The Cocoon - Cover

The Cocoon

Copyright© 2005 by Pathetic Loser

Chapter 1

Although he had asked for it, I am sure at this point, if there is anything of him left, he would want to take that decision back. It's much too late to do anything about all that now, and anyways, he most likely would have ended up like this eventually. Better for me that I am the beneficiary, and it's not like I didn't try to dissuade him from his decision. Besides, I wouldn't want it any other way.

2 years earlier...

I am always reading the posts on Craigslist, sometimes out of boredom and sometimes out of amusement, but always looking for a new play thing. It was an odd request, and I was sure that he had not gotten many replies, so I waited a week before writing him. I wanted him desperate. His posting was simple enough:

Location: New York
Subject: Ruin Me

Hi, thanks for reading this. I am searching for a woman who will treat me like an object or a piece of property. I have fantasized about this for many years and am confident this is what I need. I do not want to think any more, I just want to be owned and turned into whatever you wish. Take away my humanity and mold me into what you desire. Please be serious, I am looking for something permanent and somewhat non-consensual. I appreciate your time.

I knew his type. Likely well off and bored or stressed out with his regular life. His fantasies have probably gotten more and more extreme as his stress with life has increased. While these types of men always wish their fantasies to be permanent, I can tell you from experience that this only lasts until the realization that their fantasy is going to be unending. That's when the cold reality hits them. That's when the fear grips them, that's when the begging starts, and that when the true breaking begins. That's the part I like the most, striping away their layers of self, peeling each back, showing it to them, before erasing that part of them from existence. I always marvel at how easy it is to corner them, like prey, maneuver them to where I want them, and then have my way with them. I know their fantasies are strong, and I feed on that. I don't want the foot fetish, or the cross dresser. I don't want the consensual session or the safe words. The stronger and more extreme their fantasy, the easier my job is, and oh how I love my job!

While I am sure that the intense nature of their fantasies make it easier for me, I am also quite certain that my physical appearance keeps my quarry spellbound, keeps their mind hazy, and lulls them into accepting their fate, even while the animal part of them realizes the danger they are in. I know what a beautiful woman can do to a man, and I take full advantage of it. Long legs, perfect 34D chest, and an ass that would make most men cry, I know my weapons well and I make sure to use them to their fullest extent. I was warm and tingly with anticipation, but I would not get trigger happy just yet. I set the trap.

Dear Object,

How about we meet for drinks to see if we are both of the same mind. Meet me on Friday at the Coffee Shop and we can talk at length about what you seek. I am serious, sincere, and wish to make both of our dreams come true. I will be at a table in the back, find me.

I received a reply almost immediately. What a good sign, an eager pet, this will be so much fun...


I saw him walk in and knew right away I was right about my intuition. He was eager, almost obsessed with his need. I could see it in his eyes as he searched the bar for me. My heart was racing as our eyes met, and he approached the table.

"Hi, I hope I am not late" he spat out as he hurriedly took off his coat and sat at the bench across from me. I was early, I always like to see them coming, and also make them feel uncomfortable to get the upper hand.

"It's nice to meet you," I offered my hand and smiled. "Why don't you tell me a little bit about yourself and what it is that you are looking for. I am quite experienced in making reality out of dreams, no matter how extreme, so please don't hold anything back. I want to know everything, and I promise I will be honest with you about fulfilling your desires."

He took a deep breath and looked around for the waitress. "Well, I don't know where to begin. But I have always been submissive, ever since I can remember. I have had many 'sessions' with professional dominatrixes, and while it seems to help, after a few days I find that my hunger to be dominated only grows stronger. That's why I am looking for something permanent, and I am willing to compensate you for that. I need to be objectified and dehumanized in the most extreme way possible. I have had fantasies of being caged forever or turned into a coffee table or other piece of furniture. Things like that. Your email was the only one which sounded serious, so here I am." He paused to catch my reaction. I cut him off.

"I understand what you are looking for. But I also need you to understand, to do what you request requires a lot of planning and preparation to do it correctly. I know we have only just met, but you do seem sincere and I want you to know I understand what you need. But I also want to make it clear, the only way I can make this a reality is if I have your full cooperation."

I studied his face. I knew he was turned on. How could any man not be? I was wearing a corset which accentuated my chest, and the silver chain hanging between my breasts only emphasized my femininity. My hair was pulled back into a bun, tight and stern. My lips were glossy and my eyes were boring holes into him. He was losing himself in my beauty, drinking in the poison which would weaken him and drive him on, propel him past that point of no return. Oh this was the best part, but I had to hide my excitement.

