Leefstic - Cover


Copyright© 2005 by John Wales

Chapter 27

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 27 - Leefstic is a boy determined to succeed. He settles down to repair his ship on a barbaric planet. The insane natives call it 'Earth'.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Consensual   Romantic   Science Fiction   Group Sex   Harem   Slow  

Tatiana was next then even the shy, frightened Fatima climbed onto the bed and got close to me. Her small hand came out and even touched me. She shivered a bit but continued to try to keep contact. I removed a hand from her mother's breast and pulled the twelve year old girl to my lips. I kissed her while projecting my aura into her. She shivered and collapsed. Both of her hands were between her legs as the strongest orgasm ever went through her.

Yelena saw the effect and got close too. I hugged the girl to me and cupped one of her lower cheeks. The kiss and my aura was enough to send her over too. Tatiana was only eleven but she knew that I was for her. She did the same thing and had the same result. Finally only tiny Ana-Margarida was left and she had to get her kiss too. This time her kiss was on the lips and Sandra had to put her on the bed with the others.

Catrina was now in nonstop orgasm saying everything that came to mind. Her brain was not that functional and the animal in her was even subdued. She would scream then relax before screaming again. Raisa was only nine and didn't have the same aura as the majority in this room. She did want her kiss though and I was careful and gave it to her. She too was overcome and collapsed. Megan took her into her arms and held her.

Seven year old Izabele tried the same thing and Marina held her. She started to have an orgasm just as our lips touched. I saw now that Sandra was feeding the rest of the girls what they were feeling in the hopes of getting over any rough spots in future family relations.

Sandra brought a naked Alicea to the bed and this time I kept both hands on her mother but kissed the girl tenderly. This one was given my full aura and she clung to me as I continued to thrust into her mother and kiss the woman's eldest daughter.

Alicea too had a long drawn out orgasm and Sandra was there to hold her up and even play with her nipples. Her lower opening was without pain now and her hips went back and forth as if she too were making love to me When Alicea built to a crescendo she screamed into my mouth and pulled me tightly to her. I could feel the love she had for me now and wondered where it would lead.

Sandra had to take the unconscious girl from me and sat on a comfortable chair with the naked girl in her lap.

To finish Catrina off I moved much faster and she came a small amount back to her present surroundings. With an extra amount of stimulation to the pleasure centre in her brain, she screamed like she was dying. I had my mouth over hers at the time to muffle the call. My own release followed and I pumped my seed into her and then rested on her sweating and comatose body.

I just basked in her aura and felt it complement mine in so many ways. It was slightly different than my other wives. They too were dissimilar and now it was the small inconsistencies that made it all worthwhile.

Putting my hands onto the bed I pushed myself up and out of Catrina. There was a slurping noise from the amount of fluid we had produced. Some of my future wives were all on the bed overcome with their emotions. The three chairs in the room were occupied by my wives. In their laps were the three girls that had different auras. My wives were hugging them and their fingers were slowly caressing their mons. They had all had additional orgasms from my wives and this was hoped to allow the family to see that we were all one unit.

At the doorway Eduardo and Marco stood. Though they were five and three they sported erections. After a glance I saw that they had been involved with their sisters in many ways. I slowly got off the bed and walked to the boys. They stared at my erection as it rapidly shrunk.

I put out my hands and they took them in theirs. As we walked to the couch I said, "Your sisters and mother are resting. Let's have a talk. Eduardo, I hear you want to fly a spaceship?"

The boy looked at me with adoring eyes, just the way Tommy once did. "Ya, I want to fly. The lady said that there are no aliens close."

"There are a few. Odava and Ichom have a boy by the name of Domma and two other children but they are babies. They are all Gossna. They are very nice people but they get frightened very easily. Do you want me to show them to you?"

I got two heads wildly nodding. The boys sat on the couch on each side of me and I pulled them close because we all liked the feeling. I pictured the Gossna family in my mind and projected it into the boys. I said as I did this, "This one here is Odava. He's taller than you are now but his people never get very tall. His skin and face is different but not too much. They eat vegetables mostly. They have a beautiful home close to ours. The next picture is Ichom. She looks almost the same as Odava. Domma is the one standing beside his father now. He is almost as tall as you Marco. The next two are the new babies even if one can walk."

Eduardo said, "Are you talking in my head? I can hear you good."

"Yes I am talking to you this way. It's faster and you know exactly what I mean. You'll be able to do this too one day. All space ship crews need to do this. You'll be the captain of your own little ship too. You can go to the nearby stars if you want and see for yourself what they are like. Some stars take two weeks to get there but the closest ones can be reached in less than four days."

