What Happens in Vegas, Stays in Vegas - Cover

What Happens in Vegas, Stays in Vegas

by Rod O'Steele

Copyright© 2005 by Rod O'Steele

Erotica Sex Story: Vegas has returned to its roots, Sin City as Mike finds out.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   First   .

Chastity is curable, if detected early. -- Anonymous

I was walking along the promenade looking at all of the overpriced stores when I saw her. I'm not sure exactly what about her caught my attention. In many ways, she was a typical teen, dark hair, cute face, and a nice little body, but a typical teen. Maybe she looked like I felt; alone and bored. I strolled up next to her as she too looked into one of the store's windows. "Too expensive, huh?" I said.

"Yeah," she agreed. Then she glanced up at me. I saw some suspicion.

"I don't know why they make these places too expensive to buy anything. Be nice to hang with someone, you know, just talk."

I guess I hit it; exactly what she had been thinking because I saw the light in her eye, "Yeah," she responded.

I was in Las Vegas, again. Another damn conference in Vegas. It was like there wasn't anywhere else in America anymore except Las Vegas. It had gotten to the point, where on any conference form that asked for feedback, all I would say was, 'Have the conference anyplace except Las Vegas.'

It wasn't that Lost Wages was such an awful place; I was just tired of it. Once you lost your money gambling, and went to the over-priced under-talented shows, paid too much for a meal, and had been accosted by the ladies asking if you could afford two-seventy-five for some fun, the entertainment value paled.

Vegas was going back to its roots: adult entertainment. I had seen several billboards proclaiming, 'What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.' They had tried to become the family entertainment capital, but Disney won out. I talked to a pit boss one night and he confirmed that the casinos realized that their 'family' business model had failed. It was back to sin city. I noticed the change. Used to be at night the hotel checked for room keys at the elevators to keep out hookers. Now the key checkers were gone and the hookers prowled the lounges, openly soliciting unaccompanied men. What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.

Since I didn't want to lose money, didn't want to eat at the Newest over-priced Restaurant, didn't want to see a show, ($225 to see Celine Dion? Oh brother.) and didn't want to pay for sex, that didn't leave a lot of options: TV or wandering; I chose wandering.

"I'm Mike," I said.

"Larissa," she said.


"Yeah," she said with a trace of annoyance. "My dad named me after some Russian gymnast he saw in the Olympics."

'She must have been something to name your daughter after her, ' I thought but didn't say out loud. "What you doing?" I asked.

"Nothing. You?" Larissa asked.

"Just kicking," I said.

She glanced at me, some unease in her voice and said, "Gotta go. See you." She turned, not exactly hurrying, but definitely putting distance between us.

I wandered down the promenade, looking in the windows. I saw a clothing store that looked to have regular clothes and went in. I was there for a few minutes when I saw Larissa enter. As she walked past, I spoke, "Hey, you following me?"

She looked startled, then recognized me, and saw my smile. Realizing she was being teased she said, "Yeah. I'm keeping an eye on you, just in case."

I laughed. "Good. Somebody needs to."

Larissa smiled, before starting to comb through the racks of clothing. I found a top that I thought would look good on her. I held it up considering, this would highlight her dark hair and eyes and her pale skin. Normally, I would never do what I did that day. It was out of character for me. But I was feeling stir crazy and did it. I looked at Larissa, then the top and said to myself, 'What the hell.' I took it over to Larissa. "What do you think of this?"

She looked at it, then at me. "You like it?"

"Yeah. Plus, I think it will fit you well."

Larissa looked at me for a moment. Then she smiled. A decision had been made. She studied the top, then took it along with some pants she had been holding. "Okay," and off she went.

I smiled as I waited. She came out a minute later. The slacks weren't right. When she turned around her cute little ass was disguised. The pants flattened out her butt. The top, on the other hand, was nearly perfect. It highlighted her still small breasts, and hugged her narrow waist, giving her more hips that she really had. The top gave her womanly curves even though she was still a teen. "The top is great. The pants, no."

Surprised, she asked, "Why?" She turned to look in the mirror.

As she turned to look over her shoulder at her back, I said, "That's why. No butt."

Her head whipped around to look at me, a little shock on her face. Then she looked back over her shoulder. She looked back at me as she started to giggle. "I can't believe you said that."

