My Brother, Coppertone and Me in Heat - Cover

My Brother, Coppertone and Me in Heat

by Paige Turner

Copyright© 2005 by Paige Turner

Erotica Sex Story: My brother didn't have a clue.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Heterosexual   Incest   Brother   Sister   First   Exhibitionism   .

I was laying there on the chaise lounge by the pool, soaking up some rays and feeling horny.

My brother was home from school and I was broiling under the heat wave we were having. He was laying out on an mattress and I was thinking about how nerdy he was. Mind you, I love my brother, but he was one of those guys who had never figured out the first thing about women. Always had his head buried in a book. I had thought that he was gay for a while last year, until I found his collection of stroke books. Gave me an insight what turned him on. Even though he was two years older than me, I had a lot more experience with sex, having lost my virginity when I was fourteen.

I knew the horn dog that he was though. He was checking me out as I lay there in just my bikini bottoms, working on my tan. I let him see just the sides of my tits, aware of how he was focusing on my breasts when I would lean over and drink some of my iced tea through the straw.

I wished someone would take him away and fuck his brains out. He wasn't a bad guy, but the prep school that he went to back East was one of those all guys deals. It made him even more awkward with women. Not that I was a woman at the time. I thought that womanhood would arrive with my drivers license. Or maybe turning twenty one. But 21 sounded pretty old to me then.

I thought about the time that I had tried to line him up with my girlfriend Sally. I knew that Sally would fuck just about anything, but when we double dated, he wouldn't fuck her with me there! It had been one of the more disastrous dates of my life. I think that Jimmy was the only guy that she'd ever gone out with that she didn't fuck.

Of course, considering some of the things that we'd done together, I had to laugh. Wouldn't do things while I was there? Give me a break!

That had been last Easter vacation, when the nerd had been home for two weeks. The only action that he'd gotten was with his hand. I'd walked in on him spanking the monkey in the bathroom one night. When I told Sally what she'd missed out on, she almost asked for a second shot. She'd said she might go out with him again next summer. Well, here it was summer. Only thing was, Sally was working at a girls camp summer job in Hawaii.

Hey, don't get me wrong. I love my brother, but he is such a geek. I mean, he was a total geekoid. He was supposed to be brilliant, but still. There is more to life than just books, y'know.

Anyway, my steady guy was off to Europe with his folks for two weeks. Bob had the most talented mouth in the world. He'd eat me for hours. I'm not just saying that either. He'd been gone for six days at the time and I'd bought my first plug in vibrator. The damn batteries for my other toys keep going dead.

So there I was, laying on my front and wondering what to do with my brother, how I was going to cope with my best pal gone for the summer and wondering if it would be worth going out and picking up some strange talent or not. The problem with strange stuff is that it wants to stick around, it's just coming out of a 'relationship' or it's just no damn good in bed. The last time that I had tried some, the guy had come on my thigh while looking for the hole, fer crying out loud!

I needed some of Bobs magic touch, but bad.

So. You got the picture of what was in my mind? Here we are, two teenage kids, stuck with each other for the afternoon and all alone in the house, lazing out by the pool.

The thing about my bro (at the time) was that I knew he was a totally horny, totally hopeless guy. I mean, I had his eyeball tracks all over me. And I didn't have anyone else to blame but myself.

You see, when he had been home at Easter and I'd begun my campaign to get him to go out with Sally, I'd prick teased the poor guy. I figured that I would work him up a little. So I would walk past his room to the shower carrying my clean clothes, stark naked. We have the wing of the house totally to ourselves, our parents living at the other end of the house. It's a big house. Daddy is a whiz, who made a lot of money with this patent, see? So there's buckets of money.

So. I started showing him a little. I'd make sure his door was open whenever I'd take a shower. I'd stop in his room and ask him if he wanted to use the bathroom first, then accidentally leave his door open. From his bed, you could look right down the hall all the way to the bathroom door. My room was right next to his and I'd go waltzing down the hall to the bathroom in the buff, my cute little tail just a wagging. Perfect time for him to check me out, right? Give him an idea of what he's been missing.

