My Sister and I - Cover

My Sister and I

Copyright© 2005 by Gary Johns

Chapter 2

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 2 - A brother and sister are thrown together after their parents die. Flirtation turns to sex and then love.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   Teenagers   Consensual   Reluctant   Incest   Brother   Sister   First   Oral Sex   Masturbation   Voyeurism   Size  

The morning sunlight was coming into my window when I awoke. I rubbed my eyes and sat up in bed. Suddenly I remembered what had happened last night and guilt washed over me. Still, remembering the sound of my sister's moans and the image of her sucking her boyfriend's cock sent a chill though me. All kinds of emotions ran through me. It was very confusing.

When I finally pulled myself out of bed, I quietly walked over, opened my door gently, and looked into the living room. I'm not sure what I was looking for. Surely they wouldn't have been in the living room. I stepped out, half expecting to see Cindy's boyfriend. However, the first thing I saw was my sister's blouse on the floor... then her bra and panties. Looking quickly at her door, I hurried over to where the powder blue panties lay on the floor. I stood frozen as I stared down at them. Then with a shaking hand I picked them up. The soft and silky material under my fingers sent a tremor of excitement through me. Without thinking I brought them to my nose and inhaled. The scent of her caused an immediate electric shock to rush down my body, making my cock twitch and begin to grow. Suddenly I heard movement in my sister's room. I almost ran to the kitchen. Not knowing what to do with the panties, I stuffed them down the front of my underwear. That made my already twitching cock stiffen. I hastily grabbed a bowl and poured myself some cereal, quickly sitting at the table.

A moment later my sister walked in and I glanced up. She had on a white terrycloth robe tied around her waist. Her hair was messed up and her eyes showed the results of her late night activity. I looked back down at my cereal.

Cindy paused at the door like she wanted to say something. Then she went over to put a coffeepot on and then fixed herself some toast. When it was ready she sat down at the table across from me. I was silent, pretending to read the cereal box. Unfortunately, the silky panties in my underwear continued to make my cock throb.

Finally, Cindy spoke. "Robbie, I... I... want to... to apologize for last night," she stuttered.

I didn't look up.

"I had a little too much to... to drink. I should have never brought Dexter here."

"He's a jerk," I said without looking up.

Cindy let that pass. She knew I didn't like him and was used to my reaction. "Regardless, I'm sorry," she whispered and I heard her voice crack.

When I looked up finally she was looking down at her coffee and there were tears in her eyes. My anger disappeared immediately. "Sis, you don't owe me an apology. It's your apartment... you pay the rent. What I make barely covers my school and food. I shouldn't even be living here."

Cindy looked at me as tears rolled down her cheek. "No, that's not true. You're my brother and I love you. I don't want you to leave."

"I love you to Sis. But I feel like I'm in your way. You have done everything for me. Ever since mom... ever since mom died. I promise I'll pay you back someday." Now I had tears in my eyes. Without thinking I stood up. The panties fell out of the leg of my shorts and fortunately dropped under the table. My cock had lost most of its hardness as I stepped close to her and pulled her to my hip warmly. When I bent over to kiss her cheek I paused. I saw that her robe had opened to the point where I could see the swell of one large breast. As she turned to me, the robe opened further. Suddenly I was staring at her pink nipple. It wasn't the first time in my life that I had seen her naked breast, but it was by far the most exciting. I stared and my cock began to grow.

When I didn't kiss her, Cindy glanced down and saw that I was looking down her robe. She giggled nervously and said, "Opps," and pulled her robe closed.

I quickly kissed her cheek. Then she stood up and turned in my arms. She snuggled into me, pressing her breasts to my chest. "Please don't leave me... you're all I have," she whispered as she placed her head against my chest.

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