Leefstic - Cover


Copyright© 2005 by John Wales

Chapter 11

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 11 - Leefstic is a boy determined to succeed. He settles down to repair his ship on a barbaric planet. The insane natives call it 'Earth'.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Consensual   Romantic   Science Fiction   Group Sex   Harem   Slow  

When we got into his study he closed the door and I sat on a chair but not facing the computer. Tom sat too facing me. "Leif, I like you but I have to know what you are planning with my daughters?"

"There are still a great many things you do not know about me. You will learn those in the next few weeks. Some things take time to settle in before something new is added."

This he readily understood even if he didn't like it. I said, "The family I grew up in was very strong and cohesive. Dad was a very virile man. He was not king of the roost for the family was guided by consensus. There were more than two votes though. He had ten wives much like some Mormon and other families living in communes." I paused to give him a chance to grasp this idea. This took five minutes for Tom to see many of the repercussions.

"So you are telling me that you want both my daughters?"

"I am young but you have to admit that I am very mature for my age. Not only do I 'want' your daughters, I want them as my wives. When the time is right we will have children. Already we have been looking at home designs."

"What about their schooling and their careers?"

"Before you know it they will have a better education than anybody that you have ever heard of. Their careers will cover a very broad spectrum and each will get to specialise in something they like."

I now smiled at him and said, "They will have to learn how to make those reaction motors. Power supplies have to be built. Ceramic material has to be processed in many ways. Computers the like of nothing you can imagine have to be made. Thousands of devices have to be fabricated and installed. After all that is done the planet has to be cleaned. There are too many toxic substances that are poisoning all of us.

"So you see that we have a fair sized task ahead of us and I want the rest of your family to assist us. This will mean that you learn everything your daughters will learn. Before too long this may include diapers once again."

Tom remained quiet but his mind worked hard on the problem.

"Will the three of you come down here and tell Tom what you think?"

We heard the tread of feet and the door opened slowly. "Daddy?" The girls came in and their mother behind them. Sandra talked first and said how she felt about me. Megan did the same thing but in different words. Both mentioned how the two of them were stronger, especially with me.

Margaret added her own feelings. Her daughters were feeding her the data from in the study and she knew what her husband was going through. Even now she was fed his thoughts so she could counter them.

Some of his concerns were my age and the fickleness of youth. The way the marriage would appear to what others was discussed. He had not yet grasped how the family could weather public opinion. He had no problem with how I would support the family.

Tom had been on the computer most of the time he was home this weekend. Borin had been feeding him very subtle hints to how a family like mine would work. It was not brainwashing but actually just getting him used to the idea of what we could be capable of. In half an hour he had come around but things had not settled yet. He just needed time to digest the facts and to talk a bit more to clarify more points. This clarification had to wait for he didn't know that I was not Human.

Sandra saw this battle as over and decided to talk to her parents on a very personal level. She explained how she had lost her virginity and when. She was not too graphic because Tom was embarrassed but she said how I was the best even with her small sampling.

Megan made sure that her father knew that she was older than I was. She went on to say that she gave her virginity to me and made her the happiest woman there was with the possible exception of her sister. Tom was a bit angry at this but already knew this in the back of his mind

Megan hit below the belt when she said that though the location was still secret that we had actually gone our honeymoon. They had bought a new trousseau along with gifts.

Tom now seemed to be more comfortable with this after the first shock. It was not that I might marry the girls but now I had married them. We were now just carrying on with our lives. This settled in better when some of the linen was discussed. Men seemed to tune out the women when this sort of thing is mentioned and I was comfortable with Tom doing this for it was an indication that he was going to have less problems with our odd union.

We did go upstairs and had some juice to drink and the girls accessed Borin and started to talk about technical details of some of the simpler aspects of some devices. This reinforced my assertion that the girls would get an adequate education.

Sandra said before the meeting broke up, "Dad, I briefly talked to mom before about a sleepover for some of Megan's and some of my friends. Nothing was finalised but I would like to have it tomorrow night. The two of you were going to that meeting in Vancouver. Since the two of you will have the day off. Why don't you stay in a hotel? We can find our own way to school in the morning and we will take care of Tommy."

So this was the plan they had for me. It is nice to find surprises and that is one of the many reasons to avoid finding out everything there is to know about a person.

Margaret said, "Are you sure everybody will make it to school. Girls have a habit of not getting to sleep until late and being unable and unwilling to go to school the next day."

"All of us will make it to school and be on time."

Margaret said, "Well it sounds all right with me. You will have to see what your father thinks." Then in a ironic twist she said, "And what your husband thinks."