"If you are as serious as you claim to be, we can proceed. But this is going to have to be your decision. I want you to think about it over the weekend, because once you start down this road, it will be difficult to back out of it. It is a serious choice, and you have to be certain it is what you really want."

I could see the disappointment in his face. He wanted to start today, maybe play a little more and satisfy his urges. I was going to have none of that, but I would use my charms to coax his decision and push him the way I wanted him to go. I surprised him next.

"Go to the bathroom and open this," I handed him a small box. "Put it on, make sure it fits, and then when you come back, sit next to me here on the couch." I caught him off guard, but with an eager heart he took the box and left the table.

He returned from the bathroom, smiling, and sat next to me.

"I hope it fits well," I said without even looking at him. I took my napkin, draped it over his crotch and unzipped his trousers. "There we go," I mused as I slid a sliver lock onto his chastity device and closed it with a satisfying "click." His cock was engorged and completely filled the device, it must have been difficult for him to get into this. My red fingernails brushed along the plastic and steel contraption before I zipped him back up.

"Pay for the tab, I will email you my number and some instructions tonight. Call me on Sunday. If you are still of the same mind, we will meet Sunday night and proceed. If you change your mind, I will mail you the key and you will never see me or hear from me again." I kissed him on the cheek and flashed the key to his imprisoned manhood in front of him before I dropped it in my Prada bag and walked away from the table. I knew he was watching me leave, how my short skirt moved over my ass, how my high heels clicked along the tile floor, watching his fantasy walk purposefully out of the restaurant.

Dear Object,

I hope your weekend has been introspective. If you still wish to continue, gather the following items and bring these with you when we meet tonight.

Put your drivers license, creditcards, social security card, passport, and birth certificate into a zip lock bag and seal it. Take all of your monthly bills, financial records and titles to any assets you own and put them in a folder, labeling everything clearly. Print out this power of attorney form I have attached, fill it out, sign it, and also put it in the folder. Lastly, write down all of your email accounts and passwords, print it out, and bring this along as well.

Call me as soon as this is finished. If you decide not to follow through, simply email me your address and I will send a messenger to deliver your key to you tomorrow.


I attached a picture of my cleavage, showing the key to his chastity belt hanging around my neck. A little reminder of his position and a little insurance to push him over the edge.

The phone rang 2 hours later. He sounded desperate. His need had only amplified over the weekend. I probably didn't need to email him the picture, but I don't like to leave things to chance.

"Please, I need to see you tonight. I have thought about nothing else all weekend and I know this is what I want." He was panting.

"Meet me in one hour on the corner of 14th and Broadway, next to the Diesel store." Was all I said and then I hung up. I tossed the disposable cell phone into the trashcan as I walked out of the bar, confident the wheels were in motion.

He didn't recognize me at first. My hair was down and I looked like any other Sunday afternoon shopper in Union Square. My smile melted his worried face and he approached me, hold a bag with the items I had requested. "Give me the bag once we get in the cab, don't say a word until we get to my apartment," I instructed as I hailed the yellow cab which would speed him to his destiny.

The ride to my apartment was delicious. I rummaged through his pockets and took his cell phone, wallet and keys and placed them in my purse. As the cab approached my apartment, I paid the driver and led my new boy out of the cab and into my building. Once we walked through the doorway, I led him down the long hallway to my study. I sat at my desk and motioned for him to sit in down across from me. I looked through the bag he had. Everything was there. I took the zip lock bag and set it aside. The folder was neatly arranged, all of his personal information, his bills, the deed to his condo, the email accounts and passwords, everything was in order.

"Well, you still have a chance to back out," I intoned seductively, taking out the Power of Attorney document and placing it on the oak desk. I could tell his heart was racing. He was thinking that this was finally it. Little did he know it was merely the beginning, just the start of his long journey, only the tip of his iceberg. "Once I sign this, I am going to have it notarized and filed with my attorney. Do you understand?" I leaned over the desk, allowing him to see the key hanging between my breasts, making sure his excitement fogged up his brain, letting him slip away into his fantasy. I could feel the web of his desire binding him as he nodded. I signed the paper, smiling, and then asked him to turn around. There was a camera in the corner. I handed him a piece of paper and then turned the camera on.

