The Gift
Copyright© 2005 by Volentrin
Chapter 34
Erotic Sci-fi Sex Story: Chapter 34 - Story about a boy who discovers the ability to see past events. He finds out he has this ability when he is serving a detention in the eight grade. He is sweeping the girls locker room and wishes he could have been a fly on the wall, when suddenly a gauziness settles over his vision, and he can all of a sudden see the girls from a couple hours earlier! Follow along as he developes his new ability!
Caution: This Erotic Sci-fi Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Fiction Time Travel
I am still amazed by some of the things I can do. One example is that when I 'back time' or view the past; I can stay in one place and view hours and hours of activity from the past, yet when I return to myself in the present, only about 5 minutes actual time has elapsed. And, this is without 'time diving', or going into the past, at all!
It was still my first day in England, and already I had gotten several things accomplished. I had converted one thousand dollars to British Pounds, and had done an in depth study of John Avery-Smythe, at his place of work.
I went into the House of Lords, in the 'between', and then did a lot of viewing of past events. Since I was in the 'between', I was able to get into places most of the general public can't.
The result was that in those few hours, I had listened in on hundreds of conversations he'd had on the phone, and in private meetings. I had seen his votes, press conferences, and a few meetings with two different prime Ministers.
At no time did anything come up, that remotely had anything to do with the 'council'. That didn't mean I couldn't have missed him talking with and discussing things with 'council' personnel, it just meant that everything I viewed was the normal business of a politician, lord, and individual.
I was starving and a bit tired at the end of my first day. I still had to adjust to the time difference, and I was doing that by making sure I didn't go to sleep earlier than 9PM, local time. I went to a bed and breakfast, as they weren't as particular with passports as hotels were. I ate a huge meal, paid cash for the night, and slept the sleep of the just.
Ok, I tossed and turned a bit. It always happens when I am in a new place. So, I wasn't as rested the next morning as I could have been. I know, I could have stayed at home, and teleported back and forth daily, but I enjoyed the feel and flavor of England. Just being there was exciting for me. I was also worried that too much teleporting might reveal me to someone; particularly, a 'governmental' someone.
The next several days were packed. I traveled to the schools that Avery-Smythe attended as a young man, and watched him there. He was definitely an intense student. I was surprised at some of the things he'd studied in College.
Even as a young man, and a boy, he had a sense of honor and integrity. If he gave his word, he kept it. He got that from his father who had told him that despite all the legal contracts, and mumbo jumbo; a man of true honor did not need a contract, to hold him to his word.
John Avery-Smythe lived that sentiment to the fullest. A few times he had been tricked or lied to by fellow classmates, or friends. They quickly found out that they were no longer that friendly with the young lord Avery-Smythe. He had even gotten into a couple fights as a teen over 'besmirched' honor. He was a 'gentleman' in the fine old sense of the word, and was everything it implied.
In fact, the more I studied him, the more I liked him. He was everything I wanted to be! Also, I still did not pick up on anything that remotely looked like 'council'; or what I new of that organizations influence, anywhere in John's life. On the fourth day, I decided to take the plunge.
It was Friday, and I knew he would be leaving the city for his country estate, two hour's drive from London. He had a flat in London for when he worked late, or had to be in the House early. Other than that, he went home. And, he always went home on the weekends.
He loved his wife very much, and missed her when he couldn't get home. He always called and talked with her on those days.
I called his office. I knew he was in. After they answered, I requested to speak with John Avery-Smythe.
"Tell him it's Tom Wilshire. I think he will speak to me," I said to the secretary who answered.
A moment later, the well modulated tones of lord Avery-Smythe was on the other end.
"Tom? What a pleasant surprise. How are you?" He asked.
"Fine. I am in country, and wondered if that invitation to guest at your place was still open?" I asked him.
"By all means! I hadn't heard you had gotten in," he said.
"No reason you should. It's not like I was someone the world gapes over every time I take a breath, like some movie star," I said with a laugh.
"You might be surprised," he replied with his own chuckle.
We made arrangements for me to arrive at his home later that evening. I was actually close by. I stepped through to his office, while in the 'between', through the NTZ. I had taken the opportunity to place an object in the NTZ from there, so I would have access.
The only thing he did was call his wife, and inform her that 'the American' was coming for a short stay. No clandestine calls were made to British intelligence, or to the 'council'. I sighed at this. I'd still had a slight worry that he might be involved with the 'council', that I had not watched the right times.
I went with him. While staying in the 'between', I raced forward and got into his car before him. I wanted to ride with him, as he could still inform someone from the car, or a cell phone. The trip was long, and boring. All he did was read briefs from his work. He was very conscientious.
We arrived at his home. He got out, leaving me stuck in the car until the driver put it away. After the driver left, I exited the car, and made my way to the gate. While I did not know if he would call anyone from inside his home, since he hadn't after I had called him at his offices, I seriously doubted he would now.
I retrieved my suitcase from the NTZ where I had placed it, and started walking up the drive after I left the 'between'. I was only a short way up the driveway, when I saw people coming out the main door of the house.
"Good heavens, man! I would have sent the car for you!" John Avery-Smythe said to me as I finally got to him.
"Not at all. I enjoyed the walk," I said as we shook hands.
Two hours later, after we had eaten, John and I were in his study. I was wondering how to broach the subject when he did it for me.
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