The Gift
Copyright© 2005 by Volentrin
Chapter 31
Erotic Sci-fi Sex Story: Chapter 31 - Story about a boy who discovers the ability to see past events. He finds out he has this ability when he is serving a detention in the eight grade. He is sweeping the girls locker room and wishes he could have been a fly on the wall, when suddenly a gauziness settles over his vision, and he can all of a sudden see the girls from a couple hours earlier! Follow along as he developes his new ability!
Caution: This Erotic Sci-fi Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Fiction Time Travel
I thought about our police officer... the one that I had taken to Spain, and placed back into the past. What did I know about him and the other guy who was with him? Nada. So I went back in time about a year, and starting trailing the good officer, from in the 'between'.
I learned that he was definitely as corrupt as the day is long, and so was his friend. My guess had been accurate. They were both part of an enforcement arm for the 'council'. By tracking these two, I was able to identify the 'Mr. Smith' they were talking about.
His real name was Roger Miller. He was a very interesting and enigmatic man. He was single, in his late fifties and worked at the prestigious Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
He was a professor of science, specializing in electronics. Well, that explained his ability to get my number. I recognized his voice as being that of the one who had called me on my private line in my office. A line which hardly anyone had the number of yet.
His home was as amazing as he was. He lived about a forty-minute drive from the Institute, and commuted every day. He was a mild mannered looking man. A more absent-minded professor looking type, you couldn't find!
After I gained access to his house, I explored it from in the 'between'. He had more security than I would have believed any normal person could have! Most of it seemed homemade, too. While he had a home computer up in his den, it was the secret room downstairs in the basement, that intrigued me most.
He had partitioned off a part of his basement. You could only access that particular room through a secret door, disguised as part of a wall that held a rack of pool cues.
Well, it was no problem for me. I just went inside with him, from in the 'between', and made sure I waited till he left. Then I placed an object into the NTZ. But the secret room itself! Shit! It was as if I had stumbled into a sci-fi movie!
The guy had built his own computer. It was big, and it was powerful. I looked it over carefully and he had at least one terrabyte of hard drive space. I was itching to get into his system and look at it really closely, but that might be dangerous.
The room was air conditioned to keep his computer cool. The rest of the room was an electronics 'gee whiz' ad! I looked at several items, and was confused. He had designed things that I could not even begin to grasp what their purpose was.
I watched him type in his password. That was the screen that was on when we entered the room. His password was becky_thatcher0511312d2. That was a hell of a password! Well, it would be easy to get some form of access after he left. I now had the password to get in. But were there other protected files?
I noticed with interest that he had video conferencing available; and he had a scrambler set up, too. Now who would he have to scramble? Damn! But this guy had some stuff I wish I had. A lot of it was home made, and very hi tech. More 'gee whiz' stuff.
I quickly found out his telephone numbers after I returned to the 'now'. I checked 'in the now' with him, now that I had found him. I noticed he had not changed his password since I had first found it, 'a year ago', relatively speaking. Bad security for him, great news for me.
I had two things to do now. One was to start designing a new program, so I could invade Mr. Millers computer; and two, do a face-to-face with Rachael. We had a couple things to iron out.
Rachael arrived at my house several days after my victory, (or was it?) over the federal government in court. I led her into the living room and offered her refreshment.
"Rachael, we need to straighten out a slight problem," I started.
"I agree. I have been worried about you for a little while now," she replied.
"Thank you for your concern. Now then, are you under the delusion that I owe you explanations for anything I should happen to say or do?" I asked interestedly.
She sat back, her eyes widening. "What do you mean?"
"I mean a certain phone call, where you said you needed to evaluate who you worked for? If you don't like working for me, I will accept your letter of resignation. I am easy to get along with, I will be sorry to see you go, but I don't have to answer to you at all," I said sternly.
Her mouth tightened.
"I understand. If you want me to resign, I will have a letter on your desk first thing in the morning," she said and started to get up.
"Sit down!" I said sharply. She did.
"Rachael, when I first hired you, I told you what I wanted and expected from you. You have fulfilled, no more than fulfilled my expectations. I don't want your resignation, unless you want to go.
"But what I do with the information you get for me, how I use it, if I use it, even how I disseminate it, is not your concern. Yes, I leaked that list of names and also a couple of choice items of interest, to the national press. That's my business, not yours.
"If you can't understand that, then you should resign. I would miss you, as I have come to depend on you, and your abilities. The bottom line is that I am your employer, and you're the employee. Do I make myself clear?" I asked her gently.
She swallowed, and nodded. I smiled at her.
"Great! Are we still a team, or do you want to resign?" I asked her, dreading her decision to quit.
"No, I don't want to resign. I like this job," Rachael responded.
"Good. I am glad we see eye to eye, and that I still have a director of investigations. Here is someone I want investigated. I want a list of who he sees, where he goes, who he calls, if you can get that. I want weekly reports," I said, giving her Roger Millers name address and work place.
"Tell whoever you send to be very careful with this man. He is very, very dangerous. He is with the enforcement arm of the 'council'. Rachael, I can't stress how dangerous he is. It is possible he would go as far as to KILL someone who he deems even a minor threat. I am not releasing this information to the government, because we still don't have a complete list of who are members, and we have already seen a number of governmental employees and elected officials revealed," I told her.
She nodded, and we then talked about other matters. The meeting ended on a pleasant note. As I closed the door behind her, I sighed with relief. I was so glad I was not going to have to fire her or replace her. This was my first time of getting tough with an employee. I hated like hell to get tough with Rachael, but it had been necessary.
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