"What about my mom?"

"You will be a big boy before you go out on your own. You will be probably ten. Marco can help but it will be a while before you can really do things. You'll have to talk to Tommy. He was like you until he got married. Now he works very hard building a big spaceship. We'll show it to both of you soon. You'll meet all of my children too."

Eduardo was not sure of my really having children so I sent both boys the images of each of them. Eduardo soon said, "That many?"

"Sure, we need lots of help to build the ship. Let me show you what it looks like now, then what it will look like and finally how big it is compared to you now."

"Ya," was his reply but he was very excited.

I showed the framework as it now looked like and then I zoomed in to Margaret as she worked on a large part of the keel. She waved at us and I waved back with my mind. As we pulled away she disappeared from view before all of the ship came into view.

The completed ship was shown as we wanted it to be. We started at an open area. I was standing there with a hand holding Marco and another holding Eduardo. The point of view shifted very far back and we too disappeared from sight.

"What do you think of that ship?"

"That's big. It is bigger than our city."

"It could hold everybody in your city if it had to but even if you spread out all the different decks your city would be bigger. Your city can't fly where you want it to though. That ship is going to leave here one day and do some exploring for us. You may get a chance to fly on her if you want. Would you like that?"

He had many answers in his mind but the only thing that made it out was a very wide smile and a vigorously nodding head. Marco was young but understood more than usual because I fed the information directly to his brain. He too liked the idea.

We talked more and I got the boys to talk about themselves. In a while Marco had to go to the bathroom and when he was done we went back to the bedroom. Not only Ana-Margarida, Tatiana, Fatima, and Yelena but Izabel, Raisa and Alicea were taking turns licking their mother's mons. The first four had a reason for my smell was there and they wanted me. The other three took a while to understand.

I kept the thought hidden but she looked like a sow feeding her little piglets. The woman was in a world of her own once more. She even pulled the girls to her mouth as she gave the same joy to them.

Sandra said, "We let the last three feel you and us very strongly. They still feel this. I think they too will have to be your wives even if they are not the same as us. They can be the first ones to join our family and perhaps we can get their auras altered to fit."

We had already done this with Consti then Tommy. It had progressed from there to Tommy's parents but nothing since. It could work I thought but it would then be a alteration of a person's very goals. This amounted to changing their personality. I was not too sure about this at the moment. We had not grown very numerous but I didn't want to begin an autocratic way of dealing with problems. In time substitutes could be found and the girls join other families.

The girls that complemented my aura came to me as filings to a magnet. I held and kissed each one and welcomed them to my family. With my mental voice I let them know exactly how they would fit in and this only made them want me more.

The other three were not as quick but I moved through my future wives and embraced the other three too. "You are already in my family. You may have a more central position in it but we have to do a lot more thinking on the matter."

Alicea pushed a sister to one side and hugged me, "I want you just as bad as the rest. I want to be one of your wives. Will you take me. Sandra says that you can take care of all of us."

"The others are predisposed to love me and me them. You, Izabe and Raisa are not exactly what we were looking for but you may fit in. In any case we will all be together for a long time."

"I... I can do things for you."

I knew she meant sexual things. She hoped that this was good enough to hold a union together. "We are now attracted sexually. We can talk about this more but I think it's best to just live together so we can all get to know each other. We have lots of time and we are not going away from each other for very long." I kissed her to seal the bargain and I could see that she had to accept this as the way it had to be for a while.

My wives were further back and took the three girls to them to better explain what was happening. They were going to ensure that none of them felt rejected. I knew that in a few minutes after the talk that they would be giving each other orgasms and the love through this would be enough for a while.

I took my future wives with the boys into the living room and discussed what was expected of them. They were staring at my penis so much that I had to pick up Marco and hold him in my lap to get them to concentrate on my words. Most were very disturbed at the delay leaving. They had been waiting to find the right person and start a family and now I was trying to hold them back.

Catrina groggily came from the back room and tried to find a place close to me to sit. I started over again by telling her about her aura but I added, "Yours is not the only one in this room that happens to fit mine. All of these girls happens to fit this rigid criteria. We have been hunting a long time and only found Marina. Now I have five more."

Catrina knew through our link that I was not going to hurt her children. She had started having sexual relations at eleven and got pregnant at thirteen. She knew that she would have to share but not necessarily with her own daughters.

I said to clarify the situation, "Catrina, you are my newest wife. In two months you will be just like my other wives in most ways. You will be much more intelligent and much more capable of doing what is needed. At that time I want to take Yelena as my next wife. She will be much older than when you started having sex. She has the same aura as you and loves me just as much."

