The Gift
Copyright© 2005 by Volentrin
Chapter 13
Erotic Sci-fi Sex Story: Chapter 13 - Story about a boy who discovers the ability to see past events. He finds out he has this ability when he is serving a detention in the eight grade. He is sweeping the girls locker room and wishes he could have been a fly on the wall, when suddenly a gauziness settles over his vision, and he can all of a sudden see the girls from a couple hours earlier! Follow along as he developes his new ability!
Caution: This Erotic Sci-fi Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Fiction Time Travel
Author's Note
I am now going to go into realms that are not fact, or have been presented and decided upon differently. I have always wondered about the Kennedy assassination. The 'magic bullet' that did so many tricks, as well as killing Kennedy and injuring another in the car, has long fascinated me. While I have no evidence to contradict the Warren Commission's findings, I postulate another outcome. What if it was viewed by someone watching from a distance, perhaps? So I present another possible alternative to the assassinations theories. This is purely speculative, and is from my own mind. I have no proof that what I present is what actually happened, or is even close to what happened. With that said, enjoy the chapters as they come forth!
"It's all in my head!"
It was more like a couple weeks, before any action happened with my 'show cause' complaint. But my shadows disappeared, then. Besides my initial 3000.00 dollars, there was court costs, and some billable hours, so altogether, I spent close to 4700.00 to get out from under the thumb of the government, and I was told I was getting off cheap!
It infuriated me, that the government would treat innocent people like this. They needed to be reigned in a bit. My attorney had told me horror stories of people caught up in the periphery, that had to spend thousands and thousands of dollars, just because they KNEW someone who was actually guilty of something.
After I was finally clear of the government snoops, I started looking into different past times. There were so many areas in the past that I wanted to look into. I had a lot of questions. For example, I had always wondered about the JFK assassination.
Here was a fascinating person indeed. While professing to be a Democrat, he was nothing like today's "mainstream" liberal radicals. He would be considered quite conservative by today's standards.
I noted with interest that he understood the economy a bit better than people seem to, today. For example, he reduced the capital gains taxes from the ruinous 90 percent it was, down to 70 percent. That got a lot of people to loosen up money for investment.
Even the democrats know the less the tax, the better the tax base becomes. More people are creating business to enjoy the resulting incomes. Capital gains were directed at investors and people collecting on money earned. After all, if you draw out profit, then it can't be used by whomever wants to use it. So, they made it a loosing proposition to withdraw your money or to withdraw your gains, anyway. Kennedy eased that burden, which gave the economy a boost at the same time.
It took time, but I managed to be in several places that Kennedy visited those last months of his presidency. I watched and listened with fascination as Kennedy visited a dying Douglas Macarthur, the famous general of WWII. I listened to him tell Kennedy not to get involved in the Vietnam war, as congress would not let him do what was necessary to win that war. He actually got Kennedy to promise to pull out the 'advisor's' that the US had there at that time.
I could not get into every place that the president had access too. However I heard and saw enough to know at least two people in his entourage were not pleased with his forthcoming announcement that he was going to end the US presence in Vietnam, as soon as he finished this tour he was on.
I overheard one particularly intriguing conversation from one of his aides. It was one sided as he was on the phone, but the gist was that he had been unable to convince Kennedy to change his mind. The guy listened for a short time, then said these words which still have me wondering who was on the other end.
"Yes, sir. I understand operation "Tea Cozy" is a go for Dallas," then the aide hung up.
One problem with my gift, is I had to be at a specific location to get any information. I could get anything and everything that was said in a spot, but I had to be there, to receive it! Damn, but sometimes that was annoying. I wanted to know more, and felt left out because of the vagaries of the gift.
On the other hand, I had an informational gift that governments, newspapers, heads of state, and industrial magnates would kill for! Not to mention the millions of other people that would love to have it, just to know what had gone on and was still going on.
I drove to Dallas, and found the site of the assassination. I was getting better at moving around, and not colliding with people, but I still had to do some fast dodging on occasion. I viewed and reviewed the assassination from several angles, and found out something. There was another shooter!
Yes, there was a shooter on the grassy knoll. Actually, he was just short of the grassy knoll, behind a fence. He had a rifle, and it had a silencer on it. He fired once, broke down the rifle, and put it in a bag. He was dressed in blue. His clothes were similar to, but were not a police uniform. He blended right in with other police, and left the area quickly.
It took me a while, but I managed to follow him to a place on the outskirts of the city. He pulled his car into a warehouse, and transferred to a new vehicle. This time I was able to follow him up the highway. We went to a private airfield, and he got into a small plane and disappeared into the sky.
I copied all the numbers down from the plane. It took me another three days to find who out the plane's owner had been, back in 1963. It had been a privately owned aircraft, and was rented by the transportation branch of a federal government department, for five days. The man who had gotten into the plane and had flown off, had died when it had suffered mysterious midair explosion while on its way to Virginia.
So, that is what I KNOW about the Kennedy assassination. I am convinced it was a conspiracy that went higher than the public knew, or guessed; more, even, than most of the government guessed, for that matter.
I knew that there had been collusion from at least one of Kennedy's aides, and I never was able to find out who was on the other end of that phone call. So I at least knew that Lee Harvey Oswald was not alone. He might not even have known that he had been set up as the fall guy. He was definitely killed so that an investigation would not explore other avenues, concerning him.
But this episode left me feeling cold. Someone in high authority in the government, with help from unknown sources, conspired to kill a seated president, succeeded; AND WAS NEVER CAUGHT.
I did track down the young aide, though. He was an old man, now. He was sitting in a park close to his house, feeding pigeons.
"Hello," I said to him.
He looked at me through glasses that were making his eyes huge. He was very thin and frail looking.
"Hello," he returned in a gravely voice.
We passed the time... him feeding pigeons, and me sitting close by on the park bench making inane conversation. I finally decided to ask him outright.
"So, what was the whole operation 'Tea Cozy' about?" I asked after he threw another handful of birdseed out.
He stiffened and slowly turned to look at me.
"Who are you?" He asked.
"I'm the man investigating certain parts of the president's assassination that never made it into the books. I am the man that has access to things you would not believe. So, will you tell me about your part in 'Tea Cozy'?" I asked him.
He just stared at me. "Are you from The Council?"
Now it was my turn to be puzzled. Council? What council was he talking about? I was about to ask him when he spoke again.
"I have kept my promise, and my silence, all these years. I don't know why the council still tests me. I promised not to tell anyone anything. Your people took care of me, and I respect that," he finished almost panicky.
I was about to ask him what he was talking about when he gasped, and fell over. Damn! He was having a heart attack! I yelled for someone to call 911, and started doing CPR when I saw he wasn't breathing. I was still at it when an ambulance showed up, and relieved me.
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