The Gift
Copyright© 2005 by Volentrin
Chapter 30
Erotic Sci-fi Sex Story: Chapter 30 - Story about a boy who discovers the ability to see past events. He finds out he has this ability when he is serving a detention in the eight grade. He is sweeping the girls locker room and wishes he could have been a fly on the wall, when suddenly a gauziness settles over his vision, and he can all of a sudden see the girls from a couple hours earlier! Follow along as he developes his new ability!
Caution: This Erotic Sci-fi Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Fiction Time Travel
Friday morning, Richard and I were at the courthouse early. We had gotten close to a deal with the government that I could actually live with. Just a couple things were wrong with it. It had me moving to a place of "safety", with the government being in charge of said safety. And they refused to say where I would be moving to.
Another thing is, they wanted me wired 24/7. There was no way. They did agree to return my passport if I allowed them to have me under surveillance anywhere I went; and, I had to clear my trips in advance. Right, and pigs fly.
We were sipping coffee in the courthouse coffee shop. I did have an edge, in that I had read what the judge would be deciding today. I did want to give the government one more shot at a fair deal, which was why I had told my attorney that they could try for one final time this morning, before court.
We were on our second cup of coffee when the attorneys for the government entered, looked around and spotted us. They came to our table and sat across from us.
"Thank you for seeing us, Mr. Wilshire. We hope we can come to an acceptable deal before the judge rules this morning. Let me say at the outset we are confident that it is going our way, but we are willing, no, eager to have you working for us willingly.
"Here is our final offer, good until we walk into the courtroom. Give us your time once a month, we provide protection, but loosely. You can stay at your home, but we have to know where you are every minute of the day. It is for your protection sir," the government attorney offered.
"Well... Tell you what. I will give you a counter offer, good 'till we enter the courtroom. I will retain my home, provide my own security. I will do two jobs a year for the government. I will do one additional job, per year, that is under emergency type conditions. And you have to convince me it is a legitimate emergency, and not just the government wanting spying done. I want my passport returned. I do not want escorts to my destinations. I want the semblance of a normal life," I said and took a sip of coffee.
We dickered a bit back and forth until it was time to head to the courtroom. I allowed that they could check out my security arrangements, and a couple of other minor concessions (approved by my attorney, of course). We all got up and walked out the coffee shop to the elevator together. As we approached the courtroom door I gave the government attorneys a parting shot.
"By the way, I know I am going to win, because I cheated. I used my ability last night, and peeked at which way the judge was going to rule. I read his decision," I said and winked at them.
We entered the courtroom together, and I could feel the government attorneys staring at me. Richard and I went to our table and sat, waiting for the judge to enter the chamber, which was a short wait.
"All rise. All persons to hear the case of Tom Wilshire versus the US Government draw nigh and be heard, the honorable judge..." and in walked the judge.
As he sat the government's head attorney jumped to his feet and made a request.
"Your honor, the government would like to withdraw its counter claim against Mr. Wilshire, pending his agreeing to the terms of an arrangement he made with us just this morning in the coffee shop," the attorney said.
The judge peered at him, then looked at me.
"I take it there were last minute negotiations going on?" The judge said with a quirk to his mouth.
"Yes, your honor. My client tendered a final solution to our mutual problem, which appears to satisfy the government," Richard said in fine old lawyer double-speak.
"I take it the government is satisfied with this arrangement?" The judge asked?
"It is the best that we can do, and have both parties agree, your honor," the government's lawyer answered.
"Very well. I am dismissing both sides claims, and this case is dismissed," the judge said, banging his gavel.
We all rose, and the government's head attorney walked to our table.
"Do you want to meet at our office to sign a contract, or your attorneys office, Mr. Wilshire?" I was asked.
"Suppose you and my attorney iron out the details, as you both know them as well as I do. By the way, for payment, I want to be tax exempt. My income is to be non taxable by the federal government from the day I sign the contract," I said, and waved to them.
I went home and celebrated. I had pulled a fast one on the feds, and gotten away with it! I laughed and laughed until tears ran down my cheeks. I had, in fact, read the judges report. While a person's rights were guaranteed, in today's climate of international terrorism, and due to the fact that my ability had been publicly revealed, and with the threats I had received regarding my special ability; the judge was going to grant the government's motion and order of protection. It was for my own safety. The judge hoped I would come to appreciate the service the government was doing for me.
Well, it was true. I didn't lie to the government lawyer. I did win, after all, just as I said. Was it my fault they misunderstood how I was going to win? They let me win, because they did not feel as confident in their case as they pretended to be.
I grinned at the word. It was one my dad used, along with schnook. Both words were meant to express contempt, dislike, and mistrust about someone. Good words, even though we aren't Jewish. I had not heard them used since my father died. I sighed with the memory.
It wasn't until Wednesday of the following week that my attorney said he had the documents ready. He said had gone over everything with a fine-toothed comb, and a mine detector. I grinned at that. I drove to his office, and we called the government's rep to come witness, and to sign for his side. By one that afternoon, I was a bona fide government employee, albeit a reluctant one. But I had dealt myself a very cushy work schedule. The reason it took so long to get the contract finished, was the term: emergency.
The government had a habit of terming most things an emergency, and they had wanted to keep me active during, "emergencies". My lawyer deleted most of it, and added protection for me in it, but we did sign.
After the signing, everyone got copies, and we all shook hands. I was told I would be given a special ID, and I would be contacted in the near future. Richard escorted them out and we sat.
"You're doing the right thing," Richard said to me.
"Not really. The right thing would be no interference from my government. The right thing is, I could live as I chose to without government interest and spying on me or trying to control me or my movements," I said bitterly.
He looked puzzled. "Tom, you won? No need to be so angry. You did well," Richard said.
So I told him the whole thing, including reading the judge's decision. When I finished he got the most peculiar look on his face, and then started laughing! He kept laughing and I finally started laughing, too. We laughed and laughed.
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