The Gift
Copyright© 2005 by Volentrin
Chapter 10
Erotic Sci-fi Sex Story: Chapter 10 - Story about a boy who discovers the ability to see past events. He finds out he has this ability when he is serving a detention in the eight grade. He is sweeping the girls locker room and wishes he could have been a fly on the wall, when suddenly a gauziness settles over his vision, and he can all of a sudden see the girls from a couple hours earlier! Follow along as he developes his new ability!
Caution: This Erotic Sci-fi Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Fiction Time Travel
Lunch was very good. We were served a half chicken per person, something like scalloped potatoes but better tasting, green beans, and a salad served with a dressing that had to be tasted to be believed!
Conversation was polite during lunch and I was asked about my life. I gave them the fifty-cent tour of my life; without the time travel capabilities, of course. They expressed sympathy for me when I had mentioned my mother's recent death. I had the feeling they already knew.
"So you're taking computer programming as your major, and finance as a minor?" Mrs. Avery-Smythe asked.
"Well, the finance is not a minor, so much as a way to learn to properly handle my money. I have been fortunate with my investments, and I want to keep it that way," I said modestly.
"I should say so. As you may know, I looked into you, prior to your arrival in England. I wanted to know whom I was dealing with. You have been a very fortunate young man indeed," Lord Avery-Smythe told me with a piercing look.
I nodded. "Dad was ever a frugal man, and advised me if I ever came into money, I should invest it. I always listened to my father. He had the experience of years behind him. He was a very wise man," I said a bit sadly.
"Yes. Ones parents are a good place to learn certain things. Family history, secrets, that sort of thing," he mentioned casually.
I was not fooled. He had noted the similarity of those drawings to me, and was very curious about a stranger returning property back then, to a stranger returning yet more property a hundred years later, who was also the spitting image of the first benefactor.
Finally the meal was over, and the three of us headed to another room for drinks. This room was done in earth tone colors. Several paintings hung on the walls, and there were chairs and couches spread throughout the room.
It was a ridiculous looking room. What I mean was, it was long; very, very long, and narrow. Peculiar. Again, a fireplace took up almost the end of the room. What was it about huge fireplaces? This was the second huge one I had seen since I arrived.
There was a very well appointed bar set up along one side of the room. 'John' as he kept insisting I call him, 'and my wife is Evelyn'... John poured us drinks. I had professed not to be much of a drinker, so he chose for me. It was actually very good.
"Now then, Tom, I am sure you noted the likeness of you to the drawings in the family history room. Would you care to comment?" John asked casually.
"Well, either it is a distant relative, or someone who had the good fortune to look like me," I said, tongue in cheek.
Evelyn laughed.
"He's got you there, John" she said, still chuckling.
"The likeness between the two of you is uncanny. You say you don't know if it is a relative or not?" he asked me.
"I really have no idea. I am not at all sure of my family history back that far, sorry," I answered.
I was relieved when he didn't keep after me. I was sure he either thought I had a relative that interacted with his family for some obscure reason, and I was continuing the tradition; or I had a time machine. Or I was the same person, somehow, perhaps long lived.
We talked a little more. They wanted to know my plans. I said I had come to England last year with my mother, and intended to do some touring prior to going back for school in a couple of weeks.
I wanted to take in some of the more famous churches and castles of England. I told them I had developed an interest in history; and now that I was here, I was wanting to go look at historical sites.
John gave me a few ideas, and said that there were several places of interest local to this area that had significant historical meaning.
"John, they have meaning only because they involved your family! The sun does not rise or set on the Avery-Smythes, you know," Evelyn chided her husband.
John chuckled. "Well, you can't blame a fellow for having family pride," he ended and we all lapsed into an awkward silence.
I looked around at the ceiling, the floor, the walls, and the width and length of this room. It still puzzled me. It was all out of proportion.
"John, will you tell him what this room used to be? I can see it is driving him to distraction," Evelyn said.
He smiled. "While it has been changed a bit over the years, it was actually an armory at one time. It held pikes along this wall," he said pointing at the wall that was against the corridor, "And crossbows were along the other wall, as well as the odd sword, lance, and longbow. That wall," he said pointing at the opposite wall, "Was moved from its original position about a hundred and twenty years ago, to make the grand ballroom a little larger," he said in an amused tone.
"Come to think of it, that was about the time the mysterious man from the past returned the journal to us," he added
"Well, it's getting late. Perhaps I should return to my hotel. I want to thank you for a very nice lunch, and it was my pleasure to return the sword and maps to you. Family is very important," I added with a sad sigh. I had no more family left that I knew of, with the exception of that half sister from Dad's affair.
"Of course. I will send for the car. Feel free to drop in if you're ever in this part of the world again. For some strange reason, I feel a connection and fondness for you," he said with a twinkle in his eye.
A few days later I had found a costume shop, and converted some money into older English currency from the late 1890's. I was going to take a short tour of England about the turn of the century. Well, London, anyway.
London, in 1898, was a busy city. Buckingham Palace was still there, but not nearly as many tourists were. The police were friendly enough. They were called Bobbies, and were not even armed. Everyone seemed to respect them. If they said something, you listened. This was the way it should be. How had our world lost this respect for its police?
The currency I had bought was not all that rare. I had brought a thousand pounds of the appropriate currency with me, which was a goodly sum for the times. The best thing about my ability to travel in time, was that I always returned to the time of my departure. So, I could spend weeks, months, or even years here. Vacations were a bit longer for me, than for the average wage earner.
I found a boarding house, and paid the lady running it a month in advance. Meals were included if I was there for them. Meals were served promptly, at specified times. If I missed them, that was my problem.
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