The Gift
Copyright© 2005 by Volentrin
Chapter 37
Erotic Sci-fi Sex Story: Chapter 37 - Story about a boy who discovers the ability to see past events. He finds out he has this ability when he is serving a detention in the eight grade. He is sweeping the girls locker room and wishes he could have been a fly on the wall, when suddenly a gauziness settles over his vision, and he can all of a sudden see the girls from a couple hours earlier! Follow along as he developes his new ability!
Caution: This Erotic Sci-fi Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Fiction Time Travel
We spent some time going over the list that his computer printed out for us. He highlighted in yellow those he personally knew. He used red for those he knew of who were in positions of power and authority within the government.
"Well, I can see we have our work cut out for us. Unlike you, Tom, I plan on doing something about this right away. Just having the press informed will not do it, here. I really don't know what you were thinking," John said, while shaking his head.
I just nodded, and waited to see what his answer was. That was one reason I had come to this man. He was a politician, and a statesman. He was someone I had come to respect a great deal in a relatively short time. He was a man I esteemed, more than anyone since my parents had died.
He pursed his lips and thought a moment. He took up a pen and paper, wrote down a name, an address and phone number, and gave them to me.
"This is a friend of mine in one of the governmental security arms. I did not see his name on this list, but I want you to check him out for me. If you can clear him for me, then we know that this list is accurate, at least in part.
"Jeffery is the man to take care of this, and get started with cleaning out the rotten elements. But some of these names are in well placed positions, and it will take someone with great authority to dislodge them. That will be Jeffery," he said with finality.
I looked at the paper with the name, address, and phone number on it. I had been given my marching orders. I grinned.
"I am not familiar with this address. Believe it or not, I'm from out of town," I said with tongue in cheek.
"Of course. I will have my driver drop you off close to his home. That should suffice, should it not? Say, tomorrow morning?" he asked.
Which is why I found myself getting out of the back of John's Bentley, late the next morning. I dismissed the driver. I was in a fashionable suburban area. It could have been any upper-middle class suburb in America. I walked down the block, and found the address I wanted. Sighing, I looked closely at the photo that John had given me. I went into the 'between' and got started.
I 'time dived', followed, listened to, watched, eavesdropped, and did my level best to prove that this man was not to be trusted. I spent about as much time on him, or more, than I had on John when I was checking John out.
The end result, was that with only a couple distasteful learning experiences in his youth, Jeffery turned out to be as honorable as I had found John to be, if a bit more stuffy and reserved.
I returned to the 'now', and teleported back to my room at John's house. I went downstairs to find him. He was sitting and having a cup of tea at the informal table off of the kitchen.
"Mission accomplished," I told him.
His eyes widened. "Already? You have only been gone for a little over two hours. I must say, you're very fast," he said to me.
"Thank you. My findings are, that your friend Jeffery is an honorable and trustworthy man. Bit stuffy for my taste; but then, I am not his friend, you are," I said to John.
"Excellent. I am going to invite him over to discus what you have found out. I must admit I am at a loss as to how to explain my having the information I do," John finished in an unsure voice.
"Simple. You were contacted by a person who wants to do right, but is afraid he would get into trouble for hacking. He knew he was onto something, and did as much of the right thing as he could. He turned over what he'd got to you, someone he heard about in the news," I answered him.
"Yes. I can see that having taken place. The data that we have in the files are very incriminating to certain degrees. At a minimum, a lot of people will be resigning. At worst charges can be brought against several members of the government, and of the private sector, if an investigation upholds what is in the printouts," John said excitedly.
We talked about it, and ironed out the weak spots as best we could. John was very deft at pointing out holes in the ideas. We plugged them, and made a workably reasonable solution.
John then called his friend and spoke briefly, if a bit mysteriously. It got Jeffery interested enough to drop what he was doing, and drive over. It was just a little after three in the afternoon, now. Jeffery said he would arrive at around five. John invited him to stay for dinner.
This left me some 'free time', which I decided I was going to devote to Courtney. I tracked her down, out at the stables, running a currycomb over one of the horses. She was definitely 'into horses'.
I greeted her. She smiled at me and asked me what I had been doing today. I told her I had been out exploring London and its environs. She asked how well I knew London, and I replied with not very.
"I know a few spots that are good for dancing. Do you dance, Tom?" she asked me.
"Well, I can manage to avoid stepping on my partners toes, yes," I replied.
"My visit is just about over. I have to drive back home this evening, as I have to be at work first thing in the morning. At least I now know I have a dance partner, when you're around," she said with a smile.
I nodded at her, returning her smile. I felt great! She was interested in me! I felt really good with what she had just said. We talked a bit more, and she moved from horse to horse, as we talked.
"You know, horses are fine; but if you want a work animal, nothing beats a Mule. Missouri Mules, to be exact," I said during a lull in the conversation.
"Mules? Whatever would you do with mules?" she asked curiously.
"Oh, you might load them up, and go into the mountains with them. Explore areas that can only be gotten to by horse or mule. Mules are very sure footed, more so than horses really. I own two Missouri mules, and have used them for gold hunting," I told her enthusiastically.
"That sounds romantic. Being alone in the mountains, exploring. Exciting, too," she finished with a sparkle in her eyes.
"It is all of that, and it's also a bit lonely. I spent a little time prospecting, and it was exciting. It was also very lonely and scary. You're completely alone, and there is no help if you should need it.
"On the other hand, you see things that most people never get to see. A sunrise or sunset in the mountains is spectacular! You discover little secrets almost everyday. Nature is at its rawest and purest, and it is almost heart achingly beautiful," I said with a sigh.
She had finished with the horse and we walked out of the barn. We were now wandering through the garden and talking. Time slipped by, and before we knew it, it was time for supper. A servant had come out to inform us that the meal was nearly ready to be served, and we had a few minutes to clean up if we wished.
We were eating in the main dining room this evening. John's friend had arrived some time while Courtney and I had been talking, and they had been going over the list. Since John was keeping my part a secret even from his friend, and Courtney had not been told anything either, the dinner conversation revolved around how I had first met Lord Avery-Smythe, and of my first visit.
After the evening meal was finished, John hugged Courtney, wishing her a safe trip back to London, then he and Jeffery withdrew to the study to make plans, I assumed. Evelyn went upstairs with her niece and helped her finish packing.
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