My Sister and I - Cover

My Sister and I

Copyright© 2005 by Gary Johns

Chapter 5

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 5 - A brother and sister are thrown together after their parents die. Flirtation turns to sex and then love.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   Teenagers   Consensual   Reluctant   Incest   Brother   Sister   First   Oral Sex   Masturbation   Voyeurism   Size  

The following morning, as I passed the sofa, my mind rushed back to what had happened on that very spot last night... my own sister had jerked me off. I shook my head and forced myself to go into the kitchen.

Cindy was already up. She was sitting at the table with her cup of coffee, reading the morning paper. When I walked in she looked up and smiled sweetly. "Good morning Robbie," she said. From her facial expression, one would never know what she had done to me last night.

I boldly walked over and kissed her on the lips, pushing my tongue into her mouth. Her mouth was sweet with the taste of mouthwash and a hint of coffee. When she didn't resist me, I put my hand behind her head as I explored her open mouth with my tongue. We were both breathless when I finally pulled away.

I saw her surprised look. "Good morning to you Sis," I said. I sat down at the table with a cup of coffee and a wide grin. "Hey Sis, would you like me to get another movie for Friday night? Or watch "our" movie," I smiled lustfully.

"Oh, I'm sorry sweetie, but I have a date with Dexter."

I could feel the blood drain from my face. It seemed as if she had stuck a pin in my balloon. Amazingly, I had forgotten all about Dexter in the last several days. The jerk, I thought and felt my anger building. "What about Saturday night?" I asked, trying to keep the irritation from my voice.

Cindy got a sad look on her face. "Sorry sweetie, but Dexter doesn't have many weekends free and he said he wanted to spend this one with me."

I couldn't hold it back anymore. "What do you see in that jerk? He flashes money around like he's some big shot. He's just a spoiled little rich boy with a giant ego. And, a total asshole to boot," I blurted. As soon as the words were out of my mouth I regretted them.

I saw fire in Cindy's eyes. "Don't talk to me like that!" she almost screamed. "You don't know anything about him. Besides, who I date is my business and not yours." Her face was red with anger.

The room suddenly fell silent. Both of us were steaming. I figured a quick exit was called for. I stormed out of the kitchen, quickly dressed and went to work.

I felt bad all morning about what I had said to Cindy. I debated calling her to apologize. Unfortunately, the store was busy all day, so I never had the chance.

My mind was working overtime though. Dexter was a big problem. He had always been an issue, but now he was coming between my sister and I. There had to be some way to get him out of the picture. I was daydreaming, ringing up a customer's order, when a plan suddenly came to me. I knew just what to do. If my theory was correct, Dexter was history.

Normally I am not a devious person. I tend to take people at their word and believe what they say. However, I had always been suspicious of Dexter. Something about him didn't sit well with me. I thought I knew the reason why.

When I left work that afternoon, I drove downtown to Dexter's office, parking in the lot near his sports car. It was about six thirty when he came out of the office building. He was whistling like he didn't have a care in the world. When he pulled off the lot, I was a safe distance behind him. He stopped at the cleaners to pick up some laundry before getting onto the expressway. I knew he had an apartment in town... so I wondered why he was taking the expressway.

I followed him for over an hour... my old Jeep straining to keep up with his powerful sports car. When we exited the expressway and the traffic thinned, I backed off to make sure he didn't see me. Finally he turned into a long driveway to what appeared to be an estate that had a large iron security gate. There was a brick wall surrounding the property. I quickly parked on the street and found a spot where I could scale the wall. Hoping that they didn't have guard dogs, I stumbled my way through the woods until I could see the house. I waited with my camera.

The sun was just going down and my hopes were dimming when I saw Dexter come out of the house. Behind him was a pretty woman followed by two small children. Got him! I thought. They climbed into an SUV as I snapped photos.

I drove home with a smile on my face. I stayed in my room that evening and put together an envelope with a note. I wrote a message that said, "Here are some photos I took of you and your family. If you don't leave Cindy Matthews alone, the photos will be sent to her." I also included a photo of Dexter and Cindy kissing that I stole from Cindy's room. "The photo of Cindy and you will go to your wife. Have a nice day."

I didn't really know if the woman Dexter was with was his wife or even that the children were his. However, I had pretty good circumstantial evidence that they were. It explained why he didn't have many weekends free. I was assuming that Cindy didn't know that he was married. I was fairly sure that she wouldn't be involved with a married man. Besides, I figured I had nothing to lose by exposing him. Even if he knew that I was doing this (the photo of Cindy and him kissing could give me away), it didn't matter. What was he going to do anyway?

The following evening was Friday night. Cindy was to meet Dexter at a restaurant downtown, as they often did. She and I had not talked since the blowup. However, it was obvious that we both wanted to. When she came out of her room that night she was wearing a pretty blue pleated skirt, white blouse with high heels. The skirt came to mid-thigh, exposing her well-shaped legs. She also had on silk nylons. I wondered if the nylons were pantyhose or thigh-high. I guessed thigh-high. It was a little chilly out so she had a jacket that matched her skirt. She looked very sexy.

I was sitting on the sofa when she walked past. I caught a whiff of her sweet perfume and felt a pain in my heart. "You look pretty," I said as she passed.

She stopped and looked at me as if she was trying to figure out if I were serious.

I smiled and said, "Really."

Her serious face changed to a smile immediately. "Thank you Robbie."


"Robbie..." we said at the same time. Then we laughed.

"I'm sorry for the things I said," I said sincerely.

"I'm sorry about my reaction too," she answered.

I stood up. "Listen, I was out of line. You obviously can date anyone you want. I had no right to say those things about Dexter. He might be a great guy."

"Thank you again Robbie. He is a good guy... you'll see."

Yeah, I'll see, I thought. "If you like him, I'll try to like him as well," I lied.

A little tear showed in Cindy's eye. She wiped it away and stepped toward me.

I put my arms around her for a hug. I drew in the scent of her hair and sweet perfume. When we pulled away, I looked into her eyes. "Have fun tonight."

"I will," she said as we continued to hold each other.

Then she leaned forward to touch her lips to mine. I suppressed a moan and responded. Her mouth opened when my tongue touched her lips. A moan escaped her throat as our tongues dueled. I felt her tremble.

She pushed me away, closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "I've got to go," she sighed. With that she pecked my lips again then rubbed lipstick from my lips.

Now all I had to do was wait.

I heard the keys in the lock as I sat on the sofa. It was just past ten. I felt excitement and worry at the same time. A million questions rushed through my mind. Did Dexter show up tonight? If so, did they have a fight? Did he deny everything? Was I wrong about him?

As soon as I saw Cindy I had some of the answers. Her eye makeup was smeared, indicating that she had been crying. I jumped up and hurried over to her. "What's wrong?" I asked, grabbing her shoulders and looking into her eyes. I could smell alcohol on her breath. She swayed a bid and I put my arm around her.

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