The Gift
Copyright© 2005 by Volentrin
Chapter 19
Erotic Sci-fi Sex Story: Chapter 19 - Story about a boy who discovers the ability to see past events. He finds out he has this ability when he is serving a detention in the eight grade. He is sweeping the girls locker room and wishes he could have been a fly on the wall, when suddenly a gauziness settles over his vision, and he can all of a sudden see the girls from a couple hours earlier! Follow along as he developes his new ability!
Caution: This Erotic Sci-fi Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Fiction Time Travel
I discovered that there is a middle ground or something like it. It seemed there was a place 'outside' of time, but I could observe time while I was in it! I found it by accident, really. I was thinking it would be great to be able to video something in time, something of historical significance, yet remain unseen.
I had been practicing with my video camera, going a bit into the past, and trying to come out unobserved so I could capture whatever was going on, on tape. That's when it happened. During the third week of my sneak videoing.
I was at the edge of a wooded area with my cam-corder, trying to videotape unsuspecting people. It had been hit and miss. I was getting angry at my inability to be sneaky enough to pull it off, when I did a little 'time dive', and something different happened!
I could "FEEL" the difference. I was not hurt, nor uncomfortable. I had left my own time, and was traveling to the past in my body. I was wishing I could just sort of stay out of sight. I could feel myself moving to the point in past time that I wanted, then I just... STOPPED!
I was not in my time, nor the time I was going to! I was in a sort of in between, or otherwhen. I felt good. I wasn't short of breath, or hot or cold. I could see perfectly well, but no one seemed to noticed me at all!
Well, I panicked. I could feel the difference as I moved back to my own time. It had been years since I had been this scared! I checked myself over, and found that I was perfectly fine.
This was something new! It was an ability to be sort of in-between, yet see and hear everything perfectly. It was similar to my ability to view and hear what had gone on in a place, that I had first developed when I was back in the eight grade.
I thought long and hard on what I had done. Basically, I had moved myself ALMOST to the time I had wanted, then sort of stopped just out of sight. Oh, I could see and hear, but no one had seen me at all! If I could repeat this, it would be the perfect way to observe and record a situation!
So it was that my every waking moment for the next month was spent developing and understanding this new ability. It didn't take me long to get to a point where I could slip 'between', as I was starting to call it, whenever I wanted to.
I was getting some remarkably uninhibited video, too! I was just testing, you understand, but I might have gotten a little carried away. I at least knew I had an ability that allowed me to video, or to observe people, as well as to hear what was going on.
It was also during this time that I inadvertently discovered yet another ability. I was, uh, videoing in a place that would definitely get me in trouble with the local law, if I had been discovered there doing what I was doing.
I had occasion to wait until the area was clear. Then I completed the movement to the 'between' that I was videotaping. I was set upon by a German shepherd. It was almost on me before I even noticed it, from out of the corner of my eye. I turned, and saw it launch itself at me with a growl, and I held up my arm wishing it was gone... and it was! I felt a strange drain, but the dog was totally gone!
I slowly dropped my arm and looked with disbelief at the place where it had been. Nothing. I carefully looked around, and could not find the dog anywhere.
I heard a loud voice from out of sight around the corner of the corridor say, "Bolo! Here, boy."
I quickly stepped back into 'between', and saw the dog. I had sent it 'between'! We looked at each other. It was no longer snarling, but it looked at me like I still might be suitable for a light meal.
The guard came around the corner, and the dog started barking. Of course, the guard heard nothing. Soon, it stopped barking, and started whining. The guard went down the hall and soon was out of sight from turning yet another corner. I looked at the dog, and sort of mentally 'pushed'. It 'fell' through to the 'then', that I had been recording. It ran down the hall, yelping.
Well, well! Two new abilities in a month's time. Or was it something I could always have done, but just hadn't known I could? I stopped that train of thought, since it just gave me headaches. Now was the time I wish I still had Levy or John to bounce ideas off of.
Both of them had guided me into my abilities, early on. I was grateful to both of them. I was very wary of John, though. He was too much of a control freak. He was obsessed as a child advocate, who would have had me going 24/7 for the benefit of 'the children'.
A thought suddenly occurred to me. I had moved a living breathing dog from the past out of it's own time! The world had not come to an end. The dog had not died. In fact, I had returned it to its time, and it seemed to be okay, just disconcerted.
I had been as careful as possible not to interfere with events from the past. Even the Avery-Smythes had been heavily researched before I visited them.
Did this new ability mean I could actually effect a change? If I could, should I? Was what had gone before immutable? This led me into thinking about divine providence, the law of averages, fate, and just plain old luck.
This was something that could really drive you crazy! If I did something in the past, would it change the outcome, today? Could I change something that had already happened, and was history? If I did, would the history books change to reflect it? No, I was going to try to keep to my original plan, and try not to do anything to change history.
Several months went by as I investigated my new abilities. I also discovered another place in the 'between' as I had come to think of it. It was not connected to any particular time period. It was more of an insulated and timeless place.
I found I could store items there, and that no matter where/when I went, I could retrieve them as if they were right there with me! No matter the distance or time, it was as if I was in direct contact with something just out of sight, which it was! The place kept hot things hot, and cold things cold. All items came out in the exact same condition as when they went in. I had found myself a 'hole in time', a place where time did not exist.
Besides testing my new abilities, I was also getting into local politics. Both the Democratic and Republican parties were starting to annoy me. I looked into running for state office, and discovered that I was too young by a couple years yet! The federal level was even more restrictive with age requirements.
Something did not seem right with that. By forbidding me the ability to run for office, they were restricting my abilities to affect change. At my age, hell even at 18, I could be called upon to be drafted and die in a war I might not agree with, but I could not drink legally, or run for public office, because I was too young.
But you can vote, I was told, therefore all your objections are null and void. You are affecting change by voting. Actually, you're not. If three million vote no on a tax hike, but three million and one vote yes, your vote is canceled and is as if it never was. No, the real power was in the hands of the few men and woman in the state and federal houses and senates.
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