The Cocoon - Cover

The Cocoon

Copyright© 2005 by Pathetic Loser

Chapter 2

After the first week of preparing him like this, the messages would be stopped and replaced by sounds of a hog farm. Hours and hours of grunting, squealing and snorting would bombard him. And when the hogs on the audio recording were fed, the feeding tube would begin to feed him at the same time. And slowly, as the week progressed, the food would be mixed in more and more with real pig food, slop and gruel, until by the end of the second week, he was eating pig's food and hearing nothing but pig sounds.

The third week would introduce pig smells through his nostril breathing tube in addition to being shocked with electricity when the pigs in the recording were branded. It's the third week when the real breaking process begins. I make sure the program allows for sleep, however, it is broken up and varied to wear him down physically and mentally. The process is very straight forward, it just takes time. However with time, all things are possible. And within a few months, he would no longer be a human, but a pig and a happy pig he would become!

You see, I use a man's natural response to sexuality to retrain him to be a pig as well. The prostrate massager inside his butt plug will work him into a needy state of release, but he will only get that once a week. Other than that, every day for a few hours he will be manipulated and teased by the massager, but not allowed to orgasm until the set time. And for that, I have him orgasm when he hears my voice. I record myself at a pig farm, a real pig farm, cooing and speaking softly to the pigs, and play this over and over right before the prostrate massager works its magic. He will begin to associate my voice with pleasure and my commands with an orgasm. Once he is fully retrained as a pig, he will instinctively know I am his owner and will do whatever I say to please me. Oh yes, I had him in the palm of my hand and I only had to wait. Time was on my side.

I have no idea what it must be like to be in that chamber for a few months, especially under a regime where the only sounds he hears are pig noises and the only food he gets is slop. It must be mind numbing and maddening to go through, thinking it will never end. But eventually, it always does. Eventually he breaks and his own person becomes lost. Madness grips him and takes the form of a pig. Oh I know, he could never truly think like a pig, who even knows what that entails. I am quite certain that he just goes insane and accepts that he is a pig. But I don't like to tell him that, it will make him fight harder. I want the insanity to be the surprise, so as he is going mad, part of him resigns himself to the pig reprogramming and just loses control.

It usually takes a few months, so after I got back from my summer trip to Europe I checked in on how the piggie was doing. Despite how long I was away, the machine that he was in was operating perfectly. There was still a months worth of pig gruel in the barrel and none of the programs seemed to have malfunctioned. I reprogrammed the machine to start the exit process, beginning the next day. He would be slowly and deliberately tortured with shocks for hours until finally he would be repeatedly shocked over and over until he lost consciousness. I went to bed, exhausted from the jet lag and set my alarm for when the severe jolts started in his chamber. I would be taking my pig soon, I was very excited!

I walked down to the control room the next day to witness the shocks. They were strong and while he did react, he didn't cry. I turned on his internal microphones and waited, with the next shock I heard it. I was so excited I clapped my hands together and screamed! Another shock and he did it again! OMG I had done it! It worked! Another shock of electricity and he continued to do it! He was squealing! He was squealing like a pig! I had done it! It worked, he was a pig, a real human pig! Oh how wonderful! I would fully take advantage of him before sending him to the farm. I got on my cell phone and called my girlfriends. I was planning a party, and this new pig was going to be the highlight of the show! I got up from my chair as the shocks increased and he squealed over and over.

"Can you hear that? Yes, that's him! That's the guy I told you about last week! I am about to release him from his chamber. Can you hear how pig-like he sounds? Oh yes, definitely bring your camera and your girlfriend too. Don't forget your strap-ons, I want to hear him squealing when you rip him in half!"

Another number dialed, "Oh yes, that's him squealing in the background! No, I swear to god I am not making that up. Ummm sure, I don't see why not, don't all pigs get marked? Just make sure I am there when you brand him, I want to see the look in his eyes when his ass lights up!"

And another "Isn't that a wonderful sound? You have got to hear it live! The party is this weekend, Friday, don't even think of missing it. Oh you do? How do you know his ex-girlfriend? Well bring her along, I am sure she will love to see what I have turned him into! Oh yes, absolutely bring that too, I want her to remember this for a while!"

I went down to the chamber and walked over to his coffin. I was sure he was unconscious, the shocks had stopped and the green light was on in the control room, he was done and able to be released. I flicked the DRAIN switch and heard all the water being sucked out of the coffin. I opened the top and undid all of the cables. Lifting him out was a little difficult, but once he was out and on the floor, I drug him down the hall to my small bedroom which had a steel cage bolted to the floor. I cut his neoprene suit open, removed the tubes and plug, pushed him into the cage, and locked the door. He would wake up in a few hours, oh the joy of a new pet!

I got a few things together, filled the trough I had installed against my living room wall, and decided to relax I would go out shopping. I place a bowl of water through the pig cage opening and set off for SoHo. Oh how I love a nice day of shopping after thoroughly breaking a man! He had been a man only 3 months before, and now he was reduced to a squealing piglet! The possibilities, oh the extreme humiliation and degradation he was going to go through before I had him sent away. Although I had an idea of what went on at the farm, honestly, I had never been there. I am sure that after a while, like all pigs, they wind up on a spit. But I didn't know and I didn't care. I loved what I did and trapping men like him was easier than ever.

Its almost as though they craved it, at least in their little fantasy world. I was secretly hoping that maybe, just maybe, I could get him to snap out of his madness over a long period of time. For him to begin to come back to the world of humans, for him to maybe regain his bit of sanity, just so that I could show him what he had become. To show him the hours and hours of video tape I would have of him. Videos of him performing the most hideous acts, all the while squealing and grunting. Oh God it was great to be a beautiful woman! The power I have over men, it makes me absolutely tingle inside. I make cocks hard just by walking down the street. How can I possibly shop after a day like today! And just wait for the party!!!


