The Gift - Cover

The Gift

Copyright© 2005 by Volentrin

Chapter 29

Erotic Sci-fi Sex Story: Chapter 29 - Story about a boy who discovers the ability to see past events. He finds out he has this ability when he is serving a detention in the eight grade. He is sweeping the girls locker room and wishes he could have been a fly on the wall, when suddenly a gauziness settles over his vision, and he can all of a sudden see the girls from a couple hours earlier! Follow along as he developes his new ability!

Caution: This Erotic Sci-fi Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Fiction   Time Travel  

Thursday morning dawned a dank and drearily overcast day. It was one of those mornings that made you want to stay home and laze in bed all day. Something I could not afford to do. I had a lot of things planned for this day.

I glanced out my front window, and noticed my erstwhile guards from the fed were still there. I brewed some coffee, and thought about my situation. In a way, I could understand the government's position.

I had something that could prove to be a life saving ability at the very least. I could inform the government of disasters that had happened, go back and warn them, and have them take preemptive measures to avert them.

In all honesty, there were all sorts of things I could do for them, and for the people. That was the problem. I just knew if I caved, it would be little things at first, but then it would escalate. That was the way with any governmental organization.

They all start out well meaning, but as they became more and more powerful, they start doing more, and expecting more from the people in return. The expectations the government had, were basically taxes and more taxes, and a reduction and erosion of your rights.

More and more the courts have decided in favor of federal governments rights, above a citizens rights. It was all for the public good, and welfare. But it's a slippery slope that had been started years ago, and it seemed to be picking up speed.

It would be nice to work with a place that had funds and people who could help me with my ability. I might be able to do still more with it. For all I knew, I still had more abilities hiding, just needing a little nudge or training to bring them out. It was a nice thought, but it would also act to put me into the government's debt.

No, having the government know all my abilities was not something I wanted. I would keep the rest hidden. Just them knowing that I could 'view' the past, was already problem enough, for me.

I turned on the local news, and discovered that further repercussions were taking place all over. My story about the 'council' that I had released nationally, was making some decent sized waves. I drank my coffee and listened as congress was reportedly going to investigate this so called 'council'. Good. It was about time that this group was taken to task and made responsible for it's actions.

I had put enough information in the article that even the newspapers were investigating. As it turned out; whoever had fudged their computer system, had also given them the story of the year, possibly the decade!

Several public figures were already resigning, and others were being asked hard questions. Some were saying it was no more than joining a political party, or a club of some sort. But when confronted with certain facts that I had laid at this group's doorstep, they were hard pressed to defend those actions; or, they claimed they knew nothing about said actions.

The phone rang and I picked it up. "Hello?"

"Ok, how did you do it," Rachael asked me over the phone.

"Do what?" I asked, pretending to be confused.

"Come off it, Tom. It's all over the news. 'Council' this, 'council' that... council being investigated for the other thing. People resigning from public office, and highly placed positions in the government. That story had everything I gave you, and more. It had to be you," Rachael said over the phone.

"I don't think this is a subject for a conversation over the phone. You did know I am in a court battle with the federal government, now? You know that they are in violation of certain of my rights? Do you think that they might be listening to this phone call, not because I am guilty of anything, but just because they can?" I pounded that point home.

It was too late, though. She had already informed the feds she thought I had done it... if they were listening... and I wouldn't put it past them.

"Well, we need to get together for a face to face. I want to know who I am working for," she finished grimly, and hung up on me.

Well, while not unexpected, it was a little disappointing to have someone you trust treat you like this. Of course, her thinking that I had something to do with this, was totally accurate. Damn, but she was good. I just hoped the feds had not been listening.

I went out, told my personal security I would be gone for most of the day, and got into my car. I pulled around and stopped by my government 'protection', and rolled my window down.

"Ok, I am going to the courthouse, to my office, to my bank, and a few other places as well. Just a heads up," I said to the passenger in the car that was going to follow me.

I pulled away. I was soon out the gate and making my way into Boston proper. I parked my car in a downtown lot, and started walking. It was a brisk five-minute walk to the courthouse building.

The only reason I had walked, was to force the federal protection out of their car and onto their feet. If I was going to have this protection, unasked for, I was going to make it difficult for them.

I entered the court building. I made my way into and through several courtrooms, and placed objects into the NTZ to have access points handy. One thing a courtroom had, that the regular hallways didn't, was that door that led to the judge's chambers, and I wanted access to those chambers.

I had plans on breaking and entering into my judge's chambers, and reading his decision a little early. It would give me a feel on how to treat the government's offers and the counter offers, which would no doubt be flying high, today.

I went to my attorney's office, and told him to keep the dialog going. If the government actually came up with something I could live with, I didn't mind helping on a 'once in a blue moon' time frame.

Richard asked what I meant, exactly. I sighed.

"Ok. I want my freedom from the feds. I don't want to have twenty-four hour guards. I want my passport back, and the freedoms accorded to any honest law abiding citizen. I will not sign a secrets act concerning my ability, nor will I let them dictate how or when I use my ability. It does not belong to them. They don't own it, and they don't own me. In exchange, I will help out the government with my ability two, maybe three times a year, tops," I explained in clear concise language.

"Thank you. Now that I have a more precise set of instructions, I can deal better with my counterpart in the feds. If it makes any difference to you, I want you to know I think you're doing the right thing.



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