"I see that. It is just that I am still trying to get over my feelings of protecting my daughters. What about Tatiana and Fatima?"

"Tatiana will be twelve by that time and Fatima will be thirteen. I will take them in order if they wish to join our family." The girls squealed and hugged me to them. I added, "I do not know about Alicea. She wants me too but she does not have what each of you have by nature. This will have to be discussed in more detail later. We may find a mate for her or she may do the finding."

We heard groans of pleasure form the bedrooms but it didn't bother anyone present. I said, "I think it is time we left here anyway. I don't want to have any official visitors."

Catrina asked, "Why?"

I said to her alone, "One of the kidnappers was killed. Alicea's fingerprints are on the truck but the authorities will not know who's they are. Alicea's school would surely have alerted the police which will lead them to here and then to us. I want my family safe. This safety is not in Brazil."

"Where will we go?"

"We are going home. The building will soon be enlarged to fit all of us. That is where your education will begin. I would rather keep the location secret for a few more hours."

Catrina was curious but she still trusted me. She felt the link and knew instinctively that I would not do anything that was wrong by her or her family.

I cleaned myself with a cleanser held in my hand then did the same to Catrina. She liked the tingle and I made her nipples stick up by making sure they were well cleaned. The children's faces and hands were cleaned of body fluids and I kissed each of them. Even the boys liked this. It was part of their culture and also meant that I loved them too.

My wives came out of the bedroom by the time I was done so I continued with my work. They had no objections to laying on the couch and displaying all their plumbing to the family. Catrina was getting excited and Megan flexed her large clit to attract her. I hurried now or an orgy would start all over again.

I kissed the wives and they began to dress the children. I went in the bedrooms and found the other children unconscious from the intensity of the orgasms that had passed through their bodies. They were much easier to clean this way and I gave them a small kiss too when I was finished even if they would not know it.

The wives continued their duties and went back to their lovers and dressed them. Some were beginning to awaken and wanted the cloths off, not on.

We left the apartment with the cleansers and probes hard at work cleaning it of all smells and even our fingerprints. Sandra had taken the majority of the things purchased and put the articles in a boat to lighten our load. The balcony proved to be a very good place for this.

Sandra settled up our bill in cash which pleased the manager. She gave gratuities to those that were present and filled envelopes for those that were not. The limo driver would be particularly pleased.

Taxis took us out of town until we found a much different motorhome parked at the side of a long straight section of road. We all got out and the vehicles left. Borin had again used her ability to camouflage herself. Her length was for the most part invisible while a short section was shown to be our vehicle

When we got in, the interior resembled the same motorhome we used to use. Sandra was given the honours and said, "This motorhome is much more than it seems. It is actually a ship capable of going through not only the air but the water and even space."

None of the newcomers could believe this. "Eduardo, will you come to the pilot's seat please. You have to begin your flight training."

Catrina looked from one of us to another trying to see if this was a joke. I went over to her and said, "We can fly. Let's just see what comes of this. I wouldn't let anything bad happen to any of you."

I took Catrina's hand and we followed Eduardo to the driver's seat of the motorhome. When the boy took the amazingly small seat the boy looked out the holographic window Soon we raced down the road faster and faster. The boy was so afraid that he released the wheel. Borin was trying to interpret what to do without causing damage.

Sandra put his hands back on the wheel and said, "Just think how fast you want. If we are a little higher we will not hit any trees."

The boy did as he was asked. He was actually amazed that he had done anything so complicated. Catrina held my hand in a vice like grip. She was very worried that her son was controlling our fate. Her other children were holding on to anything handy including each other but they found no inertial effects. On occasion a small scream was heard as the boy came close to one obstacle or another.

"Catrina, he is just giving information to a computer as suggestions The computer will not allow us to come to harm. Even if he wants to crash, it will simply not happen." She relaxed a little but not much. It was going to take a while before she began to trust a computer or her five year old son's spaceship handling abilities.

Eventually Eduardo went straight up to see what he could do and in less than a second he was completely out of the atmosphere. I could hear screams that suddenly died as the view now became stable. Sandra gave the boy suggestions and Borin took us to the far side of the moon and our home.

Though it was dark our sensors made out the two major domes as if they were facing the sun. Further suggestions came and Eduardo slowed to a stop beside our dome.

Borin had taken the suggestions but landed where she wanted which was not much different than where Eduardo would have us land.