I was chuckling too, caught by her laughter. "It's true."

She looked over her shoulder again. Then she turned to face the mirror. "And the top?"

"I think it looks great. Highlights your waist and..."

Her eyes got wide and she said, "Don't say it."

"But it's not flat this time," I said.

She turned and slapped my arm, lightly. Larissa faced the mirror, studying the top. "Most guys wouldn't notice about the waist," she said. She held my eye in the mirror. I smiled and she smiled back.

"You like the top?" I asked.

"Yeah," she said. "I agree about the pants. Too bad."

She went back into the changing room. As she emerged holding the pants and top I relieved her of the top and she put back the slacks. I went over to the rack I had gotten the top from, then paused. I looked at the price and thought, 'What the heck.' I strolled up to the cashier as Larissa mined the racks for a deal. "Put this on my room, please." The cashier quickly rang it up and put the top in a bag.

I strolled over to the door, caught Larissa's eye and called out, "Meet you outside." She nodded. I stood outside the store wondering what the hell had come over me. I had picked up a teeny bopper and purchased a top for her, when all I knew was her first name. No one would believe I had anything but dishonorable intentions. Hell, I wouldn't have believed my intentions. The truth was, I didn't have a good reason for it. I just did it without any thought, just for the sheer fun of doing something absolutely crazy. I was shaking my head, amazed at myself, when Larissa appeared. She saw me holding the package and stopped.

"What's that?" she asked.

"A package," I said innocently.

"What's in the package?"

"A whim," I answered.

She looked puzzled. I handed it to her. She looked inside and tried to hand it back. "I can't accept this."

"I understand," I said. "Why don't you leave it there," I said pointing to the floor.

She looked at me like I was nuts. "I can't put it on the floor."

"I gave it to you. You can do whatever you want with it." I smiled as she started to get what I was saying.

She put her hands on her hips. "Maybe I'll leave it on the floor."

"Whatever," I shrugged.

"Humph. Well, thank you," she said.

"You are quite welcome," I said. "More shopping?"

"Only if you promise not to buy anything," she said.

"It's a deal. I'm tapped out anyway."

We strolled along talking. She tried a couple times to get me to take the top. I refused explaining that it had just been for fun and she didn't owe me. She finally relented. She smiled and really thanked me then. We had reached the end on the stores and the casino was before us. "Hungry?" I asked.

She stopped and turned to me. "I can't date you."

"Whoa darling. I ain't said nothin' 'bout no dates. I just asked if you was hungry."

She laughed at my outrageous redneck accent. "Yeah, I might be hungry," she allowed.

"And what might you be hungry for?"

"Mexican?" she said with a questioning tone.

"Well, you happen to be in luck. Straight across this casino is Mesa Grill, the Mexican place. Care to join me?" I asked.

"I don't know," she hesitated.

"Fine. You did the obligatory balk. Now, let's go eat. I'm hungry too."

Larissa smiled, "Okay."

There is no straight way through any casino. The slot machines chimed and buzzed their cacophony of siren songs as the lights flashed. Don't want the sucker to escape without being tempted to part with his valuta. We finally wound our way to the Mesa Grill. The waiter seated us. Larissa took one look at the menu and blanched. She blurted out, "I can't afford this."

"Neither can I. That's why I'm putting it on my company card."

"But you'll get in trouble," she protested.

"No, I won't. Just consider yourself a tax write-off for the evening and don't worry. I approve the bills to be paid." It wouldn't be a problem anyway. My boss knew I liked to sample fine dining. When he sent me on a conference, it was a standing joke between us about which would be higher, the room or the meals. Sometimes, the room was higher. He wouldn't even notice the extra expense.

To call Mesa Grill, Mexican, is a stretch. There's hardly a burrito, tamale, or taco on the menu. But there is Roasted Rabbit in an ancho chile-cumin rub or Blue Corn crusted Red Snapper. Larissa was studying the menu. I half expected her to look up at any moment and declare she couldn't find anything to eat. It didn't look like the kind of menu most teens would find appealing.

"I don't know what to order," she said.

I thought, 'Oh no.'

"This all looks fantastic," she finished.

I was stunned for a second. "Really?"

