Blackmailed - Cover


by TheMoose63

Copyright© 2005 by TheMoose63

Erotica Sex Story: 16 year old Greg finds hidden computer pictures of his fantasy woman, naked and having sex with another woman. This happens to be his best friends mother Christie and he plots to blackmail her into having sex with him, but she turns the tables on him. See how Greg gets fucked.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   Teenagers   Blackmail   FemaleDom   Humiliation   First   Oral Sex   Masturbation   .

My name is Greg Newman and even though I am only16 years old most of my high school buddies consider me a computer whiz; I'm not sure if that is true or not but I am pretty good with the technical side of computers. I am also the starting wide receiver of my high school football team, not bad huh, a geek and an athlete. My best friend is Paul Johnson who just happens to live directly across the street from my house. Paul and his family moved into the house when both he and I were in the eighth grade and we have been best friends ever since. I really like Paul but I have to tell you that he isn't an athlete and he doesn't know squat about fixing computers but he is one hell of a VG player, and some say he is the best in the entire town.

Physically I stand 6 feet 3 inches tall and weigh 195 pounds and I work out every day to ensure that I can keep my prestigious position on the football team. Paul is something else, he is less than 5 feet 8 inches tall and couldn't weigh more than 145 pounds soaking wet. Still with all of the differences between us we're the best of friends. There is one other thing about Paul that attracts me, his mother Christie. Oh I know, she is an adult and a mother and all that, but I have to tell you that she is hot!

It was early on a Sunday, just after eight in the morning, when I answered the phone.

"Newman household, can I help you?"

"Greg, its Paul."

"Hey man, what's up?"

"It's my fucking computer man, it crashed or something. Can you come over and take a look at it for me?"

"Sure, I'll be right over."

I grabbed a pair of sweats and put them on over my underwear and was out the door and across the street in less than five minutes. I was just about to ring the doorbell when Paul jerked opened the door. He was so upset he started blurting out what happened and then kept rambling on and on. "Come on in man. Oh shit, I don't know what happened, Christ, I was at the sixth level of DOOM and the damn thing just shut down. Can you believe it, the screen just went blank. Do you think you can fix it?"

"Calm down Paul! Shit, I don't know if I can fix it or not, give me some time to look at the damn computer. Oh, and get out of my way - go watch TV or something I can stand to have someone looking over my shoulder while I work."

"No problem bro, I'm gone."

I went into the den and sat down at the computer. Although Paul always referred to the computer as 'his' in reality it was really the family computer. I turned on the master switch and watched the screen to see if it would boot up. It did and when it finally came fully alive I opened a systems diagnostics program and started checking out specific files that may have caused the problem. After ten minutes of looking through a diagnostics program I was pretty sure I knew what the problem was and that I could fix it, but I had to check several more programs and files and make some edits. I found the programs I was looking for and made the changes, which were really minor, then I again re-booted the computer.

Once the computer was up and running I typed in 'the' password, the same password that the entire family uses, and waited for the Earthlink web site to come up. That done I searched through a couple of E-programs that I knew that Paul had downloaded to make sure that there weren't any viruses attached and I couldn't find any problems there. Quite by accident I opened a separate utility file just for a look-see and was amazed to see an attached file, and this was a program that shouldn't have anything attached to it.

Hummm, I thought, why would someone store a file in a utilities program? I opened the file and saw that it contained both a text and picture file. I opened the picture file first and when I saw what was in it my jaw dropped to my chest. On the screen were 23 mini-pictures of Paul's mother, Christie in what were clearly sexually explicit positions with another woman. She was anywhere from totally clothed to totally naked but it was obvious from the positions that the two women were making love to each other or at the very least posing for the pictures. Shit, this is really wild and certainly something I never expected to find. I closed the file and then down loaded it onto an e-mail and sent it to my computer. Without even opening the text file I downloaded it to a second e-mail and sent that one to my computer too, I then closed the files and program.

"Hey man, how's it going?"

I almost jumped out of my skin at the intrusion. "For Christ's sake Paul, I told you to watch TV or something. You scared the shit out of me."

"I was but I wanted to check and see how you were doing."

"It's fixed. Just needed to repair a couple of your programs, that's all. Hey man, tell me again, why does your whole family use the same pass word?"

"It was my dad's idea; he figured that if we all used the same password we wouldn't forget it."

"Well it's a stupid idea, anybody could steal the password and everything you and your mom and dad have stored would be compromised. Anyway, I fixed the program so everything is fine and I gave you a separate password so your parents can't look at what you have been doing on-line, after all, we wouldn't want them to find your porn sites would we? Your password is 'WR88-2005' get it man, my position and number plus this year! Look buddy, I've got to get back hone, so I'll see you later OK?"

"Yea, that's fine and thanks Greg, I really appreciate it."

I walked back across the street and went upstairs to my bedroom. I turned on my computer and downloaded both of the e-mails then I opened the pictures file first. I studied each picture of Christie and realized that she was really as hot as I had always imagined. Ever since I had come to the realized that there were differences between boys and girls I had thought about Christie, mostly in my sexual fantasies while jacking off in my bedroom. Not that I ever thought I would have an opportunity to actually see her naked, but here she was and with another woman no less. God damn, this was a voyeur's gold mine.

