Day in the Life - Cover

Day in the Life

by masterf777

Copyright© 2005 by masterf777

Erotica Sex Story: A story of a young submissive learning to obey her master and having fun doing it.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   Ma/Ma   Mult   Consensual   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Coercion   Heterosexual   DomSub   MaleDom   Spanking   Light Bond   Humiliation   Group Sex   Orgy   Interracial   White Couple   Safe Sex   Oral Sex   Anal Sex   Masturbation   Petting   Exhibitionism   Voyeurism   .

Chapter 1

She stood outside the bookstore, feeling very nervous, looking around to see if anyone she knew was there. Her master had ordered her to make this trip, knowing how shy she was and she wanted to please him, so she was trying.

Her beautiful face was clouded. Her body was stiff. She was not a Barbie but was attractive to men. She wanted to be a submissive/slave and started looking for masters. She found many on-line and was just planning to start meeting them, their ideas making her wet, when master found her.

Master showed her what the difference was between a Dom and an abuser and showed her that most men she met on line were not real and would disappoint her. He taught her how to tell the difference between wild claims and reality. He showed her that many things on-line doms said showed that they had never done it in real life and that the danger in that was obvious.

He saw that she was pleased and offered her guidance. He offered her a training collar, which she accepted. He showed her where she could handle her fantasies without danger and watched over her while she did. He saw her have many orgasms, small and large, to keep her mind off chasing bad men and being abused.

He had ordered her to the adult bookstore before and she had gone and made the purchases that he requested and found them good, but she didn't follow through and have interactions as he asked her too. This time she vowed that she would to please him.

Her knees were shaking and she felt short of breathe and her pretty face was bright red. She was also so excited, her juices were running down her legs and her hard nipples were being rubbed by her loose blouse. She had never been so excited and scared at the same time.

Slowly she opened the door and took a step inside.

There were a few men grazing around the store and the clerk that she liked was behind the counter. It wasn't crowded but there were enough men that she could carry out one or both of the options master had given her.

The first option was to stand next to a nice man, turn her back to him and bend from the waist to examine something on the bottom shelf. With her short skirt and lack of panties, she knew he would be totally on display. Further he told her to stay there for a bit and even push her ass back to his hand to see if he would finger her. If he did, she was to wiggle to let him know that she liked it. Then if he seemed interested she was to go with him to one of the movie booths.

The second option, if the store wasn't very crowded and she didn't see an interesting man, was to ask the clerk for a vibrating butt plug and then ask him if he would show her how to use it. The idea that she would be brave enough to ask, when she almost did on previous trips, had her terrified but also so excited, that she might rape someone if nothing happened.

She needed to get extra batteries for the toys she already had and a supply of condoms to be sure she was safe. Master hadn't ordered her to get anything but she loved looking at the toys and imagining them being used on her. Some, like the giant dildos, she knew were just for display, no one could possibly use one of them, even though master said that some could. She shivered with the thought of one of those being forced into her.

She looked around the store locating the men there. There were several that looked interesting to her, and of course, all were looking at her. Women were rare in the adult store and pretty women even rarer.

Master told her she was pretty, and that men would like her. She felt her body wasn't pretty, and men wouldn't like it. Master told her that was wrong, and that men would like it, and the looks that she got indicated that maybe master was right. But then Master was always right. Some of the men were almost drooling and slowly moving toward her while she stood in the doorway.

She walked to the toy display and looked over the toys getting excited again, thinking of them being used on her. She thought of being bound and made available to the men here and what they might do with and to her or make her do to them.

As she stood there looking a few of the men moved close, one even tried to brush past her and touched her ass, they were not what she wanted so she moved away form them. She wondered why they don't wait to be invited as real men would, and guessed it was because they were driven by hormones and had no control over themselves.

She looked at the butt plugs and located some vibrating ones. She thought of her second option. It made her shiver again, both from fear and from need. She thought there were too many in the store for the clerk to help her now, but wanted to return to try that another time. The idea fascinated her.

She looked and saw a nice looking gentleman looking at videos and walked slowly toward him. He was aware of her so she tried to look interested in the videos. Master had shown her where videos were on-line, that were just to her taste so she wasn't really interested but noticed that he stood in front of the Dominant section. She moved up close to him, almost touching him and he watched her out of the corner of his eye.

She trembled and turned away from him and taking a deep breath, bent from the waist to look at a BDSM video on the bottom shelf. Will he touch!!!

She remained bent looking at the video, picking it up and looking and gradually pushing her ass slowly back toward his hand. She shivered but remained in position hoping that he would be a Dom and take her invitation.

She felt a tentative touch that felt like the back of his hand. She remained motionless, holding her breath, while waiting to see what would happen.

Gradually she felt the hand turn over and the fingers cup her ass cheek. She started a slow wiggle and he moved his hand over her ass till it came to the cleft between her cheeks. The fingers pushed gently in and slid over her asshole and between her lips to feel the wetness. One finger entered her pussy slowly and she wiggled in delight. Then it came out and with the wetness on it slid up to her asshole and pushed in there. It was all she could do not to cry out and cum for him right there.

He bent slightly and "ordered" her to stand up. She did, but his finger did not leave her. He asked quietly if she was a submissive and she replied that she was and was here following master's orders.

He asked what master said to do now, and she replied that she was to join him in a movie booth if he wished, and to do as he wished. He said "then that's just what we'll do". He started to walk towards the movie booths and she had to follow since his finger was still in her ass. She looked at the other men and saw the jealous looks on some faces.

She entered the booth with him and saw that it was just as Master had described even to the glory hole so she knew shed be on display as well as other things. He locked the door behind her and she knew the adventure was about to begin.

Chapter 2

As she stepped into the dark booth, she shivered, feeling his finger in her ass guiding her. She looked around while the door was open and saw the machine for cash to play movies and noticed a hole at crotch level on both side walls. The hole was about 6" around and was dark.

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