The Gift
Copyright© 2005 by Volentrin
Chapter 36
Erotic Sci-fi Sex Story: Chapter 36 - Story about a boy who discovers the ability to see past events. He finds out he has this ability when he is serving a detention in the eight grade. He is sweeping the girls locker room and wishes he could have been a fly on the wall, when suddenly a gauziness settles over his vision, and he can all of a sudden see the girls from a couple hours earlier! Follow along as he developes his new ability!
Caution: This Erotic Sci-fi Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Fiction Time Travel
We finished our ride, cleaned up, and ate lunch. I was ravenous. Later, I went out back into the garden area. I started loosening up, and was soon going into my Kata. I had been at it for about twenty minutes, when I caught a movement out of the corner of my eye.
Courtney came fully into view, watching me. I was soon positioned in a way to smile at her, acknowledging her presence as I went on with my practice. After about another ten minutes I came to a stop.
"You're very good. How long have you been practicing martial arts?" she asked.
"Close to ten years now," I replied.
We walked together a bit as I cooled down from the workout I had given myself. The garden was lovely. The colors and smells of the plants and flowers were pleasing to my senses. We talked a bit, and I asked about her life, and growing up in England. I said I wondered how it differed from my own childhood.
I learned that she did a lot of the things kids did in my own hometown. Even halfway around the world, things were pretty much the same. It was nice to know, really. Reassuring, in a way. I told her about my life on the farm, and about my parents, who were gone now.
She was so easy to talk to, and I didn't want our time in the gardens to end. Almost as soon as I thought it, Evelyn came out and joined us.
"There you two are. Tom, I am going to steal Courtney for a while if you don't mind. We have things to do, and John wants to talk to you. He is in the study," she said.
Shortly I was with John, and he had his home computer fired up.
"I have been rereading the information you have downloaded for me. I find myself in a quandary. While you have amassed an amazing amount of information on this 'council' in your own country, we only have that one name to start with in mine.
"I considered trying to do as you have done, but I am sure I would trip any number of alarms. I am not the computer programmer that you are, or a "hacker"... that is the term, I believe?" he asked.
I nodded. "Unless you know what you're doing, trying to get into a government computer is a good way to land in prison," I finished with a grin.
"Yes. While I disapprove on general principal a person breaking into computers, what you have shown me is more than enough to let me ask you this. Do you think you can do your thing on the undersecretary that was named as contact?" he asked me in a serious voice.
I told him I thought I could do it, and would make sure I did it in such a way as not to get him involved, if I got caught. He nodded and waited expectantly.
"What?" I asked him.
He looked a little chagrined.
"Well... I was hoping to see you, I don't know, disappear or something," he said, waving a hand around.
I chuckled. I teleported upstairs, to my room and back.
"Something like that?" I asked still chuckling.
"Lord! It is something to know intellectually, that you can do these things, but to see the reality is amazing!" he exclaimed explosively.
It took me a little time, but I found our target's 'safe room', that contained his computer. I had 'back timed' and then I teleported back to London. I went to the Ministries building. I went 'between' and followed our man.
I am still not sure how my own body is affected when I do my time traveling. Do I age at a normal rate? I have noticed that while I am in the 'between', I don't seem to get hungry or tired. When I come out of it though, sometimes I'm hit with severe hunger, as if I hadn't eaten all day.
Two meals and one nap later, I had the information I wanted from his computer. I downloaded his files and programs. I left him a present and myself with access to his computer. What I had not expected happened when I followed him into his 'safe room'. He kept looking around, as if he sensed me. No one had done that before. Was it possible for someone to be able to sense my presence?
I returned to the present, then teleported back to my room at lord Avery-Smythe's house. I opened the door, and made my way down to the study. John was still there.
"Did you forget something?" he asked me.
"No. Finished the assignment you gave me," I told him.
"But, it has been only fifteen or twenty minutes!" he said with a stunned expression.
"Ah, but I have this trick of going back in time. Believe me, I spent a lot of time following him, and compiling information on him. I have a list of names that he talked to on the phone or met for meetings. I know two who are with the 'council' in some form," I said, enjoying the expression on his face.
I pulled the CD out of the NTZ where I had parked it, and I did my thing with John's computer. First, I had him disconnect it from his DSL. I didn't want anything going out, while I was doing this. The files I wanted were encrypted, of course. I tried the code key I had gotten from Roger Miller, but it did not work.
"Blast. I had hoped to be reading the information by now. Is there anything you can do?" he asked.
"Yes. Now we crack this baby," I said.
I installed my cracking program, set up the buffers, and let my program go to work.
"Now, we wait. Before you ask, yes, I could have cracked this in the past, if I had bothered to think about. It took my program two days to crack the files I showed you," I said, sitting back in the chair.
"So this will take two days then?" he asked in a disappointed voice.
"Not necessarily. It depends on how good this encryption is. It could take five minutes, five hours, or five days," I told him.
He nodded. We left the room and the computer, and went out to admire his gardens. They were extensive, and had everything that could be grown in England, growing. He also had a section for herbs.
John asked if I could entertain myself, as he had a call to make. Evelyn was out, and that left me at loose ends. I looked for Courtney, but she had gone riding again. Well, I could use this time to my advantage.
I teleported through the NTZ to my home. I got several documents, and placed them into a small briefcase. I teleported through the NTZ, to a specific place in a building that had the type of lawyer I wanted. Then I 'time dived' to eighteen months ago.
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