As I looked through the pictures I tried to put together what I knew about her and what the pictures revealed. Christie stood around 5' 7" and looked like she might weigh around 125 pounds. She had long brunette hair that she often wore in a ponytail. I couldn't tell what size her breasts were because I never had a chance to sneak in her bedroom and look in the dirty laundry at one of her bras and there was no way to judge no matter how big I enlarged the pictures. The only thing I knew was that they looked to be about the same size as grapefruits. She wore a lot of short skirts and her long legs accentuated her heart shaped ass. When I closed my eyes I could almost visualize her, bent over the bed with my cock slamming deep into her pussy. Well now I didn't have to imagine what she looked like naked, I had actual photos of my dream girl.

I sat there and opened and enlarged each of the pictures in the file so I could see the woman who had played such an important part of my sexual fantasies. The other woman in the pictures looked familiar but I couldn't put a name to her. After going through all 23 pictures twice I decided that my favorite one was the picture showing Christie with her tongue licking the other woman's pussy. You could clearly see Christies' face and breasts and the other woman's pussy. I sat back and thought about what I had discovered and I slowly came to the realization that this wasn't a photo shoot but rather a lesbian relationship that, most probably Mr. Johnson didn't know anything about. Assuming that was true, then who was taking the pictures?

Almost as an after thought I opened the second e-mail containing the text files. Bonanza! This file contained almost 15 e-mails between Christie and the second woman in the pictures, who it turned out, was another classmate's mother, Ellie Wilson and the only reason I knew that because of what she talked about in the e-mails. I didn't know her daughter Betty all that well but I did know that she was a senior at my school. Well, well what would I find out next? I read and re-read each of the e-mails trying to ascertain who could have been taking the pictures there wasn't a clue in anything I read. I closed the last file and sat back and thought about what I had discovered and what I could do with it. I reopened the pictures file and printed copies of three of the more revealing photos then shut down the system. An idea had formulated in my mind and on Monday I was going to see if it would work.

My alarm went off at seven and I got up, showered and got dressed for school then I went downstairs to eat breakfast. Mom was almost finished with her breakfast by the time dad came into the kitchen.

"Morning mom, dad."

"Good morning son," they both said in unison.

It was the normal morning exchange at our house, good mornings then silence as we ate. I finished eating, washed out my cereal bowl, kissed mom on the cheek and gave dad a hug and went out the door. I drove about six blocks away and parked so I could watch and make sure that both mom and dad actually left the house. Once I saw them drive out of the neighborhood I started my car and drove back home to wait for Mrs. Johnson. I didn't have to wait long, at 8:30 she came out of the house dressed in a tennis outfit, got into her car and backed down the driveway. I knew that she often played tennis at the country club so there wasn't any great urgency to 'tail' her car; after all I knew where she was headed.

I waited until just after nine then got into my car and drove down to the country club and parked on the hill above the tennis courts where I wouldn't be too noticeable but where I could watch the players through my binoculars. I took off the protective caps and focused the binoculars and after a couple of minutes I spotted Christie on Court 4 and low and behold, she was playing tennis with Mrs. Wilson. I watched for a while, then I put the binoculars away and drove back home to wait for Christie's arrival.

It was almost 11:30 before her Cadillac drove into the driveway and I watched as she hopped out and went inside her house. I waited a couple of minutes. I didn't want to catch her too early nor did I want to give her enough time to head upstairs for a shower. I walked across the street and rang the doorbell. It was less than a minute later when she opened the door and was, I think, just a little startled to see me standing there.

"Oh... hi Greg... Paul's not here, he's at... say what are you doing home from school?"

Without a word I walked by her and into the foyer. "I really needed to talk to you about something so I skipped school today. Do you have something to drink?"

I could see that she was confused by my actions and probably a bit taken back by my boldness and unsure as what she should do, but then again her son and I had been friends for years so she was relaxed in my presence. "Uh sure Greg, come on in the kitchen."

We walked into the kitchen and I took a seat at the table while she went to the fridge for my drink.

"Coke or water?"

I looked at her, standing there in her short tennis skirt and while blouse. She was sweat stained from her tennis games but right then she looked beautiful to me. Her hair was done up in her trademarked ponytail that she had pulled through the back of an Oakland Raiders baseball cap. She was absolutely radiant.

"Greg! Coke or water?"

"Oh, excuse me, water's fine."

She pulled out two bottles of water from the fridge and handed me one, opened hers and took a seat opposite me. "So what's the burning issue that's so important that you ditched school?"

This was the moment I had planned to pull out the photo's I had printed and demand sex, after all that's all I had been thinking about since Sunday, but now that I was sitting across the table from her I realized that I was scared shitless. I didn't know what to do or say and when I tried to say something my mouth felt like it was full of cotton balls.

"Oh come on Greg, spit it out."

I stood up from the table. "Aw it's nothing Mrs. Johnson, I'm sorry I even bothered you. I'll see you later."