I said with small devices in my hands, "These are shields that each of us wear almost all the time. Soon you will be able to control them but for the moment we will do this for you. Eduardo has landed us beside our home. We will put these devices on you then you can walk to the personnel entrances. There is absolutely no danger except from you falling in the lighter gravity."

Everybody was stunned so I called, "Eduardo, will you come here please?"

The boy moved much quicker than the others would and I put a shield unit on him then activated it. I was given confirmation that it was sealed by the computer. We had to dress all of the rest Marco was too young to understand but was also easier to prepare.

The air was evacuated from our area then the hatch was open. Sandra walked down the ramp as if it were on Earth apart from the gravity. I tugged Catrina twice and she soon came. Eduardo ran down the ramp and had to be caught by Sandra as he encountered the lesser lunar gravity.

We only had to walk fifty metres and then we walked through the barrier protecting all that was inside. When we were all inside I gave the mental command and the shields deactivated. My new family now had a chance to smell the air of our home for the first time.

Marco was crying because he didn't understand and most of the others were the same way. My wives both now and the future didn't have as much problems. They simply trusted me.

Catrina asked, "What is this place?" She was worried but not as much as another woman without her aura would be.

Megan was given the option of answering. "We built this place a few years ago. We wanted a nice home for our families and friends. Our parents live close by with their wives and children." She pointed in another direction and said, "Our brother and his wives and children live there. Over the rise and close to the lake you would find our good friends Odava, Ichom and their children. Our home is that way," the last was said with a pointing finger and a smile.

We walked slowly until the newcomers were not petrified of making some mistakes in their steps. Our hands had to be used to support a child on each side. What seemed to break the ice was when the animal life started to make themselves known. Brightly coloured birds flew in the clearings with no obvious fear of us. Some squirrels came by to beg and usually one of us had something for them but this time they were out of luck.

One came right up to Eduardo's leg but didn't find anything then went to others to see what was on the menu.

Marina started her explanation by saying, "These little beggars are fed by us by hand but they have more than enough food in the trees. If we let them they would come into the house and eat at our table."

I let Eduardo go and he took a step by himself to get closer to the familiar creature. This one chatted at him. I said, "He says that he is hungry and you should have brought him some food. Lots of what we give these guys simply gets buried and has to rot. They just like to horde food. They fight with the monkeys sometimes over what each will eat. The monkeys take the food and throw it at the squirrels hoping to drive them off."

Marco wanted down now and he wondered down the path trying to catch one of the rodents. They usually would stay but one or another of us would chase the creatures off a few metres so they would not get hurt. A colourful bird distracted him and he then went after that. The rest of us followed as we watched the little boy lead the way.

When we got to a rise Sandra pointed out our home. We all stood and admired the view. This was the reason we went this way. When it was time to go Marco lead again but Eduardo soon ran past him and then the two boys got in a race.

We started giving lectures of what we passed but it was geared to the younger ones. Questions were asked and we actually got some replies. We stopped at some fruit trees protected from the wildlife and sampled some of what our home had to offer. After a short rest, we took an alternate path to lead us by the lake. When we got to the shore I found three flat stones of a type that had been in Tommy's memory once. I took one and threw it far out into the lake. I only used what abilities a strong boy would have. It made a splash quite a distance from where we stood.

I handed a stone to Eduardo and he threw it further than he had ever thrown a stone before. Soon I had all the children throwing rocks and laughing or exclaiming how good they were.

Alicea was handed a stone too. She smiled and threw it far but with very little coordination. I gave her a small kiss and handed the other stone to her mother. Catrina looked at the stone. She had not thrown one in twenty years but smiled very much like her daughter and threw it. She did even more poorly and her breasts moved violently as to show she did not know how to really throw.

Catrina saw me look and figured exactly what I was looking at and smiled even wider. The rest of the trip to the house was more relaxing. Catrina held my arm more possessively while the two boys ran ahead looking for new discoveries. Once we got close to the house we slowed down so they could look at the construction. My wives had wanted something they could relate to so it resembled what humans could build or had built. It was a homogeneously blend of styles but still looked very pleasing to the eye.

Marina warned the boys who wanted to be first, "You are going to start getting heavier soon. Go slow and stop often." Eduardo almost stumbled and then so did Marco. This was enough of a warning for the girls to watch their step even more. Human boys didn't seem to listen as much as the girls.

It took a few more moments until everybody regained the surety of their step. The family now looked around in wonder. Some furnishings and art they were familiar with but others were very odd. I had seen a great deal of art with my own eyes but also in the records of my race. After being elevated the next step, we had evolved art even further to complement us. Not everybody could see the nuances as we could but that was understandable.

