Leefstic - Cover


Copyright© 2005 by John Wales

Chapter 7

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 7 - Leefstic is a boy determined to succeed. He settles down to repair his ship on a barbaric planet. The insane natives call it 'Earth'.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Consensual   Romantic   Science Fiction   Group Sex   Harem   Slow  

When the couple came down the steps they had their arms around each other until they saw me. Tom stumbled in his thinking and said, "She ah needed my help."

I looked at Margaret and saw her shining eyes and satisfied state. I then said to Tom, "The task was completed adequately, I see."

Margaret was looking at Tom and her husband didn't know what to say. Margaret just broke out laughing loudly. This brought Tom junior into the room.

Margaret continued with the meal and I went to Megan's bedroom. The two girls were still together and I went on the side of Megan and looked very deeply into her mind. It looked like everything was as it should be. I started passing all the dos and don'ts to her but stopped after a short time.

Sandra was waking up and I went to her. She woke up to me in her arms again and I gave her a kiss. "Miss me?"

"You're quite egotistical but you're right. Now kiss me again."

After the kiss she turned to her sister. "She is quite beautiful isn't she?" Then she thought she had said too much. She felt ashamed now and thought that she had lost me.

I pulled her face to me and kissed her. "Your sister is beautiful as you are. You know that I can read minds. I knew when I met you that you enjoyed some love making with Ronny. It never made me dislike you then and it won't in the future."

Sandra was ashamed now and tried to look away. "Sandra, look at me."

When she did I said, "I said that there is a lot to learn. One of the things is that the family that marries, marries the rest of the adults. You will find that your love will grow for your sister because you and she will be so close. There will be no secrets in our family.

"The family I grew up in was very stable and supporting of the youth. The family was the most important. I had ten mothers though only one was my biological mother."

This shocked her but I could see some of the rules that I planted coming to her and she now had a choice to make. "Did the women do things to each other?"

"That happened all the time. The children were comfortable with it. There was no pain and a family of telepaths can soon find even discomfort. Dad lived in hog heaven. He did have to rotate his affection to all his wives and the wives usually worked among themselves to where he would go to next. Dad was not the boss. He may have a stronger vote but two wives outvoted him. Our family, if you decide to form one with me, will have similar but not necessarily the same rules."

She said, "We could order you to please us?"

"Though my back might be sore and my tongue weak, I would do what my family needs."

"Then kiss me!"

I kissed her with the greatest amount of tenderness I could and in a moment she lay back still feeling the effects. When her eyes opened I said, "Kiss the woman that may be part of our family." she didn't move. "Kiss her with the same love I just showed you."

She moved her body and then looked at her sister. She had feelings for her since she was a child. This time she moved her hands and held her younger sister's face and gave her a kiss with all the love she had in it. Megan was asleep but her hands came up and held her sister weakly.

Sandra stopped and looked at me in wonder. I said, "Yes, she loves you too. Now get up and get dressed. Our meal will soon be ready and Megan needs to get a bit more sleep. She will have to have her meal warmed up."

I knew enough to not touch Sandra or we would be late for our meal and assisted her in getting dressed by only passing her some clothing. We even folded up the blankets and hid them in case someone wondered about the reason for them being on the floor.

Margaret explained Megan's absence by saying she had felt bad and came home early from school. Tom was concerned till she added, "It is just a woman thing." This satisfied him and now he would have to be forced to go into her room.

Tom asked me after the meal, "How did your business go today?"

"I only made four. It was not a full day."

The man looked questioning at me and asked, "Four what?"


"Oh... that one."

Little Tom got some math lessons from me. The problems were coached in terms of distance and speed. I told him about what Einstein proved mathematically and then listed the criteria he had to follow to travel between the stars. I gave him a problem involving a ship that would reach 95% of light speed and a thousand metres per second squared as an acceleration to make it interesting

When Megan awoke, Sandra and her mother quietly went to her. In twenty minutes she was walking downstairs with the same strong aura as her sister. I bundled most of it up for her and showed her how to do it. Tommy had sensed it and just held a pad in his hand loosely and his mouth was open.

Sandra and Megan ate again at the table and the two sat close. I was across from them and their eyes sparkled. I remembered what I had said about the family ruled by consensus and began to worry about predatory females that would give the Seffra a run for their money. It also occurred to me that I may well have made my own version of Frankenstein.

Margaret and Tommy looked at the two sisters with the boy wondering why he felt compelled to be here. Tom came in and saw that everyone was at the table and asked Megan, "Are you alright now?"