Tom and I looked at each other and he said, "It is ok with me."

He looked at me and I had to say something. "I regret it already but I have no real objections."

Each of us got a kiss and this one was different. Tom got up and went to his study to continue his education. When he was safely out of earshot Megan said, "Mom, we have to tell you what that man of ours did on Friday."


They took turns telling their mother about the discussion in the cafeteria. They went into great detail about my frank talk about a man pleasing a lady. Megan talked about Wendy squirming around in her seat and how her hand started to frig herself. Margaret looked at me most of the time picturing me saying what her daughters were telling her.

Sandra got an evil idea and passed it to her sister. Their talk went into even more detail mentioning now not only what I said about the state of this hypothetical woman but of how the girls felt that were sitting around the table. The girls grinned inside as their own mother moved about uncomfortably. They had a perfect memory and repeated everything as I had said it.

When their mother had a shiver go through her body she finally caught on to her daughters' plan. Sandra quickly wrapped that part up then talked of what had happened to the girls' clothes. The mother now was quite aware of her own damp panties.

Though they had not seen it they knew of my distraction. This they described because countless people had come up the them to tell them what they witnessed.

When their mother was set up, they told her how brazenly I walked into the women's washroom and helped all of the girls become presentable. Sandra pretended to be indignant when she was fondled in front of her friends. Megan talked of how sorry I was to such an extent that one of her friends orgasmed in my arms.

Margaret put two and two together and asked, "Is that the reason the girls are coming over, to talk about... your husband?"

"Part of it is but some is for Leif to have a different talk. They understand so little about their own minds and that of those weird creatures we call men."

Margaret could not see but I certainly did. It was planned to be a lot more than a simple talk.

Tommy had gone to his room after first greeting us. Education was now a compulsion with him. We said goodnight and he reluctantly closed down his computer for the night. He had not heard that his sisters and I considered ourselves husband and wives. He was young and saw it close to having a girlfriend in a way.

The girls now openly moved into my room but still avoided being too blatant about it. I was not surprised by Margaret dragging Tom from his seat in his study and getting him between her legs. After one orgasm each, he was much more interested in going to bed himself.

Margaret was even happier when I silently told her I would take the girls and Tommy to school in the morning. They could sleep in another hour.

The girls were worked up too and didn't want any more slow sex. I did try to be quiet though. Margaret sent us the thoughts that we were heard by both of them but Tom was not too concerned because he was presently quite content himself.


The next morning I awoke and began to work more on my plans. The girls were on each side of me and I really had no inclination to move. Borin kept me informed on the search for the ship, the properties I wanted and a myriad of other details that were necessary to complete the tasks I assigned to myself.

When I had to get up I did so with my PK. I was pleasantly surprised that I was much stronger now. Pulling and pushing the child then the mental breakthrough seemed to have dramatically improved this ability.

I made breakfast for the girls and Tommy. The coffee was prepared and only had to be turned on. On an impulse I got in the boat and flew to Beijing and found the business selling those buns the girl's liked. I got a dozen of different varieties and was home in six minutes.

The girls came downstairs. They used the cleanser now which took a fraction of the time and did a much more thorough job. The fact that it tingled their clits they claimed had no part in the decision to use it.

I was given a very big kiss by each when they saw the buns. They had looked through my mind and knew exactly where they came from. Tommy was coming downstairs and Megan started talking verbally but in Chinese. The poor boy came into the room to find us speaking an unintelligible language.

"Hey, what are you guys talking about?"

Megan brought him over to sit by her and she pointed out the buns and what each contained. He started eating one. It was ok but nothing great to him. When he found out that the buns were a Chinese food he asked, "Can we have Chinese food tonight?"

Both girls burst out in laughter and Tommy didn't understand. Before he got upset I said, "It was an inside joke. Your sister and I have been eating a lot of Chinese food recently. They just found it comical that you would want the same thing all of a sudden."

I continued, "I have to warn you Ensign Claystone," slipping into my other persona, "There will be some alien creatures coming over tonight." He was now very interested. "They are some of your sisters' classmates. They are going to have a sleepover and go to school in the morning. If they come over right after school or just about, I can order a meal to feed the entire Chinese army.

"These alien creatures will tease you unmercifully. Take it like a soldier and they will eventually see that you are someone to be reckoned with. You will be tested later in your life and it is actually a good way to learn how to deal with it now."

Going to a different aspect of speech I said, "How is your lessons in the Gossna language doing?" I said this in the same language I was talking about and it was hard for a Human to vocalise some of the sounds.

