The Gift
Copyright© 2005 by Volentrin
Chapter 33
Erotic Sci-fi Sex Story: Chapter 33 - Story about a boy who discovers the ability to see past events. He finds out he has this ability when he is serving a detention in the eight grade. He is sweeping the girls locker room and wishes he could have been a fly on the wall, when suddenly a gauziness settles over his vision, and he can all of a sudden see the girls from a couple hours earlier! Follow along as he developes his new ability!
Caution: This Erotic Sci-fi Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Fiction Time Travel
Since finding the encrypted file (or files, since there were a couple of them), I had set my cracking program on one of them. Thirty-six hours, and still nothing. I had every confidence in my program, though. It had gotten me into a lot of computers, including the CIA, FBI, all branches of the military, and most other organizations that interested me over the past couple years.
I had informed my office I was going to be away, again, for an unknown amount of time. I had already set up an account for myself to use when I was 'time diving' in the 'close to the present' past.
What I wanted to do was go and find the most remote, hard to get to place that I could buy, and build a very private retreat there. I had watched a documentary on TV once, about a hotel that was accessible by railroad or boat, or copter, but no road.
I wanted something like that. I wanted it very private, and so difficult to get to, that the average person would not even know it existed, let alone be able to gain any access to it. There were two areas that had what I wanted. Canada, and Alaska. South America had a number of them as well, but I wanted a stable government. Stability, and law and order are NOT common commodities in most South American countries.
As I thought about it, I realized it would not be hard to get a fake ID issued to me, and buy the property in that particular name. After all, I had access to all the right computers. I grinned at the thought of the state and federal governments who were about to issue me a brand new identity.
First, I would need a birth certificate, and then I would need a driver's license, a social security number in that name, yes, this was all fairly straight forward. I would not be buying this property in Alaska, the new identity I was creating would be buying it.
The birth certificate was easy. I went to the local hospital, and 'time dived' to the past, about a year off from my actual birth. Then while in the 'between' I watched as several birth certificates were made, and I stole a blank, filled it out, and returned it to the pile to be filed. Good, one legitimate birth recorded. I then stole the resultant original birth certificate, which was issued and placed in the distribution stack, to go back to the proud parents.
I moved forward in time to when my new persona would be about sixteen years old, and hired a kid to go into the local social security office, and apply for a social security number. I took pains to make sure he understood what he was to say, gave him my newly made birth certificate. I went in with him from the 'between', and watched over him. Mission accomplished.
I had rented an apartment, just so he could give an address to which the social security people would mail my card. They issued a card on the spot, though. I kept the apartment anyway, being sure to put an item into the NTZ from it. It would be a good place to hide if I ever needed one. It was listed under a fake name. Money has a way of greasing the way through a lot of useless paperwork. Ergo, no background check or any pesky snooping was done. First and last months rent, and an additional three months rent up front, proved my solvency enough to forgo that crap.
It took my program forty-six hours, twelve minutes and fourteen seconds to crack the encryption program on Roger Millers file! When my computer signaled me that it had completed the task, I did a little dance. I had actually been starting to worry that someone had created a program that could out-fox mine!
I immediately set my program to working on the second file, but this time I had the key. It opened right up. I chortled to myself. I loved it when things went my way! I opened the first file. I whistled as I read it.
It contained thousands of names, their work in life, and their position on the 'council'. I had only touched the very tip of a very deep iceberg. Ten minutes of reading names and who they were and where they worked gave me a chill. The 'council' was into everything, at least at a glance. What was even worse, was the title of the document. It was, North American Council Directory.
It contained the names of people in the US and Canada who were members of the 'council'. There was a hierarchy within the 'council', also. There was a 'basic member' level, which seemed to be the initial recruit. There was an active grooming of them for a possible climb within the 'council'.
The next step was called an 'active member'. Then came positions in the Political, Security, Enforcement, Finance and Transportation branches. Finally, there were the directors, the executive level. Roger Miller was listed as Director of Enforcement, United States. There were six directors, altogether.
One name caught my eye, simply because a recent exposé had been done on him. He was a congressman, and he was the supposed golden haired boy for the Democratic Party. He was also a director on the 'council'. He was at the highest level in that organization.
He was also on the several important committees, and had even met with the president on several occasions. Speaking of the president, one of his cabinet members was on the 'council' but at a lower level. He was at the active member level, which meant he worked specifically for the 'councils' wants and wishes. There was also a subheading with one name and a country and a phone number next to it. The titles were as follows:
Directorate France: contact, then the name and number. Directorate England: contact, then the name and number. Directorate Spain: contact, then the name and number.
This went on for nine different countries! My god, these people were everywhere!
I closed that file and opened the second one. It was much shorter. It contained two lists. One was a watch list, the other was a resolved list. My name appeared on the list of those to be watched!
The other list contained names and dates marked, resolved. I was trying to figure out exactly that meant, when I ran across a name on this list, a name I knew for a fact that belonged to someone who had died just a month ago! Right next to his name, was the date of his death, marked as resolved. This gave me an even bigger chill than the other file did!
These people were insane! If what I was reading was true, and I was interpreting it correctly, the 'council directors' ordered deaths, and someone, the enforcement arm, carried them out!
I sat back and thought. I needed more information. I could leak this to the press, but that might endanger prosecutions at a later date, if they were warranted. I knew how publicity seemed to work against the government's case for some reason.
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