"Read this into the camera, this is for both of our safety," I lied.

"I hereby give the power of attorney to the undersigned and take this step with a clear mind and without any reservations. This is a binding, contractual document between me and the undersigned. I make this pronouncement of my own free will and fully understand all the consequences regarding it..." He continued on, reading the prearranged statement I had made for him. It was very legal and very, very thorough. Once he finished I stopped the video camera and took out the tape, placing it securely in my safe with the signed paperwork and other documents.

"Ok, perfect," I said as I closed the safe, grabbed the zip lock bag, and told him to follow me into a separate attaching room. Once he was there, I instructed him to lie down on the couch. The room looked like a psychiatrist's office. I wanted to comfort him before I brought the hammer down upon the reality of his situation.

"Relax and take 100 deep breaths, I will be right back to begin our interview." I left the room, going to get a drink from my kitchen. Along the way, I opened the hatch to the buildings incinerator chute and with a self-satisfied smirk, tossed the zip lock bag down into the furnace below. By the time I got to the kitchen and fixed my drink, I was sure that every document that identified his existence on this earth had turned to ash. I changed to my business suit and then took the documents from my safe and faxed them to a lawyer I worked with on matters like there before. Hitting the send button sent shivers up my spine, knowing his situation was now completely out of his hands, he was about to live his fantasy whether he wanted it or not. I returned to find him still breathing deeply with his eyes closed and looking very calm.

I took a seat next to him and began to ask him reassuring questions, sounding genuine and sincere as I feigned my interest in his psyche. I allowed him to drink in my presence. I loved the way his eyes betrayed his desires, knowing the image before him was slowly grinding on his ability to think clearly. My legs crossed, showing the top of my stockings and the hem of my garter belt, I soothed him and did my best to bring down his defenses. I wanted him to trust me and to lay his soul bare. There is no better tonic in the world than taking a man's exposed self and completely shredding it to pieces!!!

"I am almost through with our interview. But I just wanted to ask you one more thing... Have you ever considered what your life would be like if you were a pig?" I asked, arching an eyebrow and setting my notebook and pen down. He looked confused from the couch. I smiled and laughed at his expression as I picked up my remote. "Because as of now, every single waking moment I have will be devoted to turning you into a grunting, squealing, on-all-fours, slop eating, mud wallowing PIG!" I shouted at him. The curtain dropped on his one act play as I firmly pressed down on the remote, smiling at him and waving goodbye as the couch he was laying on sprang to life.

The speed of the device is fantastic. Its like a mousetrap, once it's sprung, it is quick and efficient. Metal bars sprang out from each side of him and locked above him, then quickly snapped together and collapsed down on his body, using lasers to judge the distance to his body, and then snugly squeeze him to the couch. I call it the venus fly trap, but I am sure all of those who have been snared in it call it much worse.

He screamed at the sounds and movement of the couch, but it was over before he could move an inch. He began to shout obscenities at me, he was terrified and confused, but it was obvious he knew he was trapped. I walked over to him, grabbing a small shiny apple from my desk and stood above his writhing body. As I looked down at him, he began to quiet down. There must have been thousands of things running through his head. Seeing me above him, standing over his head seemed to reassure him that everything was going to be ok. I bent over slowly, letting my breasts plunge down above his head, diffusing any sense of alarm.

"Just relax, accept it, you asked me for this and I promised you that I would deliver," I let my words drip down to his ears as I took the apple, used it to pry open his mouth and firmly, forcefully jammed it in between his jaw. His mouth was fully stretched but I pushed harder, forcing his teeth into the apple, insuring that there was no way it would be dislodged.

"There we go. Now I can continue without any interruptions. As I was saying, could you imagine what life would be like as a pig?" I was still standing over him, my hands on my hips, looking down onto his helpless form.

"Well I know it's hard to imagine, especially because a pig would not be able to realize its situation. A pig only knows what a pig is and what a pig does. You, on the other hand, you are a human being and possess the ability to think about these things. At least for now. Without giving too much away, in order to become an object, you must not only physically accept that form, your mind must also be altered into that state as well. I know you wanted to be objectified, maybe to be a piece of furniture in my room, but a table or a chair can't think. No, I am not going to turn you into a chair, that would be too boring anyway. A pig, on the other hand, a pig suits you perfectly!" As I said this I began to tap on the remote. The bars holding him down began to hum. He was being shocked, with every flick of my finger his body jerked and his eyes bugged out.

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