Tommy brightened and answered in the same language, "I only know a few words." His mouth contorted a bit and continued, "it's hard to speak."

"Keep at it. As I said before, you will get a chance to learn more from a native."

His eyes got big at the reminder and there was no possibility in his mind that I would be mistaken or wrong.

Sandra saw what was happening and said, "Now what were you two talking about. Some of those words are impossible to say."

I said with a superior air, "It is a foreign language that very few people are able to grasp. You have to be dedicated to learning and have a very structured mind."

"That sounded harder than Chinese," Megan said.

I simply said, "Considerably," and let it go at that. Tommy was just a bit smug and didn't see that we were patronising him.

A taxi was called. Tom and Margaret were still asleep after a hectic night. When the vehicle came we all got in and went to the high school. This time I stayed in and continued on to Tommy's school. Tommy seemed to be proud to get me to himself for a while. It would be bad to leave him now, so I paid the fare and walked onto the grounds with him. He introduced me to some of his friends and I met the three others I had met previously at the park.

It was twenty minutes until the bell would ring and I was asked to hit the ball to them. One section seemed to be safe for this and I hit the ball high into the air. The other boys too soon joined. Each was very proud to have caught a ball that had been hit so hard.

This was not the game of 21, it was just catching practice for the boys. It got more efficient as more boys gave me balls and I at one time had all five balls in the air at once. When the bell rang they quickly gathered their property and they looked sorry to leave. Then again if I had been busy digging a ditch by hand they would be hesitant to leave for school.

Tommy stopped at the door to see me still in the field. I waved to him and he waved back before entering.

Now that I was free, I headed north to another of the properties that had agreed to our terms. This property was in a remote area and comprised 480 hectares. There was a shack on it that had collapsed twenty years ago. It did have a small deep private lake. A large stream fed it from a much higher lake and the lake drained into another lake further down the mountain.

There was a good way to make a hidden entrance that would be difficult for Humans to find with their current technology. An underwater entrance would allow not only the boat but perhaps Borin too to enter and leave.

This area is where I wanted to make the special fabricator that could make almost everything including engines. It was very complicated and needed a good computer to regulate it. Besides engines, crystal and components it could make everything a standard fabricator could.

Under a canopy of trees I worked on the disintegrator I had recently used. Mining machines used disintegrators too but in a different configuration. The large barrel was removed and the fabricator began to make nine smaller units. This took two and a half hours to modify. These were placed on the hull and energy conduits ran to them from the original power supply. This configuration took an additional hour to manufacture.

At their lunch hour I talked to the girls and I told them what I was doing. After ten minutes they left me to my work and said that the girls had been able to come for supper. Megan would order the food trying to stay Chinese but not be too different to what the girls thought of as 'Chinese food'.

The controls to the power supply had to be extensively altered for much less power and a great deal more control for direction. An overhang of granite provided a good entry point for our base. The boat was sealed and moved into the area I wanted. Its axis rotated and pointed straight up. Artificial gravity made this not even noticeable except to the sensors. A small burst of power blasted a vertical hole sixteen metres into the rock. The boat had moved to one side and did this procedure once again. Soon I had a cavity wide enough to accommodate the boat in a horizontal position.

The boat backed out and then went in horizontally until it rose up into the new cavity. At a slight upward gradient the boat went ahead at a crawl. A two kilometre long tunnel had been built. It had a diameter of four and a half metres and had taken forty three seconds to complete.

Sensors and probes were released and they surveyed the condition of the rock ahead of us. It looked favourable. When the probes returned, the boat went forward after a right angle turn. I plotted a course that would remove a volume of rock a hundred metres in diameter and half of that to a domed ceiling. This took ten minutes to complete.

Other devices played on the walls and then the floor to strengthen and smooth their surfaces. This though took an hour. When the precision fabricator was working one of its first jobs would be to produce a large enough shield to protect this base from anything that Humans could throw at it.

On the way out, I left a small shield to protect the interior temporarily. Nothing could have got into this area except bats but I didn't even want them in.

I stopped and picked up fourteen large bags of food. The cashier was very surprised when I spoke better Chinese than she did. She must have known why the order had been so specific for some dishes were to be made the traditional way. Before I left she called her family out and they spoke to me too. They came from another coastal city east of Guangzhou. With a ship you would sail between Macau and Hong Kong. Once on the open water it was only 350 kilometres to the city of Shantou. Almost a hop skip and a jump from where the city they knew my accent was from.

I talked of the market and the streets around it. The parents were very pleased for they had been to the city three times and had remembered this area. I barely made it home ahead of the girls. They came in two cars and there were five girls with them.