I had made it a point to always fasten my bathrobe loosely, so when I was pouring coffee, the front of it would open up. I'd sit sideways to the breakfast counter in the kitchen, reading the paper and hanging my tits out. I thought he might say something once or twice. One of the first times I'd done it, he'd turned around and sort of gasped. I looked down, shrugged, "Sorry about that. Glad it's just us here. Dad would have had a cow." I told him as I was doing up my 'accidentally' opened robe. I always acted natural around him, which considering how much I was prick teasing him was hard to do. I mean, you know how it is with boys when they're getting a free shot. Their minds go blank.

Hormone poisoning. The power to cloud mens minds. Whatever.

I do know that when they were passing out looks, I got more than my fair share of them. I'm five eleven, blonde and have a narrow waist and these bigger than I need tits. My ass isn't much, but it works for me. What gets the guys, thought, is my legs. Most of my length is in my legs and I went out for track, so they were always in super shape.

If my description of myself sounds too good to be true, it's not my fault. I'd just gotten this body a couple of years ago. All of a sudden, everything's different.

Girls that I was friends with were suddenly not wanting me to hang out with them when their boy friends were around. Every guy I knew was suddenly tongue tied and talking to my chest. I turned into the prettiest girl in school and things were different.

Hey, I know what you're thinking. Poor baby! Prettiest girl in school. What could be so bad with her life? Well, I'll tell you what was wrong with my life. I wound up dating about every loser in school.

The first time that I ever got really drunk, I'd gone all the way with Kenny Spicer. And his buddy Jerry and Paul and Andy. And I liked it. I liked it a lot until about noon on Monday, when the word was all over school about what a slut I was.

So. I was a slut, eh? I'd show them.

During the last two years, I had slept with thirty seven guys, one hundred and eleven times. Sally was the only one that would hang out with me. Fuck me Frannie was the nick name they had given me behind my back. We had fucked between us most of the boys in the junior class.

Now, my brother had been going off to this school for the terminally brainy for the last four years and had just gotten into M.I.T. Yeah, at sixteen.

He'd gotten out dads brains, I'd gotten moms looks.

She was runner up for Miss Texas. Why she had ever married dad was always a mystery to me. How did that happen? I knew that they had a pretty good relationship. When I was twelve, I used to go over to their side of the house and look into their bedroom. If you hide in the shadows on the lawn, you can see everything in their bedroom. The house is an L shaped, modern box with the pool in the middle, and I would go over and watch them. Lots better than those films in sex ed.

Oh yeah. He'd gotten dads cock, which adds to the mystery. I know my mom sure loved that cock. Let me count the ways.

I learned about blow jobs, sixty nine, doggie style, lubricants and most of the Karma Sutra from mom and dad. I knew what they all were before I even knew what the words were.

I don't know what my parents thought of me. They might not have known about what their darling daughter was up to. After all, most guys don't talk about whose the girl in their class most likely to give you some with their dads. And how would they tell my mom or my dad? Oh, by the way... just thought that I would mention that Jeff says... ?


I would do just about anything back then. Sex was the most fun I had ever had.

I had a lot of it.

Why not?

So. Anyhow. There I am, feeling horny and sort of grounded. My brother had a car, but it was back east. The seniors at his school could bring their cars with them. We had three cars at the house, but one of them, the one that Jimmy was supposed to use, was in the shop, waiting for parts. I didn't have my drivers license yet. Nothing to do but lie around the pool and work on my tan with my geek brother.

Did I tell you how far out in the boon docks our house is? There were some guys that I could have called up to come out and splash around, but what the hell could I do with my brother there?

This might seem kind of strange, but I had the idea that he had no idea about my reputation. He had only lived in this house for a year, then had gone away to school. He'd been going to an advanced education high school, so he didn't run with the crowd from my high school. He had gone to science camp the summer before last for six weeks, last summer he'd gotten a job washing test tubes at some big science place back east. His best friend who'd lived here's dad had been transferred. Who was going to tell him?

