The Gift
Copyright© 2005 by Volentrin
Chapter 27
Erotic Sci-fi Sex Story: Chapter 27 - Story about a boy who discovers the ability to see past events. He finds out he has this ability when he is serving a detention in the eight grade. He is sweeping the girls locker room and wishes he could have been a fly on the wall, when suddenly a gauziness settles over his vision, and he can all of a sudden see the girls from a couple hours earlier! Follow along as he developes his new ability!
Caution: This Erotic Sci-fi Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Fiction Time Travel
I could not convince my two erstwhile 'guardians' that I needed no federal protection. They had their instructions, and it was to keep me safe while I was out in public. I told them I had not requested, nor wanted this protection. They just said they would be as discrete as they could be, but they had their orders.
I changed my destination, and drove to my lawyer's office. I only waited five minutes before Richard saw me.
"I seem to have two problems. One, the federal government invalidated my passport. The other is I seem to have picked up at least two federal guards," I said bitterly.
"Ok, calm down. Now then, how do you know the feds invalidated your passport?" Richard asked me.
I explained my planned trip, and the subsequent computer flag that was in the airlines computer, along with the 1-800 number I was given to call, which routed me to the US Attorney General's office.
I told him my conversation with the Fed on the other end of the line, and what I had been told. Then I told him about being followed, about stopping and watching the two agents pull up behind me and wait by my car, 'till I came back to it. I regaled him with the conversation I had with the two agents, whom were even now waiting outside somewhere, to 'protect' me.
"What do you want me to do for you about this?" Richard asked.
"I want the rights a normal everyday citizen has. I want to be able to go on vacation when I want, and where I want. I do have enough money to not work and travel full time if I want... for the rest of my life, if I so desire!
"I also do not want nor do I need these federal agents who have just showed up all concerned with protecting me. Protecting me from what? I told them to leave me alone, they won't. That's harassment.
"People call the police and the feds everyday with complaints about threats, and the answer is always the same. They can't do anything until an actual crime is committed. Yet here I am, your average Joe blow (albeit with a twist: I can do something that the government obviously wants control over), and I get this protection unsolicited!" I nearly screamed the last.
"Give me a day to contact the government and find out what they think they are doing. Do you still have that 800 number?" Richard asked.
I was back home, and I turned on my phone. It started ringing almost right away.
"Hello?" I answered it.
"Mr. Wilshire? I'm the producer of NBC's..." I hung up.
I picked up the phone again and called the phone company. I explained I wanted to change my private number for another private number, as this one seemed to have become public knowledge. I was told a new number would be assigned, and the costs associated with changing the number. I told them fine, and hung up.
I looked out the window at my two federal guards. I sighed and went to my study. I could always go to Europe by using the NTZ to wherever I had accessed the NTZ from my previous visits to Europe; but I was really pissed. Damn the federal government, anyway! I fired up my computer. After checking to make sure it was safe, and that nothing was trying to piggyback onto or into my system, I went through a couple back doors, and into the fed's computers. I started giving them instructions.
Two hours later I yawned and stretched. I disconnected from the internet and ran my own security check and anti-virus program. It was much more comprehensive than the commercial programs.
I had thought it was about time for my 'erstwhile dissatisfied federal employee', the one who sent me and twenty other people that list that exposed the government's illegal activities, to strike again. So I had looked into several places in the government's computers, and chortled as they were about to disclose more embarrassing items for public consumption.
This time it was legal cases where the government had been ordered to turn over all information to the defense attorneys. I had found several cases where exculpatory evidence had been deliberately hidden or withheld, in violation of the law. That should raise some ire in several places.
I had also told the Passport control computer to go ahead and leave my passport as it was; but the next time I tried to buy a ticket, a 'glitch' would let me use it, thereby letting me travel out of the country. Before the government even knew it, I would be long gone, and they would be able to do absolutely nothing about it. If they even knew I had left, that is. The 'glitch' would not let itself be known unless someone deliberately looked at my passport in the Passport's computer, and saw the 'glitch', via their computer.
The next day I called my attorney. He said that he had not been able to get anywhere with the US attorneys office, and that the protection was likely to stay until a judge ordered it removed. As for the passport problem; while I was a tax paying law abiding citizen, the government owned the passport, and they could cancel it when they wanted. This, too, would have to have a federal judge countermanding the US Attorney's orders.
I gave the go ahead, and Richard said he would file in federal court first thing in the morning. In the meantime, he had tried to call me, but my phone number had been changed. I told him that my phone was ringing off the hook. I'd had to have it changed, to get some peace. I said I would tell him my new number, as soon as I found out what it was.
I turned on the TV, and there was a breaking news story that did not involve me! How cool was that? I turned up the sound.
"- apparently done by a whistle blowing employee. Whoever did it, has exposed a serious breach of ethics in our Federal Justice Department. Again: Files forwarded from the US Justice Department to this news agency have revealed that the federal government's US Attorney General's office has been withholding key pieces of evidence, despite judges' orders, and motions of 'discovery'. More on this tonight, on the 10PM news. We now return you to our regularly scheduled program."
The scene was replaced by Gilligan climbing a tree. I turned off the TV.
Well, this was good news for me, and good news for attorneys across America. Bad news for the government, though. Their credibility was going to take a big nose-dive. For a country that claimed to be built on law and justice, this was really going to give them a black eye.
I chortled a little. I loved it when a plan came together. I started thinking about my trip overseas. I needed to be in whatever country I was going to, legally. That was why I flummoxed the computer at passport control. I wanted to have sites from different countries other than Germany or England. True, I also had one point in France I could go to, but I planned on doing a lot of foreign country traveling, and getting a lot of places located with NTZ.
Days went by, and the public slowly started forgetting me. My fed protection was still there, as were my own security forces. I was able to go to work without being mobbed. I decided to get ten thousand dollars in traveler's checks.
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