The Gift
Copyright© 2005 by Volentrin
Chapter 26
Erotic Sci-fi Sex Story: Chapter 26 - Story about a boy who discovers the ability to see past events. He finds out he has this ability when he is serving a detention in the eight grade. He is sweeping the girls locker room and wishes he could have been a fly on the wall, when suddenly a gauziness settles over his vision, and he can all of a sudden see the girls from a couple hours earlier! Follow along as he developes his new ability!
Caution: This Erotic Sci-fi Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Fiction Time Travel
My attorney was GOOD! I woke up the next morning with a court date. Richard had managed to get an emergency hearing over the hold order, and we won!
Particularly interesting were the exact transcripts of my interview with the doctor who interviewed me the day before. The doctor had taped the interview, and we had subpoenaed the tape. We played the tape, and compared it to what the doctor had written down. It was an obvious railroad attempt from the start. Also, my attorney had written a statement as to what had transpired in the office of the deputy director. The government's attorneys tried to have it excluded as privileged, but no one from their side had been introduced as an attorney, so no client attorney privilege attached. Oddly, I was willing to wave mine.
The final nail in their coffin was when they asked that this entire hearing be classified, and the judge disqualify himself as not having the proper clearance to 'hear' sensitive information.
My attorney objected, saying we had nothing to hide, that the so called sensitive information belonged to his client, IE ME. The government could not ask that information and abilities not belonging to it could be classified. The judge asked my lawyer what he meant. The lawyers for the government objected, but the judge overruled them. My lawyer said this whole business started when the government found out that I had the ability to view past events, as if I were there.
This took a little explanation, and a demonstration. The judge said that while he saw where the government might consider such an ability as something to keep secret, it was not their ability. They did not discover it, manufacture it, train it, invest in it, or any of the other reasons someone under contract might be held to a 'secrets act'.
The judge also mentioned that he saw a predominance of governmental favoritism in the doctors' written evaluation to date. One was a question where I had been asked if I'd heard voices. I had responded that only when I thought I saw someone's mouth moving, or if I were in a setting where voices might be heard. The doctor had written, "Patient refuses to admit he hears voices."
That kind of statement is the system, rubber-stamping something. In my case, they were on the road to committing me, so they could control my gift and me. The judge recognized it, and ruled that the previous order was vacated. In his stated 'opinion', he said that these proceedings were a thinly disguised attempt by the federal government to circumvent the law, and a person's individual rights. Court was adjourned.
"You know that these things are public record," Richard told me as he was driving me home.
"I know," I replied with a sigh. "But it was the only way I could think of to counter the feds, without getting violent," I said with a grin.
"I still can't believe you can do the things they say! Even after I saw you demonstrate it in court! My god! The things you could find out. The secrets exposed..." he went on for some time in that vein.
"That's why I kept this ability secret for so long. The government will want me to spy for them. So will corporations and other governments. All sorts of people will want me, and just as many will consider me a danger," I said sadly.
"Damn, that hadn't crossed my mind as yet. What are you going to do?" Richard asked me.
"Well, I have a few places I have bought under assumed names. I can always go there, and I have my security home here in Boston, and a very secure home in North Dakota. Most of this should blow over soon.
"What worries me the most is, will the feds give up, or will they try something else? They really hate losing, and I have something they are drooling to control. I imagine they will be contacting me again, one way or another. They will present offers, or threats, or a combination of both. Luckily, I have the money to fight them," I lectured.
It wasn't until later that evening that the news media started asking for interviews. I refused all interviews, and turned my phone off. I was about to exit the main gate the following morning, and was stunned to see a crowd of people, news trucks, and cars all over the place. Local police were out trying to control the crowd and keep the road clear.
Well, I knew logically that this would happen, but it was still disconcerting to see it. I knew I was in for a rough few days or even weeks. I turned around, and drove back home. There was no way I was going to make it to the office today.
After I got back home, I called the office. The line was busy, so I called on the line that, while not private, was hardly known.
"Wilshire philanthropic agency," I heard Lisa, my researcher/secretary say.
"Hey, Lisa, what's the office look like? Particularly the outside?" I asked her.
"Tom! It's a madhouse out there. It was a madhouse in here until I called the police. They cleared the inside, but can't do much about the crowd outside. Is it true? Can you do everything they say you can do?" She asked me.
"I'm not sure. What do they say I can do?" I asked curiously.
"Well, the local channels say you can view past events as if you were right there, even though it happened in the past. Others say you can change the past, and should be locked up for everyone's safety," she continued on for a bit.
I was amazed at what was being attributed to me. Some of it was damn close, but most was just unbelievable. I could: fly using my mind, jump in time, change time, kill people in time, manipulate time. I could cause people to age faster than they should. I dealt with the devil, and so on. I would have laughed, if it hadn't been so serious a situation.
"Well, tell everyone waiting for me to show up, that I am not coming in, today. I am turning my phone off, as people seem to have discovered my phone number, unlisted as it is," I said and hung up.
I told my house security that I was going to fly to Germany for about a week. I called the airport, and booked a flight. Before I left for the airport, I called my half sister, Debra.
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