When I turned to leave the kitchen, Christie stood up and put her hand on my shoulder.

"Come on Greg, you can tell me."

That's when the shit hit the fan. The pictures that I had folded up and put into my back pocket to use as blackmail fell out onto the floor. I tried to grab them before she saw what they were but she reached them first. She picked them up off the floor and slowly looking at each picture, then she looked up and directly into my eyes. There was no doubt in my mind that she was furious.


I blushed and looked down at the floor in embarrassment. "Uh... I got them... off... off your computer."

"Oh sure, now that makes sense. Yesterday when we were at church Paul told me that you had come over and fixed the computer for him. I really didn't think anyone would ever find these files but then no one should have been using the computer but Paul, his father and me. God Damn it, these are personal files, and something that no one should have ever seen. Shit, you should be ashamed of yourself invading my privacy like that. God Damn it Greg, I thought you like me! So tell me, what were you going to do with them?

Before I could even think of a good lie she spoke up again.

"Ahhhh sure, blackmail, I should have figured that out. Well you should already know that I don't have any money, I mean Mr. Johnson is the only one in the family that works. Where in the hell did you think I was going to get any money?"

"Well... I didn't think..." I let my words trail off not wanting to reveal my original plans.

I could see the light come on inside her head. "You didn't think... Oh my God, you didn't want money, did you, no you wanted sex, isn't that it?"

My head again dropped to my chest and my face turned a crimson red at her discovery. "Uh, well... yea, that was my plan."

"And you also know that Mrs. Wilson is the other woman in the pictures because you stole and read my e-mails, isn't that right?"

I could only nod my head yes to her accusation.

"I see and I'll bet your were you going to blackmail her too, weren't you?"

My head snapped up. "Oh no Mrs. Johnson I never even thought about that, honest. It was just you, that's all."

"Just me? Why in the fuck are you picking on me Greg?"

"Ahhh, I wasn't picking on you; I think you are the sexiest woman I have ever seen. I mean ever since I found out the difference between boys and girls I thought you were the hottest woman I had ever seen. You are so beautiful and have a great body and you were... well my fantasy woman, then I found the pictures and thought it was my chance to be with..."

She sat back in her chair and starred at me. "Is that the truth? You wanted to be with me because you think I'm so beautiful? For Christ's sakes I'm 38 years old and the mother of your best friend and you wanted to sleep with me? Bullshit, don't lie to me Greg."

"I'm not lying, that's what I have thought about ever since I started high school."

"Your fantasy... oh really? Then that means you've jacked off thinking about me, doesn't it"

My eyes looked downward again and I was starting to have her kitchen floor memorized, then I answered her question. "Yes."

"OK then, if I'm so damn good looking, sexy and your fantasy girl I want to watch you."

I looked up at her. "Watch me what?"

"Jack off stupid. I want to see you jack off while you're thinking about me."

"Ah... Mrs. Johnson, I can't do that... I mean..."

"The fuck you can't. You've seen me naked and in compromising positions now I want to see you too. You either get out of your clothes right now or I'll call the police and tell them what you were trying to do to me. I think that breaking into someone's computer and stealing personal data and trying to blackmail me are serious offenses even for a 16-year-old. So what's it going to be Greg, do you want to do what I tell you or shall I call the police? Or maybe I should just call your mother at work and tell her what you've been up to, what do you want me to do Greg?"

"OK, please don't call anyone; I'll do what you want."

"Good, now get the fuck out of your clothes."

Well this sure hadn't gone the way I thought it would this morning. I reached down and grabbed the hem of my t-shirt and pulled it over my head and tossed it onto the chair next to me. I untied my sneakers and took them off then I stood up and unbuckled and unzipped my jeans and let them slide to the floor and stepped out of them. I was standing in front of the woman I had fantasized about for years in nothing but my Jockey shorts and socks. My cock wasn't anywhere near hard but still it filled out the front of my shorts nicely.

"Hummm, very nice Greg at least so far. Now loose the shorts."

I put my fingers in the waistband of my shorts and looked into her eyes. "Please Mrs. Johnson, don't make me do this."

"Oh no Greg, you don't get off that easily. Now take them off."

I pulled the shorts down over my hips and let them fall to the floor. I covered my genitals with my hands and stood there more embarrassed than I had ever been in my life.

"Move your hands; I want to see the cock and balls that have been dreaming about me."

I put my hands down at my side and lowered my head.

"Well that's certainly a nice cock Greg, you should be proud of it. How big does it get when it's hard?"

"Uh, I don't know I've never..."

"Bullshit, all boys measure their cocks, it's what they do when there your age, now how big does it get?"

"Umm, well almost seven inches."

"Very nice, yes indeed very nice. Now start jacking off Greg."

I reached down but my cock couldn't have been anymore flaccid if I was taking a cold shower. I put my hand around the shaft and pulled a few times but nothing happened and I was pretty sure that it was because I was both embarrassed and scared. "Look Mrs. Johnson, I can't do it this way, I mean I usually have something visual so I can get hard."

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