The Gift
Copyright© 2005 by Volentrin
Chapter 40
Erotic Sci-fi Sex Story: Chapter 40 - Story about a boy who discovers the ability to see past events. He finds out he has this ability when he is serving a detention in the eight grade. He is sweeping the girls locker room and wishes he could have been a fly on the wall, when suddenly a gauziness settles over his vision, and he can all of a sudden see the girls from a couple hours earlier! Follow along as he developes his new ability!
Caution: This Erotic Sci-fi Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Fiction Time Travel
While the British were busy publicly hauling in and arresting 'council' members, the US conducted similar activities, but more quietly. I only stumbled over it because I was plugged in to most of the computer and "in-house" surveillance, that the Fed was so loves.
Most of the members of the elected portion of the federal government that had been 'council' members, had resigned their positions. There were a few still hanging on, but the press was crucifying everyone connected with the 'council'.
It was interesting. From my perspective, I KNEW that the 'council' and its members had an agenda, but the press was just labeling and painting everyone with the same brush. They had even accused, by innuendo, several non-members. It seemed more and more that 'the press' was willing to sacrifice the innocent in order to create a story.
Ok, I understood the need for a 'free press', but sometimes that 'press' did irresponsible things in the name of a story. The visual media would spend an entire segment belittling or ridiculing someone, and if they discovered new information showing that the press was in the wrong, they made a 10 second apology (or a single paragraph at the bottom of the editorial page). A definite inequity.
I started going to work on a regular basis after returning from my trip to England. We were doing good things. We helped people and gave a bit to established programs to help them along. There were so many programs needing help, that it would have been easy to break my budget.
Fall came, and Boston was taking on that wonderful time when the leaves change into myriad colors. The countryside was magnificent! I was walking to a hotel where I had started having lunches, recently. They had a chef that knew what he was doing most times, and the bar stocked that particular Sherry lord Avery-Smythe had introduced to me.
I was thinking about my place in Alaska. It would be a beautiful place when it snowed. I just knew it. I also wanted to put in a small barn, for my mules. They would come in handy for when I wanted to go exploring. As the saying used to go, "There's gold in them thar hills!"
I started thinking about how much it would cost to build a small barn. It would need heat for the mules during the winters, and would need enough space to store feed until the grass came back in the spring.
I was sitting at the bar sipping from my glass of Sherry, when a large group of people entered. Several made their way to the bar, and others waited to be seated. Eavesdropping on conversations seemed to be a habit with me. Apparently, this group was psychologists having some sort of convention.
Why was it these people thought they had the answers? I was sure that a lot of our problems stemmed from their psychobabble. The two sitting close to me were discussing the problems of people who were "enablers".
This dovetailed into the tough-love solution that these two raved about. I shook my head, and of course, this motion caught their attention.
"You disagree?" one of them asked me.
"I think that attitude is one of the reasons why there are problems with the young in our country today," I responded.
One man shook his head 'no' at me.
"Do you have a degree in psychology or psychiatry?" he asked me.
I rolled my eyes. It was always the same. If you disagreed with someone, unless you had a ton of letter abbreviations after your name, then you automatically didn't know what you were talking about. It was the way the system kept people in check and made sure they could ram an agenda through. Governments had gotten very adept at this over the years.
"No. No degree. Just a bit of experience at observing my fellow man. Simple experiments, such as 'cause and effect', can be applied to society. Your professions, while helping in some cases, are causing problems in others," I told them.
"How do you figure that?" one asked me curiously.
"Ok, let us do a simple 'cause and effect' look at society. Parents used to be able to discipline their children without too many problems. Then someone somewhere said, 'Wait a minute, this has to be abuse!' Particularly if it was effective, 'learned doctors of the mind' said it was abuse.
"So the local governments started mandating, saying this, that, or the other was considered abuse. A lot of states won't let you so much as spank a child, insisting that this is a form of abuse. Public schools used to be able to give swats to students who stepped out of line. Teachers now fear those same children they are supposed to educate. The statistics for student misbehavior have all gone up. It didn't decline at all with the implementation of the non-spanking policy.
"Why? Because effective punishment had been changed or had been removed entirely. Children are not intimidated by someone saying 'naughty, naughty, mustn't do that' to them. While I admit that some parents took the spankings to extremes, I wasn't harmed when my dad spanked me. I think I am a better person for it. I learned a couple lessons from those spankings," I told them.
"Physical punishment is an act of an irrational mind. Most of the time it is administered when the parent was angry, which is what led to the abuse in the first place," one of the guys answered me.
"That's another thing. What is considered abuse today, was not abuse twenty years ago, or a hundred years ago. As more and more items are placed on the, "this is abuse," list, children are noticing that they can get away with more misbehavior, and not be inconvenienced," I replied sarcastically.
The discussion went on for another twenty minutes or so, then I got up to leave. That was the problem with society today. Parents were being restricted in what they could do to effectively punish their children, while that same government was telling them they were still responsible for their child's actions. Go figure.
Autumn finally gave way to winter. I checked on my Alaska home a couple of times, and everything was fine. I had hired a couple to watch over the property in my absence, and they were doing a fine job.
I had yet to do a job for the government in my capacity as 'reluctant voyeur'. I found that very interesting in itself. I had thought they would be all over me, trying to convince me to exceed the limitations I had managed to get into the contract. Yet, months had gone by. I'd heard nothing from them, except the weekly contact with my controller.
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