I do. I was just worried that you feel that you would be forced into something that you were not aware of first." I was still concerned. I was tied to them irrevocably but they still might not be tied to me the same way.

Sandra said, "I think you are dumb too. We are tied to you as tightly as you think you are to us. Now introduce that girlfriend of yours to us."

I felt dumb this time for it took me a while to find out what she wanted. "Borin, you will have to change Sandra and Megan's rating to wife with full access. As captain though they still get the security I want. Send a security unit with Tommy, Tom and Margaret. What is the status of the search?"

"Hello Sandra, Megan. Congratulations. Your status is recorded as crew members and as immediate family. The search is still inconclusive. I have been manufacturing more units but you will have to come and get them."

Borin then asked, "Are any of you wishing to take on the post of systems engineer?"

Megan asked, "Please show me what the job entails."

The girls got up and continued to talk and think as they worked. This was a good sign.

Breakfast showed two people madly in love. It was almost like we weren't around. They responded to our talk after a fashion. Tom would get embarrassed but then they went back to looking at each other.

Tommy pulled my sleeve and asked, "What is wrong with them?"

"They did a few things that reminded them of when they were first married. At that time they were probably thinking of making a Sandra." I got an elbow for that but it wasn't meant to hurt.

At school there were even more than the usual people to greet the girls. They had been mainly girls or a few boys sniffing around. The latter never bothered me because I knew where I stood with my girls. Many of the people they took classes with were here now.

"I think I miscalculated, girls. The aura that I love so much needs to be tucked in just a bit more."

Megan said, "Spoilsport."

We were still in the car so I asked, "Tom, would you wait just a minute longer please."

"Ok," he knew that I wanted to give a longer goodbye but thought that was all. His own thoughts on his wife made him sympathetic to my situation. He was also pulled toward the computer like his son. I knew that he would find an excuse to come home early. If Margaret were with him it would be a toss-up whether he went upstairs or down. After he got used to the computer. Borin would let him use the microphone. When that happened I feared that Margaret would have to encourage him more.

I helped Sandra first. My mind could detect the intensity and drop it down a notch. I just hoped that was enough. Sandra gave me a kiss that was not a chaste as it might have been.

Megan was next and she helped me a bit more after seeing it done. The kiss I got looked like she wanted to outdo her sister but that was not the case. It was more like Sandra wanted the kiss and would enjoy it if it were done even by her sister.

I got out of the car with the girls and said goodbye to Tommy and his parents. Tommy though was getting a bit jealous and it was because he wanted a bit of my time too.

The crowd was scanned and it looked like they were acting like what I thought a cult would be like. I felt good to have worked on their auras and said, "Your loyal followers are a bit unruly. The best thing to do is to talk to each if you can get them alone and whisper what you would like them to be like or say to all of them what the polite way to mob you is."

We walked around the school and stopped close to the doors they would enter as our usual modus operandi. The girls talked to their friends and I was happy to see that they gave equal time to those not as popular. Megan noticed my investigation and sent me before and after pictures of some of her classmates with some data on how they changed other than in comportment and clothing.

Those individuals I found were happier now than they were previously. They had found a place to belong even if it was for just a time.

Some of the other students though were even more unruly but held themselves in check with difficulty. One of these was an older boy that looked like he exercised a lot. He wanted Sandra very badly but would take Megan in a flash.

When the bell rang I got another chaste kiss this time and the girls went into the school. As they left we stayed in communication and I said, "Watch the images I send you. Be careful of your step. Think them through a few times today and perhaps even practice them in PE. I hope you don't need them but it is better to be prepared." Images of a male trying to overpower a girl were shown. Step by step responses were given in twenty three different scenarios. I could tell that the girls would store this data. Knowing it from the mind was not as good as knowing it from the body.

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