I liked him. He'd helped me with my homework and had been a good older brother growing up. At least until he went away for school and I got this body. Sometimes I think about my body and wonder what would have happened if? It's true what the women libbers say. It was one hell of a sex object. I know that it sounds schizoid to say it, but sometimes I feel like someone else got my body and I got this one by mistake. It's almost like a possession. But I am not exactly sure how it would be different if I didn't look like this. I just know it would, though.

I know that this doesn't seem really sexy, especially for a sex story. But unless your going to an orgy just to fuck, you'll find that all stories interconnect. I've made a lot of friends at orgies. Yeah. Not only made, but made a lot of friends that I still have and occasionally fuck. I'm older than I was then, but I still like sex. I just don't like people that fuck you and then don't want to know you.

I'd just had a cool down splash in the pool. And yes, I'd put my top on before I went in. Like I said, I don't think that my brother knew about me. And I did want to do something for him. After all, he was still there. He just didn't know how to talk to me anymore.

The power to cloud mens minds, remember?

I came out of the pool and toweled off. I could see that he was getting kind of toasted, so I picked up the bottle of tanning lotion and spurted some out onto my hands.

"You look like you could use some of this." I said and rubbed some on his shoulders. I'd kind of startled him, probably because the lotion was cold or my hands were from the pool.


"Sorry. Gee, you're really dry. Let me put some more on."

I sat down on his butt and squirted more of the stuff on his back, rubbing it around with one hand and getting a lot of it on him.

"Hey! Go easy with that stuff!"

"Relax, it'll warm up. Let me rub it in. Your skins really dry and your going to start burning unless you watch it. This isn't back east sun. It'll fry ya."

"Oh. I keep forgetting to do that."

"Well, Your lucky you have me to watch out for you. Otherwise you'd be Mr. Sunburn."

"Mnn. That feels good."

"Thanks." I'd started working on his shoulders, giving him a massage. "You remember when mom was taking those body working classes?"

He laughed, jiggling me on his bottom. She'd used all of us for 'lab rats' while she'd been on that kick. You'd be trying to watch television, while she was sinking her fingers into your pressure points, not always accurately. "Yeah. You remember that stuff, do you?"

"Sorta. I picked up a lot of it on the track team. One of my team mates and I used to do each others legs after practice. It came back to me."

"Mnn. Right there." He groaned. I was working on his neck muscles.

"Wow. Are you ever tight. Don't you ever do anything but study?"

"Nnn." I'd gotten a pretty good tension point. "All I've been doing is cramming for my SATs. I'm glad that's over.

"You need to loosen up a bit. I'll show you some stuff later that'll take some of the tension out."

"ugh. Great."

I worked on his back and put some oil on his legs. He tightened up a little when I did that, but since he was wearing a pair of baggies, I didn't get too far up on his legs. I wasn't trying to work him up, y'see? Just get him used to being touched.

We used to touch a lot. I'd go into his room and watch Rocky and Bullwinkle every Saturday. I'd curl up to him under the covers. I remembered those days. Now, when he hugged me at the airport, it had been one of those from the top hugs. It was like a big sign going off in his head. Tits! Tits! Tits!

Like I said, the power to... you got the idea.

This is one of the things that makes me regard my body as something else. Starting to make any sense to you? I'd just climbed onto his butt, rubbed in the lotion, worked out a few kinks. Then got up and went back to my lounge, wiped the excess oil off and went back to my magazine, untying my bikini top. What the hell, I was facing away from him.

Jimmy was probably going through a few things in his mind. The fact that I had just touched him and it was like it used to be. I used to lay my head down on his lap, for cripes sake. Now he was afraid to hug me. My own brother!

Thinking back on all of this, I was the instigator in all of this. I don't know how I knew the stuff that was going through his head, but I did.

About twenty minutes go by. We're drinking ice tea and listening to the radio play rock and roll. It's a laid back day. I turned around and looked over my shoulder at him. "Jimmy?"


"Can I ask you a favor?"