I had over 15 friends coming to the unveiling. All of them women. All of them absolutely dying to see my new addition. Some of them were bringing other girlfriends. An ex-girlfriend of the Piggie's is even in the mix. I wanted it to be informal, but everyone I told insisted that they dress for the party. Some are coming in fetish gear that would make a gimp soil his union suit. Others are going to be in formal attire, black dresses and high heels. A few are dressing for the part, coming as farm hands and cowgirls (there are no such thing as piggirls, imagine that!). I am going to be dressed in my favorite outfit. It's an all black shiny latex suit, with a strap-on permanently affixed to the outside, pointing up in an obscene gesture of defiance. The suit and the cock are both shiny and slick. Over it I wear a small, white and black checkered rubber skirt, which shows my ass from behind and makes no allusion as to what is hiding underneath in the front. My chest is held high and looks almost too perfect in this suit. My hair will spill down the back in a long ponytail. While this suit is just too good, it's the boots that go with it which make me just purr like a kitten when I see myself in the mirror. Not only are they nice and black and shiny, they are also perfect for violating men on their knees. The heel is about 4 inches long, and tapered, much like a phallus, but not soft and warm. No this phallus was brutally hard and cold. I couldn't wait to get him on his back and ram this right down his Pig throat!

As the guests arrived I kept my pig in his cage in the separate room in the darkness. I had been feeding him all week from a small bowl, filled with pig slop, and he had accepted his role perfectly. I would hear him squeal and grunt when I fed him, and he even made little satisfied noises when he was finished. Cleaning him was a cinch, just turn on the power hose and wash him and his filth down the drain in the corner of the room. I didn't want him to ever see a toilet again, at least not for a while, I wanted him to be alone in his room, letting his pig persona locked deep in his madness to take hold. It was working splendidly, and soon I could show everyone the true state of men, what all men should be reduced to!

"When do we get to see him?" was question I heard over and over as the party revved up, but I wanted to make sure everyone was here and that they were at least a little tipsy before bringing him out for his show. I didn't know how he would react out of his cage, but I was sure he would be overwhelmed, which is exactly what I wanted!

At midnight, I walked to his room. On cue my girlfriend played the soundtrack of the pig farm that he had been hearing over and over when he was in the water chamber. I opened his door and turned on the light. He looked terrified. His eyes were as big as saucers and his face was sort of in shock. I held a cattle prod in my right hand and approached his cage. He scurried to the back corner. I tried to soothe him, using the same commands and phrases from the audio recording which had been playing over and over in his head. "Its ok little Pig, don't worry, everything is going to be fine," oh how I lied.

I unlocked his cage and opened the door. I called for him to come out, but he wasn't moving. I walked over to the cage and flicked the switch on my cattle prod. It made a hissing and snapping sound, but he didn't move. As I brought the cattle prod closer to him, he began to whimper like a scared piggie! Oh I was almost creaming in my pants with the look on his face and the sounds coming out of him! Right on time, the pig soundtrack in the other room began to play the feeding time loop. All the pigs began to grunt and squeal and you could hear them slurping up gruel. He got excited and without even looking at me, ran out of his cage and, on all fours just like a pig, he grunted and shuffled down the hallway to the sound of the pigs' dinner. I followed behind him and watched with glee as the expressions on the women's faces all went slack with shock. To them, he WAS a pig! He scurried right by all the beautiful women dressed before him and stuck his head right in the trough I had installed on the wall, grunting with delight at the mess he was devouring.

"Ok ladies, I am proud to announce a new member of the stable, Pig #76, do with him as you please!" I shouted above the roar of laughter and howls of delight.

Before he knew what was happening to him, four cowgirls surrounded him. One sat on his back and forced his head to stay in the trough. The other two lassoed his thighs and pulled his legs as far apart as possible. While the pig began to howl, the fourth cowgirl tipped her hat to the audience of onlookers and took an enormous dildo out of her six-shooter holster and attached it to the front of her harness, riding over her jeans. She raised a boot and stuck the pig with a spur, forcing him to whine and struggle, everyone, myself included, laughed and laughed and laughed. Oh he was so fucked now! She planted both feet inside of his thighs, and lubed up her impaler from tip to base before positioning herself against his asshole.

"Ride em cowgirl" someone shouted and at that precise moment, I could see the tip of her cock sliding into his asshole. It was enormous, it had to have been almost 10 inches long and as wide as a baby's arm. The squeal from him sounded more pig-like than anything I had ever heard. Everyone, I mean everyone in attendance began to cheer. He was squirming, but the girls holding him down and roping his legs were not moving an inch. They had much practice before, I was sure. Flashes were seen throughout the room as people began to capture this breaking-in on film. I could see the cowgirl's face who was riding him, she was in pure ecstasy. I got closer and could hear her talking to him.

"That's it, pig, this is what you deserve, you are going to get fucked like this every day until I ram a steel spit up your ass and out your mouth, and cook you over a fire pit! Oh yes, if I get my way with you after the auction, I am going to skewer you and have a cookout! But right now, I am just going to fuck your ass inside out, take it pig, take it! After each thrust, he grunted and squealed more and more as the monster attached to her pelvis invaded him with each thrust, sliding further and further up his ass. Finally, he was completely impaled on her strap-on, his face pushed down in the slop, his pig arms held behind his back and his legs pulled wide apart. His eyes were wider than ever and his mouth was breathing in short quick gasps as she began to withdraw and then re-enter him over and over, fucking him slowly but deeply, building up the momentum as she stretched out his ass. He was helpless, he was completely broken, and I was in heaven.

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