The Summer That Was - Cover

The Summer That Was

by TheMoose63

Copyright© 2005 by TheMoose63

Incest Sex Story: Brad had just graduated from 8th grade and turned 14. During that summer vacation his mother signs him up for swimming classes with Mrs. Wilson an older woman and almost Olympic swimmer. She takes an interest in Brad, a real interest until he is finally in her bed. Then Mrs. Wilson's 19 year old daughter returns home unexpectally from college and the real fun begins!

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   Teenagers   Consensual   Lesbian   BiSexual   Incest   Mother   Daughter   Group Sex   First   Oral Sex   Masturbation   Petting   Squirting   Cream Pie   Voyeurism   School   .

This story occurred well over ten years ago in a small Midwestern town where I grew up. It happened during the summer vacation between my graduating eight-grade and starting my freshman year in high school. It was also the summer I turned fourteen. My name is Bradley, but all my friends call me Brad and that year I was around 5'9" and couldn't have weighed more than 145 pounds. I was just your typical skinny eight-grader.

As I recall it was just about two weeks into my summer vacation when my mother announced, one night at the dinner table, "Well Bradley, I have signed you up for swimming lessons at the country club."

The last thing I wanted to do during summer vacation was take swimming or any other kind of lessons. "Aw mom, I don't want to take swimming lessons... I mean I already know how to swim."

"Bradley you can't swim a lick, all you do is dog paddle and it is important that everyone knows how to swim. If you're out on boats or just want to have fun in one of the lakes, you need to know how to swim. This year the country club has hired Mrs. Wilson to teach beginning and intermediate swimming. I signed you up for the beginning lessons and they start next Tuesday."

"Mom, it's going to ruin my summer. I'll miss playing with all my friends."

"Look Bradley, the classes are scheduled for Tuesday's and Thursday's from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m., so I think your friends can spare you for a couple of hours. Besides I've already paid for the lessons.

At our house mother always had the final word and as such I was taking swimming lessons. My family didn't belong to the country club, we were just a normal middle income family but every summer the country club donated both time and instructors for a variety of subjects that were open to the entire community, usually for tax purposes my dad said, and this year it was swimming. Mrs. Sara Wilson was somewhat of a legend in our community. She had been a champion swimmer in her youth and had just missed going to the Olympics by one one-hundredth of a second at the U.S Olympic trials. She had two children and both had followed in her footsteps with her son, the eldest child, having gained admission to Stanford on a full athletic swimming scholarship. Her daughter was around 19 and also had a full athletic swimming scholarship at State University.

On Tuesday morning I rode my bike the mile or so down to the country club, parked it in the bike rack and went inside the pool house. There were about 15 kids standing around the pool waiting for Mrs. Wilson. The pool house was completely covered so it could be used in winter or summer regardless of the weather. The pool itself was about 50 feet long and had six lanes. Someone had already removed all the flotation lane markers and the pool was wide open for our lessons. Finally Mrs. Wilson came out of the coaches' office and walked towards our group. She was a tall, thin, small breasted woman who was wearing a one-piece black bathing suit, which seemed to contrast vividly with her pale white skin.

"All right everyone, please form one line and answer up when I call your name."

We all answered and she had us go and change into out swimsuits. There wasn't anyone there that I knew and the age range seemed to be from maybe 8 to 16 and it was just about evenly spread on sex, 7 boys and 8 girls. The first couple of weeks were spent learning the different strokes and kicks and a little bit about water safety. By the third week I was beginning to enjoy myself and was actually getting to be a pretty good swimmer.

On this particular Thursday I remember feeling pretty good about the way I had completed that day's assignments and as I got out of the pool to shower and change Mrs. Wilson called me over to where she was standing. It would be my first solo interaction with Mrs. Wilson.

"How do you think your progressing Bradley?"

"Please Mrs. Wilson; call me Brad and actually I think I am doing pretty well. What do you think?"

"Sorry, Brad it is. Well I think you are a promising student. Look Brad, I would like you to take an extra ten minutes or so and practice your butterfly kicks; they looked a little weak this morning, OK? Go on now, while the others are changing."

I jumped back into the pool, held on to the gutter and practiced butterfly kicks under the scrutiny of Mrs. Wilson critical eyes as my fellow students left the pool.

"Well that was good Brad. You may go now. I'll see you on Tuesday."

"Thank you ma'am." I got out of the pool and sat down on the side as Mrs. Wilson went into the coaches' office. I was just getting up to go to the showers when Mrs. Wilson stepped out of the office.

"Oh Brad, could you come here please."

I walked down to where she was standing. "Yes Mrs. Wilson?"

She turned her back to me and pointed with her finger. "Look at my back Brad, see the black smudge?"

There was a long black smudge that looked like grease or something that started next to the left shoulder strap of her suit and continued across her shoulder and back almost over to her right shoulder strap. "Yes ma'am."