A far wall and a portion of the floor was devoted to aquatic life. The boys naturally ran over first and frightened the fish with their steps. The wall was three metres high and the fish could swim in an area four by three metres in the floor. Normal tanks could not be built this way but it was easy with our technology. The entire room had a profusion of plants and even some insects that made them their homes. Butterflies went from one plant to another and it was known that they liked to land on brightly coloured clothing.

Sandra and Megan had gone to Ontario and visited a butterfly conservatory in Niagara Falls. The sight had left a lasting impression and now we did the same thing here. Ours had a small protective field that tended to keep the delicate creatures in only one area of the house. Our own children loved this area too.

At the moment the children were at their grandparents. Their future nannies though were still sleeping upstairs. They had been exhausted but now they were kept sedated. It would not be good to have them awaken in an empty home.

We went through the main floor and even the lower level. This took a long time to explain most of the odd things they found. One was a tube that was three metres in diameter that came from the nearby lake. It formed part of the lower wall and fed water and nutrients to the tank above. The fish were free to come and go as they wished but they usually stayed because of the extra feeding we provided. The tube though was dark with places for fry to hide and this brought some of the larger fish. One happened to be spooked with our walking but Megan told about this old girl that had come from the Amazon.

When we went to the main floor we stopped for a snack. A good proportion of our food was not processed. Portions of many kinds of raw fruit and vegetables were handed out. A synthetic milk that was in no way different from real milk went to the children.

When we were done we started to clean the children. Catrina was shown how to use a cleanser manually and she took on the worst cases. These happened to be the boys. Alicea was not averse to having me clean her especially if she got a kiss after. Ana-Margarida was at my hip when I finished so she could get cleaned too. Shy Fatima was at the other side to get cleaned too.

We sat down in the living room and we talked about the house and grounds for a half hour. Everyone listened raptly as the construction of the dome and floor were described. Our trips to Earth to pick up soil with life already within it and then plants were mentioned. Names for all of our extended family were used often so that the newcomers would not find them strange when we met.

I said, "You have not met our neighbours or our children. Tom and his family are watching not only their own children but ours too. This chore may be alleviated soon." I turned to Alicea who I ensured sat beside me. I said, "When we found you last night there were four other girls that lived through the same hell as you did."

Alicea started to tense up and I move her into my lap. "Do not be frightened. That is all behind you now. I just had a reason for mentioning these girls."

Everybody was looking at me now waiting for the explanation. "Young girls were recruited by a gang. They were told they would get jobs as servants or to watch young children. They were supposed to be nannies. Some were still children themselves and others were as old as sixteen. The job they would really get would be a life of prostitution."

I let that fact sink in for a moment. "Some girls that Alicea met had been hurt as she was but more were working on a farm waiting the same fate. They were being held by armed men. We played a trick on the men and rescued the girls.

"We've decided to offer the girls the same job as the woman that recruited them. We have lots of children and need some people to watch out for the young ones. If they decide to stay they will be part of our family too. They may play some of our games or not. It is up to them. One day we will look hard to find suitable husbands for them when they are ready. We just have to ensure that they do not tell the secret that all of you now know. Many would not believe one girl if she said she was working on the moon but some people might.

"Ten of the girls are sleeping upstairs. They had a hard time of it on the farm and four had it even harder sharing a fate like Alicea's. I would like to awaken them soon and then offer them the job I mentioned. I'm just mentioning this now so that all of you are aware of what is happening."

Young Izabel asked, "Are they going to be your wives too?"

I turned to the child. She transparently wanted to find out how much competition she had for she wanted me for her husband too. "They could possibly be at some time but that is not what they are here for. All of them are hurt in the mind and need to be cured. Some are hurt much worse than others. They need your understanding and your love. They do not want to be hurt again and maybe afraid of risking their lives like they did in following the woman that hired them."

Yelena asked, "Are they going to be our servants?" She smiled at this for she wanted to see what it was like to be the boss.

"They won't be servants at all. They will have jobs that will be difficult to do but you will all get much more difficult jobs." This seemed to frighten her and I said, "You have to study hard. You will not go to the school on Earth again but that only means that you are going into a tougher school here."

"Let's listen to Sandra now talk of our mission."

Sandra now took over. With a smile she got up. The large wall behind her turned black as she commanded it to. "When our pilot, Eduardo, flew us to the moon," everybody looked at the boy who suddenly smiled, "you saw another dome. This dome is our manufacturing centre. The wall behind me will act like a giant television and we will see what is inside that dome."

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