"Yes dad; I am very alright now." He didn't know what to make of it but did sit.

He looked at his daughters and saw that they had changed but couldn't put his finger on what it was exactly. He noticed how they stared at me as if in silent communication or more probably like a pair of tigers looking at their prey. He reminded himself to warn me later about this type of look.

I slept with Megan that night but I had also placed some of the data into her mind earlier and I was able to get a good rest. Some of this was done as I was moving in and out of her very tight vagina. By the morning she had a very satisfied look on her face.


The next day was almost a replay of the last. I didn't like the way my girls were treated so I let a bit of their individual auras show. I wanted to see how their friends and acquaintances reacted to this. To make sure of their safety I had some probes stay that were controlled by Borin. They were much too young in their abilities to protect themselves adequately.

I didn't like the way I had to hide myself because of my lack of testicles and began the process of making a substitute. It was late to do this in some respects but I felt it was still needed.

Chicago was my next goal. The probes went into a suitable upscale boutique then I entered. The owner I found was very excited at seeing me. It took me only a few seconds to find that he had been told of me. Some powerful businessmen wanted to get the remainder of my gems, no matter how many there were. The powerful businessmen were members of the mob.

"Hello young man. What can I do for you?"

"I was going to sell you some gems at a reduced price from my family's collection. Now I would like you to make a considerable amount less in profit by only giving a message. Please inform Mr Grossi that he may purchase the remainder of my stock at 75% of the standard wholesale price. I will send him an email with the images and information about each of the stones. The price is not negotiable. Please add that my family has been dealing with this sort of thing before two Roman infants started to suckle a shewolf. Thank you sir."

I turned to leave and the man nervously said, "But you had some stones for me?"

"Mr Grossi will be able to sell to you. That is if he intends to make an honest deal. Otherwise you may get another chance with his successor."

Borin now sent a document to Mr Grossi listing the rate. The file though was very long with the number of graphics and the technical description for each. A note in the document said that some may be sold and that the graphics represented the complete collection. An account set up in a public server would suffice to let us know his choices if any. It definitely was not traceable to ten lights outside the system.

From the boat I connected into the local phone system and talked to the people I had already sold to. Only a few would agree to purchase more and were also able to meet the cash requirements. These I would meet but I made the time so that I could realistically get there if I flew with Human transportation.

With some time to kill I went to Detroit and this time I scanned the people inside the business. This was much more tedious but after four hours I had a list. Three businesses were willing to deal which was fine.

I now went back to the people that had already purchased my product. Only one wanted to cheat me and I just left. Things were just not going to be as easy as I had originally thought. I had only made two million and it looked like my efforts would only bring diminishing returns.

My interests were now with Sandra and Megan. They had a fun day today. They were the dual queens of the school and could do no wrong. Borin had kept track of them and actually they had done no wrong. They were real ladies that either Humans or Seffra would be proud of.

Borin had also found some real estate properties that looked interesting. Her feelings were that the government owned much of the mountainous areas and it would not sell it to an average person. The best I could do would be to purchase a few hectares of land and just dig into the mountain and use it. This did look like a better way of doing things and nobody was going to be hurt by it. With the mob now interested in me it would be even better to not have the land traceable to me at all or to the Claystone family.

Margaret had to stay at school as did Tom. That left the two girls at home with me but so was Tommy. On the ship this would be no problem but here I wanted Tommy to only be introduced to our ways when we were able to provide the means of granting some of his wishs.

I purchased a variety of food in New York before leaving and this was now put away or used to prepare the meal I wanted. The boat could provide substitutes but I still wanted to get used to Earth food first.

The girls would usually get home ten minutes before Tommy but this time they had begged a ride and now had twenty minutes. Even before coming in the front door they made their choices very clear. I turned the stove off and hurried to the top of the stairs. The girls came running up the steps trying to remove their clothes as they ran.

Sandra's bed had the blankets on it for spills and they layed down side by side with their legs up in the air and spread. They didn't want foreplay for they were already very excited. As the first one got on the bed I was at her and soon inside.

This was started small and I inflated myself after Sandra got used to me. In less than a minute she had her first orgasm. As per the orders I just moved to Megan and did the same thing. This went back and forth with me starting to use my lips so suck their breasts. They were getting satisfied but wanted lots more. Time was running out and Tommy would be here soon. Borin was watching for him.

Each of the girls now got their mind strummed with my mental fingers as I caressed their pleasure centres. Sandra collapsed first then a minute later so did Megan. I cleaned each of them up and then myself. I had not even had a chance to have my own pleasure other than what I felt by making the girls feel good.

