Avatar: Naked in School - Cover

Avatar: Naked in School

Copyright© 2005 by Dark Pen

Chapter 2b

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2b - Ever wonder what would happen if you put a Priestess of Lea in the Program? Read on and find out! This is a cross-over story. In has characters from the Avatar Universe living in the NIS universe. If the BDSM or WS codes make you worry, read my Foreword for an explanation.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   ft/ft   Teenagers   Consensual   Romantic   Magic   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Science Fiction   BDSM   MaleDom   FemaleDom   Humiliation   Group Sex   Oral Sex   Sex Toys   Water Sports  


Cindy was once again treated to a wild ride home with Tina's sister, Arianwen. God, these two were so very hot. This time, Cindy and Tina rode in the back and, much to Cindy's embarrassment, Tina insisted on playing with her the whole time. Tina had decided that Cindy should remain naked until they got to the mansion, which Cindy hoped didn't freak out Arianwen.

It didn't. The sisters chatted up a storm on the drive back, and Tina snuck in a few caresses to Cindy's naked body when Ari wasn't looking. Cindy bit her lip and endured, although she was sure she was going to explode any second. She didn't, even though it seemed like Tina was intent on making it happen. Once at the mansion, they walked in through the kitchen, and Cindy was greeted by a sight she was quite unprepared for.

There, kneeling by the kitchen table, was the most beautiful woman, aside from Tina, that she'd ever seen. Long, dark hair flowed down her back, which was arched. Her arms must have been tied behind her, because Cindy couldn't see them. Her legs were spread wide, and there seemed to be straps holding her ankles to her thighs. She had on a very wide collar and nothing else. Each very large, very firm breast was tipped with a thick, pierced nipple, and Cindy thought for a second she saw another ring or something between her legs. Tina's guardian, Ken, was sitting at the table, along with another man with dark hair whose arms were just massive. Ken idly reached over and slid a piece of something into the woman's mouth. Oh my GOD! realized Cindy, he's feeding her like a pet. Her knees felt weak, and her nipples hardened.

"That's Jane," whispered Tina, "she's Master Ken's slave. And his wife."

Meanwhile Arianwen, who was now also naked, casually walked over to the bound woman and gave her a deep kiss. She repeated this with Ken.

"Torturing our wife?" she asked.

"Of course. You know how she gets if we ignore her," smiled Ken. "Hi, Cindy. Glad you could make it back."

'Our wife?' thought Cindy as she smiled shyly at Ken.

"Hi, Cindy," said another woman, nude as well, as she walked into the kitchen. "I'm Sally, the cook around here. Are you hungry?"

Cindy looked at this woman, another beauty with large breasts. She was starting to feel very inadequate. Apparently it didn't effect Arianwen, though.

"Hi, Sally, nice to meet you. No, I'm not very hungry at the moment, thank you," replied Cindy as she watched Arianwen very thoroughly kiss the other man at the table. These folks all looked very, very comfortable with each other. Her wetness increased, if that was possible, when Arianwen thoroughly kissed Sally hello.

When she'd been here last night, Cindy had only met Ken. She knew from speaking to Tina that a lot of other people lived here, though. Obviously, this time she was going to be meeting some of them.

"Well, I'm starving," said Tina, "so if you don't mind, I'll have a little snack, then we can continue where we left off earlier, okay?"

Cindy realized what that comment meant and shivered. She should feel more embarrassed about standing there nude with all these people she'd just met, one of who's name she didn't even know. But she wasn't embarrassed; just looking forward to her time with Tina.

"Cindy," said Ken, as he stood up and walked over, "here is some information that Bill, our computer guy, asked me to give you. Once you left last night, Tina asked him to set up some accounts on the house 'net. Here's the password and other information."

"Thank you, Sir," she said, reacting to his presence.

God, he was gorgeous! Well, truthfully, if she just considered his looks, he was built very nicely. Big muscles, although his arms weren't as big as that guy at the table, nice chest and shoulders, and a really nice smile. But something about him just made her cream. And since she was naked, she hoped he wouldn't be able to tell.

"Oh, by the way, the man at the table molesting that defenseless girl is Gary," Ken said.

