My Sister and I - Cover

My Sister and I

Copyright© 2005 by Gary Johns

Chapter 4

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 4 - A brother and sister are thrown together after their parents die. Flirtation turns to sex and then love.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   Teenagers   Consensual   Reluctant   Incest   Brother   Sister   First   Oral Sex   Masturbation   Voyeurism   Size  

Breakfast conversation was very tense the following morning... at least for me. I hadn't slept very well. Cindy, on the other hand, seemed her normal self. She tried in vain to engage me in conversation, but only received grunts in reply. I was sulking and didn't even know why. I hadn't really done anything wrong and I certainly wasn't mad at her. It wasn't anger. I felt guilty... like I had taken advantage of my sister. It was irrational I know, but I was confused.

"Well little brother, I have to get to work," she said and got up. "You have a wonderful day."

"Uh... yeah, sure."

"Oh and by the way, don't take the video back. I want to see the rest."

"I bought it," I responded. It was an "as is" final sale. I couldn't take it back if I wanted... especially not without explaining what was really on the tape.

She smiled and said, "Good, then we can watch it as much as we want." With that she was gone, leaving me as perplexed as I had been last night.

I went to work in a mental fog. I rang up people's grocery orders wrong, didn't hear questions customers asked, and generally screwed up everything I touched. I even made a wrong turn on the expressway on the way home after nigh school and had to drive five miles out of my way. I finally resolved to not let it bother me. After all, Cindy was the one that initiated everything. Why not enjoy it and let her dictate how far the exploration went? I thought.

When I walked into the apartment, Cindy was sitting on the sofa painting her toenails. She was wearing a short blue silk robe with one foot up on the coffee table. She looked up and smiled. "Hi Robbie, you're late tonight."

"Sorry, heavy traffic on the freeway," I lied.

"I've been waiting for you so we can watch 'our movie'."

I wondered when it had become "our movie". "Let me get changed and showered. I won't take long."

"Okay," she said without looking up and continued to paint her toenails.

I found myself glancing at her legs. The robe had fallen off one leg, exposing much of her thigh. I could see silky flesh almost all the way to her ass. I forced myself to turn away.

A few minutes later I came out of the bathroom wearing a pair of cut off sweat pants and no shirt. I had boldly left my underwear off. "I'll get a soda. Want a glass of wine?"

"Already had three," she giggled, "but I'll take another."

I placed the bottle of wine on the coffee table front of Cindy and I sat close to her, making sure my hip touched hers. "Ready?" I asked as calmly as possible. However, I was anything but calm inside. My heart was pounding in my chest.

"Yes, I've been excited all day," she whispered as if someone could hear her.

It did feel sneaky watching someone's intimate home movie.

When the video came on, the scene had Mrs. Fields lying on the bed with her legs spread. It appeared to be a continuation of the other scene. The camera zoomed in until it was on her pussy. It was swollen and leaking sperm. Suddenly another man appeared. My eyes opened wide. It was Mr. Fields. I looked at Cindy to see that her eyes were just as wide as mine were. We watched as he crawled onto the bed and between her legs. A second later he was fucking her like her lover had a few minutes before.

It didn't take him long to climax.

When the screen went blank, both Cindy and I let out our breath and relaxed. Before we took our second breath, the screen came to life again. Like the first time, Mrs. Fields came into the room followed by a man. It was a different man this time.

Cindy and I looked at each other and raised our eyebrows. Mrs. Fields was quite a slut. We watched as the pretty older woman went wild with her lover again. As we watched, the camera zoomed in.

I looked at Cindy... we shrugged our shoulders... someone was operating the camera.

The two on the bed fucked in every conceivable position, including her siting on his huge cock and riding him like she was in a rodeo. He climaxed inside her and she fell to the bed. However, they were not done. Within a few minutes, Mrs. Fields was sucking on her lover's cock. The camera zoomed in for a close up. She winked at the screen. When she had the stranger hard, she got onto her knees. He climbed behind her.

"Fuck my ass," she cried.

Cindy and I gasped. Then we watched as the stranger moved the head of his cock to her tight asshole. The head looked far too large to penetrate the tiny hole. Slowly the stranger pressed forward. The sphincter resisted before if finally gave way. Mrs. Fields bellowed in excitement. The stranger began to fuck her hard. Over and over his long cock went deep into her ass until he screamed in climax.

By the time they were done, Cindy and I were very excited. My cut off sweat pants had a huge tent in them and there was a wet circle when the head had leaked juice. However, I didn't try to hide it this time. I had seen Cindy look over at my crotch several times.

Like it happened the first time, after the stranger was done, Mr. Fields took his place.

When that scene ended, I used the remote to flip off the VCR and TV. Cindy and I sat staring at the dark television for a while without speaking. Finally she turned and looked at me. Then her eyes scanned down my chest until they reached my still tented shorts. I intentionally made my cock twitch, moving the material of my sweat pants up and down.

Cindy looked back up at me and whispered, "I want to see it."

I knew what she meant, but I said, "What?"

"I want to see your cock," she whispered excitedly.

When I didn't move, she reached over. I noticed her hand trembling as she stuck her fingers under the waistband of my shorts. She lifted the elastic until she could see the swollen head of my cock. I moaned and threw my head back, closing my eyes.

"Oh my goodness," she gasped. "It's huge."

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