The girls were pulled further to the centre of the bed then I covered them. Before leaving the room I opened the window. Tommy was just opening the front door and I jumped into my clothes.

"Hello Tommy. How was your day?"

"I didn't have any tests but I hit a home run at recess."

"That's great. I bet that when you have more math tests that you will get a hundred percent. You were doing so well last night. Hurry and get your homework done. I have a great web site to show you."


I had directed Borin earlier in the day to interface with Tommy's computer and to give the boy as much help as she could without overloading him. The fictitious website would be set up first for astrogating and show some of the systems she had in memory and close ups of the planets. Later I wanted other subjects added and the ethics of many of the things done in history were to be debated. If he mentioned the site to anyone then it would just be something that was on the internet.

Tommy had little to do but did it quickly. The family only had a phone hookup but the speed might be justified by having many of the features pre-installed on the hard drive.

The task was long completed by the time the computer was turned on. Borin had installed her own operating system and this is what booted up. Tommy sat in amazement at how fast it was. His computer was not new and he was used to a long wait.

I said, "Log in with your real name. The AI on this program is named Borin. Treat her like the lady she is. Do what she says and you will not be lead wrong. She is going to kick you off the machine sometimes for you to get a rest or to do an experiment. Finally Tommy, don't tell anybody about this program or Borin."

He smiled at me and said, "I won't."

I stayed with him for five minutes. He was getting into the program. The officer in uniform had Tommy's face. The ship was the one Borin now resided in when it was new. The female guide looked very familiar. I said bye when I left but he didn't hear me.

The girls were still asleep and I woke them up with a kiss. They wanted me back between their legs and I told them I was making dinner not babies now. They both giggled at that because it was a prominent part of their minds.

They got up and put clean dry panties on then dressed. Sandra was asked to do the laundry while Megan was to do some cleaning. I didn't like Margaret to do the majority of the work and still hold down a full time job. The girls didn't seem to mind, probably because I asked it but I wanted them to take more responsibilities for their lives. On ship I had very little to do because of the mechanicals and the computer did the vast majority of the menial work. I had not made one here so people has to still work at the simpler tasks.

The meal was hot and on the table as the parents came home. Borin told Tommy to go downstairs to eat. He was to come back when he had twenty minutes free to go over his work. He came running into the kitchen and was very anxious to finish his meal so he could get back.

Tom was amazed at his son but asked me over the table, "How much today?"

"Two, I am going to have to go to Japan for a day or so. Is there anything you would like me to pick up for you?"

"I never thought of that. They have good computers but they are already sold here. A bottle of saki may be nice."

I looked at Margaret and she thought for a while and said, "Nothing for me. I have everything I want now." Her hand went out to Tom's and he started to blush.

"Tommy?" I said looking at the boy.

"A sword."

"Tommy Claystone! You are not having any such thing," his mother said.

I looked at the girls and asked, "What do you want besides that?"

They said in unison, "Anything you think we should have." Then they both giggled.

"Your father should warm your bottoms."

Sandra said, "You can do it, if you think we need it."

Megan asked, "When are you going?"

"Right after dinner is a good time. There are quite a few different flights that could link up to get there fairly soon."

Both girls stopped eating and started to send panicky thoughts. I said, "We can talk. Remember we read minds and I could put something here to boost the signal we can only do this at times when I will be free. How about ten tonight and seven tomorrow morning?" I added with my voice, "I am only going for two days. It is only the Pacific not out of our solar system."

Their upset subsided a bit and they were a bit embarrassed about their emotions in front of their father. I called a cab even though Tom had said that he would drive me but I refused. The girls did get some orders though and Tommy had Borin. That left Tom senior and his wife. Tom had a problem in the newest new math. It was quite a few years since he had any of this to do.

The cab took me to the airport and moments later I was in the boat and not a plane. It was always good to hide my tracks when I could. Japan was six time zones away and a day ahead. I took my time and was there in ten minutes.

Tokyo was the largest area I thought to work on. It didn't take long to get some of the extra information so I could speak to the natives. The Japanese liked to go very slow at business deals. My prices were good and they would soon know it. Only some would be able to get the cash right away but I had the option of seeing them after work to complete the transaction.

Everywhere I went I was stared at. There were not that many individuals like me around. I did find some Japanese weapons that were used for practice. Some of the blunt ones I purchased. I did purchase some silk dresses made in the traditional way with shoes and combs to match. There were three chosen because I knew Tom would like to see them too.

