The Gift
Copyright© 2005 by Volentrin
Chapter 28
Erotic Sci-fi Sex Story: Chapter 28 - Story about a boy who discovers the ability to see past events. He finds out he has this ability when he is serving a detention in the eight grade. He is sweeping the girls locker room and wishes he could have been a fly on the wall, when suddenly a gauziness settles over his vision, and he can all of a sudden see the girls from a couple hours earlier! Follow along as he developes his new ability!
Caution: This Erotic Sci-fi Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Fiction Time Travel
We caught a US MAC flight. I asked what MAC stood for. I was told Military Airlift Command. Apparently, the government contracts with carriers to provide military personal with cheaper fares.
My tirade of refusal to go, didn't impress the ambassador or the two flunkies from the Justice Department. Not a problem. I was on record. I had also managed to get in a phone call to my attorney over what had happened. I had quickly worked out the time conversion, and discovered that it was 6 hours earlier in the US where I lived. He had still been in his office when I had called.
Let's just say it was a long flight. I was sandwiched between these two in coach, and their constant questioning of me made me angry. I interrupted them several times with a request for my attorney to be present if I were going to be questioned. They replied I was not being charged, just escorted back to the US.
I responded if that were the case, why were they grilling me about my plans, why were they asking how I left the country, and why had they refused to stop questioning me despite my request for my attorney to be present.
I got some help from a passenger in front of us. He stood up, and turned to face us.
"I am not sure who everyone is back here, but I heard that this man is not being charged with anything. He requested an attorney repeatedly, and asked you to stop questioning him. Now, while I may not be a lawyer, I do know that by law you are required to stop. I am giving this man my name and contact information, and hope he sues the hell out of you two," he said, and gave me his information.
I thanked him. The rest of the flight was pretty quiet. I had placed my witness's card in my wallet. My two escorts were thoughtful, after that. They tried to engage me in conversation not associated with anything remotely concerning my 'gift', or why I had gone on my trip. I declined to be drawn in.
We landed in New York 8:00 PM, local time, having 'gained' an hour on the flight. We were met by still more agents, and a federal marshal.
"Tom Wilshire?" I was asked.
I nodded.
"I am marshal Frankins and I am bringing you in for questioning concerning your recent trip abroad. You are not under arrest, but we are questioning you, so if you wish to have an attorney present that is your right," he said, then he 'Miranda-ized' me.
My attorney was already in New York, my having told him the flight number, and my circumstances. I was allowed my call, and I called his office. They in turn, relayed the call to my attorney via his cell phone, who was on his way to where I was being taken. He arrived about twenty minutes after I did.
After we were all together, the questioning started.
"Mr. Wilshire, can you explain to us why you went to the airport trying to use a passport you knew was not valid?" asked one of the justice department flunkies who had accompanied me on my flight.
"I didn't know it was not valid. I knew it had previously been invalidated, but I have had my attorney working on restoring it. I assumed he was successful," I answered.
"He told you your passport was restored?" other agent said.
"No," I answered.
"Now, then. Let's back up to your first trip to England, when you met a Lord Avery-Smythe," the first escort said.
"That question is out of line, and has already be adjudicated. Move on," my attorney said sharply.
So it went, for three hours and twenty minutes. When the questioning got back around to previous trips abroad, my attorney stopped them, and said they were not pertinent to the stated reason for us being questioned now.
My attorney finally told them we were done here. Unless I was being arrested and charged with something, we were leaving. The government objected saying there were still a lot of unanswered questions. My attorney responded with, the questions now being asked were not germane to the reason for our being here to begin with.
Despite protestations, my attorney and I left. They had no reason to hold me, and I had satisfied the questions that originally got me into trouble.
"You know, Tom, you have really gotten my life to an interesting point. You remind me of that old Chinese curse," he said, chuckling.
"Which is?" I asked curiously.
"It goes, 'may you live in interesting times'," he said grinning at me.
I laughed. Actually, I had heard that before, but had forgotten I knew it.
"How does the case we have already filed look?" I asked.
"Not too bad. Despite your little trip just now, it shows you were in no danger, you weren't mugged, shot, stabbed, kidnapped, arrested (other than by our side); and while you were on your way to Australia, you did have a return ticket for the US from there," he told me.
"Why does it matter if I had a return ticket. What I do and where I go, should not matter to the government," I said, getting angry.
"I know. Your main problem is that you have an ability the government wants to control. Personally, I am surprised that you didn't get hurt or kidnapped on your jaunt. Foreign governments would gleefully kill for possession of your ability, you know," my attorney said in a serious tone of voice.
"I am not a fool. I bought my tickets with cash. No card trail, and I kept a good watch over myself. I have been taking martial arts for almost ten years now. I doubt any two or three people could take me," I said absently.
"All that aside, I will be able to show you traveled to various countries without having any problems whatsoever. That is a plus. I still don't know how you managed to get out of the country though. Your passport was still canceled," Richard said in a musing tone of voice.
"Well, it worked when I presented it. Not my fault," I said a bit smugly.
"Be seated," the judge said, and our hearing in federal court was underway.
"What I have before me is a petition for relief from governmental intrusion. The government is countering that Mr. Wilshire presents an ability that is so important to the government and the people, that he needs protecting, even from himself. Is that everyone's understanding?" the judge asked.
Both sides agreed that this breakdown was fairly accurate. So it began. My attorney got up and laid out point after point, destroying the government's claim I would be in danger from governments or people. He also pointed out we won a case already about an obviously fraudulent commitment proceeding.
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