The Gift
Copyright© 2005 by Volentrin
Chapter 2
Erotic Sci-fi Sex Story: Chapter 2 - Story about a boy who discovers the ability to see past events. He finds out he has this ability when he is serving a detention in the eight grade. He is sweeping the girls locker room and wishes he could have been a fly on the wall, when suddenly a gauziness settles over his vision, and he can all of a sudden see the girls from a couple hours earlier! Follow along as he developes his new ability!
Caution: This Erotic Sci-fi Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Fiction Time Travel
College was a total shock. First, I was away from my home for the first time in my life. Second, I was immersed in a campus culture that was ever evolving. It took me a few weeks to get used to college life. I was on my own, and was supposedly responsible for myself and my own actions. But there were lots of little rules and regulations involved with going to college, and living in dorms.
It was during a heavy snowstorm around December, that I heard a couple students discussing 'possibility versus probability'. It was fascinating. I couldn't help myself. I went over and asked if I could listen and join in. They said sure, the more the merrier.
That was how I met Levy Goldman and John Gilchrist. Both were heavily into the sciences, and both were immediately on a 'convert the new guy' roll... me being 'the new guy'.
I knew from the first time in high school when I ran across computers, that this is what I wanted to major in when I got to college. While John and Levy didn't downplay the importance of computers, they were 'gee whiz' kind of smart.
I was drawn to these two, and soon we were friends. I would sit and listen to them postulating ideas, from the serious to the ridiculous. I even tossed in a few things, from time to time, to let them know I was alive. When they got into these discussions, they tended to forget things around them.
It was in early February when I tossed out my own improbable idea to these two science students. What if someone had the ability to, say, look at an area and 'see' what had gone on there; anywhere from hours to days, weeks, months, or even years ago.
Levy asked me what I meant by 'see'.
So I told him what I meant, outlining my abilities, just not saying I could do it. That started the two on the possibilities of such an ability. They quickly covered what I already knew, and started in on things I had never even considered! I loved it!
John was all for using such an ability in crime fighting, discovering secrets of the past, and looking for missing persons (particularly children). Levy was more interested in the mechanism of 'how'.
"How could such a gift work?" he pondered.
I sat back and soaked up all the good ideas. I desperately promised myself to write some of this stuff down. For three days we talked of nothing but my ability, with them not knowing it was a real situation for me.
As was usual with these two, on day four something else came along. The topic was switched again. I mentally sighed at this. There was no way I could nudge them back onto my abilities unless I came up with a good reason. There was no reason I could think of except the obvious one, which was that I could do it.
Was I ready to let this out? I had decided long ago to keep this ability of mine secret. I was still nervous about what could happen if it became common knowledge that I could do something like this.
John had had a good idea with his 'finding' missing persons idea. I just needed to figure out how to give the proper authorities the information they needed, without becoming suspect number one, or involve my parents.
First, I looked into unsolved crimes of the past. I needed something that I could point the authorities at, from a 'safe distance'. I needed to be able to supply a prime suspect for them. I had seen enough science fiction on TV to know that 'the psychic' was always a prime suspect at first.
If I worked this right, I could create credibility without becoming a suspect at all. This meant I would have to find some older crimes, which ruled me out automatically as a suspect. I then had to keep suspicion from falling on my family. Police, being what they are; would immediately jump to the conclusion that I must have heard something from my parents, or someone close to me, who had admitted to the crime.
So I decided on a slow introduction. I became busy with following three cases from the past. The first was a college student who disappeared a little over twenty years ago. Angela Wheeler had been a junior who went missing in '75. There was an investigation that went nowhere, and the case remained open as a missing persons case.
It was actually a murder. I watched the entire thing, and was disgusted. The police had even questioned the killer. The killer had an alibi, and the police didn't know she was dead, so the police were stymied. As was normal with cases with no body, it went to a back burner. The police went on to other crimes.
I wrote, in exact detail, what had happened. I described the murder in detail, even to where the body was buried. To top it off, I named the killer, and said that there was DNA evidence on the body, as she had struggled. There were hairs, and other evidence, buried with her.
I also sent a copy to the local paper, just to nudge the police if they needed it. They didn't. I had been sure to include information the police knew, but which had not been made public. I quoted two of the officers who were investigating the disappearance of her, word for word, on something they had said. The quote was overheard by enough fellow officers still working on the force, to make it seem that it might be a fellow officer giving out this information.
I signed it: 'The Psychic'. What the hell? Who would believe the truth at this point in time? Also, who said my talent was not derived from the psychic?
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