The Gift - Cover

The Gift

Copyright© 2005 by Volentrin

Chapter 42

Erotic Sci-fi Sex Story: Chapter 42 - Story about a boy who discovers the ability to see past events. He finds out he has this ability when he is serving a detention in the eight grade. He is sweeping the girls locker room and wishes he could have been a fly on the wall, when suddenly a gauziness settles over his vision, and he can all of a sudden see the girls from a couple hours earlier! Follow along as he developes his new ability!

Caution: This Erotic Sci-fi Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Fiction   Time Travel  

I was in the hospital for two days. That was how long it took me to throw off the effects of the surgery, and to feel sure of myself when I stood. This was my first hospital stay, and while I was grateful for all the help, I was really bored silly.

I signed myself out, AMA (against medical advice), and went home. Since I was determined, the doctor gave me an extremely long list of instructions to follow. I agreed to hire a nurse.

I also had to deal with the protection which I suddenly found surrounding me. Theodore decided that until things were resolved with the 'council', I was in need of better watching. After all, I'd had two 'bird-dog' teams that they knew of, my own, and the governments. Yet still I was shot.

All in all, it took almost an entire day to get rid of them. After the last of the fed guards left, I loaded a small overnight bag with my meds, and instruction sheets (which were almost the size of a small book), and teleported to my Alaska home.

"My god! Tom, what happened to you?" Evelyn exclaimed coming to my side as I staggered a bit.

Ok, I admit it. Maybe I WAS overdoing it a bit. Evelyn helped me to the couch, and I sat heavily.

"I was shot by the head enforcement man of the 'council' of the North American continent," I replied with a grimace of pain.

Courtney, having heard her aunt, had come in to hear the end of my statement. With an exclamation of her own, she was by my side, her eyes showing concern. I told them both the short version of what had happened, and asked if either of them cared to play nurse for the next few days.

So it was that Courtney took charge of changing my bandages every four hours. During said changings, an antibiotic ointment had to be rubbed on and around my wound. I was also on a strict regimen of pills. I was taking enough pills to fulfill a hypochondriac's fondest dreams.

I called the satellite TV people. I had made arrangements with them to have satellite TV installed the spring of next year, but decided now would be a good time. A couple days later, they arrived. Soon we had something else to watch in addition to the VCR and DVD movies I had on hand.

Things were really moving in England. Also, the US boys were looking for several of the bigger names on the 'council' list I had leaked some time ago. Apparently, investigation was proving that this organization was guilty of a lot of crimes besides the two Kennedy assassinations.

I felt well enough, so I teleported the girls several times back and forth to England, for visits and conferences with John. Things were definitely moving in that country. While other countries had been notified of the existence of this group, they could do nothing at the time, as they had no evidence that any laws had been broken. But, they were looking, hard.

In my own case, Roger Miller had taken matters into his own hands, when he had accidentally run into me. From what the police and the feds put together, he had been in town on a wholly unrelated matter, when I had presented myself with no apparent protection nearby. I had made myself a 'target of opportunity'.

He had apparently decided to take me out on his own, right then and there. It was unfortunate for him, that a Boston police officer had been in front of a nearby building, and witnessed the entire thing. The police officer had drawn his weapon, but I had been hit by then. The officer had had no choice but to shoot the gunman down. I made a mental note to send some sort of 'thank you' to the officer.

I contemplated going back in time, and stopping myself from being shot. But I had one good example of the time line being changed when that happened. I was alive, and I was going to recover fully, so I decided against it. Also, if I went back and changed things, there was no guarantee that whatever would happen in its place, would NOT be fatal.

Besides, this would let the government know that I was not invulnerable. While this had already increased my 'protection', I hoped it would allay the idiots who fear everything they don't understand. I had overheard enough federal people talking about my abilities, and what I could "possibly" do, which caused them to talk about taking 'preemptive action'.

With my being shot, it gave them the impression I was vulnerable, and they would hopefully relax about me. On the other hand, if I guessed wrong, it could have the opposite effect. I might find myself with unwanted protections, and an execution squad on standby.

Things were well enough in hand in England, that John thought it safe for the woman to return. I had teleported to John's house, and returned to my Alaskan home with him, the day he had decided this. We decided to have a celebratory dinner together.

I proudly showed John my home, with Courtney hanging onto my good arm. He was interested in everything. He wanted to know my power source or sources, how much power was required to run the place, where I got my water, how much stores I had on hand, etc.

While it was possible to build a log home in England, it was very rare. Mine was constructed from round logs, flattened just enough to sit on top of each other. He spent a lot of time running his hands over the logs, and looking at construction techniques, where they were visible. I offered him a copy of the plans. He accepted with a pleased expression on his face.

It was three miles to the main road from my house. Basically, I had a three mile long driveway. While I liked the privacy this afforded me, it was annoying when I had to go check the mail. The mailbox was located next to where my 'driveway' joined the county road. The mailbox was built to resemble my home.

John asked about wild animals, and I told him there were wolves, and bears in the area, as well as the usual assortment of game animals. He asked if I might sponsor a hunt, in the future. I said sure, if he wanted to.

Finally the woman were all packed. Everyone linked arms, and we all stepped forward on the count of three, arriving safely in John's study. I decided to head back, so Evelyn kissed my cheek, and told me to take care. John shook my hand. Courtney carefully put her arms around me, and kissed me lightly on the lips!

"Courtney! That was a little cheeky, young lady!" Evelyn exclaimed, but with a twinkle in her eyes.

John just chuckled, as my cheeks warmed a bit. As her arms fell away, I swear that one of her hands gave my butt a little pat! I looked at Courtney, and she had a grin on her face.

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