"Yeah," she said with relish. "I'd like to try a lot of things."

"You know," I said. "If you want we could order a bunch of small plates, from the appetizer menu and share. That way you could try many things. I've read that the appetizers are often the best items on a menu. An entrée is pretty much standard. But appetizers are where a chef gets to express his own style."

"That makes sense. Sure, I'd like to do that."

"You choose. I could eat any and all of it," I said.

"All of it?" she teased.

I laughed. "Well, maybe we should start out with fewer plates. Then we can add if we need to."

Larissa smiled. The waiter showed up about then. Larissa ordered a nice sampling of various plates. I ordered a bottle of wine, a spicy Amador Zinfandel to compliment the spice in the food. When the waiter returned he poured a glass for me, but I noticed he didn't remove her wine glass. 'Nicely done, ' I thought. He didn't do anything he shouldn't, but he did allow me to without a lot of hoopla. Vegas was back to its roots. If it's illegal, it just costs more. I poured some for Larissa.

She quickly looked around, then at me, "What if someone..."

I held up my hand. "Sweetie, he left your glass. He did that on purpose."

She looked at the glass and realized what leaving it had to mean. "Oh." She picked up the glass, intently studying the dark purple liquid. "I've never had wine before."

I held up mine and we tinked glasses. "To a beautiful woman," which caused her to blush. "Remember, wine is food. Learn to appreciate the flavors in a good wine and how it compliments the food, highlights it."

She took a sip, "Peppery."

I smiled, "Exactly. This is a Zinfandel, known for its peppery finish."

She took another sip. "I like it."

'Well, she should. The damn thing cost enough, ' though I didn't say that to her. Cost shouldn't matter, though it does.

We talked for a while. She lived in San Jose and attended high school there. No surprise. She was in Vegas with her parents and their neighbors. She wanted to stay home, but couldn't convince her parents to let her stay there alone. I lived in San Francisco, so we had lots to talk about. Her parents were rabid 49er fans and she had picked up the bug. Too bad they sucked now. I had been in the city for their run through the 1980's. Those were the days. As soon as Denise DeBartolo and her idiot Doctor husband took over the team I knew the glory days were done. And I was right. I have never met a doctor who could manage anything well. Whatever training they get as doctors seems to make them incapable of managing a business. They make fine figureheads, but Lord knows, don't let them make business decisions.

The waiter brought the first plates, and Larissa and I dug in. There is usually an intimacy to sharing dinner rather than each having separate entrées. We quickly established that intimacy. Larissa loved the Tiger Shrimp in a cilantro sauce. When I reached for one she batted my fork away and we quickly had dueling forks, and laughter. Dinner was grand. Larissa had finished her wine and part of another glass. She had a contented look and a sparkle in her eye. She wasn't drunk but I could tell that she was feeling happy.

After, we headed back out to the casino. "What are you going to do?" she asked.

"I don't know. Maybe watch a movie. You?"

She shrugged, then glanced around the casino at the noise and lights and jumble of adults, a world from which she was excluded because of her age. "Nothing to do."

I paused and thought, 'What the hell.' "Please don't take this the wrong way, but if you wanted to, you could come up to my room and we could watch a movie." I waited for the explosion.

I saw a stream of emotions flit across her face. She studied me for a moment. I just waited. "Just watch a movie?"

I laughed. "Yes, just watch a movie."

She looked a little chagrined. "I didn't mean to say... well you know."

"It's better to ask and be sure," I said. "So, a movie?"

Larissa nodded. "Sure."

As soon as we were in the room, Larissa excused herself and went into the bathroom. Caesar's rooms are quite nice and my room was expansive with a king bed, table, chairs. The only problem was that the TV faced directly at the bed. 'Oh well, ' I thought. I grabbed the remote. Larissa emerged form the bath. I handed it to her and told her, "You choose," as I headed into the bathroom.

When I came out, Larissa was sitting in the middle of the bed playing with the remote. She was going through the list of movies. I sat against the headboard and pushed off my shoes onto the floor. As she went through the menus, she hit the adult movies. She looked at the TV then back at me. "I don't have these in my room."

"They must be blocked," I said.

She looked back at the TV for some time. "Can we look at these?"

"The titles?"

