The Gift
Copyright© 2005 by Volentrin
Chapter 24
Erotic Sci-fi Sex Story: Chapter 24 - Story about a boy who discovers the ability to see past events. He finds out he has this ability when he is serving a detention in the eight grade. He is sweeping the girls locker room and wishes he could have been a fly on the wall, when suddenly a gauziness settles over his vision, and he can all of a sudden see the girls from a couple hours earlier! Follow along as he developes his new ability!
Caution: This Erotic Sci-fi Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Fiction Time Travel
After being driven to the downtown headquarters of the office of the FBI, I was taken to an interview room. In it, was a medium sized rectangular table, five chairs, and the ever-present two-way mirror. Three agents were waiting to question me. There was a microphone on the table.
My attorney and I sat on one side of the table. The three agents were on the other side. After we were seated, the middle agent stated everyone's name, the date, time, and location of the interview.
"Mr. Wilshire, do you know why you're here?" Asked agent Heely, the middle agent.
"Yes," I replied simply.
"You do? And what are you here for?" Heely asked again.
"I am here because two persons, having identified themselves as agents of the FBI, asked if I would accompany them to the downtown office to answer some questions that the government has concerns about," I answered.
"You don't know the specifics?" I was asked.
"No," I answered.
"Tell us where you were today and what you did," Heely asked again.
My attorney told me not to answer that.
"You have an objection to Mr. Wilshire telling us his whereabouts?" Agent Bradford, the guy on the left asked.
"Mr. Wilshire is not being charged with a crime, so has no need to divulge his whereabouts or schedule at this time. The question is only designed get someone to incriminate himself, and I will not allow him to answer unless you can show justification for asking," my lawyer said.
Go Lawyer, I silently cheered!
"Do you know a Roger Tyner?" Heely asked.
Roger Tyner was one of the CIA agents I had shot. "Not that I can recall," I replied after a moment of feigned thought. I was also asked about the other two agents whom I had shot. I denied knowing them, also.
"Why would you be the focus of an investigation by these individuals" the third agent finally chimed in, Agent Abernathy, sitting to the far right.
"I didn't know that I was under investigation," I said as innocently as I could.
My lawyer chimed in. "Is the government saying now, that my client is under an official investigation? If so, I would like notification as to the specifics," he said with that officiousness only lawyers can put into tones of voice.
"We'll get to that shortly. Mr. Wilshire, three agents of the government, who were watching you, were shot. They were shot all within moments of each other. You have to admit the coincidence is almost beyond comprehension," Heely said with a sneer.
"Wasn't me," I said.
"Do you own a rifle," asked Abernathy.
"Sure. Two of them as a matter of fact. One is a revolutionary era flintlock, the other is an 1840's flintlock. Nice weapons, if a little awkward to fire. I have never fired the revolutionary war rifle at all. I have fired the 1840's one though. These guys were shot by flintlocks?" I finished questioningly.
"No. Do you own any rifles or pistols or handguns of a more modern time than the ones you have mentioned?" Agent Bradford asked me.
"A shotgun I inherited from my father when he died, and that's it," I replied simply.
And so went the questioning. My lawyer chimed in from time to time, and objected when they rephrased the same question in different ways. After I had been there for a bit over two hours, I decided enough was enough.
"Gentleman. I have been patient and answered all your questions to the best of my ability. Well, the ones my lawyer would let me answer. It's getting late and I'm tired. So, if you have no objections, I am going home," I told them standing.
They all objected.
"Sir. You still have not told us why the CIA would be investigating you," Abernathy said hastily.
That was all my lawyer needed to jump on them.
"Are you telling us now, after being here for over two hours; that the CIA, an agency that is forbidden by FEDERAL LAW to operate inside the borders of the United States against United States citizens, was involved in an illegal operation regarding my client?" my lawyer asked, his voice rising with incredulity.
"We are investigating that as well, Sir," Heely said.
"This interview is over. We are leaving. Either charge my client with something, or get out of our way," my lawyer said a bit grimly.
On the drive back to my house, my attorney asked if there was anything he should know. He explained that whatever I told him was privileged information and could not be revealed.
I told him I understood the attorney-client relationship perfectly, and that I had nothing to add. I then told him I wanted him to start proceedings against the CIA for spying on me.
He said it might be difficult, but we could subpoena the tape just made with the FBI with the agent's admission that it had, in fact, been a CIA operation. I nodded. He said he would get on it first thing in the morning.
When I got home, my security was still there, as was Rachael. Carl was out at the farm and could not get back. He was doing an intensive training session with a new group of trainees that we had just hired.
"Want to tell me what this was all about?" Rachael asked me.
"Well," I said sipping a cup of coffee, "Apparently the CIA agents charged with spying on me were shot. I don't have all the details, but the FBI is investigating why the CIA is interested in me, and why the CIA was doing covert operations against a citizen of the United States, in contravention of US law," I said musingly.
"How did you get dragged into this? No never mind, I can see it already. Three agents get shot and the thing they have in common is they are investigating, or watching you. I can see why they would question you," Rachael said with a grin.
"Aren't you going to ask me if I did it?" I asked her curiously.
"Nope. No way you could have done it. Your security would have noticed if you left to go somewhere. My question is, did you pay to have them shot?" she asked seriously.
"Rachael, I did not pay to have those people shot," I answered honestly.
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