Megan came through the door first and came to me and gave me a kiss. This was a production and she did it with a lot of feeling. She backed up breathing hard and sported some very hard nipples. Sandra came next and she aroused me even more. Ronny the outgoing one came in and tried to do just as good but she was not the same. I did kiss her and gave her more tongue than I had the only other time I kissed her in the girls' washroom.

I knew from her mind that she had been put up to this by my wives and I gave it to her as good as I could then. She had a small orgasm and sagged against me as if she never wanted to go. I picked her up and placed her on the couch to recover.

It was soon apparent that I had to kiss the rest too. These girls I went slower and even had a bit of foreplay before the kiss. By tickling their pleasure centres each had an orgasm. The last was unabashedly rubbing her jeans waiting for her turn. This one took very little effort and almost no mental tricks.

When the last was put into a safe position I said, "Well you two, what did you have planned for these girls? None of them is inexperienced or in need of details on how to pick a man."

Sandra said, "Three of these girls didn't believe what happened at our table and came to check you for themselves. You seemed to have made a favourable impression and proved to them that we were telling the truth."

I said, "They want a lot more from me than a kiss. Ronny is barely able to keep herself on the couch. She would rub her clit but is a bit afraid of being caught doing so."

Megan said, "Most of the next group are the ones that need your guidance."

I caught a bit of a thought but not all. "How many is in this next group?"

"Only sixteen."

"What am I to do with sixteen girls? I can see something beyond stories, a frank talk and a kiss or two."

Sandra admitted, "Some want to jump your bones. They have never had a good relationship with anyone or even a good sexual encounter. Two have never had a boy or girl. One had a hairbrush but that doesn't count. After learning to read minds I see that women are turned on by other women very easily. Not that I mean all of them are lesbian but with a few steps a woman can seduce nearly any other woman.

"We were thinking if you showed them the right way they will swear off other women and go after guys. There is where you come in again. You have to teach them to teach their boyfriends."

"Girls," I said, "as soon as one girl starts having sex the dam will burst and all of them will be wanting their share."

Tommy came home and looked at the girls sprawled on the furniture. They looked like hungry cats stalking a bird. "Hi guys." Tommy was a bit afraid of the look even though the girls only looked at him once. He wanted to get upstairs to his room as soon as possible and lock the door behind him.

Megan was polite and introduced her younger brother. The girls were never interested in a boy of his age but were polite in turn. They saw that Megan had me in her house and thus controlled access to me. I felt like one of the carcasses hanging in the Chinese markets.

Tommy made his escape when the door bell rang. Sandra opened it to the first of sixteen girls. They had overnight cases in their hands and great expectations in their minds. I looked at each of the girls. Some were pretty and some weren't. Some had good looking aura if I took the effort to see them. Others didn't have ones I felt were as attractive. It was usually the less pretty ones had the better auras. All this was subjective for an aura was a personal thing.

Megan and Sandra got the first group up and got them to close all the drapes, pull the blinds and start what was needed for the sleep over. I was told to greet the company. This I did the same as the first group. Because these were mostly young and inexperienced I worked very slowly so as to not frighten them.

From the background I heard, "Kiss them Leif. They are dying and need some relief."

"Are you objecting to my style already. Last I heard you liked it better this way."

"I want a turn again too and so does that slut of a sister of mine."

As with the last time I had to find places for them to recover. The air was now very thick with pheromones.

Sandra came downstairs followed by the first group. They were now dressed in pajamas or something that looked very sheer and they had panties on underneath. Sandra said, "Ok girls. Go upstairs to the bedroom with the pink bedspread. Stake out a small area on the floor and change. If you want to be like children, you can use the bathroom to change. Get back here in three minutes. The food is getting cold and I am getting hot."

Two girls got up then the other ones followed. One tripped and fall looking at me instead of her path.

Sandra came over now for a kiss of her own and I stopped her. "If you do this then the rest here have to have a kiss too. Then the ladies upstairs need to have theirs. The food will be cold."

"Ok, but they better eat fast."

The table was used only for the food and even a side table had to be used. A phone call interrupted this so I picked it up and said, "Hello Tom. Everything is all right. The house had not suffered any damage and the ladies have acted as such. How are you and Margaret doing?"

"How did you know it was me? We don't have call display."

"I put myself in your shoes. I would phone now and then phone again at ten or ten thirty to make sure."

"I was going to call at eleven."

"See, I was wrong. Would you like to talk to one or both of the conspirators?"

"No that's ok. Give them our love."

"I will tell them but they already know that."

