The Gift
Copyright© 2005 by Volentrin
Chapter 38
Erotic Sci-fi Sex Story: Chapter 38 - Story about a boy who discovers the ability to see past events. He finds out he has this ability when he is serving a detention in the eight grade. He is sweeping the girls locker room and wishes he could have been a fly on the wall, when suddenly a gauziness settles over his vision, and he can all of a sudden see the girls from a couple hours earlier! Follow along as he developes his new ability!
Caution: This Erotic Sci-fi Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Fiction Time Travel
I sat and thought about how much to reveal to these people. John already knew I had some abilities, but did not know all that I could do. This Jeffery Milhouse, while apparently a paragon of virtue, was the likely cause of the attack on the house.
"Ok, I will say this just once. Yes, I am responsible for the seeming disappearance of the attackers. The seven men are not hurt or dead. They are sort of, in a place of storage. I can bring them back, just as easily. We need to figure out who we want to bring back first, and how we are going to deal with them," I said a bit grimly.
Questions flew at me, and I told them I had said as much as I was going to about the subject. I then told them we had to decide which people to bring back to the 'now'. Of course, me saying that made them ask even more questions, such as: what did I mean by 'now'?
"This is getting us nowhere. By 'now', I mean that when I put them into this storage place, absolutely no time will seem to have passed for them. When they emerge, they will think it is exactly the same time as when they went in. To them, no time will have gone by whatsoever. AND, they will still have their guns out and ready for use," I said in response.
The five of us finally got around to discussing who to bring out. I mentioned that all were apparently armed and ready to use weapons, except for the man who had waited outside.
"When you bring him through... uh, into the room with us, which way will he be facing? Where will he be in relationship to us?" John asked interestedly.
"I can put him anywhere in here, facing in any direction. The question is, who will be in the room, and do we really need the ladies present?" I asked with concern.
"Don't be ridiculous. Of course we will stay. We became involved as soon as they kidnapped Courtney. Then they threatened to shoot us. I for one, will not be relegated to the position of 'hysterical woman', sent to my room for my own protection," Evelyn said firmly.
Courtney said she felt the same way. Jeffery started to say something about state security, but everyone except for me shouted him down. There was that dreaded word. Or words, actually. 'State security'. For the 'state', never mind the people. This Englishman was already parroting the government party line. ANY government, apparently.
"Sorry. Did you have the impression I worked for your government?" I asked Mr. Milhouse sarcastically.
"Come, Sir. Surely you can see the need to maintain security concerning this astounding ability of yours..." Jeffery Milhouse started with mounting enthusiasm.
"Exactly," I said interrupting him, "My ability. Not yours. Not your government's. Hell, I have enough problems with MY government wanting to control every moment of my life.
"No! I do not recognize your right to tell me, or these people, what can or cannot be revealed to them. I only took the steps I did, to protect the people I have come to care for. And I do NOT care for you, Sir," I finished in a surly manner.
"Well, aren't you sweet," Evelyn told me, patting my cheek.
"This bickering is accomplishing nothing," John said with a grimace. "I think we should bring the person who was waiting outside back, and question him. I think there are enough men available to handle anything he might try. Just let me get my shotgun, and everyone stay well away from him when he comes through," John said.
John went and got a shotgun. He said it was loaded with birdshot, but at short range, it was more than enough to do the trick. The ladies were standing behind the desk. John stood centered, in front of it. Jeffery Milhouse was to one side, and out of the way. I was opposite John, but out of the direct line of fire. I brought the guy who had been standing outside into the room.
The expression on his face was priceless. From his perspective, he had just been outside. Now he wasn't. He had no memory of moving through intervening space at all. I'll give him this, he adjusted pretty quickly. His hand darted towards his jacket, only to freeze at the sound of the shotgun's firing hammers clicking into place.
"I think you should remove your jacket, and your communications gear. And you should do everything very slowly," John told the man, who complied.
"Now then, Tom, if you would be so kind as to relieve this gentleman of his pistol, we will all feel much better," John asked of me when the removal of the jacket showed a pistol holstered at his hip.
I collected the pistol and the commo gear her had, then I patted him down, and removed everything I came across. I felt him tense once, and I placed a hold on him, mentioning into his ear that I was a black belt of several degrees, and I was not in the mood for any shit. I guess that changed his mind, because he relaxed. I finished my pat down with no other problems.
I moved back carefully, staying out of John's line of fire, and the man turned around. John told him to place his hands on his head, fingers interlocked together. I had a small treasure trove of his property, including a wallet, which revealed several pieces of information. One was his military ID card, which identified him as Major Walter Southland.
"Now then major, who ordered you to attack this house?" Jeffery asked.
"I am not at liberty to discuss anything with captors," the captive Major Southland responded.
"I see. Jeffery? You have access to the appropriate computer databases. Why don't you run a check on our erstwhile major, here. Let's see what comes up?" John suggested to his friend.
I quietly asked Evelyn about rope, or objects which could be used to secure our prisoner. John, in the meantime, had instructed our prisoner to sit in a corner with his legs extended, feet crossed at the ankles, and hands on his head.
Evelyn told John we were going to fetch manacles. I was then led off to a basement area, which I had never been to before. Apparently, there had been a jail under the house at one time. Nothing very large, but there was a pair of cells, and a cabinet with very old style leg and wrist irons.
Evelyn had me grab one set of each. She carried a strangely designed key. I grinned at her, and we made our way back to the upstairs study.
"... definitely on the list, under enforcement. Close to the top, too. Third name down from the Director of Enforcement, no less," Jeffery was saying.
A couple minutes later, our prisoner was firmly under control, with leg and wrist shackles. A short chain ran from his wrist shackles to his leg shackles, forcing him to bend slightly. He definitely was not going anywhere.
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