The Gift
Copyright© 2005 by Volentrin
Chapter 18
Erotic Sci-fi Sex Story: Chapter 18 - Story about a boy who discovers the ability to see past events. He finds out he has this ability when he is serving a detention in the eight grade. He is sweeping the girls locker room and wishes he could have been a fly on the wall, when suddenly a gauziness settles over his vision, and he can all of a sudden see the girls from a couple hours earlier! Follow along as he developes his new ability!
Caution: This Erotic Sci-fi Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Fiction Time Travel
"My purpose is not to get into a pissing contest with the Feds. I am sure I can win, since the voice on that tape said he mailed out twenty copies of the tape and twenty files to twenty people, in all. I am sure we could track them down easily, since the tape identifies the twenty people.
"No, my reason to hire your firm is two fold. One, your firm has contacts and dealings with the US Attorneys office, and you have a very good reputation. I am sure you even have more personal contacts formed over the years. You can't do what you do without developing some sort of relationship with the opposition, so to speak," I stopped and grinned.
He flashed a smile at me and admitted that his firm did indeed maintain relationships with several governmental employees and agencies.
"I was thinking, from my own point of view anyway, that if this firm contacted the appropriate persons within the federal government, perhaps these illegalities could be stopped? I would also be glad to settle for a lot less in that instance, than if we went to a trial and I had to go public with this damning information," I said and sat back.
"You understand, this all hinges on if we can verify this information. If what these documents purports to be are true, then those responsible will be very reluctant to reveal their own part in this illegal activity," Mark told me.
"Well, it should be easy enough. Notice the numbers along the top? Those are file numbers and internal addresses located within the computer. All you need to do is get a judge to issue a warrant and the rest, as the saying goes, is history," I told him a bit smugly.
"What is it you do for a living anyway, Mr. Wilshire? I am afraid that the information sheet I reviewed didn't contain that information," Mark asked me curiously.
"I am independently wealthy. I run a philanthropic agency, that distributes funds that my conservative 'blue chip' investments make. So in answer to your question, I do nothing at all except travel, and find worthy causes to donate to," I responded.
"What was your major in college?" he asked me curiously.
"Computer programming," I said, grinning.
He arched his eyebrows at me over that one.
"I can already see the government's counter claim that you set this whole thing up," he said still grinning at me. "You didn't did you? I have to ask," he said with a serious expression.
"I don't see how I could have. Notice the addresses on the file? Those are only generated by one computer, theirs. Also, a search of their computer's logs will show if this document was generated by their computer or not. Simple, really," I said.
He nodded, and finally got down to money.
"This could conceivably run into millions of dollars if they try to stonewall us, you know. The retainer you paid the company, while generous, would be eaten up in just a couple weeks in the event we have to go to trial," he said.
I nodded, and pulled out a cashiers check. I had stopped at the First National Bank in New York City, and had it drawn up, just this morning.
"I took the liberty of having this check draughted this morning. I will leave it with you as a deposit, in the event that the case does not get settled out of court," I said and passed it over. It was for five hundred thousand dollars, so I knew it was more than enough.
"Where can I contact you? Will you be staying in New York, or returning to your home in Boston? This might take a few days," Mark asked me.
I gave him my home phone number and address, which he wrote into a small personal notebook of some sort. He stood and said he would get on this right away, which was why he wanted the contact information.
"We might get movement on this as early as tomorrow. You understand it will take them some time to do an internal investigation, and to verify the authenticity of these documents. They will also want to know where you got these and who gave them to you, and will try to compel you with warrants and threats," Mark told me as we were leaving his office.
"United States Postal service gave them to me. I still have the envelope they arrived in, if you want it," I said in parting. He nodded and said he did indeed want it.
As I left his building, I felt that I had covered all my bases with causing the FBI's computer to print out the incriminating documents. While it was true that their computer generated and sent the file, the printing had been done in another location. God bless file transfer protocols!
A small graphics company had printed out the files for me in Maryland. I had taken steps to delete all evidence of where the files had been sent, just that they had been queued for printing. But that queuing information was no longer available.
I made sure to leave enough evidence pointing to the fact that someone with a high enough security clearance and enough computer knowledge, had done this. But I made sure that no single individual was implicated. Personally, I didn't care if they started investigating themselves, as what they were doing was illegal, anyway.
I made a tape and had a computer-generated voice explain that he was tired of his agencies duplicity and illegal activities, and railed against the injustices he perceived. The computer-generated voice then said it had mailed out 20 copies of this file, containing over 2000 names to 20 of the individuals from the list.
The computer-generated voice said in closing, "I hope this will cause the government to take its own laws more seriously. I already know that this will ease my conscience concerning the wrongs I have done my fellow citizens, in the name of government."
The voice then gave the names of the twenty individuals, mine included.
I had taken the tape, and copied it twenty times. I made sure to handle all the materials with plastic surgical gloves. The envelopes were similarly handled. I had bought 30 dollars worth of first class self-adhering stamps, and put enough on each envelope to make sure they got to where they were going. I took a damp sponge and wet the sticky back of each heavy-duty envelope, and sealed a file and tape in each one.
I then mailed out the twenty largish envelopes, from 7 different mail boxes in the D.C. area. I of course had gone back in time to mail them, in order to be able to give myself an alibi that I was somewhere else, at the time they were being mailed. All in all, it was a good plan, and I congratulated myself on it.
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