The Gift
Copyright© 2005 by Volentrin
Chapter 35
Erotic Sci-fi Sex Story: Chapter 35 - Story about a boy who discovers the ability to see past events. He finds out he has this ability when he is serving a detention in the eight grade. He is sweeping the girls locker room and wishes he could have been a fly on the wall, when suddenly a gauziness settles over his vision, and he can all of a sudden see the girls from a couple hours earlier! Follow along as he developes his new ability!
Caution: This Erotic Sci-fi Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Fiction Time Travel
John and I talked for about another thirty minutes. Evelyn came in and told us 'in no uncertain terms' (her actual words!) that there were two ladies that needed entertaining, and we two men were that entertainment. With that, she interlocked her arms with both her husband and myself, and walked us out into another room where Courtney was sitting at a table. I was asked if I played cribbage.
I didn't concentrate to well on the game. I kept looking at Courtney. She was beautiful, and intelligent. She bantered with her aunt and uncle, giving as well as she got. I managed to answer intelligibly when the conversation called for me to answer, but for the most part, I was 'bowled over' by this woman.
I didn't sleep well that night. Not only was there a new room and bed to get used to, but Courtney was in my thoughts constantly. When I did fall asleep, it was only to dream of her.
Lord, but I had it bad.
I finally decided to get up when I heard the first crowing of a rooster. I got dressed and wondered downstairs. A servant asked if I wanted breakfast. I was pleased that someone was up besides me. I nodded. He led into a smaller room than the one in which we'd had dinner in last night (or the dinner I had with them some time ago, on a previous visit to this house).
The table was much smaller, meant for a more casual meal setting. The room was located next to the kitchen, and was close to a window that afforded one a nice view of the gardens out back.
I was just finishing my breakfast when Courtney appeared, looking very cute in a riding suit. Her knee length boots, had her red riding pants tucked into them. A red jacket, a riding crop, and helmet/hat were in her hands. I had risen to my feet, unconsciously.
"Good morning, Tom," she said and smiled.
My heart pounded! Her smile lit her face. "Good morning, Courtney. I see you're ready for your ride," I replied.
"Yes. I wanted to get an early start. Lots of ground to cover. Would you care to ride with me?" she asked with the slightest hesitation.
"I would be delighted," I responded, with my heart in my mouth.
"Excellent! Uncle John will be down shortly, and the three of us can have a morning of it!" She exclaimed in a most delightful way.
Uncle John? I was disappointed. While I came for John's help and advice, sharing Courtney with him this morning didn't seem right, somehow. Speak of the devil! As soon as she mentioned his name, John appeared, dressed in similar fashion as his niece.
"Did I hear my name?" John asked.
"Yes. I was just asking Tom if he cared to ride this morning, and he has agreed. We shall make a morning of it," Courtney said and then the servants started arriving with a breakfast that had apparently been pre-planned.
"If you're going riding with us, I shall have to see if I have something you can wear. One must be properly attired you know," John said, then took a bite of scone.
"I think I might have something in my suitcase that will do the trick," I said, and he raised his eyebrows at me.
I went up to my room, locked the door, and teleported via NTZ back to London. I then 'time dived' back a few days, and went in search of a riding shop. I found one, and explained I had been invited to ride, and the gentleman of the house suggested that I have "proper attire" for the ride. Three hours later, and several hundred dollars poorer, I had an outfit.
I then returned to my own time, and teleported through the NTZ back to my room. I looked at the clock, elapsed time, practically none. I changed into my new riding clothes and boots. I checked myself out in the mirror, and felt like a kid dressing up in a Halloween costume! Well, hell; when in Rome, be a Roman candle!
Taking a deep breath, I grabbed my helmet and went back downstairs. Evelyn had joined the other two while I had been gone. All three looked at me when I entered. Ok, I was a bit self-conscious.
"Marvelous! You look positively dashing!" Courtney exclaimed as I entered the breakfast room.
"Tom! How ever did you know to bring a riding costume?" Evelyn asked me.
"Well, I thought about it before coming to England. I wanted to do some riding while I was here, and so I procured the proper riding attire in case an opportunity presented itself," I answered her.
John just gave me a knowing look, and continued with his breakfast. I sat and joined them for coffee. Yes, they had coffee. Courtney was excited about riding, today. It had apparently been some time, and she had been looking forward to it.
After breakfast, we went to the stables, and saddled three horses: two mares, and one gelding. I was riding a horse called 'Lady'. Actually, she had a much longer and larger name, as did they all, but the names had all been shorted.
Soon we were in the fields, crossing a small stream, and angling towards a slightly wooded area. Courtney cantered off ahead of us, and we men hung back.
"That was truly amazing how you procured your riding clothes. You were only gone about 10 minutes. Care to tell me how you did it?" he asked curiously.
Well, in for a penny, in for a pound as the old saying goes.
"Simple really. I went upstairs, then teleported to a place I know in London, then went back in time a few days, bought the suit, had it altered a bit, paid for it, returned to my own time, at the 'when' that I had departed, then teleported back to the room you are letting me have for my stay," I answered truthfully.
He had a stunned look on his face. Then he started to chuckle, then broke into a laugh.
"I should know better than to ask, for what I might get," he said finally.
"Well, it surprised the hell out of me the first time I did it. I panicked, thinking what if I couldn't get back to my own time? Well, it worked out. I discovered I could in fact go back in time. I can now go back in time as far as the 1500's," I said casually.
John was silent for a short time, obviously digesting what he had heard.
"I can see why a government or group of men would want you working for them, or for them wishing to be controlling you. You have a very unique, and dangerous ability, did you know?" He asked me.
"Of course I know! Why do you think I keep it hidden, or I did, until recently?" I asked him in exasperation.
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