The Gift
Copyright© 2005 by Volentrin
Chapter 6
Erotic Sci-fi Sex Story: Chapter 6 - Story about a boy who discovers the ability to see past events. He finds out he has this ability when he is serving a detention in the eight grade. He is sweeping the girls locker room and wishes he could have been a fly on the wall, when suddenly a gauziness settles over his vision, and he can all of a sudden see the girls from a couple hours earlier! Follow along as he developes his new ability!
Caution: This Erotic Sci-fi Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Fiction Time Travel
My four days in the past had been exciting. I remembered the smells and the sky, particularly the view of the stars at night! I had never ever seen them so bright! Once you got away from cities and people, the air had a clean smell that was amazing! We have been putting so much crap and pollutants into the air for so long, that there's just no comparison.
I kept practicing taking in energy. I took several trips into the past just to use the energy I had stored. I measured my progress. At the beginning, I could go ten years towards my own time with stored energy. In a short time, I was able to go twenty-five years!
Practice makes perfect, or so the old saying goes; but in this case, practice made for longer time trips towards my own home time. Practice also included going to crowded areas, and pulling in as much power from the people around me as possible.
All to soon, it was time to head back to college. I ran into Levy and John almost right away, and they were eager to hear if I had been able to do anything towards gathering energy, or seeing it. As usual, I told them no. I said I just couldn't seem to get a grasp on it. I also told them I still had no idea how to even try to go back into the past.
While they were disappointed, Levy always had projects to do, and John was working on mathematical formulæ that left me behind quickly. I was doing involved computer programming this year, and I had discovered I liked to break codes.
Oh, I wasn't a hacker or anything. I had seen a Sixty Minutes exposé on the NSA and their ability to monitor the airwaves and to crack codes. I wondered just how hard was it to crack codes?
Our class project for the year, was to come up with data retrieval methods for damaged computers, and computers who's programming no longer worked. Each group received a hard drive. We were to install it, and get out everything we could find in it.
The more I worked with my five-man group, the more I learned. Different members of the group came up with very creative ideas indeed.
No, I didn't ignore my other projects. I still practiced taking in energy. I did that almost all the time.
I discovered classes were a good place to gather energy. Everyone there was concentrating intently, and I reaped the benefits of their energy. Who would have thought I could get this much energy from students?
I regretted not being able to share each conquest I made in my abilities, with John and Levy, but I had to distance myself from them. I remained friends, but I told them I just didn't seem able to advance any further than just being able to look.
I also got interested in how money was minted in different periods. What was the metal content, and how it was mixed? I had decided that it was ridiculous to buy vintage coins, when I could either make my own coins, or find coins from the proper era, somehow.
The end of the school year arrived with my group taking an A for our project. It is always nice to get an A, since I still could not get above that damn 3.5 grade point average.
Despite prior warnings, John approached me twice during the year to do my thing for missing children. I did one, but said no on the second. I finally had to tell John if he said one more word about going after missing kids, finding missing kids, helping missing kids, then we were through as friends, and we should go our separate ways.
What was it that kept him harassing me? Yes, it was harassment. Despite all my previous talks with him, John was still narrowly focused on his crusade, with me figuring hugely in his plans. Well, more power to him and his crusade, just leave me out of it!
Summer break began as usual, with me going home. The place looked good, and Mom seemed fine, if a little tired.
"When is the last time you went on vacation, Mom?" I asked her.
"Well, it was that year we went to Yellowstone National park. Remember it?" she responded with a smile, her eyes taking on a faraway look.
"Mom! That was when I was 11 years old! You really need to take a vacation," I said seriously.
"Well, I can't just up and go. I have the cow and chickens to take care of," she said hesitantly.
I laughed. "Mom, we can hire someone to watch the place, and care for the cow and chickens. I think we should go on a vacation. I have a summer vacation every year, yet every year you stay here," I said
"Where would I go? I have everything here that I need," Mom said quietly.
"We could go together. My treat," I said, thinking of all the money I still had left over from the sale of those rare coins.
We talked well into the night. It was my first day back from school, and I really wanted to treat her to a nice vacation. She was stubborn, though. I finally got her to at least think about it. I asked if her passport was up to date, and she said yes.
I had gotten mine updated just the previous year. I was thinking of Europe. Maybe a nice month or so seeing the sites of England, Scotland, Ireland, France, and Germany. I had to do some fast talking, but I finally convinced Mom I had the money for such a trip. I had to show her my savings account.
"Where did you get that much money?" she gasped when she saw the amount I had.
"Well, I found some old, old coins, Mom. Before you ask, no, I am not into drugs or illegal activities! I just lucked into some very old rare coins, is all. You should see how much Uncle Sam took for itself!" I exclaimed, then groaned theatrically.
She laughed at me. "Well, you certainly have been a busy young man," she said, then got a sad look on her face.
"I wish your father could have lived to see how you are turning out," she said with her lips quivering a bit.
"Me too, Mom, me too," I replied, and went over and hugged her.
It was during the first week in July that Mom and I started our European vacation. England was first. We hit all the obvious tourist sites: Buckingham Palace, the Tower Of London, and Piccadilly Circus.
I also took time to watch the past. England was a country rich in history. I was discovering that people were people, no matter where you were. You might be angry with a government; but people, on the whole, were just like your average neighbor next door.
The middle of August saw us back home. After recovering for a couple days, I set out for Missouri. I had an idea, and I was going to need one or two specialty items that Missouri was known for. Missouri mules.
One of the first things I was going to do, was get money. I had read with interest several old newspaper accounts of robberies gone wrong, and robbers who got caught, but somehow lost some or all of the money they had stolen.
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