Later I went back to sell the stones and the first jeweller thought to steal them. I just bypassed this man and the gangsters he was with. The others didn't try to cheat so much. From their minds I did pick up some additional names with accompanying addresses and phone numbers.

The time had come for a different kind of call and I sent out my thoughts to the two girls in Victoria. I was careful to not tell them that I was already in Japan. Aircraft were not that fast. I found that they had taken some of the duties that their mother had, which sounded very fair. Sandra's mind found the school homework a joke though it was a little demanding before. Megan always found homework easy and studied instead. Both found their reading and comprehension much improved. They liked it when I told them that the progresses would start to come much quicker.

They both missed me even though I had only just met them. My own feelings were much the same. I was going to suggest that they please each other but I would save that for when they accepted more of what the changes entailed.

The first phone call to a Japanese businessman proved to be very good. The man, Mr Iwasaki, not only had the cash but it was in American money. Borin sent him the email with the graphics of the stones with the sold ones deleted. This man I thought might be less dishonest than the rest.

The meeting was at his home outside the city proper and would have taken a considerable amount of time even if I had to use even the quick local transportation system.

I met a butler/bodyguard at the door. I scanned his mind and other than utter surprise at seeing me he didn't know of any plot to rob me. My clothing had been manufactured on the boat for this occasion. It not only looked good to me but looked vaguely reminiscent of a archaic Japanese warrior dress. The idea of marketing it occurred to me and I had to laugh at myself. My suit beneath the costume would give me much more protection than any Earth warrior ever had.

My shoes were taken off at the door but there were no slippers my size available. Bare feet though frowned on had to suffice. The probes entered the house even before I had knocked at the door. Mr Iwasaki was seated at a western style desk. He looked about sixty with thin white hair. He was thin and seemed to be healthy. The decorations on the wall were of his family's military past and this also included his own trophies and awards.

A cane was nearby but hidden from casual sight. The man got up and stood as if there was nothing wrong with him. Pain was in his legs and back but he had long practice in ignoring them. On the phone I had mentioned that my family name was Kawamata. This was just close in sounding to my own name of Karamoonta and had the benefit of sounding Japanese.

He studied my clothing much more than he stared at my features. My clothing looked vaguely like a samurai to him. He took one step from his desk planning on a western greeting. I began the traditional Japanese greeting instead. He didn't think much of me but there was a bit more respect when this was done.

When our words of greeting had been given I was asked if I wanted some refreshments. My reply was in the affirmative and the way I avoided business put me a bit higher again. A chair was handy and would make me look juvenile by my feet not reaching the floor. Mr Iwasaki would have difficulty sitting on the floor and then standing, thus losing face. I picked the chair.

"Mr Kawamata," he said, "you are very young to be doing this kind of business. It is dangerous even for a man with many guards. Not only is your property in danger but your life as well."

"Sir, I have never been robbed. My parents had the foresight to train me in many forms of combat."

"Men now use weapons that no unarmed man can stand against. It is only in the movies that a man with a sword or other hand weapons will defeat a man with a gun."

"Movie makers have not had a chance to see me. Tonight I avoided a confrontation with a thief, simply by not going into his trap. The man by now may still be waiting hoping to capture me. I believe that the spirits of my ancestors watch over me." The last was said euphemistically and relating to the technology that was developed long ago and now expressed in my probes and suit.

This shook the man a bit. He was a Shinto like most Japanese and ancestor worship was much stronger in them. His age too made a person think much more about religion than a young person.

"Forgive me, Mr Kawamata but your words are not understandable."

He certainly was being polite. I could prove something of what I stated but it might be best to see if it were worthwhile. The man did want to deal in the diamonds and had enough money to even purchase all of them. He didn't have that much cash though for all of them. He tried to deal with others honestly as long as they didn't try to cheat him first.

I closed my eyes now as if talking to my ancestors. I looked through the probe's vision and found a family sword in the next room. It would weigh quite a bit and at this distance would be difficult to move.

"Mr Iwasaki, would you have your man open the door to your right and then ask him depart for but a moment?"

He thought about this a bit. I claimed to be able to fight but I was obviously a thin child. He gave the orders to the man and he did what I wished. My Iwasaki looked at me now waiting my next move.

I said, "I will stay where I am now. May I touch your family sword?"

He could not see how my words could be mutually true but said, "You may."

I chanted some old Japanese that I had plucked from my host's mind and I struggled to lift the larger of the two swords. It came out of its cradle and wobbled a bit as it came closer. Just outside the doorway it was easier to handle and it now came into the room floating horizontally. Its path was behind Mr Iwasaki and he jumped when he caught sight of it out of the corner of his eye. It came before him and the man was afraid to even touch it.

