The Gift
Copyright© 2005 by Volentrin
Chapter 39
Erotic Sci-fi Sex Story: Chapter 39 - Story about a boy who discovers the ability to see past events. He finds out he has this ability when he is serving a detention in the eight grade. He is sweeping the girls locker room and wishes he could have been a fly on the wall, when suddenly a gauziness settles over his vision, and he can all of a sudden see the girls from a couple hours earlier! Follow along as he developes his new ability!
Caution: This Erotic Sci-fi Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Fiction Time Travel
Things were going faster than I wanted. I was feeling that everything was out of my control, now. This General that Jeffery had called, was not on the list of 'council' members, so theoretically he was safe. But... Was I safe from him?
He was definitely a take-charge kind of person. When he arrived, Jeffery went outside, and talked with him while they looked the vehicles over. The general listened and seemed to only have a few questions. I saw raised eyebrows occasionally, but that was the extent of the disbelief I saw. Another man was with them. He was more interested in the vehicles, though, than in what was being said.
John was still watching the major in the study, Evelyn and Courtney had disappeared to the back of the house, and I was looking out the window, feeling very alone. Dusk had fallen just before the helicopter landed, and now it was quickly changing to dark.
The seasons had turned. Night was starting to arrive earlier, as the summer equinox had come and gone. I watched as the two men started in the direction of the house. I sighed to myself. Whatever happened now, was dependent on these two men from "officialdom".
I turned from the window and faced towards the door as it opened. My movement drew Jeffery's attention to me.
"General Howland? May I present Tom Wilshire. Tom, this is Major General Frank Howland, commander of all special forces units," Jeffery said as they walked up to me.
"So you're the man of mystery who can do remarkable things," general Howland said to me as he shook my hand.
We studied each other. While he was taking me in, I saw a man of about six feet in height, weighing about one hundred eighty to two hundred pounds, and not any of it was fat if his tailored uniform was any indication. He had dark hair and blues eyes that seemed to take in everything at a glance.
"I on the other hand have heard nothing about you, except you're the go-to man for this problem," I replied with a grin.
He returned it, and Jeffery said we should proceed into the study where the leader of the assault force was being held at this time. We went down the hall, and I led the way into the study.
More introductions were made, and I told John I would relieve him of guard duty if he wished find the ladies.
"So, this is the recalcitrant major," General Howland said in a dead tone of voice, while staring at the major. I got chills, just from hearing this. I was glad it had not been directed at me!
After that exchange, the general ignored the prisoner, and went to look over the collection we had taken from the assault team. He picked up each item, examined it closely, and set it back down.
"I will question the prisoner, now. If lord Avery-Smythe and Mr. Wilshire will assign myself and minister Milhouse a small room, I am sure we can gather a bit of information. I would also like someone to ask captain Wheemsly to come in. He has some serial numbers to track for me," the General said with a side look at the bound major.
A short time later, I was drinking a cup of coffee at the small table next to the kitchen. John, Courtney, and Evelyn were sitting with me.
"How long have you had this ability, Tom?" Evelyn asked me curiously.
I sighed. "Before I get into this, will you three give me your promises not to discuss this with anyone? I'm serious. I feel like I am losing control of my life, right now," I said in an almost whiney voice. I also did not feel like repeating myself from my previous explanations.
After getting the promises, I launched into an abridged version of how I discovered the ability to look into the past. Also teleporting. Since the ladies didn't know of my 'time diving' abilities, I glossed over that. I was counting on John to keep quiet about this aspect of my talent. They had seen my ability to put people into the NTZ, so I added that I had discovered this ability only recently.
I spent a good thirty minutes or so in telling them all this, not including halts in conversation when a servant entered the room.
"This is all so remarkable," Evelyn said when I had finished.
"Yes. The power you control is dangerous," Courtney said, wide eyed.
"So is the power you take into your hands every time you get behind the wheel of your car," I answered her.
"But what you can do is different! The things you could do to people if you wanted to," Courtney said in a troubled tone of voice.
I felt a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach. This was not going as well as I had hoped.
"Courtney, are you serious?" Evelyn asked.
"What do you mean, Aunt Evelyn?" Courtney asked.
"Everyday, people use items that are dangerous. People that have power can use it to harm others, yet you hardly ever hear of it happening. You get into your car, as Tom said; and you could use it to harm someone, or to kill them. Yet, you have no objections to letting the average person drive. Why is Tom any different?" Evelyn asked her niece.
"There are checks and balances on the people we give power to. Tom has only his own ideals and feelings of what's right and what's wrong," Courtney responded.
The bad feeling intensified.
"Do you really think so little of me, then?" I asked in a sad tone of voice.
"It's not that. It's just that you are someone who is in control of this power, and there is nothing to keep you from abusing it," Courtney explained.
"I see. What is to prevent you from running down the man in the street instead of stopping?" I asked her curiously.
"Besides the fact I would wind up in prison for doing that? It's wrong of course," she answered.
"So while you would obey the law with no problems, I would violate it, simply because I can?" I said bluntly.
I felt frustrated. Why was it that people automatically assumed I was some sort of power hungry megalomaniac? I got up and walked to the window, and stared out it; though I was seeing nothing, really. I heard Evelyn talking quietly with Courtney, but could not hear well enough to understand what was said.
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