"Um, yes," she said still looking at the TV.

"Sure. Just be careful. If you hit select you get charged right away," I said.

"Okay." She started through the adult movie menus. They had typical names: vaguely porn or play on words of real movies or explicit. They had titles like, Thighs Wide Open or Extreme Japanese Girls or Anal Adventures (you know what you are getting there.) Larissa was staring intently at the screen. "Can we watch one? I've never seen one of these. I mean, if it isn't too expensive."

I thought for a moment. The truth is, if a teen is old enough to know what these movies are and they are old enough to be curious about, them they are old enough to see them, especially if there is an older person there to tell them why and how these movies aren't reality. I think it is much better for a teen to see them with an adult who will tell them why and how the movies aren't like real life, so that they will know how real life differs from porn. So I said, "If you want to, we can. After all, my boss is picking up the tab."

"I don't know which one to pick," Larissa said.

"I don't either, ' I said laughing. "Tell the truth, you can't really tell anything from the title. Just pick one that sounds interesting to you and try it. They pretty much are all the same." Which is true. How many ways can you film two people bonking? There never is much plot anyway.

Larissa flashed back and forth a couple times looking at the titles. She finally settled on one and asked, "Can I select this one?"

"Go for it," I said. I only glanced at the title. It was something like Mission Improbable.

She hit select. Then she moved back and sat against the headboard. Since it was a king, there was room between us. The movie started. As the credits rolled a woman was sucking a rather formidable cock with lots of tongue. I glanced over to see Larissa staring, unblinking, at the scene. "Put your eyes back in their sockets," I said.

"Sorry," she said, then realized I was teasing. "Quit it," she said laughing.

"Remember, this is entertainment. It isn't real life. The women have enhanced boobs, the guys use chemical stimulants and the plots are stupid. But it can be erotic to watch."

She nodded before turning back to the movie. It actually was one of the better movies and had the predictable results. My cock got hard and I wanted to pull it out and relieve the pressure. I noticed Larissa getting a little squirmy too.

The first sex scene was a big-titted blonde, enhanced, and a guy on a pool table. It started with a sixty-nine with lots of spit as she sucked him. Larissa's eyes were glued to the screen. That was followed by straight sex in several positions. Then a surprise, at least for little Larissa. He pulled out of her pussy and moved his cock up, then into the blonde's ass.

"Oh my God," she said. "He's putting it in her bottom."

"That's pretty usual. There's usually at least one anal sex scene," I told her.

She glanced over, a look of disbelief on her face. "But, how can she?"

"Practice and relaxation," I said. "A lot of women like anal sex. And frankly, most women who hate it, hate it because they think it's dirty or disgusting, not because it can't be erotic if they weren't already biased against it."

"I wish Chelsea was here. She wouldn't believe this," Larissa said as the scene changed.


"She's my friend. Her parents and my parents are here together. She's never seen a movie like this either."

I didn't have much time to consider what she had said as the next scene kicked off with a bang, so to speak. The pressure quickly spiked again. This scene was a woman in her garden seducing the boy next door. She whipped out his cock and started sucking it. Then she had him eat her, followed by fucking her bent over a bench in the garden. The nice thing about this scene was she was no silicone, the woman having very small breasts. I didn't want Larissa to think big tits were needed for sex.

They switched to girl on top, my favorite. But they did it backwards so that there was no stimulation of the woman's clitoris. "This is just for show."

"Huh?" Larissa asked without taking her eyes from the screen.

"They are doing it backwards. She is leaning the wrong way so that the camera has a better angle to see. First, he doesn't go as deep and second there isn't any direct stimulation of the woman's clitoris."

Larissa's head jerked around towards me. She looked a little shocked, probably by my easy use of those kinds of words.

I just smiled. "Telling it like it is."

She laughed nervously and looked back at the movie. "Yeah, I see what you mean."

My cock ached, confined in my pants as it was. I tried to adjust by pulling and tugging on my pants without just grabbing my dick. Larissa looked over puzzled as I tugged. "Sorry. Just the natural outcome."


"You know. Guys touch themselves while they watch because it gets uncomfortable if they don't," I said.

The light went on for her. She blushed as she realized what I was saying.


Still blushing she said, "No, that's okay. So is it uncomfortable?"