"Please take your weapon."

The man had to hide a considerable amount of fear but his hands did take the weapon. I moved the sword a bit as if a person was releasing the instrument and Mr Iwasaki felt the subtle movements.

"I repeat my assertions Mr Iwasaki. I have never been robbed. I have help from my family."

I waited patiently looking through the minds of those in the house then those in the vicinity. There was no threat even though there were ten men ready to protect their employer. The probes did move through the house and I found more than a family collection of weapons and clothing. There was a room that had prized aquatic creatures and another room with crystals and large pieces of amber.

I had become used to slow Humans but Mr Iwasaki was even slower than usual now. He could not get over how the sword found its way into his hands. Ancestors had been mentioned and he worked to find an alternate explanation. Magnetic fields and wires were discounted as well as invisible men. Before he looked at me he did look up to find a way that wires could have held the sword.

When he did talk he said, "How did this happen?"

"You already have found your answer." I paused a bit longer myself then said, "Since I have shown you something of value, will you show me the rooms you prize the most?"

The man's face didn't change but he was happy to share the pleasure of his collections. The man stood and then gestured with his hand, "Please come."

The next room was the one the sword came from and the old man put it reverently back where it came from. I looked at everything the man had to show. I only looked for I touched nothing.

I gave words of appreciation and asked questions. The next room had the fish and other aquatic creatures. I took information about them from his mind and from the internet through Borin. I discussed some of the problems he had especially with seawater instead of fresh. One fish though was in a small aquarium by itself. It had a fungal infection on its fin and had been put there to get better or die without infecting the rest.

The next room was very interesting too. The large pieces of amber held pieces of history in them. It had not changed that much since the tree sap had enveloped them long ago.

Other parts of the room held semiprecious stones and crystals. Some looked very good though I had seen others that were even more spectacular on other planets.

A large case held an equally large crystal and I looked at it trying to find out what it was. In a second my heart beat very fast and I tried to hide me excitement.

Eventually we got to this room and I said, "Mr Iwasaki, what have you found out about this specimen?"

My family bought it from a fisherman that said he brought it up from the Sea of Japan. That was over three centuries ago. I have had experts view it but they have not been able to positively identify it. Have you seen this type of crystal before?"

I didn't want to lie, "I have seen smaller pieces of this crystal but nothing of this size. Some are in the homes of two friends of mine." I was of course referring to both Soldoy and Borin. "They are quite casual with them but theirs have a flat planes that reflect the light the way a cut diamond does."

"I have not tried to cut this stone. It was told that a small piece broke off the end," he bent down and pointed to the area. "It thought it was too fragile to be cleaved."

"I am glad you didn't. The stone is beautiful as it stands." I casually moved onto the next stone and again asked questions even though my mind was furiously working on the last. Probes were now working at making a small unobtrusive hole to gain entry to the sealed box and investigate the find better than I could do with my mind and senses. My mental abilities were trying to find out all I could about the crystal and the location it was found.

When we had finished this room I walked back to the room where I met the man. Water came hot for the tea as the servants must have been waiting for us to complete the tour.

Mr Iwasaki said, "You are certainly a well educated young man. Not many of my guests know detailed information about all of my collections."

"I can lay the blame to that at my parent's doorstep for they believed strongly in education and of course duty. Duty though is what drives some of us to learn all we can for the benefit of the family and everybody else."

"Duty I know is an implacable taskmaster," he said.

I sipped a bit of tea then said, "May I show you some of my family's collection of crystals?" I was slipping into the western approach but I didn't want to stay in Japan for months trying to complete a deal.

"Certainly Mr Kawamata."

I reached into my clothing as I deactivated the shield around me. The pouch was extracted and the shield re-energised. "May I place them upon your desk?"

"Go right ahead."

This time I had produced a material like plastic and the diamonds were nestled into their own volume. They didn't hit or strike each other and mar their surfaces. This particular tray had the smaller stones and I wished now that I had brought a selection of larger ones as well.

My diamonds had been formed with various numbers of facets. This was to indicate that the imperfect portions had been removed and the present number were the best that could be accommodated Three quarters of these stones were clear and all as perfect as they could be made.

The man examined each one by trained eye then took out a loop and began again. There were twenty one in this tray and has a small numeric beside them to cross-reference with the email. I sipped the last of my tea and the man sat enthralled with the stones. He wanted them all and even had almost enough cash handy. Long after when he was satisfied with the stones he looked up at me with a grin. He had tried to suppress it but it was too much.

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