Arianwen had somehow poured herself into the man's lap and had her head buried in his chest. She looked around, her green eyes almost glowing and said, "Hey, I'm not defenseless."

"Of course not, dear," said Ken.

"Nice to meet you," said Gary, waving to Cindy.

Tina had completed making her snack, a pile of food that Cindy wouldn't be able to eat on a bet, and the girls went upstairs. This was a lot for Cindy to take in.


Time to get in a little playtime with Cindy, thought Tina. She'd handled the scene downstairs well, although Tina could tell that she'd been terribly turned on when she'd realized what was going on with Jane. Of course, considering some of the other things that went on around here, that little scene was nothing. Still, what went on here wasn't normal by any stretch of the imagination.

Yesterday had been very difficult for Cindy. The emotional storm she'd ridden had been tough, and yet today she seemed fine. That was good. Tina had been so worried yesterday that she'd totally screwed things up. She was a Priestess, true, but that didn't make her infallible, and she damned-well knew it. Cindy hadn't met anyone yesterday other than Ken and Arianwen, but there were a lot of other people who lived here, most of whom would be around tonight. Over the course of the week, Cindy would no doubt meet all of them, and maybe even have sex with some of them.

There was a thought. Perhaps one of the Priests could take her virginity. Of course, there were only two at the moment, Eric and Ken. Eric was huge, built like a Norse God, and while he'd never hurt Cindy, his cock was quite big. Ken was the other Priest, actually the High Priest, and his cock was not quite as long, but way thicker. So much for the Priest idea. Still, Ken could figure out a way, she was sure. On the other hand, he'd had a shit-fit over having sex with her, because she was fifteen. Tina really doubted that Ken would have sex with a fourteen-year-old. Damn. Well, that was a problem for another day.

Once they got upstairs, they went to Tina's room. She wanted to show Cindy the playroom, but wasn't sure it would be a good idea. Cindy'd already seen enough to make trouble if she mentioned anything to an outsider. Of course, Tina knew that if someone decided to investigate the happenings at the mansion, they'd see only what Lea, their Goddess, wanted them to see.

"Come up here, sweetie," said Tina as she lay back on her bed. "I'm hungry, and I'd like you to feed me."

"Yes, Mistress," smiled Cindy.

She took one of the small sandwiches off the plate and slowly fed it to Tina. Tina, in return ran her hands freely over Cindy's body, touching the girl in just the right way to bring her passions back to where they'd been at school. After the sandwich, Tina had Cindy peel a banana.

"Kneel up," said Tina.

Cindy knelt on the bed and, at Tina's insistence, opened her legs wide. She watched as Tina took two fingers and scooped some of Cindy's copious juices off her cunt, then wiped them on the banana. She moaned as Tina slid it in her mouth.

"Mmm, pussy-flavored banana. Great stuff," she said, savoring Cindy's salty, tangy flavor with the sweetness of the fruit.

Once she finished the food, she smiled and said, "Don't I recall you begging me for punishment?"

"Yes, Mistress," replied Cindy, her breath becoming unsteady.

"Yup. That's what I thought. Okay, love. Off the bed and kneel on the floor," commanded Tina.

While not as well outfitted as the playroom, Tina's room had plenty of toys and places to tie someone up. She got to work.


This was amazing. Tina had tied her on her knees, wrists to ankles. Cindy's head was resting on the floor and her back was arched, which certainly made both her holes quite available.

"Well, my little slut is actually dripping," she teased.

The teasing went right to Cindy's fevered brain, and did nothing to slow down the dripping of her pussy. She was well aware that her position left her wide open. She wondered if Tina would use a dildo or something to take her virginity. She certainly wouldn't mind. Maybe Tina would even give her to one of the men. Ohhh, that would be amazingly hot.

Tina's fingers and tongue removed all thought, as they danced a tune of lust over Cindy's body. When it happened, she almost didn't realize it at first. Then the 'SLAP' of leather re-echoed in her brain, and she felt fire burn through her right ass cheek. That lit a new fire in her cunt.

"Oh, god," she moaned.

"Too much, lover?" asked Tina.

"More please," replied Cindy, too far gone in lust to be embarrassed.