"Yes, a little," I said.

"You can, if you want to," she said quietly. I looked over at her unsure what she meant. "Touch yourself."

Now I was sure. I laughed, lifting the tension some. "Sure, I can lay here and touch myself while you sit there watching. I don't think so."

There was a pause as we both watched the movie. Then quietly, I heard, "Girls touch themselves too."

"I know," I agreed, unsure what to say to her.

"We could both..."

Decision time for me. I knew what she was proposing and I knew that might lead to other things, or maybe not. In California it wouldn't be a choice. She was jail bait. But the age of consent in Nevada was sixteen. I figured if sex with her was legal then mutual masturbation must be legal too. "I'd like that."

Larissa asked nervously, "So what do we do?"


Trying to strike a lighthearted tone, I said, "I guess we get undressed. With this body I hope I don't scare you off." I actually didn't have that bad a body for my age, but I didn't spend as much time in the gym as I ought to. It did make Larissa laugh and lifted the tension, which had now become palatable. I pulled my polo shirt over my head and tossed it on the floor. I also turned off the light next to me so that the only light was coming from the TV. It darkened the room and made the details less distinct. Larissa unbuttoned her shirt and tossed it to the side. She paused, then turned half away from me, as she unhooked her bra. She held it against her chest and looked at me. I had turned my head back towards the TV. She tossed the bra to the side. I pulled my pants off and tossed them. My briefs were tented up from my straining cock. Larissa stared for a moment before she pushed her jeans off leaving only a thin pair of bikini underwear covering her.

I held her eye for a moment and laughed, "Here goes," as I pushed off my briefs. I lay back, my cock slapping against my stomach. Larissa's eyes were glued to it. "Your turn," I said quietly. She nodded. She pushed off the panties, then she lay back as well. I took my cock and slowly began stroking it. Larissa's hands slid down over her flat taut belly, paused above her small thatch of hair. She looked over with a concerned look.

"Go ahead," I said. "It feels good," as I slowly stroked my cock.

She stared at my cock before laughing at what I had said. Her hand moved over her belly before settling between her legs. She moaned at the first contact.

She stared at my cock. "What's it feel like?"

I wasn't sure if she was asking, 'What does it feel like to me?' or 'What does my cock feel like?' Since her eyes were locked on my cock, I figured she wasn't asking about how I was feeling. "We can do each other if you'd like."

She looked up, concern in her face. She stopped touching herself. "Larissa, I didn't mean it that way. I just meant we could touch each other if you are curious. I won't do anything you don't want to do."

"So you touch me only, and I touch you?" she asked. "Just touching?"

I pulled on my cock as I nodded. She was watching it, the skin riding over the shaft, and I could see her fascination with it. "Okay," she said.

"Come over next to me," I said.

She rolled over and lay back almost touching but not quite. I put my hand on her leg and paused, holding her eye, letting her know I would only do what she wanted. Her hand found my cock, lifting and wrapping around it. I pulled her leg over mine, then put my hand over her pussy. The heat of her pussy inflamed me. I rolled my hand over her lips as she began caressing my cock. She wasn't very skilled but that didn't matter in the least. It was incredibly erotic to feel her small hand on my cock. I wanted to roll over and plunge my cock into her right then. But I had promised.

Reining in my passion, I lightly teased her labia before rolling my fingers over her clitoris. Her hips jerked as I pinched her bud between her lips. "Oh God," she moaned. She had paused in her stroking of my cock. I gave her clitoris a work over before sliding my finger into her slit. She was wet and hot. I turned my head towards her as hers turned to me. Our lips were just inches apart. I held her eyes. Her face was suffused with lust and desire. I bent forward and our lips met. The erotic energy surged as we kissed. I rolled towards her, having to switch hands as I did. My finger sank into her as we continued kissing. The juices poured from her. Her small tits pressed into my chest, the hard nipples digging into me. I wanted them. I bent down taking one nipple between my lips, teasing it, then engulfing it. Larissa moaned anew. My finger kept up its rhythm, slowly sliding back and forth, spreading her moisture over her pussy. Her hips pressed up each time my finger slid down into her. I took her other nipple into my mouth, sucking her whole tit in while teasing her nipple with my tongue. I wanted to taste her, bring her off. I pressed her back as I moved between her legs. They spread with desire. I looked up at her face, her eyes were heavy lidded, her mouth open as she panted with lust. She moaned as my tongue touched her pussy. I spread her open while lapping the length of her pussy. Her hips hunched against my mouth as my tongue laved her clitoris. Back down I went until the tip of my tongue found her opening. I looked first, to make sure I wouldn't have trouble. She had only a small annular ring of a hymen. I pushed my tongue into her. Larissa squealed as my tongue slid into her.

