The Gift
Copyright© 2005 by Volentrin
Chapter 11
Erotic Sci-fi Sex Story: Chapter 11 - Story about a boy who discovers the ability to see past events. He finds out he has this ability when he is serving a detention in the eight grade. He is sweeping the girls locker room and wishes he could have been a fly on the wall, when suddenly a gauziness settles over his vision, and he can all of a sudden see the girls from a couple hours earlier! Follow along as he developes his new ability!
Caution: This Erotic Sci-fi Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Fiction Time Travel
The new school year started off well enough, but then got bad. I got my dorm room set up, and once again I had a single room. I discovered that a college was as money grubbing as the government was. However, unlike the federal government; if you paid a college extra, you received better service.
While my father had bought an education policy for me when I was a baby, it only entitled me to a dorm room, not a single dorm room. A few hundred dollars extra during the yearly registration, saw to it that my room was a single.
Melinda and I took up where we had left off. I was happy to see her, and while it was a little awkward for the first few days, we resumed our relationship with eagerness. I discovered that she had an all over deep tan. No bikini lines anywhere! As the Brits would say, "Cheeky girl."
It was shortly after a bout of love making, and we were lazing in each other's arms that she mentioned that her parents would like to meet me. So I agreed to a meal with them on a Friday evening.
The meal went well, it was what followed after that didn't. I was asked the usual questions parents ask the male of the species who hangs around their daughters. I remained polite and did not engage in political discussion with them. They were very pro-democrat and while I was neither a democrat nor republican, I had learned long ago politics was a volatile subject. So I kept my opinions to myself.
After dinner was over, we retired to the living room for after dinner drinks and talk. The subject turned to what was I going to do after I graduated. Melinda already had a tentative position with a political action group.
"Well, I was going to take a little time off, and travel a bit. I have some money saved, and can live fairly well on it. I was thinking of traveling to historical sites and doing some in depth research," I said hesitantly.
Melinda's father shook his head no at me. "You are making the mistake the young always do. Time is shorter than you think! You need to get yourself positioned now for work after graduation.
"However much you might have inherited from your mother when she died, it is not going to last you as long as you might think. I am sorry if I offend you, but you need to worry about these things now.
"Take my daughter for example. We managed to get her a promise of a position with a lobby group's base of operations. It will earn her a nice salary, and give her a chance to rise in the organization as well!" he said.
"You're sitting there telling us that after you receive a good education, you plan on not doing anything with it, and you want to be a part of my daughters life?" Mr. Jackson then yelled explosively.
"Daddy! You promised you weren't going to do this!" Melinda exclaimed indignantly.
Her mother chimed in at almost at the same time with a, "Roger!"
"I'm sorry Beth, Melinda, but this boy is what's wrong with the country today! No work ethic! What if he moves in with Melinda after college? He would end up mooching off of her until she came to her senses and kicked him out. No! I am sorry, but I don't approve of him," he said, and stormed out of the room.
There was an uneasy silence and I rose. "Ma'am, I'm sorry your husband feels that way about me. I'll leave, now. I just want to say that I have worked most of my life. First on our farm, and then when I was in high school. It was only last year and this year that I did not have to get a summer job. I have worked most of my life, and have what I think is a good work ethic," I said and left.
That was the end of September, and as November started, my relationship with Melinda took a turn for the worse. It seems I had destroyed the peace of her home with my announcement to her work-a-holic father that I intended to take time off to travel after graduation. He disapproved of me intensely, after knowing me only that one afternoon.
The result was that we broke up halfway through November. I was stunned. This, happening to me on top of my mother's death, put me in the dumps. Plus, I was just plain angry! This was also the time I was approached by two members of our government, in the form of the FBI.
They were curious about my connection with Lord John Aver-Smythe of England. We were sitting in my room and I was still puzzled.
"I don't understand. I don't have a connection with Lord Avery-Smythe," I said puzzled.
"Do you deny going to England and meeting with him August 4th of this year?" asked the male agent. I forget his name, and his female partners name escapes me as well.
"No. I ran across some items that were his family's, and since I was going to England on vacation anyway, I took the opportunity to return them to him," I replied.
"What were these items," the female agent asked.
"Well, I came across an old sword, and some maps from the revolutionary war. The sword had a crest on it, and I researched it. The maps had some scribbling on it that was hard to discern, but after I found out who the crest belonged to, the scribbling on the maps made more sense," I said, improvising quickly.
This went on for a while, then the female agent came right out with, "You really expect us to believe this story? If that were true, why was British intelligence doing a background check on you? What are you really doing with Lord Avery-Smythe?"
"I told you, I just returned family heirlooms. As for him having me checked out, I am not responsible for the actions of other people, or other nations," I said, getting pissed.
They questioned me a little more, with the tonal inflection in their voices indicating disbelief and scorn. You know what I mean. You see TV cops doing it all the time. I got tired of it.
"This interview is over," I said, rising.
I went to open my room door.
"We still have a lot more questions and ground to cover Mr. Wilshire. We are not through, yet," the male agent said.
"Oh, yes, we are! I tried to be cooperative. I answered every question. Several times I answered the same questions asked differently. I answered all, as honestly and truthfully as I could. Instead of thanks, I get accusations. Well, I am done. You want more answers from this point, see my attorney. Now leave," I said, and waited at the door.
"You don't want to do this. You are just about saying with your actions, that you are collaborating with a foreign intelligence agency," female agent said.
"I am saying no such thing. I am saying I answered your questions, and now I am refusing to be treated as a criminal. Leave, and leave now. You're both trespassing," I said firmly.
They just sat there, staring at me. I sighed, and went to the phone on my desk, and called campus security. I was not too sure of my rights, so I did not get physical with them. I asked security to come and eject two persons who were in my room without permission.
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