He rolled over and looked at me. "What is it?"

"Can you put some oil on my back?"


He got up and came over. "That thing isn't big enough for me to sit on."

"Just sit on my legs. It'll hold us both." I didn't look back at him, just pulled my shoulder blade length blonde hair out of the way.

He hesitated for a second. Then he said, "Sure I won't be too heavy?"

I laughed. "If I can support Bob, I guess I can hold you up too."

He laughed. Bob was one hundred and ninety lbs. of solid muscle. Jimmy was maybe one fifty.

"I guess." He sat down gingerly on the back of my legs, one leg on either side of the lounge. "This okay?"

"One sec." He stood up and I reached back and pulled my bikini out of my butt. "Okay. Try it now." He sat down again. "Yeah. That's better. Go ahead."

At first, his hands were somewhat unsure. He was nervous, y'know? Here he is, somehow related to this blonde sex goddess that used to be his kid sister, he's been ogling her all morning. He's been catching glimpses of her walking down the hall in her all together, just like she used to do when she was a kid. Only now...

It took him a few minutes to get used to it, but then he started to return the back rub, just like I'd hoped he would. His hands became more confidant and he figured out that it was all right with me.

"Mnn. That feels good." I murmured to encourage him. I reached up and grabbed the top of the lounge with my hands. I had my head turned to the left and I kept my eyes shut.

Ever notice how much more you can sense with your eyes shut?

My brother was working from my shoulder blades down to the small of my back. I made little sounds to let him know that I liked what he was doing. You show a guy a little appreciation, it helps to made him feel good. A little diplomatic moaning goes a long ways.

If I'd have just lay there silently, it would have been a splash on the Coppertone, rub it around and that would have been that. Here I was, telling him that I was enjoying what he was doing. It was more than okay with me that he had his hands on me.

"That feels good." I murmured as he worked along my lower spine. He went as far down as my suit, then over the top. I could feel his thumbs at the top of my pelvis, almost down to where the crack of my ass started.

"Hold on a sec." I said gently. His hands stopped at once and I reached to each of my hips and pulled the side snaps of my suit. "Okay." I put my hands up over my head again.

Then I reached back and brushed my suit further down, so that it would make it easier for him to rub lower than he'd been doing.

He started rubbing across the top of my ass, working the places on my hip bones where all the leg and ass muscles connect to the bottom of my pelvis. My suit was still between my legs, it was just that my ass was a lot more accessible. So he could work on my lower spine better.

It was innocent and sneaky at the same time. I can be pretty manipulative. But I only do it when I think that it's right.

Well. After a while, he was digging his thumbs in and really giving me a great butt rub. He'd gotten to where it was skin and muscle and was giving me a great massage. Evidently he'd picked up something from those massages mom used to practice on us.

"You got great hands."


"When your done there, can you do my shoulders, too?"


He started working up my back, leaning over me to reach my neck. He was having to streach a bit to get my shoulders. I told you I'm five eleven, didn't I?

"You can move up." I mumbled.


"I said, you can move up. Sit on my ass, it'll make it so you don't have to streach so far."

He hesitated a second. "Okay."

When he stood up, I reached down quickly and pulled my bottoms out. Suddenly he was really aware of me lying under him, totally naked.

"Damn thing was riding up. Like indian underwear."

"Indian underwear?"

"Creeps up behind?"

He groaned.

"Well, thank you kind sir!"

"That was terrible."

"Your too kind." I think that he could hear the smile in my voice. We shared a love for puns.

"So you got a steady boy friend, eh?"

"Yeah. He's super." Where the hell that came from, I'll never know. He's super? Well, yeah. That tongue. "Mnn. There."


"Yeah." I straightened my neck so that he could get to shoulder muscles better. I rolled my hips a little as I straightened out. Hmm. What's this I feel? I wiggled a little more to get comfortable. Oh my. My brother must have stuffed a salami down his pants. I arched my neck, resting my forehead on my hands. "That feels so gooood."


I let him work on me for a few minutes, then rolled my neck.