"Oh, that feels... Oh God," she said explosively as I rubbed her clitoris with my thumb as my tongue invaded her.

I pulled back, watching her. Her eyes were closed and her body trembled from the sensations coursing through her. Her fingers were clutching spastically at the bed cover. Bending forward again, my tongue replaced my thumb, teasing and tickling her blood-engorged clitoris. I slid one finger slowly into her pussy, deeper, back and forth, slowly, deeper, ever deeper, sawing in and out even as I sucked her clitoris into my mouth, massaging it's base with my lips as my tongue swirled over and around it. I found her spot and curled my finger up into it. Larissa grunted, then squealed and began chanting, "Oh God, Oh God..." quietly, then in rising voice. I lashed her clitoris, sucking and licking as Larissa reached the zenith of her arousal, climaxing as her juices poured from her and her pussy clamped down around my finger. Her thighs closed on my head, her fingers dug into the top of my head as her body jerked and trembled in her orgasm. I stopped, knowing she would be sensitive and waited, hoping my ears wouldn't be damaged. Larissa slowly calmed, then fell back against the bed, her legs splaying open.

I smiled. It had been a good one. Slowly, I pulled my finger from her depths. Her pussy was awash in her arousal, red and wet. Her breathing slowed. It was time for my cock to follow. I moved between her splayed legs, my cock finding her pussy. I rubbed over her, wetting my cock before my cock found her opening. Her eyes opened, lust lidded and filled with satiation. "Are you ready?" I asked.

"Yes," she said, her hands coming to my sides.

I pushed forward, spreading her open, then pushed on, spearing into her. There was a small spasm as my cock split her fully open. I paused. "You okay?"

She nodded, a bit of pain in her face which was quickly replaced with new sensations, pleasurable ones. I pushed further in, amazed at how her pussy seemed to mold itself to my cock, squeezing it, massaging it. It was exquisite torture going slowly, waiting for her pussy to open and accept my cock into its depths. Laconically, I moved deeper into her until my cock was all the way in her. Larissa gave a little moan when I bottomed out, rubbing against her clitoris.

"Oh God," she said. "It's so big."

I smiled to myself, 'Yes, say it again.' Never bad to hear your cock called big, even if it is by a virgin.

I rotated my hips in a small circle. Larissa's eyes opened wide, "Oh yes. Oh, that feels good."

'This will feel better, ' I thought as I withdrew partially then plunged back into her tight little pussy. Larissa moaned as I bottomed out again, then gasped as I pulled almost out before plunging back in all the way. I fucked her, slowly and deeply making sure that I caressed her clitoris on every stroke. Larissa was moaning below me, her hips hunching up to meet mine on every thrust. Our loins slapped together in an easy rhythm. Her fingers dug into my side, spurring me on, as she hit another climax. Her pussy sucked at my cock, seeking to milk the cum from me. In a flash, I felt my own climax hit. Great gouts of cum welled up from my balls, as contraction after contraction seized my body, pouring my cum into her tight pussy. I filled her up and even more poured forth. Our cum was welling up from her, running out and down her ass to puddle on the bed below us.

Wasted, I stopped, buried to the hilt in Larissa. My breathing slowed as my arms and legs trembled. I pulled her with me as I settled to her side slowly stroking her.

Larissa opened her eyes, half lidded with pleasure. Her hand stroked my chest. "Oh God. Is it always like that?"

"Even when sex is bad, it's wonderful," I said.

"No wonder people do it so much," she said.

I kissed her lightly. "You were wonderful."

"Mmm," she purred and buried her head under my chin.

"Don't go to sleep little one," I said.

"Why not?" she asked lazily.

"Because if you don't show up in your room, your parents will come gunning for me," I laughed.

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