A large stack of plastic trays appeared from the basement storage area. They were wiped quickly and given to the shy girls coming downstairs. It made them feel like they were at the cafeteria at school.

One young girl had cotton pajamas and Megan hurried to her and hustled her back upstairs. I helped the girls to dispense the food telling them about what the ingredients of each dish were. Megan came downstairs with the same girl now dressed like the others. Megan took her to the trays and got her started by putting the girls favourite dish on her plate.

Tommy was called and he came running down until he saw all the near naked flesh. Sandra helped him fill his plate and we could all see Tommy get excited. None of the girls stared and none dared laugh for they knew how protective the sisters were of their only brother.

The girls were mostly sitting on the floor with some of the older ones having their legs spread. Tommy was starting to get flustered and I said aloud, "Soldier! Remember what I said?"

"Yes sir."

He relaxed quite a bit and got control of himself. The natural signalling device used to indicate his mood dropped a few percent.

I gave Tommy a place beside me so he would feel safe but also be able to see the ladies. The trouble was that they were all staring my way. Tommy ate his meal quickly and then got a bit more to show he was not running but after he finished he did leave. He forced his feet to a measured tread but it was hard to do.

Sandra and Megan tried to get the girls to eat more. They too explained what the food was but had to lapse into Chinese for the names of the vegetables. They pointed to the Chinese characters that were on the covers to indicate the contents.

When more or less everybody had ate, the food was sealed up and put away. The kitchen cleaned and even the plates for later. Girls seemed to get a second wind around ten thirty I found out. The girls now went and washed their hands and faces. They didn't want food or grease where it shouldn't be.

When everybody returned to the now clean living room they found some seats but most had to sit on the floor. Megan began the show by saying, "Leif, tell us what a boy sees in girls like us. Be blunt to save time. It is something that we have to know."

"Well I have to ask something first. Is it a boy, say up to the age of twenty one or so, or is it a man that can be any age? Secondly, are you dressed as you are now or in your school clothes?"

"A boy. Like the people we go to school with. We would be dressed as we are with only him present. He is a boyfriend that we have let go all the way once before."

I started, "Your dress tells me that the signals you are sending him are that he is going to get lucky again. Because you are still clothed, means that you want a bit or romance and a bit of attention before you try anything right away."

"What if we had not gone all the way before?"

"The same thing but now the girl has to take more of the lead. A male is governed by instinct. Some males have such a high level of hormones in their system that lust overpowers them. They have no control of themselves any more. If this is the type of male then the girl is either going to have sex or she will have to do something very drastic to avoid it. Screaming is the best but you have to be prepared to strike hard and quickly to protect yourself. I would say that most men or boys are not that overcome with lust and can be talked to first. You explain what you want and when the man can see where his efforts will be going to. Most men will then act civilised."

"How can we tell the difference?"

"Petting will start either gender to feeling the urge to mate. A girl can change course or say no. Look at the male at this time and see if he is barely holding his eagerness in check or one that seems to understand that he has to wait."

Now Megan was ready to start what she wanted all along. With a smile at me she asked, "Some of us have not heard your discussion on how a man should please a girl. Will you go over it again for the benefit of those that have not heard it before but do so in more detail so we really understand. Continue on with the conversation too for last time there was hardly any time to complete it."

"I wouldn't mind that but I have to ask a few questions first."

"Go ahead."

"First of all; is there anyone here that is uncomfortable talking about a highly erotic subject? I ask this because all of you ladies are intelligent and can easily visualise what I describe. Most, if not all, will find the visualizations too much and begin to respond to my words. The response will probably lead to a small climax. If there is anyone here that finds that having a simple and natural nervous reaction in front of others is unsatisfactory, I suggest that they wait upstairs."

After ten seconds I said, "I see from the lack of people moving that you all agree. Now my second request. Words convey a great deal of meaning but seeing pictures or the actual recreation of the act is much better for learning. I need somebody to show the rest. Megan, since you have been so helpful I would like you to come here please."

Megan got up and was unsure of what to do. She tried to get into my mind but couldn't.

"Sandra, run upstairs now and get an old blanket. Hurry."

Sandra ran off and the rest watched her leave. I motioned with my finger and Megan came close. "Take off your top."

"But..." She reluctantly undid the small ribbon and the top came off.

"Now the panties."


"Megan, you know that I love you. I will not hurt you. The young ladies need to learn. That I believe were your own words. Remove your panties please." She looked around at her friends and then back to me. She hesitantly pushed the garment down her legs and stepped out of it. Her hand was in front of her mons and the other was trying to hide her breasts.

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