The Gift
Copyright© 2005 by Volentrin
Chapter 32
Erotic Sci-fi Sex Story: Chapter 32 - Story about a boy who discovers the ability to see past events. He finds out he has this ability when he is serving a detention in the eight grade. He is sweeping the girls locker room and wishes he could have been a fly on the wall, when suddenly a gauziness settles over his vision, and he can all of a sudden see the girls from a couple hours earlier! Follow along as he developes his new ability!
Caution: This Erotic Sci-fi Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Fiction Time Travel
I have had physicals in the past, but this was becoming ridiculous! I folded my arms across my chest.
"I understand the need to have me checked out by a doctor, however, you are taking this to the extreme. I have never had to have an MRI taken during a routine physical, or had wires attached to my head. No, this is to much," I said, putting my foot down.
"Mr. Wilshire, I was assured you would cooperate with this," said the doctor.
"I cooperated with a normal check up. You have left the realm of 'normal check up' far behind, and are into finding out what you can about my ability. No. I don't care about your security clearance, your instructions, or your intentions," I said striding to the door.
I tried to open the door. It was locked. I turned slowly, and looked at the doctor. I quirked an eyebrow at him.
"This is a secure facility Mr. Wilshire. Look, just let us take a reading of your brain while you do your viewing of the past. It will only take a few minutes, then you can be on your way," the doctor said.
I sighed and looked around the room. I had been asked to go into this room from another room, and as soon as I stepped in, I knew it was not a normal office. An MRI machine was off to one side, several computers, a head harness with a ton of wiring coming from it sat on a desk. A case with drugs and other items in it.
"I am going to be on my way now. I did not agree to any of this. Now, either unlock this door, or I will go through it," I said grimly.
He sighed.
"I told you, this is a secure facility sir. I assure you, the procedure is painless and would have been over with quickly if you had just cooperated when you came in a few minutes ago," the doctor said soothingly.
I looked at the door. Its jamb was made in such a way as to keep people out, not in. I smiled to myself. It should be possible to kick the door open.
"Doctor? Open the door now. If you do not open the door, I promise you that you will see what an irate man can do when he is angry," I said in a promising tone of voice.
"Threats do not impress me, Mr. Wilshire," the doctor replied a bit primly.
I walked a few paces away from the door, then took two steps and lashed out with my foot. BOOM! The door held, but the echo it made would tell anyone in the area that something was going on in here.
I stepped back, and did it again. The door boomed and groaned, but held. I was about to do it a third time, when the door buzzed, and opened. A couple of guards came in.
"Ah, the door opens after all," I said, and beamed with phoniness at the doctor.
"You ok Dr. Polty?" Asked one of the guards.
"Him? What about me? I was psycho-traumatized! Where is the concern for me?" I asked with feigned hurt.
I started to go around a guard, but he blocked me. I looked at him.
"Ok, this is becoming a nightmare. If I don't get out of here right now, I promise that when I do, my first stop is my attorney's office. Then we'll go to court to file a breach of contract, false imprisonment, medical ethical violations, and whatever else my attorney can think up between his office and the court building," I said grimly.
The doctor threw up his hands. "Fine, Mr. Wilshire. I will have to report this to your controller, though," he said, as if that was going to hurt my feelings.
"Do what you have to, Doc. I plan on reporting with my own complaints," I said, and got the hell out of there.
I walked out of the office, and back into the real world. Damn, but that had been surreal. I walked down the hall of a facility owned and operated by the federal government.
I exited another door, and this let me out into the rest of the facility, which was occupied by several small companies doing research with government grants. I walked to the front door of the building, and let myself out. No one tried to stop me, which was just as well, as I was not in a mood to be stopped.
I walked out to the parking lot and stared at my car for a moment. I 'back timed' and watched my car from the time I left it, to the time someone came out and attached something under it.
I sighed. The government was not really living up to their end of the bargain I had struck with them only a couple of weeks ago. This was the third time I had someone from the government try to attach a tracking device on my car. I don't know why they kept doing it. I kept removing them as fast as they placed them in or on my car.
I went to my car and removed the device. I looked at it, and went to my trunk. I opened my trunk and put the device in a baggie I had for just this situation. I closed my trunk, and drove to my attorney's office.
I opened the trunk, and got my cargo out, IE, the tracker. I was soon seated with my attorney, and telling him the latest in my list of complaints against the government. I plopped the device down on his desk.
"This is the third one I have removed from my car. Now, either the government honors that damn contract we signed, or we sue for breach of contract, and I am free from their inference," I said angrily.
"Ok tell me about it," Richard said to me, and settled back.
So I launched into my tirade. How three times now, I had caught someone placing tracking devices on my vehicles. The government asked I take a physical, which was apparently code for: "let's test the guinea pig". I told him about the shadows that my security had seen and reported. I was tired of it.
"Ok, suppose we take this from the top. Can you prove that the devices were placed by the government?" Richard asked me in a reasonable tone of voice.
"No," I answered slowly. "But the last time I was parked at a secure government facility, with security cameras everywhere. They had to have seen or captured the placing of this device on my car, and they have done nothing," I finished.
"Ok. Then these people who you say were following you. Did you identify them as government? See IDs? Did they identify themselves?" he asked, driving the point home.
"Of course not. When my security approached them they left or denied they were following me," I told him.
"Ok, this doctors visit. You did see in your contract where you agreed to let them examine you?" he asked.
"Yes, I did," I answered, wondering where he was going with this one.
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