Tina granted her wish, thoroughly painting Cindy's ass and inner thighs red with a small whip. Cindy moaned and cooed and jumped, loving each of the strokes that brought fire to her body. Still, she didn't seem to be able to cum, which was just as well, since she was pretty sure she wasn't allowed without permission, anyway.

Tina retied the girl to a low coffee table in her room. This time, Cindy was face-up, and Tina began using the whip again. When she hit Cindy's nipples, the girl's cunt clenched and she almost came.

"Please, no more, Mistress! I'm gonna cum," moaned the girl.

"Don't worry," smiled Tina, snapping the blades down on Cindy's thin stomach, "you'll be allowed to cum soon."

Then she stepped over and lowered herself so that her soaked pussy was over Cindy's face. Cindy knew what to do and began licking and sucking, pushing her tongue deep into Tina's hole. Finally, when she was close to cumming and had lost all her inhibitions, she changed her angle of attack and slid her tongue over Tina's asshole. Tina moaned, and Cindy felt that whip come down on her pussy.

"Yes, that's it my little slut. Lick my asshole, mmm," purred Tina.

That was all it took. Well, that and the next slap of the whip on her own swollen pussy. Cindy came. And came and came. She realized dimly that Tina was cumming too, and eagerly drank the juices that seemed to be pouring into her mouth. Finally, Tina lifted off, and Cindy lay there gasping, her body at peace.

She dimly realized that Tina was untying her, then cuddling her. Her body was still floating, but rapidly coming down off her sexual high. This time, there were no conflicting feelings, was no guilt. Tina gently kissed her, and Cindy thought she might have drifted into a doze for a moment or two. Finally, she looked at her Mistress.

"You okay, Cindy?" asked Tina.

"Oh my god, yes," said Cindy.

"Would you like to take a shower before we get some dinner? I think we have enough time."

Cindy realized that they both smelled very much like sex and sweat. After being aroused all day, it was more than time for her to get in a shower. Tina... well, as embarrassing as it sounded, she liked how Tina smelled.

"Guess we better," smiled Cindy.

"Yup. We go downstairs smelling like this, and there's no telling what would happen to us," smiled Tina.

They took a quick shower in the more than ample shower stall, then dried off. Tina offered Cindy the opportunity to wear something, but since Tina was going nude, Cindy would too.

Once she got downstairs, however, she quickly wished otherwise.


The scene with Cindy had been excellent. All that lust that Tina couldn't seem to contain in school was suddenly released, leaving her feeling very relaxed. Of course, she fully intended to have Cindy one more time before they went to bed. It was dinnertime by the time they got downstairs, and everyone was there. Tina felt Cindy get very nervous.

"Remember," she whispered, "you're my slave. I want you naked. Besides, look at Jane."

Jane was naked, too. Tina felt Cindy's arousal begin an upward climb again as she realized that the woman's back was striped from what could only have been a whip. Even though Cindy had been thoroughly sated not too long ago, seeing someone in the flesh who'd been freshly whipped kick started her motor revving back up. Jane was still on the floor and bent over, eating from a bowl.

This had to be the most bizarre dinner she'd ever experienced. The women were all nude, and there were a number of them. All of them were very attractive, although Cindy found Annette, a woman of apparently Italian descent, to be especially desirable. She suspected that it was because, like Tina, Annette didn't shave. Most of the men just wore shorts and a t-shirt.

If she'd thought that that Gary guy had had big arms, she was floored by Eric. He was the biggest man she'd ever seen, well over six feet tall and more massive than the few pictures of body builders that she'd seen. Still, he wasn't grotesque -- just really, really big. And very hot. However, it was the woman, Genie, and her fiance, Bill, that she spent the most time talking to. Genie knew things about math that Cindy'd never even heard of, and Bill was nothing short of a computer god. After dinner, they moved off to a study where Bill got her logged onto the house 'net. To her immense surprise, Eric joined their conversation. While he wasn't as conversant with the mathematical theories that Genie, her and Tina were discussing, he was obviously very knowledgeable about robotics and electronics, two of Cindy's other hobbies.

"Wait," she said, "with all the knowledge that you guys have, you mean to tell me that all you've done is made some robots to vacuum the house!?"

They grinned sheepishly. "No. Bill and Genie have some other projects that are actually about ready to hit the market. The vacuum 'bots were because of Arianwen."

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