"Well I can't reach it with my washcloth and I was wondering if you could please come in the shower and clean it off me so I don't stain my blouse when I change?"

I didn't see anything strange about her request; after all I could use her washcloth and just wipe off the black mark. "Uh, Sure."

We walked into the shower room just to the rear of the coaches' office and I saw it was a large open U-shaped tiled area with three shower nozzles, one poking out of each of the walls. She turned on the water, adjusted it to a warm setting and motioned for me to come in behind her. Mrs. Wilson was just an inch or so shorter than I was so I cold easily reach her back.

"Here you go Brad."

She handed me her soapy washcloth and then, to my utter amazement pulled down the top of her swim suit to her waist. Oh don't misunderstand me; I couldn't see anything but her back. She had placed one arm over her breasts and the other one was holding the suit and from my vantage point all I saw was her back, but the idea that she was half naked in the shower with me washing her back excited me to no end. As I washed off the black smudge my eyes flitted to her sides just incase I could get a glimpse of her breasts, but I never did.

"It's gone Mrs. Wilson."

She pulled up her suit and then turned to face me. "Why thank your Brad, I appreciate your help."

I left and went into the boy's locker room, changed and rode my bike home. When I arrived mom was gone somewhere and as I fixed myself a sandwich my mind wandered back to Mrs. Wilson's naked back. My cock got hard just remembering her pale white back and my hand dropped down and I began rubbing my shaft thought my jeans. Having just turned fourteen I had no experience with sex and had never even seen a naked girl or even part of one. The 'guys' always talked about screwing girls but I don't think that any of my friends had any more experience than I did.

The next Tuesday as class ended Mrs. Wilson again asked me to stay behind after class. She told me that I needed a little work on my freestyle stroke.

"Brad, you're doing really quite well but I think you need just a little practice on your breathing technique."

"Uh, OK. What do you want me to do?"

"Swim another four laps for me and try taking a breath only after every fourth stroke that should help your speed."

I swam the laps and could see her walking up and down the side of the pool watching me. When I finished I rested with my arms on the side of the pool and she walked over to me and knelt down then bent over towards me.

"That was good, really good Brad. You're coming along as good as any student I have ever taught. Now, go ahead now and get changed."

I was really pleased with her praise of course, but more importantly, when she had leaned over to talk to me I could see down her suit and most her small pert breasts. I had never seen a woman's breasts before but they looked exactly like what my friends and I had always talked about, only smaller. I had just gotten into the changing room and was just getting ready to strip off my suit when I heard a loud thud and then a scream. I ran out to the poolside and saw Mrs. Wilson lying on her side rubbing her lower back and one ankle. "What happened? Are you OK Mrs. Wilson?"

"Oh Brad, I slipped on some water and fell on my back. Can you help me into the coaches' office?"

I helped her get up and we walked her down to the coaches' office. She had her arm around my neck for support and was limping on her right ankle. When we got to the office I helped her as she sat down on the side of the training table. She was rubbing her back and moaning.

"Are you going to be OK Mrs. Wilson? I mean do you want me to call 911 or something?"

"No Brad, I'll be fine... I think. What I really need is a back rub to relax the muscles. Do you think you could do that for me if I told you how?"

"Uh, well I guess. What do I have to do?"

"First Brad, go over to my locker and bring back my towel."

I found her towel, a large bath towel and brought it back to the table and handed it to her.

"Oh good honey, now if you just turn your back and let me get off my suit then I'll get on the table."

I turned my back but for the life of me I couldn't figure out why she needed to take off her swim suit. Couldn't I give her back a rub through her suit? I could hear her changing and then getting up on the table.

"Ok Brad, you can turn around now."

I turned and saw Mrs. Wilson lying on her stomach totally naked except for the towel covering her butt. I could see the sides of her breasts bulging out from under her as she laid there, her arms under her chin. My cock got instantly hard at the sight of my swim teacher naked before my eyes. "Umm Mrs. Wilson, what do you want me to do?"

"Brad, take your hands and put them together like you were going to dive into the pool, then rub the tips of them slowly around on my lower back, just above the towel."

I did as she asked and I could hardly contain my mental sexual urges as I rubbed her back and down around her butt. I watched her breasts move as she took in deep breaths and I tried to position myself to get a look under her towel and at her pussy. With all of the sexual tension my cock was as hard as a rock.

"Oh Brad that was wonderful. Thank you honey, now if you would you try rubbing my right ankle?"

I walked to the end of the table and took her ankle in my hand and began rubbing on the sides not really knowing what I was doing. I could hear her, ohhhhing and awwwing as I rubbed the ankle and when I looked up I could just see under the towel and what appeared to be Mrs. Wilson's two pussy lips covered with a coating of light brown hair. Her pussy was staring me in the face. Oh my God I realized, I can see Mrs. Wilson's pussy. This was fast turning out to be the best day of my life.