I laid my head back down and turned it slightly, so I was laying facing left. I could feel my brothers package mashing into my butt, that nice hard snuggled right up between my buns.

Another few minutes go by. I am pretty wet by now, just thinking about this. Here's my brother, all turned on and trying to be a nice guy about it. I mean, he's giving my a good massage while all this is going on. When he'd dig into a good place, I'd give a little encouraging moan and kind of squeeze my ass a little, like it's an involuntary movement that I'm not aware that I'm doing. The sexual tension is pretty high, but we're just going on like nothings happening.



"Can you work on my ribs, too? I really overdid it playing tennis." I raised my left arm and rolled it like I was trying to work out sore muscles. What a wimp excuse. I'm right handed, even.

"Sure. Let me finish this."

"Take your time. Mnn."

He was working his way down my spine again and it felt good. He really did have good hands.

"What's wrong with your arm?"

"These muscles here." I sat up a bit and turned slightly. I made a swooping gesture to indicate it was the muscles that ran across the bottom of my rib cage. "I really stretched them too much."

"Hmm. Okay."

I felt his hand reaching around to my front and finding the muscles that I had 'strained.'

"Yeah. Those."

"I see." He moved down a little on my ass, so that he was sitting more on the back of my legs.

"You're kind of missing it. Here. Let me see your hand." I sat up on my elbows and reached around under me with my right hand. I took his left hand and led it around under my boob, holding the finger tips and pressing them to the middle of my rib cage. "It runs all the way from my collar bone here, feel that?" I asked innocently. The way I was holding his hand, my nipple was resting on his thumb pad.


"It runs sort of along here," taking his fingers and following my muscle strain over to my arm pit and then down my rib cage. "If you can just rub it with your finger tips."

"Uh huh."

"That hard to reach? You can lay down on my back if you want. Might make it easier to reach."

"Uh. Yeah."

"Go ahead. I won't bite."

"Oh. Okay."

He leaned forward so that he was able to lean on an elbow next to my back. I could feel his boner under my left ass cheek. It must have been really uncomfortable, it being trapped under his pant leg like that. He squirmed around as he drew his leg up and I squirmed my fanny back in his lap.

"Comfy?" I asked.

"Sort of."

"Here." I had his hand trapped under my arm. I reached back and kind of drew his leg up over mine, turning a little more as I did, so I was up on one shoulder. "Lay down and slide your arm under my head."

"You sure?"

"How else are we both going to fit on this lounge chair?"

I got his arm under my head and then laid my head against it. Then I worked my legs around so that I was all cozied up to him. He was lying on one hip, my naked ass snuggled into his lap, one leg drawn up and his other leg over me. My right leg, the one that was straight, could feel his boner lying against it. Hot and hard and steamy. If he hadn't have been wearing his baggies, he dick would have been about one hip hunch from fucking me. What the hell did he think? That his suit had magic properties and I wouldn't feel it?

"There. How's that?"

"good." He sounded surprised. I'd spent a lot of time sleeping (well, not sleeping, but) with boys and I knew how to snuggle with a guy. And I knew my brother didn't have the faintest idea about what to do with a girl. He was liking it, but he wasn't pushing his luck. More like he couldn't believe how lucky he was.

But at the same time, he was giving me a good massage. Even if he hadn't, I think that I would have still been working him into this position of having his dick pressed up against my innocent girlish ass.

He started to work my rib cage. I could feel that he was getting horribly embarrassed by his boner, but as long as I didn't mention it, I knew that he wouldn't. After all, I must really not have a clue if I'm letting him touch me like this and just trusting him like that.

He lay there behind me and worked under my ribs and back up to my collar bone. He was doing it with just light, finger tip pressures. After a while, I could feel his cock sort of lose that stiff as a board feeling and settle down against my leg. He was still horny, but it was down a notch, y'know?

So. He's rubbing on my muscles and around my rib cage and you'd think that he'd get to where the good spot was, don't you? I mean, here's my nice, round, teeny bopper boobie all but in the palm of his hand, so what does he do?

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