The Gift
Copyright© 2005 by Volentrin
Chapter 21
Erotic Sci-fi Sex Story: Chapter 21 - Story about a boy who discovers the ability to see past events. He finds out he has this ability when he is serving a detention in the eight grade. He is sweeping the girls locker room and wishes he could have been a fly on the wall, when suddenly a gauziness settles over his vision, and he can all of a sudden see the girls from a couple hours earlier! Follow along as he developes his new ability!
Caution: This Erotic Sci-fi Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Fiction Time Travel
Clearing customs to get back into the US, was not as hard as it might seem. I did it on my computer, via my back door access into big brother's computer systems. Getting my luggage was only a little more difficult. I had to go retrieve it. When they asked why I hadn't cleared it the day before, I pleaded to just being plain tired. They had me open it and look through it. No problems.
With this new ability to study and think on, I still had to finish the computer program I was working on. I wanted to know who had tried to crash into my computer system. It had been a very sophisticated program.
I still had time left on my vacation, so I devoted a huge amount of that time to creating the new program. Levy and John had helped immensely with the math for the programs I did in college for all three of us; but now I needed something tougher.
It was actually fun to get back into programming as deeply as I was, with this project. A lot of it was pretty straightforward, but a lot I was making up as I went along. I actually had thought about something like this when I was in college. It was easy to recall a lot of it, but still, much of it was in 'uncharted territory', so to speak.
Three solid days of changing, adding, and re-writing to what I had done with my college program; left me with a very powerful little program, indeed! The next thing I did, was access the phone company's computers. They actually had decent protection in place! It took me a couple hours to bypass it, and get myself set up. Kudos to the phone company (sort of)!
After I had instructed the phone company's computer, I was almost ready. I made a fresh pot of coffee, and ate a sandwich. Coffee seems to go well with almost any sandwich.
I finished my light meal, and set everything in motion. I had been cruising the internet for a couple hours before I was invaded again. This time my program latched onto it like a dog does a bone. The phone company kicked in and did their part. In less than 5 seconds, I had a phone number and an address.
Caller ID is a wonderful tool! Ever since the phone company had set up the caller ID system, it had become so much easier to trace a call. It was a local Boston address. I wrote it down, and then turned off my computer.
An hour later I was downtown, in the heart of Boston, in front of the "re-elect John Barlow for Congress" campaign headquarters. Now what would a congressman be doing with a program like the one that had tried to invade my computer?
I thought about it as I went to the main downtown branch of the library, and looked up what they had on the 'good' congressman. He was in his third term, and was a rising star. He sat on several panels and was a moderate democrat. He seemed to get along with everyone.
Ok. So what was he doing with a very sophisticated invasion program? I sat and pondered this for a while, turning over what I knew in my mind. I am not sure what led me to it, but I was suddenly convinced he was a member of the "council" that I had run across!
That would explain it! Nothing in the congressman's record indicated he was serving on any intelligence committee, or law and order panel; and yet he had something that could grant access to most of the computers in the nation!
No. Either he was on some sort of intelligence panel, or he was involved with this secret 'council'. Those were the only two explanations I had, right now. I could be blowing smoke up my own ass, but I didn't think so.
I left the library and made my way to the headquarters of the good congressman, and entered. There were the usual pamphlets and handouts laying on a coffee table. There was a reception desk, a couch and two chairs, a couple closed doors and that was it.
I went to the desk and asked if it were possible to see the congressman. I was asked if I had an appointment. I said no, but I was sure the congressman would see me. I gave her my name and she told me to take a seat.
I watched and saw that the receptionist did not bother to call into the offices anywhere. I sat there a while and pondered my options. After twenty minutes and she still had not notified the congressman I was waiting, I decided to do something about the brush off I was being given.
I asked for a sheet of paper, and wrote a short note. I then gave it to the receptionist.
"You do the 'brush off' technique very well. Inform the congressman that I am going home now, and he should call the number I have written down. It is to the assignment editor, for the Associated Press. I am about to get the congressman into trouble with his constituents, with the government, and possibly with the council; all because you brushed me off. Good day," I said and walked out the door.
I had parked just down the street. I was almost to my car, when I heard a yell. I stopped and turned around. There was the receptionist, and another man was with her. The man was not the congressman. I waited.
The man walked briskly down the street, and was soon standing in front of me.
"I don't know who you are, but we do not respond to threats," the man said.
I nodded, turned, and started walking away. Bypassing my car, I made my way to a telephone kiosk at the corner. I was fishing for change when the guy came up to me again.
"What is it you want? Why are you harassing the congressman?" he asked.
"I'm not the one doing the harassing. It was your computer program that tried to invade my computer. I was just curious as to why the congressman wanted access to my computer. I am sure the AP will be able to get the information for me, since I can't," I said, dropping two quarters into the phone.
The guy reached around me and, using his finger, disconnected me from the phone line. I quirked an eyebrow at him.
"Perhaps we can talk in my office?" he asked me.
"I want to speak with the congressman concerning his invasion of my privacy, and not some flunky," I told him firmly.
"I can handle any problem you may have with the congressman, I assure you. If you will just come back with me to the office, I am sure we can straighten this out," he said in a reasonable tone of voice.
"I tried your office once, remember? Your receptionist did an outstanding job of giving me the brush off. You should really give her a raise, she did it very well," I said a bit sarcastically.
"I apologize. She was doing as she was instructed. Please, come back with me so I can talk with you," he responded, sounding a little concerned this time.
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