"Oh Brad, that was wonderful. Thank you so much I feel much better now. Honey, you can go take your shower now. I'll see you on Thursday."

I showered and dressed then went home. I parked my bike behind the garage and when I walked into the kitchen mom was just finishing eating a sandwich.

"Oh hi honey. You're late; I had lunch ready a half hour ago."

"Well Mrs. Wilson had me stay behind and do some extra laps. She say's I am doing as good as any student she's ever had!"

Mom came over and hugged me. "Oh Brad, that's great. I knew you would like her."

Oh boy did I like her! I finished my lunch and went up to my room, closed and locked my door then I stripped off my clothes and lay down on my bed. As I closed my eyes the pictures of Mrs. Wilson's naked body came back to me like I was still there, rubbing her skin and looking between her legs. I jacked off to those mental pictures until I felt the familiar welling from deep within my body and then I came all over my stomach and chest. Oh God did I ever cum!

I wiped up the mess I had made and then lay back on my bed thinking. Had Mrs. Wilson planned on getting me alone? She had asked me to stay behind on two occasions, long enough that all the other kids had cleared out of the building. The first time she asked me to wash her back and the second time when she fell. Was all this just a coincidence? Then I came to my senses. Why would a woman older than my mother be doing this on purpose? I mean it wasn't like I was some sort of college hunk or anything!

Thursday came and I was anxious to see what Mrs. Wilson would want me to do after class. But nothing happened. She blew her whistle and cleared the pool and then went off to the coach's office. Nothing, nada! So all my fantasies were just that, fantasies. That weekend my dad took me to a fishing camp and Mrs. Wilson was the farthest thing from my mind.

On Tuesday Mrs. Wilson teamed us up for a relay race, two girls and two boys on each team with herself and the last three students making up the fourth team. I was the last swimmer on our relay team and when I hit the water we were in third place and when I finished we were second behind Mrs. Wilson's team. We were all jumping around excited that we had finished second, after all no one thought that we could beat Mrs. Wilson. Everyone went into the bathrooms to shower and change but I dove back into the pool and took a couple of extra laps. When I got out of the water Mrs. Wilson was leaning against the pool's wall watching me swim.

"You did good Brad, very good."

"Thanks Mrs. Wilson, I'm getting too really like swimming."

As we talked the other kids came out of the bathrooms and left for home. We finished our conversation and Mrs. Wilson turned and walked to her office and I went into the men's room to shower. I open my locker, took out my towel then stripped off my suit and went into the showers. I turned on the water and waited until the temperature was just right then I stepped under the spray and started shampooing my hair. I had my eyes closed as I washed my hair when suddenly there was a hand touching my cock. My eyes flew open and my arms dropped down to protect myself. I turned around and looked to see who was touching me and I was startled to see the smiling face of Mrs. Wilson standing right behind me.

"MRS. WILSON! What are you..."

"Shussss Brad, it's OK."

Her finger continued to caress my cock as she whispered to me that everything was going to be all right. I didn't know what to say to her, my cock was getting hard but I was really scared to death. "I'm sorry Mrs. Wilson, it's just that I'm... well... at bit..."

"Scared Brad? Is that what you're feeling?"

"Uh, yes I guess I am. I never thought..." She reached down and kissed me on the cheek all the while continuing to stroke my cock.

"Brad you don't have to be scared. I think that you are a really good-looking young man and you have a great cock. I see it's very hard so you must be enjoying yourself. You are enjoying yourself aren't you Brad?"

"Oh yes Mrs. Wilson, it really feels good."

"Would you like to see me nude Brad? I know you were looking under my towel last week."

I could barely nod yes to her question.

Mrs. Wilson reached up and grabbed both of her shoulder straps and pealed her swimsuit off of her shoulders and down to her waist then down over her hips until it fell onto a pile on the shower floor. She was standing there naked.

"Oh God Mrs. Wilson, you're beautiful!" I blurted out. I just stared at her pert breasts; they were small, sticking out no more than an inch from her chest. She had very large areolas and her nipples stood straight out from each breast.

She got down on her knees, her mouth at the height of my cock, and then she said, "Have you ever had a blow job Brad?"

I shook my head no and watched as she sucked my cock into her mouth. She put her arm around behind me and grabbed my butt cheek and then started bobbing her head up and down on my cock while she held me in place with her arm. As I remember the incident I didn't last more than a minute then I shot my cum into her mouth. My body was twitching and I was dancing on my toes as she sucked every last drop from my cock. "Oh God. Oh My God Mrs. Wilson. I've never felt anything like that!"

"I'm glad you liked that Brad but now that I have sucked your cock I think that you can call me Sara."

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